ProfessorPuffNadder — Holly ''Hogface'' Halkins the hognose snake

Published: 2022-12-20 10:59:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 684; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description Drawn December 18th, 2022
As you can see from his drooling, bloodshot mug, Holly is a highly unpredictable, dangerous, quirky, and weirdly frightening fellow who hardly ever gets new cellmates because sometimes he ends up strangling them to death. He may seem friendly and skittish on the surface, but say one wrong thing and he'll snap. It's unknown how he ended up this way, but at the dead of night, he fearfully mumbles in his sleep about his mother and sister. A couple therapists have come to the prison to ask him about this, but each session has ended in the therapists nearly losing their lives. I may not know how exactly he was driven insane, but I certainly know what led him into the slammer in the first place. 

Thirty years ago, Holly was admitted into the Prigsleyville psych-ward covered from nose to neck in blood, babbling nonsense and attempting to swallow one of his apprehenders whole as they struggled to hold him down and wheel him into the building. As soon as they got him through the front doors, they shot him up with heavy sedatives and threw him into a padded cell. A whole day of solitary later, they opened up a little hatch in the door and slid in some food and water. Once Holly gorged himself, he heard a gentle voice ask, "Are you feeling any better today, Mr. Halkins?" He replied quietly, "Um... B-Bl-" He could barely muster a word, but she understood. "Need more time to yourself?" "NONONONONO," Holly screeched, poking his snout through the door slot like a dog begging their owner not to leave for work, "DON'T GO! DON'T GO!! P-Please... Please keep talking to me." The nameless nurse was a little frightened, but she pitied the poor hognose and said, "Of course. What do you wanna talk about?" Holly was drawing a blank already. Ice breakers? No. Movies? No. MUSIC! "D-Do you like sw-swing music?" "Swing? Um, can't say I listen to it that much, no." "What about r-ragtime?" "I guess so." "... W-What do you like," Holly inquired timidly. "Hmmmmmmm," the nurse puzzled. From that moment on, they were almost inseparable. Every day she'd visit his cell and they'd talk for hours and hours over breakfast. All the fake "therapists" and "psychologists" paled in comparison to her gentle and caring demeanor. Although he never saw her face, he couldn't care less, all he wanted was her. Soon he learned her name. "Rita." "Such a beautiful name," he thought. They only knew each other for a month, but it felt like years. One night, Holly finally popped a question he had been anticipating to say ever since he heard Rita for the first time: "If I can get better... Would you love me?" Rita didn't reply, but she didn't have to, Holly could already see the hope in her eyes through the slot. He coyly reached the tip of his tail through the slot and wrapped it around her gentle talons. This didn't last... Three days later, Holly began to notice Rita's absence. He figured she was busy, after all it was a large hospital, and there was only so much staff to look after the patients... Then he heard footsteps outside his door one morning and joyfully pressed his face against the door, his bright-fuchsia eyes popping through the slot to see... Just some rattlesnake with a breakfast tray... "Where's Rita," he asked. The rattlesnake replied, "Oh, she got fired. Somethin' about tamperin' with the patients or somethin', I dunno." Holly's mind raced with conclusions, but the first one to come to mind was: "This snake is a filthy liar... They did something to Rita! They took away MY RITA!!" He banged his head against the door with the strength of a rhino until his snout poked free! He ripped it right off the hinges and pounced for the rattler before it could cry out, "H-HELP! H-HE'S ESCA- HLLKK!!" In a blind rage, nearly the whole psychiatric ward was splattered with blood, decorated with blue-faced bodies, lifeless eyes, broken glass, and after all that, there were two cop cars outside and a couple of frogs dragging an unconscious hognose to a cage-cab. Thirty years later of isolation and darkness, Holly's in the corner of his cell, waiting to hear Rita's soothing voice again...
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