PurfectPrincessGirl — Star VS The Forces of Evil Season 2 Scorecard

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Published: 2020-10-11 01:37:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 13768; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 3
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Description Following up to my last scorecard of Star VS's first season  , naturally it's only fitting to carry on to the next season afterwords . Admittedly I haven't really stuck with this season that closely compared to others (most of which I kinda only watched like, once or twice so I don't really have that good a memory of them tbh) so apologies in advance if some of my descriptions here will be a bit more "brief" than usual . But hope you still enjoy reading anyway!


(A little guide to this grading system here):

 A = Fave, an episode that I found SO fun overall that I consider it my personal favorite 

 B = Good, an episode that I think is entertaining, but not quite "fave" material

 C = Okay, an episode that I'm pretty neutral on, but I can still find some positives to say about it

 D = Meh, an episode that I'm pretty neutral on, but there's too many negatives to make it "Okay"

 F = Bad, an episode that is just SO filled with negatives that I can't give it a positive ranking, at all. Period.


-"My New Wand!" = Star tries to activate her new wand, but runs into some trouble when she accidentally locks Marco, her wand and the Book of Spells in her closet. The premiere to the new season of Star VS, which was... okay, I guess? Not that it didn't have it's fun spots or anything, it's just... idk, for some reason this premiere felt kinda "disjointed" more than even the faster-paced S1 premiere was. Cool visuals and a couple amusing jokes aside, a bit of a skippable episode if you're already familiar with the show by this point tbh. Overall, I'd give it a C. 

-"Ludo in the Wild" = Ludo is transported to a seemingly deserted dimension, forcing him to get in touch with his survivalist-skills to make it out of there on his own. An episode who's enjoyability kinda depends on how much you enjoy Ludo as a character... which for me kinda left me more or less "indifferent" to getting an entire episode centering around him . On a couple rewatches though I actually found myself admittedly rather entertained by his struggles against the wild life and managing to reign in the big eagle & spider to his bidding... but other than that, I don't really have much else to say on this one. Overall, I'd give it a C. 

-"Mr. Candle Cares" = A new guidance counselor at school called "Mr. Candle" arrives to give Star some advice that leaves her anxious about becoming queen, all the while Marco finds himself captured by Tom in his own dimension. An... interesting episode, to say the least . I mean it has a set-up of having this mysteriously chill counselor speaking through these students on their deepest insecurities and all, leading to a fairly sympathetic angle for Star to try and "break out" of her eventual queen destiny via-rebelling. Also yep, we get the return of Tom as he was revealed to have teamed up with Mr. Candle to try and lure her away from Marco, which... yeaaah is lowkey sketchy in hindsight, but it did at least lead to a nice lil "heart-to-heart" between him and Marco later on (after their "torturous session" of... ping-pong lol)... convincing him to just give Star some space and come clean about what he did. Finally leading to a refreshing scene of Tom further apologizing to Star and make amends (well, granted after she rightfully punched him out for his trickery, but I digress lol). So yeah... minus a couple weak gags/cringy dialogue (like, Marco's whole "smooch-buddy" thing... ehhh), it's a decent episode to build more on both Marco, Star, and Tom's eventual dynamic together . Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"Red Belt" = Marco tries to train for his red belt to move on up in Karate, but after a series of boring chores and his sensei admitting his own shortcomings, the two of them try to go and find their own way to earn a new belt. So this episode started out with some pretty creative imagery at first with Marco's dream, from the whole foreboding red hues, to all his Earth friends apparently floating away, and then Marco finding himself lying in a coffin all suited up? Freaky stuff, I'd say ... it's just a shame that the rest of the episode didn't really seem to keep that engaging aspect when Marco left to his Karate class . I mean, yeah I get they were kinda trying to keep his sensei somewhat relatable by revealing he himself never gained a red belt... but after a bland montage of chores , not so funny jokes, and some rather... awkward visuals with that buff nerd guy at the end, there's not really alot for me to return back to among other Marco-centered plots. That side story with Star and her poster was kinda funny, though. Overall, I'd give it a C. 

-"Star on Wheels" = While trying to teach Star how to ride a bike, Marco is tasked with trying to rush her out of harms way as she's unable to stop the bike from speeding ahead. A bit of an "average" Star VS episode, but a decent one at that with all these crazy, high-speed visuals of Star zooming down the streets on the bike. A bit silly that she continued to refuse Marco's help out of stubbornness though, but the rest of it was at least funny enough to not drag it down too harshly. Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"Fetch" = Star accidentally throws her wand into the mouth of an angry dog who won't give it back, prompting her to try and care for it to find it's owner while Marco's left caring for the other laser puppies. Usually I wouldn't mind a fun lil story about a dog-centered plot... buuut idk, something about this pooch in particular didn't leave me too entertained as I hoped . I mean, a cool twist sure that it's apparently a magical dog from one of the Mewni realms... but, sheesh. Having it continue to be so stubborn against Star trying to coaxe her wand back was a bit "much" after awhile . Overall, I'd give it a D. 

-"Star vs. Echo Creek" = Star finds herself on a sugar high that leads to mass destruction around Echo Creek and the police hot on her trail, causing her to run away. Huh, back to the engaging action, it seems! It's hard not to feel for Star as she's going through all this regret of her past chaos catching up to her, the eventual resolution between her and the river creature was surprisingly heartfelt, and it all tied together in a fun lil way to get us to root for her to come back home ^^. Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"Wand to Wand" = Star misuses her wand to try and clean up the Diaz residence to no avail, all the while Ludo is trying to experiment with controlling his own half of the wand. While the stuff with Star trying to clean up the house wasn't really too interesting, the stuff with Ludo picking up on wielding his own wand was fairly engaging in of itself . Really making us intrigued by what's to come later on. Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"Starstruck" = Star runs into her childhood idol Mina Loveberry in hopes of being trained by her... but finds it difficult with Mina's current state as a chaotic lunatic. So here we get the official introduction to Mina, a clear Sailor Moon-esque parody who's alot more wild and kooky than you'd think. Given what later goes down with Mina in this series, it's... admittedly kinda hard to wanna come back to this one portraying her in such a way that Star keeps idolizing her . Granted, I guess it does tie into more of Star's own general wildness... but ehh, even so you can't help but feel like she can do better than Mina for a mentor figure tbh. Overall, I'd give it a C. 

-"Camping Trip" = Marco agrees to take Star out to an old geyser on a Diaz family camping trip, with King River joining in to see what Earth camping is like. So we get another story of River bonding with the Diaz's alongside Star... which kinda goes the same as it originally did in one of the S1 episodes. If you're into River and his usual chaotic-ness you're probably bound to like it more... but for me, it kinda leans more on an "average" River & Star episode for me . Overall, I'd give it a C. 

-"Starsitting" = Star and Marco are left to care for Buff Frog's tadpole children while he's busy, leaving them at odds as their "parenting" styles clash with the other. Aww, interesting idea to bring back Buff Frog in a more positive light this time, now that he's allied enough with Star to trust her in caring for his kids ^^. Kinda funny that both her and Marco's babysitting styles lead to alot of clashing, combining that with the babies now growing legs certainly provided some entertaining imagery lol. Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"On the Job" = Buff Frog is out on a mission to investigate a Mewni crisis, but his worry over his children leaves him too distracted to focus on work. Dawww, again with the feels-y Buff Frog spotlight... I mean how can you not feel for the guy getting so worried for his kids? . Even if it did get him into a bit of trouble by doing so, it still made it fun to root for him on this solo journey of his, so I say it's definitely worth the watch imo . Overall, I'd give it an A. 

-"Goblin Dogs" = Star and her friends head out to a Goblin Dog cart along with another creature named Kelly, finding the long lines and complications to getting to the cart more trouble than it might be worth. Interesting episode to introduce us to Kelly for the first time, though more in a role where she's not really too important as of yet... but more of another side buddy in Star and Marco's antics here. Pretty funny to get Jerry Trainor (aka: Spencer from "iCarly" lol) as a guest starring role here, definitely added to the humor of having such a complicated process to getting a simple hot dog . Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"By the Book" = Star and Glossaryck have a falling out with Star refusing to listen to his instructions on handling new spells, while Ludo finds himself entranced by mysterious voices in his own wand telling him what to do. So we finally get to Ludo and Star confronting eachother over their new wand powers... which could've been interesting though I'll admit the whole bickering between Star and Glossaryck felt a lil... contrived, looking back on it . Like, I get that Glossaryck's a weird, cryptic character who's supposed to clash more with the stubborn, impatient Star... but idk, it kinda felt a bit much for him to have apparently set up this big, complicated plan that almost risked their safety solely to teach Star a lesson in patience. But eh, maybe that's just me . Overall, I'd give it a C. 

-"Game of Flags" = The Butterfly and Johansens are having their annual family reunion meal, planning a traditional game of flags that Star tries to take part in despite being rejected for her age. Nice to get another family-focused plot on Star's distant relatives, from the slobby and chaotic Johansens to the stiff & uptight Butterfly's. Even gave us some nice character development focus for Moon as she at first instructed Star to stay put since she's not "grown up" enough to leave the kid's table, got obviously upset at Star tricking her with a corn-clone while Star and Marco snuck off to join the Flags game... but then near the end she ended up stopping the fight via-transforming into that breathtaking Butterfly form . Like... wow, that was impressive~ . Combining that with the rather mature move of Star to admit she wanted to win all the flags for everyone to get a victory... it was just a really fun episode to recommend to anyone wanting to enjoy some fun family-bonding moments like that . Overall, I'd give it an A. 

-"Girls' Day Out" = After Star gets sent to detention, she runs into Janna where they both break out to go have their own fun adventure. Interesting idea to get an episode solely focusing on Star and Janna bonding together... though I wish I could say I was more engaged enough by Janna to call it a fave, but ehh . Idk, at this point Janna just didn't really give me much to want to warrant a whole episode dedicated to her... which might become more of a theme for later Janna episodes to come, I'll admit . But eh, given credit where it's due it is still nice to see Star having another lil gal pal to hang with, so that's nice I guess. Overall, I'd give it a C. 

-"Sleepover" = Star hosts a sleepover with a both her Earth classmates and Pony Head, deciding to spice up the occasion by introducing a dangerous "Truth or Punishment" box for a game. Here's an episode that really shook up some things than anyone expected... not just with that dangerous game box setting up everyone for a literal death trap, but for the way it got Marco to finally be more upfront with his feelings towards Jackie (even if he admitted that he may not have fully known her as a person, yet still wishes to do so anyway ). All very touching stuff... though I'll admit the lil last minute twist of the box declaring Star was the one with a crush on Marco kinda felt a bit unnecessary to how it was so leaning towards him and Jackie beforehand . Nonetheless though, it's a fun lil episode to give us such exciting turnarounds like that . Overall, I'd give it an A> 

-"Gift of the Card" = Miss Heinous hires a ruthless bounty hunter called Rasticore to hunt down Star and Marco as they're trying to use up a gift card at Quest Buy before it runs out. The debut of the intimidating Rasticore provided us with some engaging threats to face us for the episode... though I'll admit the setting of his pursuit of Star's crew being at the simpler Quest Buy location kinda felt a bit random. But it was still a cool lil chase either way, so . Overall, I'd give it a C. 

-"Friendenemies" = Marco is invited out to an evening of fun by Tom of all people, from Mackie Hands-related movies to bonding over their favorite band of "Love Sentence". Heh, an episode that seemed to launch a thousand Tom/co shippers, it seems . But yeah, in all seriousness though this was still a pretty fun episode on it's own accord, with all the fun visuals of Tom and Marco's hangout time... the build up to Tom actually feeling more remorse for having played Marco at first, leading up to a surprisingly kinda sweet moment of the two sharing a lil duet ("Too Little Too Late") about their feelings which allows for Tom to come up with the idea of resurrecting Mackie Hand to make it up to Marco ^^. Whether you ship 'em or not, it's a refreshing change of pace from the usual "Main Lead VS the ex boyfriend" trope by giving these two a change to genuinely bond on their own . Overall, I'd give it an A. 

-"Is Mystery" = Buff Frog is out on another mission where he encounters not just some other fellow monsters enslaved, but gets warned enough of another danger that makes him want to rush back to tell Star. Ooh, another Buff Frog plot... cool! Interesting idea it was for him to actually reunite with his old boss in Ludo... but even after the man tries to tempt him back to his side, it really showed how far Buff Frog has grown to actually reject him and grow worried enough to go back and warn Star . Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"Hungry Larry" = To help the Diaz scare some kids at their own haunted house attraction, Star and Janna decide to spice things up by summoning the spirit of the late Hungry Larry. A fun lil episode for anyone into haunted house-themed stories, with a creative lil threat in the form of "Hungry Larry" who uses his disarming sheet ghost-presence to consume people into a scarier size. Also kinda funny how he's voiced by Billy West as a guest star appearance too lol. Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"Spider with a Top Hat" = Inside of Star's wand, her living spells are being annoyed by Spider with a Top Hat who keeps being ignored out of being called for action. So here we get the first of an episode trend of having Star's literal spells focused on as legit characters... though kinda odd that the main focus had to be on Spider with a Top Hat, of all characters. I mean, not that he's exactly a bad character or anything... buuut idk, he just didn't grab my interest enough to wanna stay invested in this episode. Idk, maybe a different spell like the Narwhal Blast guy could've helped improve it a bit. Overall, I'd give it a D. 

-"Into the Wand" = Star's wand suddenly malfunctions out of nowhere, prompting Glossaryck to urge her to go inside and investigate what kind of foreign magic is disrupting everything. One more we return to an episode focusing on Star's wand... but this time in a literal sense as Star's made to spell herself inside to try and find the source of the sudden magic glitches. Giving us some rather creative visuals and lore offered by the time she got to the "Grandma" Butterfly room... showing us portraits of past queens of varying degrees (from Selene the Shy, to the "infamous" dark queen Eclipsa, to even Moon Butterfly getting a spotlight as her younger self was revealed to have defeated Toffee so many years ago). All leading up to a really trippy sequence of Star finally locating Toffee's missing finger... keeping us on our toes that she now has the link to what could legit bring Toffee back to life . Overall, I'd give it an A. 

-"Pizza Thing" = As Marco and Pony Head go out to pick up a pizza for a tv show binge together, they keep running into distractions that halts their progress more than anything. After such an engaging lore-based episode like the previous... having the next episode focusing on simply picking up pizza seems like a bit of a jarring change, I'll admit . Pony Head of course got up to more obnoxious shenanigans (surprise surprise lol), having Marco stuck to deal with her was a bit "eh"... but I guess one can find a bit of enjoyment in the chaotic humor in the climax parts. Otherwise, fairly skippable (moreso if you're not a Pony Head fan too lol). Overall, I'd give it a D. 

-"Page Turner" = Star stumbles upon a spell page that apparently contains some dangerous dark magic, which Glossaryck tries to stop but he's apparently summoned back into another dimension too late to stop her. So we get to learn more about the "Forbidden" chapters of the spell book, apparently being so infamous that even Glossaryck can't help but try to evade Star from reading them . The stuff with him and the secretary kinda dragged for a bit longer than needed though, but it did at least help us stay engaged enough to join in with Star on getting more and more curious about these pages. Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"Naysaya" = Marco finds himself afflicted with a strange talking lump on his neck who keeps making things embarrassing for him when trying to ask out his crush Jackie. At first you'd think having such a creepy-looking lump causing so much trouble for Marco would get annoying... but it turned out to be more of a help than he realized after getting the scoop from Tom about where it came from (himself lol), and then leading up to Marco finally deciding to just confess all his deepest insecurities to Jackie. Which... she surprisingly took pretty well enough to still wish to join Marco on a date to the movies, weird lump and all . Overall, I'd give it an A. 

-"Bon Bon the Birthday Clown" = While Marco and Jackie head out to enjoy a fun evening together at a dance, Star is left to hang with Janna who wishes to summon the spirit of the late clown spirit, Bon Bon. Whoa... who would've thought this episode would give us so many twists and turns as it did? From that surprisingly dark sequence of Bon Bon's death being told via-flashback, to Marco and Jackie continuing to bond even after their planned fun at the dance didn't turn out so great, to Ludo arriving to not only throw Star's crew off course but to also steal her book of spells before she could even blink? Daaang... this should've been easy been a "Fave"-ranked episode, right? ....Weeeell, as engaging as that aforementioned stuff was, I'll admit I just wasn't really to into this whole "change" of Star all of a sudden getting sad and jealous of Marco and Jackie being together, to the point of her own magic turning dark and destructive as a result of seeing them kiss...? Mind you, this is the same girl who was encouraging Marco to pursue Jackie earlier in the series (and even in "Naysaya" right before this ep)... so to see all that go away with her being so "boo-hoo crushed :C" about it now just... idk, it kinda took me out of the episode more than I hoped :/. But still, credit where it's due it is still a pretty engaging episode regardless, so I can't knock it down too harshly given all the cooler stuff it brought us. Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"Raid the Cave" = As Star is trying to look for Ludo who's got her Book of Spells, she runs into Buff Frog who gives her a map of Ludo's location up in a cave. With things picking up as it did from the last episode, I'm relieved that we seemed to get back to the main problem on hand with Star racing to get back her book from Ludo. Making it all the more crushing when Glossaryck reveals that he can't come back to Star... as the law of Magic dictates that he must stay by whoever wields the book no matter what, even if it is Ludo . Darn... talk about a downer ending. Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"Trickstar" = Star and Marco attend a birthday party for his sensei where a mysterious magician is using his performances to suck out the joy from people. A fun idea on paper it was to have a Weird Al guest performance as this shady magician dude... but other than that cool bit of trivia, Preston Change-O just wasn't all that interesting of a threat for me to stay all that into the episode . Not really helped by the ending revealing that he was just a troll this whole time to go against the heroes... which, I guess in some ways it's meant to be funny, but it didn't really work for me given all the annoying aspects of it. Overall, I'd give it a D. 

-"Baby" = Star gets sent a new magic instructor in the form of a magical cat named "Baby", putting alot of pressure on Star to perfect her spells in time to impress her. Heh, kinda funny to have Star's new "instructor" be that of a cute lil kitten like Baby, but at the same time she's still a pretty poised and dutiful-enough presence to make it believable for Star to want to impress her. And though Star kept on struggling with perfecting the last spell... seeing it succeed enough to impress Baby, who then revealed she hasn't seen this level of magic since Eclipsa's time... it was pretty cool! ^^. Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"Running with Scissors" = Marco decides to take the magic dimension scissors to do a bunch of meaningless tasks, but when he accidentally loses the scissors in a new dimension, he's forced to stay in there for a countless amount of years searching for it. An episode that debuts with the intro of Hekapoo, the mischievous demon girl who tries to trick Marco away from winning back his scissors by using her teleportation/multiplying abilities to evade him extinguishing her flame. Giving us some cool lil visuals of this now-aged "badass" Marco finally beating her at her own game... just in time for Star to finally arrive and bring him back home with the scissors. Kinda reminded me a bit of a Narnia-esque adventure, so that was pretty fun . Overall, I'd give it an A. 

-"Mathmagic" = After trying to use her magic to get out of a tough math question, Star is sent to the Time dimension to figure out why she's suddenly now trapped in a time loop. The debut of Omnitraxus Prime, a giant magical being who berates Star for misusing her magic for something as petty as math problems. Giving her a nice sense of responsibility to learn by the end, which was fun to watch all things considered . Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"The Bounce Lounge" = Hearing of their favorite partying venue, "The Bounce Lounge", getting closed down out of nowhere, Star and Pony Head team up with their gang to try and invigorate life back into the struggling business. More Pony Head shenanigans here... which we've come to expect by now is pretty "hit or miss" depending on your tolerance of her. For me it didn't really lead to anything special, even with the premise of her favorite hangout spot leaving for good... but at least the ending kinda gave a good lil moral about how even though not all partying charades are gonna last forever, that it's good to at least hang on to your memories of them no matter how old you get . Overall, I'd give it a C. 

-"Crystal Clear" = Marco and Star are captured by a crystal being known as Rhombulus who suspects them of "glitching up" certain dimensions, prompting Star to try and reason with him after seeing how fumbling he is with his own crystal magic. So we get the debut of Rhombulus to round out the Magic High Commission trio, and unlike some of his later appearances he's actually pretty funny and somewhat relatable when we get to hear of his struggles outside of guarding work. Giving us a creative lil resolution of Star wishing to help him out (even after the trouble he put her through earlier), and Rhombulus even promising to help Star keep the whole "losing Glossaryck + the Book" a secret ^^. Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"The Hard Way" = Glossaryck is tasked with teaching Ludo how to handle his newfound dark magic, leading to strenuous tasks and results that neither of them expected. Kind of interesting to give us an episode focusing more on the bad guy now wielding such a powerful book... and yet pretty funny to see Glossaryck lowkey messing with him by giving him all these strenuous tasks before he could actually teach him lol. But then... just as you think it's all fun and games, apparently the ending gives us a twist that Toffee's apparently back, in Ludo's body? Daaang . Overall, I'd give it a C.

-"Heinous" = Miss Heinous and her group arrives to terrorize Marco at his house in "vengeance" for their fall at St. Olga's, which leaves things pretty awkward for the Diazes trying to get ready for a dinner get-together.  So we get the return of Heinous and her team, keeping Marco on his toes in-between him trying to set up for this family get-together. An episode filled with both some good jokes, threats, and even a creative lil resolution of Marco doning his "Princess Turdina" guise again to finally get Heinous off his back. Good job, Marco . Overall, I'd give it an A. 

-"All Belts are Off" = Marco is crushed when his sensei apparently names Jeremy as the new representative of the Dojo, prompting him to try and catch the brat in the act on tape. Yaaay... another episode featuring the brat Jeremy, surely something we all wanted to see... right? Ehh... yeah, even though I get this was apparently done as Marco's Sensei admitted he considers Marco a legit friend and didn't wanna hurt his feelings, it's kinda hard not to feel for Marco given all his hard work and how annoyingly grating this lil punk is... so the whole "victory" doesn't feel all that earned after all . Overall, I'd give it a D.  

-"Collateral Damage" = Star accidentally destroys an important school statue that leaves her in trouble and scrambling to try and make things right. While kind of an "average" school-focused story plot in of itself, given how it centered around some long traditional school mascot that brought the whole school together prompting them to mourn it's apparent "loss". But it did get a bit more interesting when Star was given more of the backstory behind this mascot... and then gave her own speech about how the school shouldn't let this one old statue define them... that they should be more free to define themselves who they wish to be . A nice lil message for us all to take to heart imo. Overall, I'd give it a B. 

-"Just Friends" = Star invites Marco out to a Love Sentence concert along with Jackie, running into some chaotic messes along the way that leaves things pretty awkward with all three of them. So... we're getting back to the "love triangle" of Star, Marco and Jackie again but for a fuller-episode this time... gee, this is gonna be fun :/. I mean, granted it started out okay with Star at least trying to be a good spirit by inviting all three of them to a Love Sentence concert, on account of them all generally being friends with one another. Even giving us some fun and wholesome visuals of the three hanging out through their way to the concert (albeit a bit chaotically, much to Marco's chagrin lol), along with helping out a cute lil duck family back to the river . But then... ehh, just as it getting good, things already began to downgrade with Star interrupting a cute lil moment between Jackie and Marco, Star continuously getting sad and mopey throughout the Love Sentence as the couple (among others in the crowd) are visually getting affectionate, and though you could give her credit for trying to let Marco and Jackie just be happy together without openly interrupting them anymore... the last shot of Star letting her now-darkened magic destroy a billboard sign doesn't give me much hope this love triangle plot will improve any better . Overall, I'd give it a C.

-"Face the Music" = Star tries to help a Songstrel known as "Ruberiot" in trying to write her a song for Mewni's annual "Mewman Song Day" event, in which the finalized song admits to way more secrets than anybody was expecting to learn about. Huh, didn't expect our newest guest star to be the lead singer of Fallout Boy (Patrick Stump), but that was a fun lil choice given his role as a musician-based character . Even giving us a creative lil conflict to work with that as Star doesn't wish to use the same old cheesy song tradition most Mewman princesses were known for... but instead teams up with Ruberiot to not only find his confidence, but to help make a song that truly defines who she is. Pretty inspiring, there . And then we get to the eventual song itself... which immediately backfires (even as catchy as it is) as not only is Star's loss of the Spell Book & Glossaryck now blared out in the open... so is her "secret" crush on Marco now . Ooof, yeaaah you can already sense the cringe coming a mile away with that one... not too surprising that we end up with a rather downer ending of the Mewmans going into riot, the MHC being upset at Moon, Moon upset at Star, Star trying to hide from Marco now that her secret's out about him... yeesh, might as well throw the curtain now before we get anymore depressing :/. Overall, I'd give it a C. 

-"Starcrushed" = Star and Marco are struggling to rekindle after the Song Day concert... oblivious to the growing tensions happening on Mewni as Moon and the High Commission are rushing to try and capture Ludo on the loose. And here we have the finale to wrap up Season 2, on both an eventful and yet rather... "awkward" note . Like, on one hand it is getting alot more interesting now that Moon got in the hot seat for that big reveal on Song Day and the threat of Ludo emerging by the second... but the other plot with Marco and Star just felt a bit too "teen melodrama"-y compared to the rest of the narrative . Especially when it had to come between Marco and Jackie being cute at a the Diaz's "End of the year" party, Star seeming to want to give Oskar another chance after they themselves bond a bit more, and then only after all that does it get unraveled by Moon returning to force Star to come home... prompting Star to say goodbyes and then blurt out her crush to Marco on top of that. Which... I wish I could say I found that moment cute... but even that's a struggle given how it took place in front of the party and Jackie herself... which honestly felt like it was putting Marco too much on the spot than he really needed to be . But eh, that aside there are still some other engaging plot points to look forward to with everything else tying up on Mewni, so looks like we'll have to reserve all that stuff for another time. Overall, I'd give it a C. 


((Overall Top 5 BEST Episodes of Season 2)):

1) "Game of Flags"
2) "Into the Wand"
3) "Friendenemies"
4) "Sleepover"
5) "Running With Scissors"

((Overall Top 5 WORST Episodes of Season 2)):
1) "Trickstar"
2) "All Belts Are Off"
3) "Pizza Thing"
4) "Red Belt"
5) "Starstruck!"

(NOTE: I don't necessarily "hate" or dislike all the "Worst" labeled episodes here, but they just happen to be the ones I enjoyed the least/found the weakest overall in this particular season Shrug )


So that about wraps up Season 2 of "Star VS", and this might earn me some weird looks I'm sure but tbh, I... wasn't really too attached to this season? I mean, don't get me wrong it's by no means a bad season... far from it! It mostly had some decent episodes with very little "meh" or straight-up "bad" ideas, the plot-relevant stuff about Ludo becoming more powerful with his wand was interesting, certain side characters like Tom and Jackie are given more character depth and interesting roles outside of their basic concepts, more colorful characters were introduced like the MHC, and given the stakes raised back on Mewni in the end, it definitely leaves you pumped to see what happens next .

But then again... idk, it kinda felt like this season was a bit too heavy on the filler episodes, in some ways? Like, even if some were genuinely entertaining when done right, alot of them just doesn't really feel "needed" in the grand scheme of things... so I feel like perhaps this season could've benefitted by just cutting down on the ones that were just kinda "there" (like "Fetch", "Pizza Thing", etc.), leaving both the eps that mattered and the more substantual fillers in one place. Still, that's just me if yall happened to enjoyed Season 2 more then by all means, all power to ya ^^. Tune in next time to see how the next two seasons will fare up (for better or worse lol)  
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Comments: 11

Sakurablossom91 [2020-10-11 21:08:07 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to Sakurablossom91 [2020-10-24 21:45:20 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ArtisticAnimeFanGirl [2020-10-11 04:05:06 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to ArtisticAnimeFanGirl [2020-10-11 04:41:06 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ArtisticAnimeFanGirl In reply to PurfectPrincessGirl [2020-10-11 13:28:45 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

GhostWriter434 [2020-10-11 02:10:37 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

The-Moon-Witch [2020-10-11 01:45:34 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to The-Moon-Witch [2020-10-11 01:51:09 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-Moon-Witch In reply to PurfectPrincessGirl [2020-10-11 02:35:14 +0000 UTC]

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CartoonEnthusiast In reply to The-Moon-Witch [2020-10-19 02:02:29 +0000 UTC]

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The-Moon-Witch In reply to CartoonEnthusiast [2020-10-19 02:05:47 +0000 UTC]

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