quamp — Substitue for the Real Thing by-nc-nd
Published: 2010-03-20 03:34:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 1317; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 18
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Description It was two days from Golden Week. They would have ten days off from school just before summer vacation. However, Sawa-chan had a few other plans.

"My boyfriend and I are going to spend golden week in Kyoto. I'll be leaving for there tomorrow." Sawako announced.

"But... Who's going to lead us...?" Ritsu asked.

"The school will provide a substitute." Sawako said. "Treat her nice."

Oh, she'll be just like Sawa-chan, and we'll be able to talk with her like we can with Sawa-chan, Yui thought. She thought incorrectly though.

Yui and Ui went to school as usual. They would meet Sawako's replacement today. Yui stepped into the room to find a middle-aged woman dressed in a modest woman's business suit. Even though the chimes had not rung, Yui sat down to see the teacher's stern gaze. Then the bell rang.

"Good morning! I am Satou-sensei." She said in a stern voice. "I will be replacing Yamanaka-sensei today."

"Yama-who?" Yui wondered aloud.

"Is this not the class of Yamanaka Sawako-sensei?" Satou asked.

"Oh, Sawa-chan!" Yui said. Satou-sensei looked at Yui as if she had lost her mind.

"Young lady, you must respect your teachers! I will not warn you again! Your future boss will not put up with such nonsense.

"I'll have to talk to her about that when she returns." Satou said with anger. She then quickly returned to her usual stern manner.

"Well, let's get started with today's lesson." Satou said.

Ritsu looked a little worried though. "I think we just went out of the frying pan and into the fire." She said.

A little late, Yui was distracted by something and Satou-sensei noticed this.

"Hirasawa-san, read the next paragraph of this story." Satou-sensei demanded. Yui didn't listen to her until Satou-sensei slammed her pointing stick on Yui's desk.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Yui said as a knee-jerk reaction.

"Seiza position now!" Satou-sensei said sternly. Yui went into a corner and assumed the seiza position.

"Let this be a lesson. I do not tolerate slacking off, and neither will your future bosses!" Satou-sensei said.

After school, the band met as usual and waited a bit. Satou-sensei came in and sat down.

"Well young ladies, let's hear you rehearse." Satou said. The band didn't have their gear set up though.

"Uh... It will take us a bit to set up." Ritsu said.

"What!? Why don't you have everything ready!? Your future bosses will not tolerate this!" Satou-sensei said. "Get set up now!" The girls scrambled to get set up.  Once they set up, they started tuning. Satou-sensei saw that Yui was not using a tuner.

"Hirasawa-chan! Use your tuner!" Satou-sensei said. Yui jumped a bit in terror.

"Ah! I'm sorry sensei!" Yui said.

"Your future bosses will want results, not apologies!" Satou-sensei said.

Man, what bug crawled up in her and died? Ritsu thought. She knew better than to voice her opinion. Yui borrowed Azusa's tuner. However, she found that she was in tune already.

"Okay, start with your usual opening song." Satou-sensei said. The girls looked at each other.

"Uh... We don't have a usual opening song." Yui said. Satou-sensei facepalmed.

"Yamanaka-sensei really has been slacking off, hasn't she?" You're future bosses will demand this!" Satou-sensei said.

If she's right about our future bosses, I think I want a different career, one where people don't have all that anger, Mio thought.

There's a difference between being flexible and pushed around, Ritsu thought.
"Get up! You're never going to get anywhere being a coward, girl!" Satou-sensei shouted at Mio.

"You're frightening her." Yui pointed out in vain.

"Frightening!? I'm taking it easy on you creampuffs! Your future bosses will demand constant work!" Satou-sensei said. Now Yui was joining Mio in curling up in a ball. Both girls cried the twin waterfalls as well.

"Humph. You girls are going to spend the rest of your lives at some hole in the wall nightclub." Satou-sensei said.

Elsewhere, Sawako and her boyfriend were at a beach near Kyoto. She couldn't help but smile at seeking this bishonen man in a pair of swimtrunks.

"Mmm... That's what mommy likes..." Sawako said as she stared at his well-sculpted chest.

"Daddy likes what he sees too." Her boyfriend replied as he got close to her. He then took out a bottle of sunscreen.

"May I?" He asked.

"Definitely." Sawako replied with a naughty smile. He poured sunscreen on his hands and then started rubbing her. Sawako moaned softly as he covered her back with sunscreen.

"Mmm... I like it..." Sawa-chan moaned as she felt his strong hands caress her soft skin.

"Oh god I HATE her!" Ritsu announced as she and Mio walked home.

"She seems to have good intentions, but her manners leave a lot to be desired." Mio said.

"Hopefully, we can pretend that we're not home and can ignore her if she comes calling." Ritsu said.

"You're going to try to dodge her?" Mio said in surprise.

"Do you really want to have your soul crushed by her?" Ritsu asked.

"I don't know if we can avoid her." Mio said. She knew that Satou-sensei could get their home addresses and phone numbers from the school. Mio surmised that avoiding her would only prolong the inevitable. She guessed correctly.

The Monday of golden week, Mio got woken up before dawn by a phone call. It was Yui.

"Mio-chan, HIDE!! Satou-sensei is coming for us!!" Yui said in a panicked voice.

"Mmnph..." Mio replied. She tended to be a heavy sleeper.

"MIO!! WAKE UP!!" Yui said. At Yui's home, Ui was busy stalling Satou-sensei.

"Yui is getting ready. Would you like some tea?" Ui asked.

"You tell that lazy girl that this is unacceptable! Her future bosses will expect her to be up at the crack of dawn!" Satou-sensei said. Satou-sensei pushed Ui aside.

"These five are going to learn just what it means to be Japanese pop idols!" Satou-sensei said.

In her room, Yui connected with Ritsu via cell phone.

"Ritsu-chan! Satou-sensei is here!" Yui said.

"It's too late for me! I'm out in her car!" Ritsu replied. "I'm locked in and I can't get out! Azu-nyan is with me!" Yui could only stare in horror at this revelation. However, before she could contact Tsumugi, Satou-sensei burst into Yui's room.

"Ah-ha! You are trying to avoid your duty! Shame on you!! Your future bosses will not tolerate such things!" Satou-sensei said. "Get your school uniform on and come at once!"

"AAAHHHHH!!!" Yui screamed in sheer terror. Ui could only stare in horror at this....

Tsumugi was on an airplane on the way to Naha with her family. They were riding comfortably in the first class section of the plane when she received a text message from Ritsu. I merely said the following:


Tsumugi could only sweatdrop at this....

Back with Satou-sensei, she had collected Mio as well and took them to the school.

"Well, it seems that your keyboard player has decided to shirk her responsibility. She will receive a failing grade for this." Satou-sensei said. "One of you guitar players go man the keyboards!" Azusa and Yui merely looked at each other and sweatdropped.

"I don't know how to play keyboards. Do you?" Yui asked.

"Uh... No..." Azusa replied. Satou-sensei merely shook her head in disgust.

"This will not do at all! You need to be able to cover for yourselves when one of you is down! Your future bosses will not tolerate such things!" Satou-sensei said. "One of you will have to take a crash course in the keyboards."

"You do it." Yui and Azusa said at the same time.

"Your future bosses will not tolerate hesitation! Since you cannot decide, I will decide for you!" Satou-sensei said. She then grabbed Azusa by her collar and put her at Tsumugi's keyboards.

"Now, you will do as I say." Satou-sensei said.

Elsewhere, Sawako was lounging around on the beach with her boyfriend. The two of them were having a wonderful time together. Sawa-chan loved staring at his hard pecs and tight abs. She and he had been talking about things, and catching up on what's been going on with each other. However, the temptation was just too great for her to resist. She reached over and caressed his manly chest. He responded by putting an arm around her.

"Ah, you want romance now, do you?" Sawako asked.

"You're the one that made the first move, Sawa-chan." He replied.

"This is just too hard!" Azusa whined as she tried to play the keyboard.

"Your future bosses will not allow you to give up so easily! Try it again!" Satou-sensei said.

"Come on, we've been working on this all morning! Can't we at least take a break?" Ritsu whined.

"Oh, you girls are such cream puffs! Fine, take a ten minute break." Satou-sensei said. She then turned away from them. "But no more! Your future bosses will be very upset if you return from break late!"  Yui, Mio, Ritsu and Azusa rushed to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, the girls got to sit down for the first time in a good while.

"Whoa. She's a freakin' slave driver!" Ritsu said.

"But she's our substitute teacher until the end of golden week. What can we do?" Yui said.

"We need to find a way out of this. Golden week wasn't designed to be a slave, it was designed for fun!" Ritsu said. Mio and Azusa agreed. When they returned to the music room, Satou-sensei was waiting for them.

"You are 2.3 seconds late." Satou-sensei announced. "Seiza position for all of you!"

Well, at least she's not going to work us to death for a while, Yui thought.

Sawako woke up from sleeping out in the sun. She and her boyfriend had been out in the sun all day; as a result, they were sunburned. Sawako looked herself over.

"Aw, man..." Sawako said. She then sat up as did her boyfriend.

"We've been out here a bit too long." He told her.

"Yea. This will really impair my Goth ability." Sawako said.

"Well, I'm sure a bath together will help a bit." He said with a smile.

"It might..." Sawako replied with a naughty smile.

At noon, Satou-sensei finally allowed the girls to have a break for lunch. This was after much rehearsing and teaching Azusa the keyboards. Azusa wasn't doing that well on the keyboards, but she was doing the best she could. Yui managed to get a text message to Sawako. It merely read thus:


Unfortunately, Sawako had left her cell phone in the hotel room. She didn't get it immediately. However, the girls quickly went to a fast food joint, ate lunch and returned. They barely made it back in time.

"Well, it is good to see you are learning." Satou-sensei said. The band was stunned. They didn't think Satou-sensei capable of giving a compliment.

"Now, let's try things again." Satou-sensei said.

A bit later, Sawako emerged from the bathroom arm and arm with her boyfriend. They had rubbed sunburn lotion on each other and were dressed for dinner when Sawako noticed she had a text message. Upon checking it, she stared grimly at the phone.

"What's up?" Sawako's boyfriend asked.

"I'm needed back at the school." Sawako replied.

"It's golden week! What would they need you for?" He asked.

"The band is in trouble." Sawako replied.

"Mmm... Do you need help on that?" He asked.

"This shouldn't take long. I'll just go back home and then come back here. I should be back by mid-tomorrow." Sawako said.

It was after seventeen hundred hours by the military clock (five p.m.,) but Satou-sensei showed no signs of slowing down. Then it happened. Ritsu was the first to collapse under all the stress, and then Mio and Yui quickly followed. Azusa was last to collapse.

"Humph. Pathetic. Just as I figured. Yamanaka-sensei has let you go soft." Satou-sensei said.

"Please... >gasp!< I can't... >Wheeze!< go on..." Ritsu said out of breath.

"Your future bosses will not tolerate failure!" Satou-sensei said. "If you become famous, you will have to work long hours." Satou-sensei let them go home.

"However, be back here bright and early tomorrow - I want no tardiness!" Satou-sensei said. Essentially, nobody moved for a good two or three minutes, except Satou-sensei. She walked out of the place.

"I... Think... I... See... A... Light... Ahead..." Mio said out of breath. Eventually, they got the strength to stand up and stagger out of the place.

When Yui arrived home late, Ui was there with a dinner ready. Yui had collapsed several times on the way home, and the final one was at the door. She made a loud thump on the door which Ui responded to. When Ui opened the door, Yui collapsed into Ui's arms.

"Whoa! Onee-chan! What happened?" Ui asked.

"My... Substitute... Is... a... devil..." Yui gasped. Ui had to carry Yui to the table.

The next morning, Yui got woken up early by Satou-chan again. Ui, however, put her foot down on taking Yui.

"What did you do to my sister? She came in so tired that she couldn't move! I had to feed her dinner last night!" Ui said.

"You have no right to question my actions! I am doing what is best for her!" Satou-sensei said as she pushed Ui aside. Yui was still fast asleep in her bed when Satou-sensei burst in.

"Hirasawa-chan! You are tardy, and this is unacceptable!!" Satou-sensei said. Satou-sensei threw back the sheets to show that Yui was still in her school uniform.

"Your future bosses will not appreciate you sleeping in your uniform! Now get up!" Satou-sensei said. Yui got up only with the greatest of reluctance.

At school, Satou-sensei made the girls work hard again. It was practice, practice, and practice from early morning until about nine. At that point, Sawako walked in. The girls instinctively rushed to her and grabbed Sawako.

"Sawa-sensei! Am I glad to see you! That teacher is psycho!" Ritsu said.

"Ah! My sunburn! Let go!" Sawako replied as she grimaced in pain.

"Well well, if it isn't Sawa-me." Satou-sensei said. "You have been very slack with your duties! I have already reported you to the principal for this!"

"I allow these girls to go at their pace. You cannot rush quality. It takes time to develop." Sawako replied. "I am back, and you are relieved of your duties."

"Their future bosses -" Satou-sensei started before Sawako interrupted her.

"They won't have future bosses if you work them to death." Sawako replied. "There is a difference between being strict and child endangerment." The two of them stared daggers at each other for a bit. Satou-sensei backed down.

"You were always a slacker, weren't you Sawa-me. Well, do not blame me if they are not fully prepared for life!" Satou-sensei said. She turned around and walked off with her nose in the air. Immediately afterwards, Tsumugi entered holding a box of teacakes and tea.

"Hi! I felt guilty about leaving you guys so I came back." Tsumugi said. They all sat down as Tsumugi began to prepare the tea.

"We promise to be better to you, Sawa-sensei." Yui said.

"I hope we never see Satou-sensei again." Ritsu said.

"Me too." Azusa said.

"So how did you get that sunburn, Sawa-sensei?" Ritsu asked. Sawako smiled.

"I spent yesterday on the beach with my boyfriend. We had a great time." Sawako said. A chorus of giggles ensued, with all of them giggling and laughing...

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Comments: 20

CommodoreZeke [2010-08-31 05:36:41 +0000 UTC]

Not bad. Your future bosses will approve.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

quamp In reply to CommodoreZeke [2010-08-31 05:45:01 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Axel230 [2010-03-26 01:32:42 +0000 UTC]

Nice! I really liked it, I got to hate Satou-Sensei >.<
It's strange, there are just a few K-on fanfiction on DA

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

quamp In reply to Axel230 [2010-03-26 03:46:08 +0000 UTC]

Well, if you really want fanfic, you should try some of the bigger sites like fanfiction.net.
Of course, you're much more likely to run into K-ON! Gary Stus there.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lavistrikesback [2010-03-22 14:09:41 +0000 UTC]

I dunno, but I was half-hoping for Yui to snap and go all RAEG and strangle Satou-sensei into submission.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

quamp In reply to lavistrikesback [2010-03-22 14:24:21 +0000 UTC]

Uh... don't you think that would be a bit out of character for her?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lavistrikesback In reply to quamp [2010-03-22 14:30:20 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. But that's just me lol.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lovelyslickyvixen [2010-03-21 03:15:07 +0000 UTC]

I really like this! You make it apparent how the presence of Sawa-chan-sensei is actually very important to the band. I rarely read fics here at dA as I usually look up for them at ff.net but I'm glad I read this. Very good job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

quamp In reply to lovelyslickyvixen [2010-03-21 03:22:16 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AO968 [2010-03-20 13:23:03 +0000 UTC]

I liked it. Could easily see this happen in the show.

A few (minor) errors I noticed:
1. The part where they play Cagayake! Girls and what comes after it is mentioned twice. You probably copied and pasted that bit without noticing it,
2. Ui calls Yui 'Onii-chan'. However, 'Onii-chan' means big brother; what Ui should have said was 'Onee-chan(which means big sister),
3. Ritsu-chan is usually shortened to Ricchan.

Writing style itself was good, the story was easy to read and understand, so overall a very good attempt at a fanfic.

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

quamp In reply to AO968 [2010-03-20 14:12:09 +0000 UTC]

I'll go fix that. I write on a palmtop pc and transfer it to a laptop, and sometimes it gets messed up.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AO968 In reply to AO968 [2010-03-20 13:24:33 +0000 UTC]

Messed up my tags. Damn you DA, for not having an 'edit' feature for comments.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lifeofthe6 [2010-03-20 12:13:59 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I'm very impressed with this. Few fanfictions encompass the absence or presence of Sawa-chan, so it's good to see she was an important character.
That substitute was easily build-able in my mind, too, as characters should be in a story. I immediately got the image of a very stuck up lady who constantly carries a pointing stick.
You captured all the girls' personalities well, too.
Minus a few small grammatical errors, this is definitely worth a .

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

quamp In reply to lifeofthe6 [2010-03-20 14:33:29 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kenny4896 [2010-03-20 09:44:41 +0000 UTC]

how do you put the Creative Common license on your deviantations?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

quamp In reply to kenny4896 [2010-03-20 14:13:48 +0000 UTC]

Underneath where it asks you if the deviation contains mature content is a button for that (when you submit the work.)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kenny4896 [2010-03-20 09:27:03 +0000 UTC]

Did you write this yourself?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

quamp In reply to kenny4896 [2010-03-20 14:13:56 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kenny4896 [2010-03-20 04:59:51 +0000 UTC]

Stupid woman with he future bosses~ hate people who keeps repeating things like that~ nice story btw~ ( i want to try and draw it into a comic~)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

quamp In reply to kenny4896 [2010-03-20 05:05:59 +0000 UTC]

Go right ahead.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0