R0B0tak — {TDE Reference} - Ramses

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Skelts: 146

Trophies: Big Iron on His Hip - Gold

Status: Infected, Stage 1

Main Effects: Hypervigilance, Paranoia

Side Effects: PTSD-related Illusions, Stuttering


Name: Ramses

Nickname: Ram, Banshee by Synn

Age: 4 years, 7 months

Gender: Male

Breed: Greyhound Husky Mix

Rank: Exile


Takethra's Roleplaying Info:

I’ve roleplayed in pen and paper games – Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, etcetera, but have never participated in a DA roleplay. Therefore, I am a newbie in this arena! And, as I’m not a season veteran, I have only theoretical knowledge as to how thus an RP works, so please bear with my incompetence!|D

RP Methods || Notes, drawings, and the like! Here is mein plot-meme. takethra.deviantart.com/art/Ra… :3

RP Times || Erry’ day, ‘cept for usually Sundays and Wednesdays; about 6-11 pm west coast time, though occasionally earlier in the afternoon!


Personality: Goodhearted | Sarcastic | Uneasy | Obsessive-Compulsive | Loyal

- Goodhearted || He was not born in the Wasteland, but rather in Eden, and lacks the innate callouses the former would instill within his. He has a good heart, and does not intentionally harm anyone.

- Sarcastic || One of the ways he uses his intellect is make skeptical witticisms. Of course, these are reflections of his inner pessimism and he uses the cynical rejoinders to mask his underlying insecurity.

- Uneasy || Thanks to his greyhound progenitor, his skin is relatively thin – and this is an object of anxiety for his. he is worried about being out at night too late and getting cold, as well as being cut or scratched. Of course, this anxiety spilled over to take form in many other different ways – which brings us to our next trait.

- Obsessive-Compulsive || Things – need to be – just – right. He needs to groom himself before and after each meal, his abode always needs to be in good order; he also is a compulsive checker. he constantly checks on various, random objects of concern - such as the state of a leaky valve in an ancient plumbing system, or the volatile chokepoint outside of his home. He also loves to chase small mammals, even if they happen to be other dogs. Of course, he has no choice in the matter. He is unreasonably compelled. 0_o

- Loyal || he may be a nervous wreck, but outside of that realm of insecurity, he sticks to his moral guns. He is loyal to his personal code of honor, and to his allies. When it gets down to it, despite his nerves, he does not tolerate injustice, and will stay with those that he loves till the bitter end.


Strengths: Strategizing | Coursing | Running

- Strategizing || he is good at finding weaknesses in opponents and exploiting them; not that he’s malicious enough to manipulate everyone he meets. He usually tends to strategize in the way of hunting, or dealing with a particularly tenacious Waster. His intellect has saved his many times from marauding raiders, helped his talk down eaters, and avoid infecteds.

- Coursing || With his speed and good eyesight via greyhound ancestry, he is a pro at catching fleet-of-foot prey – rabbits, rats, mice, cats, or, if particularly desperate, a Chihuahua. Of course, his decorum would probably not allow his to eat any member of dogkind, but the instinct to chase small mammals is oft irrepressible.

- Running || Be it sprinting or long-distance, he can accomplish any feat of running with dedicated acuity. his husky progenitor gave his the gift of endurance, whilst his greyhound parent gave his swiftness. Of course, this doesn’t allow his to run at 100 mph for 24 hours – but rather, as we reside in the realm of realisticness, he can at one time either keep a steady pace for a long while, or sprint swiftly for shorter distances.


Flaws/Weaknesses: Faintheartedness | Thin Skin | Distractible

- Faintheartedness || Sometimes he cannot outthink a situation before his, and he knows that he’s either going to end up in another dog’s belly, or vulture be food. When his mind fails to offer his a way out, the rest of him wavers. He is not unknown to be prone to panic or acting as others might rightly call cowardly.

- Thin Skin || Not only does he not take harsh words well, but his skin is also literally thin, compared to other breeds. He is susceptible to raking claws and teeth, getting bruises, and other epidermal injuries. That is precisely the reason he tries to avoid conflict, and uses his brain and fleet paws to do so.

- Distractible || SQUIRREL! Literally. He must chase things. Also, if he’s got any painful obstruction in his paws or fur, his OCD demands that the nuisance should be eliminated. Either of these compulsions can command his, at any time, in any situation (except for ones in which there’s the potential for death – probably).



  - Family Life || Ram’s family life was a decent one. His father and mother were good, hardworking citizens of Eden’s community. Of course, his older brother Damascus was a different story. To put it simply, he was frickin’ lazy. Damascus was ruggedly charming (in a d-bag manner), smooth, and chill. Ramses was none of those. This stark contrast between them by no means encouraged friendship between them. While Ramses worked with his parents in construction, Damascus played truant, and spent some time dabbling in becoming a scrapper. Unlike his brother, Ramses was a much-respected and well-liked by his contemporaries, for his work-ethic and general decency. While he had a hard time developing close friends, he had nary an enemy amongst Eden – if many did think his meticulous cleaning was odd.

- When Things Get Interesting || In the third year of their life, Damascus left with a convoy as a guardian scrapper.  This was his second expedition in a convoy. The first time, his best friend Kirin was a scrapper alongside him. She became infected through a cut on the journey, and they had to abandon her outside of Eden. He’d not forgotten since then – and so abandoned his watch on the second convoy one night to search for her.

She’d never gone far outside of Eden, and so was easy to find, as she’d smelled him and had been searching for him as well. Upon reuniting, they – to put it nicely – exchanged bodily fluids. And Damascus unwittingly became infected. Before dawn, he returned to the convoy unnoticed. And so reentered Eden.

- When Ramses Gets Involved || No one noticed the change in Damascus – until two days later, when he jerked by Ramses’ mat, and scattered his collection of carefully-arranged marbles. After much anxiety and fretting, he recovered his lost marbles, and realized that his brother was different. No antagonistic remark came to accompany his disruption; and it had not appeared on purpose. Ataxia.

When he started noticing more signs, Ramses confronted Damascus about the infection, in a secluded place outside of the steel tunnel. Damascus knew there was no making anything up as an explanation to his brother – and so moved directly to threats. “If you tell anyone ¬– I will make sure that you get thrown out with me.” Ramses turned his back on him and left to find a physician. His brother, assuming he was getting the Scrappers, lunged, and bit him on the shoulder, and gave his brother the infection.

- Infected || Horrified, Ramses fled to a physician and told him of what happened. Damascus came in pursuit, only to be stopped by scrappers outside of the Legion Compound. Inside, the disgruntled physician told Ramses how to treat the wound, but would not touch him. When Ramses’ wounds were bound, a pair of morose guards was at his shoulder. It was then that he realized that he could not stay.

- Exile || Damascus was thrust out of Eden, accompanied by shell-shocked Ramses. Their first night, as they both plunged into severe depression, Damascus made a half-hearted apology. “I just didn’t want to go out alone.”

They went unscathed that night, clinging to the rocks around Eden. But when a convoy emerged from the vault, they had to fly, for fear of being driven off by force. For a long time (a long time being a week), they took to living an ancient car in decimated gas-station. Until of course, one night, through the broken windows flooded a pack of raiders. After a brief grapple with one, Ramses wormed out of its reach, and darted out the window. He sprinted away, outrunning pursuit, realizing only belatedly that the cries from the car in the distance stopped. His brother had not been able to escape.

- Life Alone || And for months Ramses was alone. The infection grew slow in him, as, with growing horror at his isolation, he grew more obsessed with keeping the scant order around him, in a new home he found in an overturned storage container, half-submerged in dirt, not far from Eden. Therein he made a bed of blighted grass, and stored collections of round, shiny things that he liked (marbles, bottle caps, etc.) and survived by eating scrawny rodents. Strength or combat expertise being no asset of his, he survived by his swiftness and intelligence, both of which helped him avoid the danger that befell his brother.

- Aftershock || The good humor he’d grown up with died in the first nights in the Wasteland. He gave up hope in Eden. He became bitter inside, and more fearful than he ever thought possible; he never let a lapse enter the rhythm of his ritualistic security measures that he engaged in to give himself a sense of safety. He grooms himself and treats his wounds with obsessive precision; he attributes the slow progression of his infection to this. Concerning threats outside of his health, he never stopped looking over his shoulder, searching the horizon, or second-guessing his estimations; and he trusted no one. It’d saved him so far. But despite that dedication, he could only continue to deny his loneliness to keep the horror of it from consuming him. So, to shut away his despair, he simply does not allow himself to lay eyes upon the vault that was his home. He wants to keep it close, but he can never see it.

But still, he sometimes he settles himself on a hill, huddles down small, and watches convoys come and go, and, for brief moments, allows himself to wonder if they remember him.





There's a fair chance they'll eat me






Aesthetic Attraction



Good Friend

Familial Love

Romantic Attraction


Genders: () - Female, () - Male



() Synn || Mastare-of-Disaster

She saved my life at risk of her own, when she very much didn't have to. For that, I feel like she's my friend. I do like her, but she's a little scary - a mix of sarcasm, borderline friendliness, and enigma. A rather volatile mix. One time, she chased me down to help me when I was running from Isadora; when she came across and ran into where Isadora had trapped me, she seemed quite intent on killing us both - which scared me a lot. But - she'd come to rescue me, hadn't she? Anyway, this is the second time she’s saved my life, so I’m obliged to her, anyhow.

() Strike || MokiHunter

In the few hours we'd known eachother, we'd saved eachother's lives multiple times. One good dog preserving another good dog, I guess. I didn't know that friendships could be so swiftly wrought. With him I came up with the idea for the Tempered Asylum, a refuge for dogs like us who hate the evil in the wasteland and want to make a difference. Without him, that ideal would only be a pipe-dream.

() Petrol || EmberMuse

The - the careless asymmetry of his blood scrawlings - absolutely horrifying. If he's going to spend his time killing others and using their blood as ink, then he might as well do his victims the justice of using a ruler. And – and – he LICKED me – he LICKED me on the FACE. ;A; If that is not insane, I do not know what is!

() Isadora || HalloweenCreation

Um. Well, we've known eachother for a good half hour, I s'pose. I don't really know what she's about, when she is uh - sorta tried to seduce me after making to kill me and Synn? Um. I'd rather like it if she'd be friendly in a different sort of non-bloodthirsty way. But I won’t complain too much. She saved both of us from raiders when she didn’t have to, and for that I guess she’s rather swell.



() Denton || lizziecat1279


() Xelha || Artistic-Twist

She is covered in circles, and she gave me water from Eden. I haven't had water from Eden for more than a year. It's the most fantastic thing in the world, and she gave it to me unbidden. And she's covered in circles.


RP Example:

Taken from my RP with Synn :3

Ramses took in a ragged breath, after a cry that only inadequately vented his horror. This – this vile pond. Who knew what sort of pathogens had propagated within it, as the dogs beneath festered? He could be inhaling botulism as he stood, or scraping himself on an old bone – oh gosh – these could have died infected! If he was cut – he blinked, manic fear swelling past all other thought.

He could not allow his infection to progress. That was out of the question. For more than a year, he’d stayed clean. Ramses didn’t move a muscle. What if he was already cut, and could not feel it?

“Oh, geeze,” he moaned, despair flooding him. If this was how it was going to be, then why not just die here? Just friggin’ die in the ice, like all the other wretched beasts whose dead eye sockets stared up at him. Might as friggin’ well. It’d be better than turning into a mindless eater, or being eaten alive himself. Maybe ice wouldn’t be so bad after all. In any case, as he stared at the skull before him, he realized that the visage was not symmetrical. Not at all symmetrical. The angles of the cheekbones were lopsided, and it was missing an uneven number of teeth. What was the point of living in a world in which there were such horrifying violations of symmetry, anyway? He wondered what his own face looked like. Were his facial features uneven? Oh gosh. That would be a nightmare.

Then his trance was interrupted, as movement tickled the corner of his vision. Slowly, Ramses turned his head, to the right and up a jagged sheet of rock.

And then he dropped his head back to the ice with an exasperated groan. It was another dog. Looking down at him. The canine was large, and a mangy mottled grey, with a snarly grin on its face.

He blinked slowly, despairingly. They probably noticed that he noticed. So slowly, he raised his head to them. “I don’t suppose you have anything to do with this little situation, do you?” he asked, letting his deadpan voice carry up to the dog. “I guess I should say ahead of time that a diet of small diseased rodents wouldn’t make my taste very satisfying.”




 - Collecting round objects.

 - Taking softish stones in his teeth and grinding them against rock to make them rounder. He is yet to create the perfect stone marble.

 - Rearranging his collections, searching for additions to his collections, and making sure his collections are not disturbed.

 - Tidying around the home. He always makes sure there is a a 100 foot parameter completely free of foliage, rubble,-etc. around his storage container, so that approaching enemies have a harder time finding cover.



 - Theme Song: It's a Jungle Out There, Randy Newman ♪ www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhKlBH…

 - He has an irrational fear of cars, due to where he lost his brother.

 - He collects round things – from bottle caps, to marbles, to pebbles.

 - In particular, he really loves marbles.

 - But sometimes he loses his marbles. |-D But that only happens when he loses his marbles. hurrrrr

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Comments: 38

MokiHunter [2013-10-19 17:55:32 +0000 UTC]

Lmfao omg I'm dying. Omg AIR. 

"He licked me. ON THE FACE ;A;" xDDDD

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R0B0tak In reply to MokiHunter [2013-10-19 18:19:02 +0000 UTC]

YES. YES. Ramses is SCARRED for LIFE.

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Artistic-Twist [2013-10-06 20:52:46 +0000 UTC]


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R0B0tak In reply to Artistic-Twist [2013-10-06 21:27:00 +0000 UTC]

YUS - the horrerrrrrr!

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Artistic-Twist In reply to R0B0tak [2013-10-06 21:35:49 +0000 UTC]

Tis my OTP now. *shot*

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R0B0tak In reply to Artistic-Twist [2013-10-06 21:39:34 +0000 UTC]

ROFLxInfinity!!! Ramses objects to the nth degreeee! X'D

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Artistic-Twist [2013-08-08 08:53:24 +0000 UTC]

Hello! I was wondering if you'd care to RP sometime?<3

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R0B0tak In reply to Artistic-Twist [2019-02-07 01:38:27 +0000 UTC]

*sucks in a breath*

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R0B0tak In reply to Artistic-Twist [2013-08-08 20:49:02 +0000 UTC]

Would I?! Of course! {B hmu with a note! Btw - I'll be on vacation this weekend, but I'll be sure to avidly reciprocate before and after that excursion! :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Artistic-Twist In reply to R0B0tak [2013-08-09 21:45:27 +0000 UTC]

Awesome!<33 Well that’s fine, I’m supposed to be spending the night with a friend Saturday so we’ll both be kinda busy this weekend. XD I can try coming up with a start before then, but I might not be able to send it before Saturday. D:

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R0B0tak In reply to Artistic-Twist [2013-08-11 22:56:35 +0000 UTC]

It's all good in da hood! :3 No presha whatsoevah!

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blackunia [2013-07-12 22:28:03 +0000 UTC]

what a pretty character he is! I'd be really happy to do some RP with him as my Roua Viara <3

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R0B0tak In reply to blackunia [2013-07-12 22:41:50 +0000 UTC]

Right back atcha! :3 Such an engagement would be glorious!! <3
Though, I have only roleplayed a little before, and all my prior ones have been started through plot meme! I am not knowledgeable in the way of the spontaneous sort. If you would initiate it, then I think your experience in this arena would boon us both! (If anything I just said was coherent...) |D

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blackunia In reply to R0B0tak [2013-07-12 23:05:22 +0000 UTC]

I have very little spare time as of late, but I'll be sure to keep that in mind and just drop you a note sometime, if it's fine with you

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R0B0tak In reply to blackunia [2013-07-12 23:12:01 +0000 UTC]

Wooo! That's very fine with me! I look forward to it! x3

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Serenade-Thirdhand [2013-07-11 04:01:18 +0000 UTC]


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R0B0tak In reply to Serenade-Thirdhand [2013-07-11 04:35:26 +0000 UTC]


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KNOXXIS [2013-07-08 15:41:44 +0000 UTC]

What a dashing dog
[sub]his marbles are pretty awesome too.[/sub]

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R0B0tak In reply to KNOXXIS [2013-07-08 16:25:50 +0000 UTC]

{: why thank you!
And yes! Dem marbles! XD he does his best not to lose them - hurrrr |D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KNOXXIS In reply to R0B0tak [2013-07-08 17:17:24 +0000 UTC]

Dat's punny right dere... X3

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R0B0tak In reply to KNOXXIS [2013-07-08 17:26:17 +0000 UTC]

You know that's right! xD

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Dream-Lark [2013-07-08 14:20:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh he looks gorgeous! Whenever I get my Waster char up and running we should definitely roleplay. :3

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R0B0tak In reply to Dream-Lark [2013-07-08 14:35:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!
And - wooo, yes! I concur!

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Gaybies [2013-07-02 22:51:37 +0000 UTC]

My only advice... Would be to fix his height image. If he's 30inches tall, then he would only be a little taller than the dog already pictured, which is roughly 26-28 inches.

He's getting close to Big Iron size based on that picture. xD And Big Iron is severely mutated.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

R0B0tak In reply to Gaybies [2013-07-02 22:53:29 +0000 UTC]

Oh, okay, thank you! so I'll make her a little taller...
Whoa! What breed is Big Iron? 8-o

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Gaybies In reply to R0B0tak [2013-07-02 23:03:35 +0000 UTC]

Big Iron is a Capo Cane D'Italia, a fictional breed created on DA. They're normally not very large, but he's been out in the wastes for decades

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R0B0tak In reply to Gaybies [2013-07-02 23:11:21 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh, cool! Sounds fierce! 8-I

On the topic of size - are this lady's dimensions acceptable?[link] I'm getting her ready ('cos I can't decide if I want her or Ramses to be my 200 skelt seconda character)

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Gaybies In reply to R0B0tak [2013-07-03 00:34:47 +0000 UTC]

You can see what he looks like on the infected journal. He's the floatie dog at the top

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R0B0tak In reply to Gaybies [2013-07-03 00:38:24 +0000 UTC]

OH MAN THE ONE WITH THE SECOND HEAD I saw! D8 Absolutely freaking amazing.

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Gaybies In reply to R0B0tak [2013-07-03 00:49:33 +0000 UTC]

Yeah that's Big Iron. XD I still need to redo his reference, but that's my boy... he's giant, and stupid. xD

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R0B0tak In reply to Gaybies [2013-07-03 01:06:34 +0000 UTC]

8] Impresssiveee!

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Gaybies In reply to R0B0tak [2013-07-03 01:26:29 +0000 UTC]

We'll have to have the two of them meet one day! BI is almost always with Ghost though. x3

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R0B0tak In reply to Gaybies [2013-07-03 01:46:05 +0000 UTC]

Then all three of their paths must cross! That would be prittty epick! ^-^
Though Ramses may or may not end up as dinner, I'm sure |D

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Gaybies In reply to R0B0tak [2013-07-02 23:44:33 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, she looks alright dimension wise

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R0B0tak In reply to Gaybies [2013-07-02 23:47:30 +0000 UTC]

Alrighty, thank you!

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R0B0tak In reply to R0B0tak [2013-07-02 22:54:21 +0000 UTC]

I mean shorter! 8I Oops! |D

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Falconicide [2013-07-02 18:56:38 +0000 UTC]

A lovely app Takethra! I think both you and Ramses will be a great new edition to TDE, and I'm sure my co-founders will agree with a beautifully written app like this one. I hope you get in!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

R0B0tak In reply to Falconicide [2013-07-02 19:06:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like him! ^-^
And that'd be so cool - this'd be my first roleplay evah! :3 I have another character I've been thinking about (haven't decided on whether Ramses or she will be my secondary though)! I may or may not be counting my chickens before they hatch. (8-P
xD But - I'm so excited - I <3 the post-apocalyptic genre like no other. 0_0 Seriously. <3

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