RachBMW — Talon Blackburn - 2023 Reference

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T A L O N - B L A C K B U R N



Full Name: Talon Blackburn
Other Given Name: N/A
Preferred Name: Talon
Nicknames/Other names: Tal, "Tally"

Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Age: 32

Birthdate: 01/30

Birthplace/Place of Origin: Within Cardinal's territory in London, England

Native Language: English

- Other known languages: N/A

Make: Volvo

Model: 2019 S60

Height: 4.7ft

Weight: 3895.6lb

Paint Color: Dark Gray

Eye Color: Steele Blue
    -- Distinguishing Marks: Light gray fade from rear to halfway across front doors, mainly interior scars from abuse from his father as a child

Status: Living

Deathdate (if applicable): N/A



Overall Condition: Healthy

Chronic Illness?: N/A

Major Injuries?: Has had a few more severe injuries as a gang soldier, all since healed

Psychological Health/Conditions: Unknown



Place of Residence: London, England

- Living Conditions: Apartment with Kyara, moves around quite a bit for security.

Occupation: Gang soldier

Education History: Self-taught
    - IQ: 128

Political Affiliation: N/A

Hobbies: Football/Soccer, shooting practice, drinking, some recreational drug use

Talents: Good shot with most guns, keeps calm under pressure, planning out raids/operations



General Personality:

Known to take after his father's dark intelligence, Talon is militaristic, cold, and calculated in every move he makes. He keeps few allies, and even fewer friends, groomed through childhood to be the perfect, loyal gang soldier. He has a deep focus for orders given to him, and will act with relentless force if required of him, not above killing to get the job done. Talon avoids emotional matters, whether due to finding them ridiculous or out of an effort to hide his own deeper feelings is unknown - He won't let you know.

Whereas his icy personality wards off many, Talon does a softer side to his hardened heart, mainly showing in his deep bond with his mate. His fierce love for Kyara causes Talon to find himself living a contradicting existence. He would do anything for his mate, and mourns for the loss of his child, he can't help it... Even if it goes against the very version of himself that was abused and beat into him by his father. 

He knows no other life than that of being a soldier, but his mind is conflicted... Wondering if this is truly the car he wants to be.

Disposition: Cold, Militaristic

Motivations: Carries buried trauma that drives Talon to be deathly loyal to his gang, a deep fear hidden within himself of what will happen to him if he isn't. Kyara also serves as a reason to keep him going, wanting to be at her side at all hours of the day. 

Mantra: "My challenges will bring a better me"

Theme Song(s): 

- Intelligent and skilled in carrying out complicated raids/operations
- Can keep composure under pressure

- Touchy with his own inner emotions, tends to avoid facing his own personal traumas
- Sensitive to mentions of his mate or passed child; may lash out without thinking if provoked on the topic
- Often falls prey to his father's manipulations, and finds it difficult to get out of them

Likes: A good beer, stargazing, praise, quiet atmospheres, spending time with Kyara

Dislikes: Being separated from Kyara for too long, Fowler, general association with his family members, sarcasm

Fears: Losing Kyara

Drinker?: Yes

Drug User?: Yes

Smoker?: Yes

Virgin?: No



ParentsFowler Blackburn  + Canary  

Sibling(s): Alouette, Kanara, & Evonara (full siblings, shown here )
    - known to have several other half siblings

Other Kin: Daisy and Dianella Wolfe (nieces)

Marital Status: Married (not official under law)

- Romantic Partner: Kyara Moon

Children: Annalise Blackburn (Deceased; lived to a year old)


 ll Missing 
 ll Don't Know 
 ll Anger/Bitterness

 ll Acquaintance 
  ll Friend 
 ll Best Friend/ Family 

 ll Kin 
 ll Ex-Mate 
 ll Child

 ll Attraction 
 ll Crush
 ll Major Crush 

 ll Pity 
 ll Relates or Understands 
 ll Feels Uncomfortable Around 

 ll Unsure 
 ll Fear 
 ll Terrified Of

 ll Respect 
 ll Feels Responsible For
 ll Dependent On

 ll Love 
 ll Lust 
 ll Had kids with 

 ll Dislike 
 ll Hate 
 ll Wants them dead


Kyara  |  |  |  |  

    - The one car who Talon feels as though he can be his true self around, Kyara is his solace in his violent world. He is fiercely protective of her, and worries over her fragile mental state, doing all he can to keep her stable. He will, and has, killed in her name, and will always defend her until his death. 

Annalise  |  |  
    - Talon carries a deep-rooted guilt over his daughter's death, often blaming himself for being unable to save her. He wishes he had spent more time with her before her demise, and that he could have been a more involved father. 

Fowler |  |  |  |  
    - Talon has an unhealthy relationship with the car who raised him, feeling bitterness towards his father for ripping him from his mother so young. Fowler was responsible for giving him the strength and skill he has today, but Talon knows the cost was too great, and the training was at his own expense. He keeps civil with Fowler, but keeps a distance. 

Canary  |  |  |  
    - Canary's death had more of an impact on Talon as a child than he cares to admit. He remembers his mother's strength and wit with secret fondness, carrying his faint memories of her unconditional love for him wherever he goes.

Evonara |  |  l  
    - TBC...



Talon's start to life is not unlike that of other pups born into the elusive gang, the Cardinals, born into a world of drugs and illegal activity. He is the third child of his parents, Canary and Fowler, and their first and only son - quickly the "golden child" in his father's eyes. His parents' tense relationship created contention over the way he was ought to be raised; Canary, being a proud and defiant dove, wanted to be the one to raise her son to be better than his father, while Fowler believed Canary had no right to raise his son as she pleases. Talon only spends a few years at his mother's side, and once she falls pregnant again, he is forcefully and traumatically taken from her by Fowler, vaguely remembering today the grief in his mother's cries of his name as she faded from his view.

His childhood under Fowler's watch was cruel and unhappy, exposed to violence and drugs at a young age as his father intended to groom him into the perfect soldier. He was subjected to beatings and emotional abuse at Fowler's tire each time he made a mistake, quickly learning that safety comes in obedience. As each day passed, Canary faded from his mind, replaced by blood and the cruel gaze of his father.

Still, a young Talon was left tearful at the news of his mother's death, only catching a glimpse of his youngest sister, Evonara, as she was taken away.

His adolescence was little different from his younger years, Talon brought deeper into the throughs of gang life. He began taking on assignments alongside his father, learning to fight and use firearms, small tests given by high ranking members of his home gang forcing him to prove his worth young. His assignments with his father brought him to other 'sister' organizations, where Talon first caught a glimpse of his future wife - Kyara.

Greatly impressed by her intelligence and generosity that reminded him of his mother, Talon began to sneak away in the early hours of the morning to meet up with Kyara. Her kindness was a welcomed break from the harsh ways of his life with Fowler, and before he can stop himself, Talon found himself attracted to the beautiful, young BMW, her eyes and smile on his mind no matter where he went.

As he continued to prove his worth as a soldier to the Cardinals, Talon continued his pursuit of Kyara, hoping to one day call her his.


Talon's training formed him into the cold, ruthless soldier that Fowler intended, and his efforts and loyalty towards the gang were soon rewarded in the form of a dove of his own. Soon enough, Kyara was given as a gift to his home gang, and assigned to Talon as his own. He kept his affections subtle when other eyes were near, but held her close in private, finding himself deeply in love with her. Talon and Kyara were 'married' in secret, exchanging vows to be at one another's side no matter what befalls them.

As his responsibilities grew, so did the expectation that he reproduce on behalf of the gang, and eventually Kyara fell pregnant. Their child ended up being a female, and whilst a son was preferred, Talon couldn't help the immediate love he felt for his daughter, named Annalise, often sneaking away from his duties when he could to spend time with his small family. He worked relentlessly to keep his ranking as high as possible, all while keeping Fowler at a distance from his small piece of heaven with Kyara, and thus protecting what little he had. 

His heaven was soon to become hell, however, when a dispute turns ugly with a rival from another gang. Talon is unaware of the threat against his family, realizing far too late the danger when Kyara and Annalise are attacked, the violence that ensues ending in Annalise's death at the cruel tire of the rival gang member. Talon was shattered by his daughter's demise, fighting to keep himself together for the sake of Kyara, who appeared to surpass a breaking point, left emotionally fragile from the attack. Talon's protectiveness over his mate only grew, keeping her hidden away and growing angry at anyone who dared to speak her name. 

Talon became colder after his daughter's death, and deeply conflicted over what the point was of living a dangerous life, feeling lost as he tries to keep up with his image.


Talon, Kyara + Others (c) RachBMW / RachelQuattro  

Daisy + Dianella - co-owned OC's

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