rachelduncan999 — The Appetite of Will Spence [NSFW]
Published: 2012-10-19 14:26:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 11412; Favourites: 114; Downloads: 9
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Description "William Spence?" the young librarian asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow at him as he presented his card. "You are William Spence?"

"Yes?" Will wondered if this was some kind of test.

"The William Spence who still has every volume of Witold Gombrowicz in this library checked out?"

Will sighed. "Again, yes. Is that a problem miss?"

"No. No, that's fine." The librarian reluctantly handed him back his card and scanned his books. "Just mind you bring them back, hm?"

Will took his books silently and glared at the librarian as he left. This kind of thing happened to him all the time. Nobody ever believed he was who he was. The trouble was, Will thought to himself not for the last time, that people were pea-brained simpletons. They look at you, and immediately assume all kinds of things. You were big, so you must be an athlete. You were good looking, so you must be popular. You read Gombrowicz, you must be eighty years old. Or a Polish grad student.

Will was a bundle of contradictions as far as everyone else was concerned. Everything he shouldn't be. He was 6'3" and heavily muscled – every football coach's wet dream – but his sport of choice was cross country skiing. He was handsome, painfully so, with dark hair, grey eyes and chiseled features – but he had virtually no interest in the social scene and had, to date, never had a real girlfriend. He was a voracious reader, especially of modern poetry, and was his local library's best customer, but he had no interest whatsoever in an academic career, and had never even been to college.

Will was a true individual, preferring solitude to company and silence to sound at every turn. He had a few friends of the close, true variety, but shunned the company of virtually everyone else. He spent the vast majority of his time alone, and this was how he liked it.

Will was passionate about the pleasures he had. Reading poetry, skiing or, in the summer, cross country running, and gardening were his chief activities. He was dedicated to them, and had been for years. He was not a man to change his ways. For fifteen years he lived a solitary life reading and tending to his gardens and those of his neighbors, going for long walks in the evenings. But for physical pleasure, Will's favorite thing in the world was eating.

He was, as he was in all things, deeply private about eating. But he indulged in the activity with passionate rapture. He made a distinction between eating for nourishment and eating for pleasure. Eating for nourishment was plain business. But Will also ate for pleasure, and this was extraordinary business.

He would plan his gormandizing evenings in advance. He would stock up on his favorite foods for days in advance, cooking things now and then and saving them for the special night. He would make sure he had nothing that needed to be done the next day. He'd make sure to put off his friends, and make sure nobody would come calling.

For Will, the true pleasure in eating was to coax himself into the realm of what most people would call overindulgence. It wasn't enough to simply eat. What Will loved was the sensations of eating. He loved feeling sated and warm. He craved feeling full. Pushing himself beyond full, into the realm of pain and sedation, was erotic and wonderful.

Alone and unfettered by the scorn or amazement of others, Will could gorge himself, rub his exposed and swollen belly, roll about and moan as loudly as he wanted to. Many a night would he drag himself, swollen and engorged, to bed, barely able to breathe under the pressure of the food he had forced himself to eat, and lie on his side stroking his tight, hard stomach with still-sticky fingers. He would close his eyes and concentrate on the feeling of being huge, hot and fat. He would groan to himself as he drifted happily off to sleep.

Will had taken care not to gain too much weight not due to vanity, but because he had read that fat – especially belly fat – can limit the swelling of the stomach by acting as a kind of band. It was a well-known fact that skinny guys can eat more. But as the years had passed, Will had become more and more compelled to indulge in his favorite activity more often.

Lately, in fact, he had found himself overeating on a sudden whim rather than as a planned event. The urge would come over him unexpectedly as he worked, ate lunch, or went for walks. More than once while passing a diner by the highway while he was on a jog at dusk, he'd find himself suddenly veering in, ordering three, four, five burgers and devouring them enthusiastically, unable to help himself. He'd hastily pay the bill and get out of there, back onto darkening back roads before anyone could see the effect it was having on him. Then he'd slowly walk home, belly preceding him, hiccuping and massaging his midsection, too groggy and full to care to wonder what had come over him.

On several occasions he found himself obliged to go out into public after a particularly large unplanned binge and was forced to spend the day awkwardly hiding his swollen gut under a sweatshirt, barely contained within too-tight jeans which pressed into him painfully.

Will's life was getting out of control in other respects as well. Despite being famous across the county for being a loner and a misanthrope, Will found himself asking a girl to dinner. He surprised even himself.

Her name was Madeline Saint-Helene and she was about as odd a girl as anyone had ever seen in town. She was stunningly beautiful; a porcelain beauty with red lips, dark eyes and black hair which hung in ringlets. But she was in the habit of dressing like a ninety-year-old librarian, all stern blouses and straight skirts, sensible shoes and pantyhose.

She didn't talk to anyone at all except to the town's many cats, and she spent a great deal of time in the woods collecting plants. Nobody knew exactly what she did. She had moved into an old farmhouse outside town and kept entirely to herself. Will knew by legend that Madeline was a manslayer, totally uninterested in males in general and several local males in specific, but that could not keep him from being completely awestruck when he finally met her in person at the local library.

She was a tumbleweed Snow White, so perfect in her physical nature that her total lack of concern for her attire and appearance enhanced rather than diminished her beauty. She sat in the reference section, face down in a book which even at this distance he recognized to be an edition of Hornby's Trees of the Northwest, a guide to local flora which absolutely nobody had ever looked at, except Will. He sat himself at a safe distance and watched her, at first pretending to read a magazine, but eventually staring at her brazenly. A familiar urge came over him, the same sort of predatory hunger he got when he was compelled to gorge himself. The feeling was nearly identical. Will wanted nothing more in that moment than to have Madeline, to fill himself with whatever it was about her that he suddenly craved. He sat and watched her, dark hair falling over his piercing eyes and arms crossed over his broad chest, until he couldn't stand it any longer. He quickly got up and strode over to her.

"No one here believes in green deeply enough." He said to her as he circled behind her, looking at the book over her shoulder. "In greens so blue, so malachite." Madeline looked up at him, surprised, noticing him for the first time. She said nothing for a moment, but studied him with a puzzled look on her face.

"That's Les Murray." She said in a calm but amused voice. "I didn't think anybody here had ever heard of Les Murray."

Will stopped and raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Nobody but me, you were almost right."

"Then you must be Will Spence." Madeline smiled at him so honestly and so fearlessly that he was completely disarmed. Will gaped, saying nothing. This would have to be a first: after a lifetime of being told he couldn't possibly be who he was, he was just named on the first try. He gathered his senses enough to shut his mouth and nod. "I'm Maddy Saint-Helene. I live in the old Beaumont cottage, just outside of town. They tell me you live in that interesting stone house down Prestor Street. The one with all the saffron mosses. Do you mind if I come see them some time? You don't need to be home, I could just poke about in the garden, I'd hardly make a footprint!"

Will grinned, possibly for the first time in ten years. The girl was as odd as they said, and he was completely charmed. The hunger he felt earlier intensified, and lodged itself in his chest.

"You are the first person in thirty-five years of living in this county who has ever expressed the slightest regard for my garden." Will told her. "I would not only be flattered if you'd come see it, but I'd show you my books and make you dinner in the process." He gestured at her book. "I've got this one at home and dozens of volumes like it. The library can't always order for me what I want." His words came out confidently, but Will was seized by an unfamiliar fear of rejection. To his great relief, she nodded enthusiastically.

They set a date for the very next evening. Maddy was, as it turned out, a botanist with the University of British Columbia who was on sabbatical. She was passionate about the local plant life, which was thrilling to Will, who'd spent his whole life getting to know it. They conversed quickly and energetically on the subject until the librarian came and handily threw them out, suggesting they "find a coffee shop somewhere" if they wanted to have "rowdy conversations."

To Will's great disappointment, Maddy took her leave and promised to see him the following evening. Watching her walk away was equally the most lovely and painful thing he'd ever experienced. He headed for home, ordering two pizzas to arrive when he did. He ate them both rapturously, trying unsuccessfully to sate his longing for the girl. He spent the evening stuffed to the gills, massaging his belly with both hands and daydreaming happily about Maddy.

The next day Will's stomach was still bloated from the night before, but he paid it little mind. He threw on a loose-fitting t-shirt and track pants and went outside to tend to his garden so that it would look its best when Maddy arrived.

He worked well past noon and paused only when he realized he needed to shop and cook for his date. Barely thinking about it, he followed his instinct and began preparing a feast. He had five courses in mind, each richer than the next.

Will was an experienced chef on this scale, having cooked such things in the past for his own private feasts. He made pear and walnut salad, cheese and pickle, and fresh sourdough to start. Sausage and white bean soup followed, then creamy chicken pasta and garlic bread. He roasted an eye of round with carrots, parsnips and potatoes and worked up the gravy with red wine and peppercorns. He cheated and bought dessert, a strawberry rhubarb cheesecake, because he found it freshly made at the butcher's and he couldn't resist it. It was all he could do not to eat it while he prepared the rest of dinner.

Maddy arrived early and wandered straight into the gardens without knocking on the door or letting Will know she was there, getting down on her hands and knees in among the rock mosses. Will glimpsed her out the window and felt his heart lurch. She'd worn a lacy cream top, cut low to show off ample breasts, and a long blue skirt with silver embroidery which was tight around her rounded hips and loose below the knee. She didn't seem to notice or mind getting freshly churned soil on her outfit, which for some reason made Will's heart bubble with unspent laughter.

He opened the garden door and called out to her, waving. Her excited smile when she waved back made him weak at the knees. She didn't apologize or explain her actions, but rather started calling questions to him through the open door. What was this? How had he got the hydrangeas to bloom so early? Was this a blue grass of some sort? Will had never been happier.

By the time they sat down to dinner they'd both drunk half a bottle of wine and were making their way into the second. Maddy's white cheeks were flushed crimson with excitement and alcohol and they both talked nonstop.

As always, Will ate with gusto. Maddy was so caught up in the conversation that she ate little, but enjoyed what she ate. Will devoured the rest of every course with such speed that one could be forgiven for mistakenly thinking he contented himself with one simple serving. By the time he was digging into his seconds of chicken and pasta, he came to his senses. Already his pants were tightening and the familiar symptoms of being cloyed with food were starting to occur to him. "Oh god, not now." He told himself. "Not in front of her. Stop, you idiot, you can't make a pig of yourself in front of her!"

Will struggled not to let his indulgence show. He covered his lap with his napkin and tried not to sit back, lest his growing gut draw too much attention. It was a near-impossible task. Will's overindulgences over the last few weeks had taken their toll on his once-sculpted body: fat rolled over the top of his pants despite his best efforts to suck in his stomach, and his button-up white shirt was a size too small before he started eating. Normally he loved the sensation of his clothes closing in on him, of bursting open belts and buttons and letting his engorged girth hang out. But he told himself he had to show some restraint. He had a beautiful and unique woman in his house, enjoying his hospitality. This was no time to let his carnal desires run rampant.

But he couldn't help himself. Eating and pleasure were too tightly knit in his mind. His stomach growled and demanded more as he watched Maddy across the table from him, laughing at his stories and licking cream sauce off her perfect red lips. Desire and arousal stirred up his appetite to unbearable levels. He shoveled pasta into his mouth at a near-frenzied pace despite his attempts to rein himself in. Will feasted on Maddy with his eyes, and feasted on dinner with everything else.

By the time Will had polished off the pasta course he was in full-fledged feeding frenzy, anxious for the next courses and prepared to tackle them with gusto. Alcohol loosened his grip on his self control and the familiar, wonderful sensation of having a heavy, rounding belly felt so good that he found himself caring less about the indignity of it. He stood up to clear the plates and caught himself rubbing the upper bulge of his stomach - and caught Maddy watching him do it.

"You're a man who enjoys his table, Will Spence," she said in a low voice, staring him down. Will felt exposed under her gaze and flushed darkly.

"'I have hunger for your mouth, for your voice, for your hair; I am hungry for your laugh that slips; I want to eat the sunbeam burnt in your beauty; I want to eat the fleeting shadows of your lashes and hungry I come and go sniffing the twilight looking for you.'" Will heard himself quoting Neruda, rubbing his engorged belly with more confidence now that he'd been caught. He held her gaze defiantly, as if testing her.

Maddy paused and said nothing, watching Will. Then she slowly stood up and took the plates from him, putting them aside. Stepping in close to him and pressing herself against his protruding belly, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Will reciprocated immediately, wrapping his arms around her waist, pressing his stomach into her and kissing her hungrily. Then she pulled back and sat him down.

"Let me get the next course," she said in a soft, low voice that nonetheless brooked no argument. Will nodded, licking his lips and wondering where this was going. Maddy crossed to his kitchen and remained there for a few minutes, returning with their plates. Hers contained barely a true serving, but his was piled high with roast beef, potatoes, vegetables and gravy. Will let out a relieved sigh. This was clearly Maddy's position on this issue: he was to eat. The mischievous gleam in her eye signaled to him that she understood, and would gladly play along.

She placed the plate in front of him and patted his midsection, whispering in his ear, "I love a man who isn't afraid to take what he wants."

That was encouragement enough for Will, who didn't need any encouragement at all. He abandoned all restraint and tucked into his roast with all the enthusiasm he had ever devoted to a private binge. He ate two-handed, barely coming up for breath, but continuing to watch Maddy with ravenous eyes. He paused only when his plate was empty and Maddy, without asking, took it to be refilled.

Will quickly struggled out of his belt while she was in the kitchen, tearing it off and popping the button on his pants hastily to allow his belly to bulge outwards into his lap. His head nodded backwards and his closed his eyes in silent ecstasy as he felt the size and breadth of his belly so far.

When he opened them, Maddy stood in front of him with another plate as big as the first, and a barely concealed look of arousal on her face. She said nothing as she left him the plate and sat down again to pour them both wine. Will continued feasting.

He had slowed down now, as was his habit, and savored the sensation of every bite sliding into his overfull stomach. He massaged his gut with one hand while feeding himself with the other, enjoying how taut and sensitive his belly had become. He relaxed and slouched in his chair, encouraging his belly to expand and take all the space it wanted. Then he'd take another big, gravy-soaked bite.

Maddy watched him intensely, drinking her wine occasionally. As he slowed down, she took on a look of concern. She put down her wine, got up and moved around behind him. Reaching over his shoulders, she ran her hands down his chest and over his overfed stomach, feeling out every inch of his engorged girth. Will gasped with surprise at how good it felt to have someone else touch his oversensitive belly. He stopped eating and leaned back in his chair to enjoy the feeling of her hands. She spoke low and huskily in his ear as she rubbed.

"You're not done, are you?" she coaxed. "A big, strong man like you. Surely you haven't lost your appetite." Her words were both a compliment and a dare. In response, Will turned his head and kissed her passionately.

"I don't think it's possible to sate this hunger," he growled, kissing her again, hard. "But I can't stop trying." He turned back to his food and greedily scooped another huge forkful into his mouth.

She shivered and continued to stroke his belly, to feel out every corner of it, while he continued to eat. By the time he finished he was so swollen with food that the buttons on his shirt were pressing into his taut fat painfully. Maddy teased open the worst of them and watched as he moaned with pleasure and drew deep breaths to puff his belly out to fill the new space. He took her hands and guided them around his belly in a pattern that accentuated how big and round he'd become.

"Very, very well done," she cooed in his ear, nibbling on his neck. "But we still have dessert to go."

Will just added an assenting "mm hmm" to the quiet and sustained moaning he was already engaged in.

Maddy stood up to go back to the kitchen and Will caught one of her hands, kissed it, and let her go. He sank in and out of stupification as he lay back and waited for her to return, patting and rubbing his inflated and semi-exposed gut.

Maddy returned with the cheesecake and a knife, setting it in front of Will and moving her chair around beside him. Will opened his eyes and focused his intense gaze on her again. Impossibly, his heart stirred his appetite again.

She was flushed, with a fevered sparkle in her eye. She toyed with the low neck of her blouse, tracing her breasts absentmindedly and biting her lip as if barely holding something back. She didn't shrink under the intensity of his look, but rather seemed to flower under it.

After a moment of watching each other she said, "In all my years of being hounded and pursued by legions of men, this has to be the first time anyone has ever looked at me like that." She half smiled seductively.

"Like what?" he asked thickly.

"Like I was a delicacy to be devoured."

"You're more than a delicacy," Will managed with honesty he couldn't have found if he weren't drunk and cloyed with food. "You're a force of raw desire. I don't want to devour you; you make me want to devour life. I want you there to fuel my appetite, to lead me to heights of pleasure. I want you because you might be the one thing to truly satisfy me."

Maddy sat quietly another moment, then said, "That's a very good answer."

Without sitting up, Will reached for his fork and cut a wedge directly out of the whole, uncut cheesecake. It took some effort to get it all the way back to his waiting mouth, but it was worth it. The cake was fresh and the cream cheese melted in his mouth, sliding easily into his stomach. Will's belly ached, but that only heightened his pleasure.

He reached for another bite but Maddy stopped him and took his fork. She slid onto a corner of his chair and sat facing him, barely a foot away. She cut his next bite and fed it to him, rubbing his belly and kissing his cheek as he chewed.

Will was completely convinced that this was what heaven would be like, being fat, full, and fed by an impossibly sexy woman caressing your most sensitive parts. He allowed himself to be fed without a peep of protest, concentrating on the heat of her body next to him and the fullness of his belly.

He was running out of space, but couldn't bear to stop. He lazily tore at the remaining buttons on his shirt and exposed his bare flesh, big and round as a basketball. His breathing became short, and he panted under the pressure of his gut. Maddy hesitated with the next scoop of cake, but Will looked at her and whimpered a little, half groaning and half pleading, "No, let me finish, please."

Finish he did- the entire cake and some milk to wash it down. Will was done. His belly was swollen like never before, tight and shiny and smooth. He struggled to remain conscious in his chair and focused on Maddy instead, clear, at least, on what he wanted next.

Maddy read his desire in the flames of his eyes. She helped Will heave himself out of his chair and waddle to his bedroom, slightly hunched and supporting his huge belly with the hand that wasn't wrapped tightly around Maddy. She laid him down and peeled what remained of his clothes off as he rolled onto his side, slooshing, then laid down next to him. Will rolled up on top of her, supporting himself on all fours; his huge, distended stomach hanging between them. Maddy curled around him and drew his face down to hers, kissing him with all the pent up arousal she'd built up over the last few hours.

That night, for the first time in his life, Will's hunger was sated, his passions satisfied. He would not try to satisfy them alone ever again.
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Comments: 18

seismic17 [2016-10-11 03:00:59 +0000 UTC]

Simply beautiful.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Leopold002 [2014-11-08 17:27:43 +0000 UTC]

Strangely enough, I love the title.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Joltsgal [2014-03-13 18:08:05 +0000 UTC]

Now this is absolutely lovely! I love these two characters!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

gluttonousgut [2014-01-01 00:31:24 +0000 UTC]

Brillant. This is now my absolute favorite stuffing story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rachelduncan999 In reply to gluttonousgut [2014-01-08 04:18:29 +0000 UTC]

Really? Yay! It's one of my favourites too!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SailingTowardsCurves [2013-03-14 14:26:06 +0000 UTC]

A combination of lovely stuffing, great characterization with wonderfully intelligent characters, gardening AND ALSO poetry? Are you reading my mind or what? I love it when characters are well developed, and these two certainly seem so to me - the depth just adds to the rich flavour of the piece, and it makes me care about the two of them so much more.

Also - People are going to start wondering why I start spluttering on my tea whenever Neruda gets mentioned, due to this story, and I have NO problems with that. Great job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rachelduncan999 In reply to SailingTowardsCurves [2013-04-03 02:25:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! It's wonderful to know some people appreciate all the elements in my stories! Like the Neruda - heh, I'd apologise for "ruining" him in polite company, but I like to think this just adds depth to the appreciation on his work.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SailingTowardsCurves In reply to rachelduncan999 [2013-04-03 02:52:43 +0000 UTC]

He's ruined in the best of ways Honestly, the literary allusions in this story just made it even better for me; intelligence is utterly attractive, and then combine it with my baser inclinations? Sheer bliss :3

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

CosmicDebris [2012-11-07 08:54:13 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rachelduncan999 In reply to CosmicDebris [2012-11-07 22:40:04 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Your art is fantastic, btw! Really original - I'm impressed.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

built4com4t [2012-11-05 07:10:38 +0000 UTC]

brilliant. believable characters. and i love the way you paint pictures with words

too bad you stopped at the best part.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rachelduncan999 In reply to built4com4t [2012-11-07 22:40:49 +0000 UTC]

Ha ha! I know, right? I never know who my audience is, though... Don't want to write anything that would be icky to the wrong reader.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

built4com4t In reply to rachelduncan999 [2012-11-12 06:27:43 +0000 UTC]

well, they DO have warning labels on most things that make one feel good

i look forward to more of your work


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rachelduncan999 In reply to built4com4t [2012-11-12 21:17:30 +0000 UTC]

Ha! Well, don't worry, my latest story STARTS with the unwritten scene 2, goes back for scene 1, then on to a 2nd round of scene 2. Something for everyone... or maybe just me...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

built4com4t In reply to rachelduncan999 [2012-11-13 04:01:28 +0000 UTC]

i absolutely most definitely guarantee not just you.

if it will encourage you, consider me virtually holding my breath until you deliver


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bigbelliluva [2012-10-19 19:35:59 +0000 UTC]

This is simply excellent! I haven't read a story like this in a very long time! Marvelous detail, plot, and pacing! It left me wanting much more. And from a girl of a similar standpoint on men, this is an ideal scenario!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rachelduncan999 In reply to bigbelliluva [2012-10-19 20:25:26 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you enjoyed! We FFA's need to stick together.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bigbelliluva In reply to rachelduncan999 [2012-10-22 02:30:21 +0000 UTC]

For sure!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0