RADlOSlLENT — [c-i] this show is of my own making.

Published: 2018-04-18 01:01:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 2014; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 4
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[ kattan, junayd "jun" ]

❝ Y-You stay out of my way, I... and I'll stay out o-of yours. ❞

💣 profilename: Junayd Kattan                                height: 5'7" ft. / 170 cm.                                  voice actor: Richard  Harmon
aliases: Jun, army_of_one                          weight: 109 lb. / 49 kg.                                    mix: 💣  guess who's back, motherfucker.
sex/gender:  Cisgender Male 
age: 16 yrs. old                                   ethnicity: Egyptian-Dutch
d.o.b.: ♋ June 21st                                birthplace: Cape Town, South Africa
blood type: Type A-                                orientation: Homoromantic Homosexual

💣 eliminatorweapon of choice: Bombs
Junayd is a very skilled explosive's expert. He's been working with them for years now, surprisingly-- contrary to his age. What makes hims special is, rather than relying on factory-made military-grade explosives, Junayd makes his own bombs from home, packing twice the power. He has tons in his arsenal, ranging from firecrackers to large scale explosives to his very own, handcrafted EMP bombs. After all, his skills with these sorts of weapons are what had gotten him scouted in the first place.range forte: Medium 
scout location: Nakanojō, Gunma

squad: Shirose

strengths:▹ [ explosives fanboy ]Bombs are love, bombs are life. Junayd has been making explosives ever since he could move his hands, whether it be smaller science experiments, to full-power, serious explosives. He has years of experience, compared to the others in his school, and knows the ins and outs of creating these weapons. Junayd could create a whole arsenal of bombs in his sleep, with how well-versed he is in the business. He'll do whatever you tell him to, as long as you allow him to create and set off his own explosives. After all, for him, it's not work, it's play.
▹ [ cold, calculating ]Junayd's hobbies, such as bomb making and messing around with computers, often require things such as math and calculation. Good thing, Junayd is very good at things such as that. Chemistry, algebra, geometry-- you name it, as long as it involves numbers, Junayd can solve whatever problem is thrown at him. His world revolves around numbers.
▹ [ sleight of hand ]Junayd is very skilled with his hands. Of course, those hands are calloused, and missing a few fingers, but when Junayd is focused, those hands can go at speeds unknown to man. He has high levels of dexterity, and can use his skills for both typing and wiring together experiments and explosives, and... not so legal things. Not that bomb making was legal, in the first place. Junayd, while living relatively well-off, has always been a kleptomaniac. If he wants something, no matter what it is, Junayd will take it. Because of his trained dexterity, gained while putting things together, he's able to use sleight of hand with little to no one noticing. This comes in handy during stealth missions, or when he needs to grab something without anyone else noticing.weaknesses:▹ [ handicapped ]Junayd, throughout the course of his life, has suffered from many different injuries. Thanks to his hobby, he's lost hearing in one of his ears, which forces him to either wear a hearing aid, or not hear anything at all from that ear. Some of his fingers have been blown off by a bomb that had gone off prematurely. While, as said before, Junayd has gone through life working, even with his handicaps, it makes life a little bit harder.
▹ [ literal couch potato ]Junayd, before coming to Jidou Jinkou Shobun Gakuen, hadn't really done anything to maintain his fitness. In fact, he would rarely leave the house, unless forced to. Because of this, Junayd struggles keeping up with other people, when it comes to that of physical strength. The man can barely carry an office chair, let alone a bulky melee weapon, something similar to the ones his classmates love to carry around. While a bit better, he's not too great at keeping up with others when it comes to stamina, either. It's a huge struggle for the guy, and he'd rather enjoy situations in which he'd have to utilize the small amounts of physical fitness he possesses in his skinny, bean stock body.
▹ [ lack of social skills ]Junayd is not a suitable ambassador, in any means whatsoever. His ability to talk to his peers is terrible, and his ability to talk to strangers is nonexistent. Think of how he'd act if he was forced to talk to people he didn't like, or people and/or things that are out to kill him. Hypothetically speaking, if Junayd is forced to talk or bargain himself or others out of a situation, most likely, that scenario will go south really quick. You know, with this in mind, perhaps you should just leave him on bomb duty, and call it a day. If forced to talk to others, rather than staying in his comfort zone, there's a 99.9% chance of the situation turning explosive. He's great at blowing things up, not so much keeping things from blowing up. Sorry.
stats:[ a man, a bit explosive in nature ]                                
str.          ◆  ◇  ◇  ◇  ◇              [1]Junayd doesn't go outside. He doesn't exercise, he doesn't run-- and he barely even gets up to walk, unless it's to grab something to eat from the fridge. His strength has deteriorated over the years, thanks both to his terrible genes, as well as his inability to take care of his body.int.          ◆  ◆  ◆  ◆  ◆              [5]Well... Junayd didn't really have much to do, stuck inside like that. Explosives weren't the only thing he had dabbled into. With online schooling, he could take whatever courses he wished. If he had attended regular school before coming to JJSG, he most likely would have been a quadruple AP student-- especially with math. Junayd is quite good with formulas and calculations-- and even more so with language learning and literature, although it doesn't really interest him as much as numbers and measurements do.agi.          ◆  ◆  ◆  ◇  ◇              [3]Junayd is average, in this part. He can run and move at a good pace, which helps him keep up with his more athletically-talented classmates.end.          ◆  ◆  ◇  ◇  ◇              [2]Junayd's stamina, just like his strength, has deteriorated. However, he isn't lacking with his genetics. He has a natural endurance, it's just... been neglected, these past years.wpn.          ◆  ◆  ◆  ◆  ◆              [5]Bomb making is Junayd's only happiness in this world, at this point. He knows the complete ins and outs of both creating and using these sort of weapons, as it's really the only thing he does in his free time, besides watch anime and play video games. He's quite the explosives master, and is definitely the person you'd want to go to about these matters.stl.          ◆  ◆  ◆  ◆  ◇              [4]It really depends on the situation, however, Junayd prefers to set bombs in places when no one is looking, and set them off once he's at a far enough distance. With that tactic, Junayd has learned to be sneaky, so no one notices him as he stalks through the area he's about to light up.                                                                    
total. 20 stat points💣 personalpersonality:

[ XII. the hanged man ]                                               
chaotic neutral / intj / 8w7
melancholic / diligence / pride

✓ [ self-sufficient | intelligent | hardworking | determined | practical ]
[ stubborn | quiet | stoic | sarcastic ]
✗ [ distrustful | paranoid | irreverent | arrogant | distant ]

        Junayd is quite the hermit. 

        Having lived most of his life relatively alone, with barely anyone around that he could rely on, he's learned to be self-sufficient. This includes being able to support himself financially, emotionally, and physically-- being able to keep a job, feed himself, and keep himself in check.  After all, he wouldn't want to rely on others. He doesn't trust anyone, knowing that anyone in his life could simply disappear, whenever they fancied. Because of this distrust, Jun is very hardworking, as he always has to rely on himself. In that sense, he finds life is easier when he's the only one he has to care about. Jun has also learned to be practical. There's no time to keep your head in the clouds, not for Jun. This idea of being self-reliant, about how the only person that truly matters to him is himself, has been drilled into his head. This idea has cemented into the way he thinks, and because of this, he's grown distant from other people. And he has no intention on getting any closer than he is right now. 

        Not with anyone, not even family. 

        Not that anyone would notice him in the first place. He's very quiet. Often when around people, he remains stoic, not showing any emotion, besides, most likely, disdain or haughtiness. Junayd, when disapproving of someone else's actions, or looking down on someone, can't help but let out a few sarcastic quips, all of which not in the person's favor. While this irreverence often gets him in trouble, no matter what, he treats everyone the same way, as he sees them all the same. In this sense, he's quite stubborn in his nature. No one can convince him of anything-- as he doesn't listen to anyone else. 

        On the other hand, while, as you could tell, he's very... special, in a way, Junayd does have his intelligence. He's very good at calculating things, as well as puzzles, both physical and mental. His stubbornness turns into determination when focusing on something he enjoys, such as solving puzzles, escape rooms, video games, coding, and, of course, making bombs. He's very diligent, in this sense. Junayd, alone, in an environment where no one can bother him, he goes into a trance. When focused, he can finish weeks worth of anything he desires, whether it be making explosives or finishing up games. His "work" being diligent at all really depends on his mood.

        Of course, with this intelligence, comes arrogance. Junayd, as mentioned before, doesn't usually like to hang around anyone for too long. Because of this, and because of his underexposure to other people, Junayd has come to the conclusion that he's better than anyone he comes across. They're just not aware of it. Junayd is also the type of person to believe in things like conspiracy theories. After all, his constant surfing of the web and its depths, as well as his endless thirst for knowledge, all come with a consequence. Because of his beliefs, Junayd is very paranoid. Whether it be due to superstition, for things like bad luck, or a government conspiracy theory that stops him from drinking or eating different types of food.

        Junayd's personality is, in general, a double-edged sword. His strengths become weaknesses, when heightened to a certain degree.

hobbies:▹ [ rhythm games ]Junayd, online, is known as army_of_one. He is a very avid user on Osu! It's something he does to pass time, and, over the years, has gotten very good at the rhythm game. He plays competitively online, although he can't go to in-person tournaments around the world.

While he's very good at Osu!, his real passion is Love Live! He plays this on his mobile devices whenever he's out, and has isnce then, become obsessed with it. This has spiraled into him getting into the entire franchise, namely the anime. He doesn't let anyone see, but he owns thousands of dollars worth of Love Live! merchandise. One of the idols can be seen more frequently than the others, though...▹ [ internet browsing ]Junayd Kattan, or rather, army_of_one, is a very popular man online. He's known well among Osu! and Love Live! fans among the world, as he plays competitively online, and has gained quite the traction in the community, and has made a close-knit circle of friends. On the more sketchy side, he's also an avid user of forums and communities revolving around... more dangerous things. Bombs, being one of them. He's well known for his homemade, potent recipes for them, as well as being a very big explosives salesman, to those who are willing to pay the price.

Of course, all of his popularity ends in the online world. Junayd doesn't really bother going outside.▹ [ bomb making ]You really have to wonder how this guy knows explosives so well. Of course, before he had ended up here, it was a simple hobby. He creates bombs like a child would create papier-mâché art. It's simply what he does to keep his hands busy. He had gotten these explosive recipes off of less than accountable sites, hidden in the depths of the internet. Junayd isn't innocent, either-- as said before, he's sold his products and released the recipes a lot more than once. However, more often than not, Junayd uses his skills for stupid things, such as firecrackers, or "science" experiments. In a shining example of one of his scientific inquiries, Junayd once detonated a bomb inside of a pickle jar, just to see how far the remains would land in his kitchen. The young man, obviously, uses his intelligence for the good of this world, as seen by his portfolio.
likes:✓ Rainy and snowy days
✓ Soundproof accessories (to protect his ears)
✓ Puzzles and fidget toys
✓ Action and suspense movies
✓ Anime and Mangadislikes:✗ Hot weather
✗ The wilderness and countryside
✗ Clingy people
✗ Pricking/burning his finger while doing work
✗ Chatterboxes, people talking

[ L O C K E D ]

❝ D-Don't. ❞

💣 extralanguages:▹ [ afrikaans ]
↳ Native; 100% mastery.
Junayd's mother tongue is Afrikaans, as it had been the first language he had been taught by his mother. It's a commonly used language from where he's from, and he's used to speaking in it, of course. He often writes in this language, as it's the one he's most comfortable with.▹ [ english ]
↳ Fluent; 95% mastery.
Junayd has been learning English ever since he was a child. It's a common language from where he's from, as well as, you know, the world. His mother had made an effort to teach him this language as a child.▹ [ south african sign language ]
↳ Fluent; 90% mastery.
After Junayd had suffered the accident and lost his hearing in his one of his ears, he originally had a bit of trouble understanding others without straining to hear them. So, he had taken up learning sign language. While he had managed to get a hand of a hearing aid, he still uses sign language when talking to others who are also deaf.▹ [ japanese ]
↳ Proficient; 65% mastery.
Junayd has already learned some Japanese for things like anime, games, and forums. Not something he'd like to admit, but it did give him a head start for when he moved to Japan with his father. Since then, he's been learning to speak and write, at least to the point where he could survive in Japan without needing a translator.▹ [ japanese sign language ]
↳ Learning; 20% mastery.
Junayd has, since arriving, has been trying to learn the land's sign language. It's been a bit hard, as he tends to lean back toward SASL, however, he's very determined in learning it.▹ [ arabic ]
↳ Learning; 5% mastery.
Junayd's mother had tried his best to teach her son Arabic, his father's native language. However, he didn't take to it, and since then, his mother had given up teaching him. Only some words and phrases linger in Junayd's head.
trivia:▹ Junayd has a stutter, something he's been dealing with since childhood.
▹ Junayd always has a handheld puzzle or a fidget/stim toy on him, just to keep his hands busy. He feels odd when he's doing something with his hands. For this reason, Junayd almost always has his Rubik's Cube with him.
▹ Junayd knows first aid. However, he's mostly only used this skill on his own wounds, often caused by accidentally cutting himself, as well as injuries from the bombs he makes.
▹ Junayd is half-deaf in one ear, after an accident with one of his bombs. However, he's since then learned to protect his ears. (He still has a hearing aid, though.)
▹ Junayd is missing fingers on one of his hands. On that hand, he's missing his pinky finger, and the top half of his ring finger. He has many cuts and burns on all of his arms.
▹ Junayd's teal and purple hair is dyed. He's naturally blonde.
▹ Junayd's favorite Love Live! idol is Kotori.
💣 rp info name: rads / akira
timezone: PST -08:00
status/availability:i'm open 24/7.
i'm usually online on weekdays, 3pm to 9pm. on weekdays, i'm free whenever i'm awake, unless said otherwise.methods:▹ discord (preferred): msg me for my discord!
▹ docs: just give me a heads up through notes, or something.
▹ notes: literally just note me.open to shipping: yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiiii. if you wanna ship, we gotta work out their relationship first, though.
style:▹ headcanon (preferred): i can respond super quick when we're just fucking around.
▹ lit: it takes me a bit longer, and i might forget to respond after a while. just remind me, if you want to rp lit.
▹ script: i haven't rp'd in script for years, but you know what, hit me up.

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Comments: 3

Tacticatty [2018-04-18 17:03:15 +0000 UTC]

yanks on his nose/ear chains

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RADlOSlLENT In reply to Tacticatty [2018-04-18 18:41:08 +0000 UTC]

he blows up like a grenade. you die

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tacticatty In reply to RADlOSlLENT [2018-04-18 20:25:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0