Raikun — RA Origional Character : COOKIE!

Published: 2012-02-11 22:42:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 3475; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 16
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Description My entry for the super awesome EPIC CONTEST 03. [link]
If you aren’t addicted to Romantically Apocalyptic yet you really oughtta.
Because I really can't draw worth a damn (or color for that matter) please see below for a better grasp on this character.

Cookie :
Height: 5ft 4in
Weight: 161lbs (sans clothing and cookwear)
Hair: black – mid back – straight.

Practical, a disposition similar to Snippy, and a big fan of ‘flight’ as opposed to ‘fight’. Has a No-Bull attitude and a tough exterior, but deep down inside she has a soft spot for her comrades… if only because she knows they’ll probably get themselves killed and they’re bad enough to deal with living, forget unliving. She can make just about anything edible… just don’t ask her what’s in it. She’s also gotten about as good at piecing ‘survivors’ together as Demo is at blowing them up. Her favorite medium is Duct Tape, though don’t discount her handiness with a stapler! She’s pretty short, maybe five foot, and sounds very young, but she’s actually in her late 20s. Don’t tell her to make you a sandwich… you’ll get one... in the face.

Mask : [link]
Glasses : [link]
Shirt: Black dance leotard with a sequined pattern on the right shoulder, and a turtle neck style top.
Jacket : [link]
Shoes : [link]

Demo's outfit : [link]

Behind the Minion: My friends and I have been doing an ongoing ‘RA RP’ (pronounced Rawrp) that takes place ‘just south’ of the major city in which Zee Captain and his minions live. Deborah ‘Cookie’ Trivantovitch was created by the RARP and must be good because she’s one of two OCs that the GM hasn’t killed off yet. LOL. While all my comrades went with the ‘hermetically sealed’ look I gave Cookie a bit of an organic feel because I’m a big fan of ‘motion’ and thus her hair is exposed so it can move with/around with her.

Entry 18
I’m not sure why I’m keeping a diary if all I’m surviving on right now is paper, but I suppose it’s one more step towards remaining sane. I probably could have raided the casino a little better before I torched it, but the ‘survivors’ were getting on my last nerve. I scored a nice coat though, the lining was pretty burnt up but the shell is intact, aint shit getting through this thing. No more cardigans for me! I’m still headed north, I hear there’s survivors up there, maybe these ‘survivors’ will at least speak the language. I don’t know what ‘Ni Hao’ means but I’m pretty sure it’s something about the fidelity of my mother.

Entry 21
Having accidently eaten entries 19 and 20 let me recap. I found… something. It’s about the right shape and size to be a kid, but I couldn’t tell you if it’s even human. It’s not a zombie, it’s moving way too gracefully, well if you want to call running into a support beam and knocking itself out graceful. It’s burnt all to hell though. I keep telling myself ‘I shouldn’t stop, I don’t need another mouth to feed’ but it’s so small and… unconscious. I raided the store I found it in, looks like someone was here before me though, the only thing left is the lima beans. In case this thing eats my liver while I’m sleeping I will my stuff to whomever finds it, and watch out for the liver eating child.

Entry 22
Well, I still have a liver. A sense of pride on the other hand I’m currently lacking. The thing is in-fact a kid, and a demolitions expert it appears. I shat myself as I was awoken by the damn thing blowing up the cans of lima beans I was considering eating, they’d beat the fuck out of eating paper at any rate. My jacket took most of the shrapnel, but the kido got pretty cut up. It has this weird pink thing it clings to, and keeps asking “Will you be my BFF?” and “Text me?”. It doesn’t seem to understand me either, what I would give for someone who at least knew what “Hello” and “how are you” meant. Anyway, I got most of the cans out of their body, though they were none too pleased, and it keeps picking at the duct tape. Obviously I can’t leave it behind.

Entry 25
It can make mushrooms explode. I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but it set off a whole row of them in the underground today like they were a row of firecrackers. I think I’ve experienced the full spectrum of its vocabulary, which stems from that thing it carries around. It’s an old toy phone, press a button and some bimbo begs your friendship. I managed to find it some clothing, though it’s way too big for it. I’m going to go with ‘her’ actually, I didn’t see anything ‘down there’ while it was changing, not that I’m that type of person but… oh whatever.

Entry 26
Been a month since my last entry. I’d stop to write more often but the kid keeps blowing up survivors, which kind of pisses off their tribes and they tend to chase us out of their warrens and nests before I get a chance to write. We’re on the freeway though, on our own, so I ought to be alright for a little bit. I Tailored the clothing to the girl a little more, though I’m running out of staples, and if she walks past any magnets she’s fucked. I’m calling her ‘demo’ because she’s demolished every shelter we’ve taken. Though I’m not sure how, I’m dead certain I don’t want to find out. I snagged a rat for dinner and she turned the ribcage into a bouncing grenade that got five more rats. I kinda like this kid. Yep, I’m going to call her Demo.

Entry 27
I’m not sure I wanna move north anymore. We’re coming up on where I remember the city being, but there’s weird shit all over the place, and by weird shit I mean explosions of massive proportions that I don’t believe are the work of Demo, glowing red skeletons moving in the same direction, and a bunch of empty survivor warrens that seem to have just been abandoned. Don’t get me wrong, thanks for the fresh coffee, but where the hell did all of these people go?

Entry 28
Oh shit. Oh shit. I’m sorry I ever asked. I’m sorry I ever decided to head north. There is a giant wad of… death… hovering about 50 feet above Demo and I right now. I’m not sure but I think it just ate two guys. Oh shit… where the fuck is Demo?!

She looked around wildly, the light reflecting urgent oranges and yellows off her sun glasses, her breaths being laboriously drawn through her respiratory mask, she never did handle stress well. She spotted the reflective tape of the fireman’s suit about twenty yards behind her, squarely under the ass end of the giant wad of skeletons and death suspended on needle thin legs of blood and goop. She thought to call out to the child, but the last two guys that the blob had become aware of had been eaten by it, and she opted to just run after the little girl instead. She was stooped over what looked to be a pipe working on something intently, and as Cookie realized just what it was she almost fell forwards in an attempt to throw herself back into the old parking garage she’d left her diary under, having dropped it there. She scrambled, her legs pin wheeling in the dust, to get clear of the giant red monster, swearing under her breath as she finally got traction and beat it under the old car port. She covered her ears as she threw her back against the wall expecting an explosion of massive proportions, but nothing happened. She peered around the corner just in time to see Demo skipping right towards her. The girl pulled on the sleeve of her jacket, pulling her back into the safety of the garage. There was a small ‘thubbb’ sound, and Cookie looked down at her, somewhat disappointed in the child that had to somehow managed to demolish everyone or everything that had previously afforded them shelter over the course of the last two months.
“Is that it?”
“ :/ “ The girl replied, and Cookie sighed, facepalming, about to say something as there was an earthshaking explosion that knocked dust and debris out of the ceiling. Cookie looked up just in time to see the giant mass of vore explode in all directions, ejecting it’s two captives dozens of feet away before it fell to the ground in giant spatter pieces. The structural integrity of the garage gave and they ended up diving out into the gory streets, running for all their lives were worth with Cookie in the lead, and Demo skipping along afterwards.

“Text me!” Snippy was sure he was hearing things, sure he was dead. “Text me!” When you were dead you didn’t feel pain, he was sure, and he was in a great deal of it all of the sudden as all of his nerve endings finally began reporting damage to his brain simultaneously.
“Demo, he’s sleeping.” It was another voice, a little older and more stern than the first, and Snippys heart fluttered at the prospect of meeting another human being, one that wasn’t demented, not that he was in any position to be choosy.
“I can’t talk, I’m driving.” The other party sighed, and a sudden poke at the gaping hole he remembered being in his stomach made him flinch and groan.
“Oh hey.” The second voice said. “You’re not dead. Good.” Snippy opened his eyes laboriously to see a raven haired something or other obscuring his view of what he assumed was 'up'.
“What – the – hell happened to me?” He groaned, aware now that he was on his back on something hard, staring up at the sky as the figure retreated from his vision. “Where’s captain?!” Horror dawned on him as he remembered, finally, just what had happened to him. His mind coming back from the off-air ringing that seemed to still be echoing through his cranium. He was strangling Pilot, and then it all went fuzzy.
“Um… Considering you only have half a torso I’d lay still if I were you.” The voice said matter of factly as he tried to push himself up on one arm. As he gazed down at his chest he saw a liberal amount of duct tape there, apparently holding his right leg together with the aid of a stick as well.
“How did I not die?” He shook his head to clear it, sitting up fully.
“You’re short about a quarter mile of intestine, but I think I stapled the rest together the right way.” He groaned again. Why was he plagued with psychotics like this? Why him? Why couldn’t he have just… was that bacon?
“Is that bacon?”
“No, but it sure cooks like it.” She lifted the spatula on which the sausage looking meats were cooking and offered him one of the tendrils. It was delicious, fatty, everything bacon would be if it weren’t served in flat little strips.
“What is this?” He demanded, chewing the slightly rubbery mouth-bliss.
“I dunno, I tweezed it from your friends brain.” She nodded to a lump of leather and Snippy quickly spit the seared to perfection deathwad tendril clear over the small fire. She shrugged and offered one to her small companion, ‘Demo’ she’d called it.
“I hope Ken picks up!”
“Thank you Demo, say Thank you.”
“Text me?”
“Thaaannnkkk Yoooouuu.”

“Damnit child.” She surrendered, facepalming with the hand that wasn’t holding the spatula. She sat down and crossed her legs carefully. “I will eventually get the English language out of you.”
“Is Pilot …” Snippy was looking over at his long time comrade who was curled up on his side, not moving.
“Dead? No. Mental? Yeah.” She popped some of the deathwad bacon into her own mouth and chewed on it thoughtfully, shrugging. “Well, it’s not good, but it’s not paper.”
“Who the hell ARE you?”
“Cookie.” She said after swallowing. “And this is Demo. She’s the one that saved your ass, I’m just the one who taped it back together.” Pilot looked at the child, blinking in disbelief, rubbing his goggles to clear them.
“Mhmm. She only speaks in text faces and she parrots her cellphone thingy.” Snippys heart skipped a beat. “It’s just a toy.” She added, watching the wounded minion closely through her glasses. “Don’t get any stupid ideas about her. She’s a demolition expert, EXPERT, and if you do anything she’ll turn your ribcage into a bouncing betty.”
“ Lets go to the mall!” The child cheered enthusiastically. “I hope ken picks up.”
“Anyway. Two pieces left. You sure you don’t want one? It might as well be bacon, I think I saw a pig skeleton in there somewhere.”
“Uh. What the hell. Might as well.” He chowed down on the last bit offered to him, swallowing resolutely. His mind wandered back along the lines of his past and he found himself looking at his hands as though they were now capable of doing something they couldn't before. He glanced over at his savior and curiosity struck “Hey… how did you get away from Annet?”
“I’m dyslexic.” She shrugged. “The net couldn’t interface with my brain because of the way my mind clashed with the system so they just dumped me on the side of the information highway. Not that it didn’t work out for me, I’m alive now, they’re not.” Snippy blinked, had that been his problem too? He rested his head in his hands until it hurt his stomach, then he laid back down.
“That was pretty good.”

RECONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES ACTIVE. The pile of goo that had been left at the corners of 4th and Holland twitched mightily once and was still again for a moment. REPORTING THAT 15% IS DAMAGED BEYOND REPAIR AND .06% ARE MISSING. PRIORITY… RECONSTRUCTION. Skeletal parts began moving through the river of red, conglomerating slowly to once again form the giant, mobile, maw of death and destruction. It was a slow process, but it had all the time in the world, and then some. RECONSTRUCTION ACHEVED, COMMENSING .06% LOST DATA RECOVERY. It stood, carefully, wobbly at first, leaning against the near-crumbling structures surrounding it. They could have sent a smaller, more effective model down instead of the Cancer, but this was war, Zee Captain had done far too much damage, and had disabled the Cancer unit for far too long. They suspected there was interference from a third… or fourth party as the projectile had entered the unit from the rear, but they didn’t have optic sensors back there at the time, all power had been devoted to trying to unscramble the mind of the second acquisition. Acclimation to the system was never easy and though there was damage done to the seconds subjects mind it appeared as though the vast majority of it was done prior to acquisition. It’s long term memory had been severely altered, only vague wisps of corrupted data remained and offered no insight into their being before the series of explosions that had drawn the Invaders Union to this quaint little planet. It wasn’t just an explosion though, explosions were common place, as civilizations grew to intelligence and warred within themselves. No, this one was different, an explosion of dying scream of millions echoing through the known universe, ricocheting off planets and their satellites, agitating suns into a magnetic frenzy and spewing out the other side of black holes condensed to near-solid state. Something very, very powerful had died, and if they could find even the smallest bit of the husk of it’s existence they could replicate and perfect it. The galactic slugfest that had ensued after that to be the one to claim the planet was extraordinary, entire sentient species were subject to genocidal purges, planets were destroyed with out discrimination if they were thought to have even a slight technological advantage over the Invaders Union. That’s how they’d come to be here, on this planet, and now that one insect was in their way of recovering the ‘dying scream’. Captain.
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