rainadoodles — tRE // Snaketongue // ShadowClan Warrior //

Published: 2014-09-20 19:32:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 2033; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Updates: 5/7/15 ;; Updated to the new app sheet with some minor changes from his original design
Disclaimers: History includes serious abuse


Current Name: Snaketongue
   Prefix: Snake : named for his father's obsession with snakes
   Suffix: tongue : named for his forked snake tongue
Previous Names: Ghostkit - Ghostpaw - Snaketongue
Nicknames: Snake, Loser, Trash, Broody Baby
Gender: Tom - Male.
Age: around 30+ moons - 2 years & 6 months
   Birth Season: Leafbare - Winter
Clan: ShadowClan
    Bloodline: Full-blooded ShadowClan
    Rank: Warrior

Mentor: Blackmarsh (deceased)
Current Apprentice: Magpiepaw
Past Apprentice[s]: None.

|| Physical Information ||

Breed: Lol some kind of egyptian plus european mix oops || Sphynx - 70% | Abyssinian - 15% | Norwegian Forest Cat - 15%
Body Type: Tall and lanky - As he is mostly Sphynx and Abyssinian, Snaketongue is fairly thin and tall, without much muscle. He gains his color and slight amount of strength from the Norwegian Forest Cat side of him. 
   Scars: Snaketongue has acquired many scars over his lifetime, and doesn't like too look back on them very often. The notable ones go as follows : 
            ● His right eye - One that he received from his father for trying to attack him once. Never again would Snaketongue try to fight his father.
            ● His tongue - The first scar he ever got from his father, who was obsessed with snakes. He sliced his tongue down the middle so it would resemble the forked tongues snakes have.
            ● His chest - His father disliked the white patches that plague his son's body, and the white patch across his chest was his least favorite. 
            ● His stomach - Snaketongue received this when his father complained of him being skinny and weak, so he showed him that unless he gained some muscle, he would scar his stomach. Unfortunately, Snaketongue's body type did not allow him to.
            ● His haunches - Received in the final battle against his father.

Fur Description: Soft and Smooth - Snaketongue's fur is nice and soft in the places the scars don't mar, and it's rather smooth and silky, with a little oil to keep it that way, especially his hair fluff, which is slicked down.
Eyes: A dark and dull green - Some say Snaketongue's eyes used to be bright and full of life, but that was before he received his own father as his mentor.
Scent: A little musty with a twist of pine - From living in the marshes amongst ShadowClan, this male's pelt is often damp with a slight musty smell to it, but the forest pitches in by giving a little hint of pine smell.

Voice: Raspy and Proper sounding
   Example: --- (voice resembles scar)

|| Stats ||

[out of 25]
Strength: ●●○○○○○○○○
Attack: ●●●●●○○○○○
Speed: ●●●●●●●○○○
Endurance: ●●●○○○○○○○
Tactics: ●●●●●●●●○○

Swimming: ●●●●○○○○○○
Jumping: ●●●●●●●○○○
Climbing: ●●●●○○○○○○
Stealth: ●●●●●●●○○○
Herbal Knowledge: ●●○○○○○○○○
Kitting Knowledge: ●○○○○○○○○○

|| Personality ||

[ Clever + Intelligent | Meticulous + Proper | Vengeful + Unforgiving | Insecure + Broody | Selfless + Passionate | Solitary + Distrustful | Trait + Subtrait ]

[ Clever + Intelligent ] "I'm surrounded by idiots."
[ synonyms : knowledgeable | skilled | resourceful | witty ]

Snaketongue's childhood was horrible, but despite that he was still taught a lot of valuable information, as well as being able to learn how to do things and teaching himself to be better than his peers. His intelligence was often questioned by others, but he secretly tried to teach himself how to fight and defend and learn advanced tactics from warriors who felt sorry for him. Snaketongue knows how to get himself out of a tricky situation by using his cleverness and intelligence to find something that can help him get away. He's rather resourceful, being able to use his surroundings to his advantage. Many things have held him back in his lifetime, but this tom knows how to use his wit and knowledge during situations that might cause him to be harmed.  

[ Meticulous + Proper ] "I have to do it correctly!"
[ synonyms : fussy | strict | accurate | cautious ]

This tom is certainly fussy if nothing else. He refuses for things to go unfinished and he absolutely has to make it perfect. He tries to be extremely proper and cautious as well, knowing that if he isn't, things can go very wrong. Snaketongue dislikes people who are too laid back and tries to be extremely strict with people who want his advice, and he was extremely strict and adamant about everything his apprentice did when he taught him everything about being a warrior. Things that aren't absolutely perfect drive Snaketongue mad, and this causes him to be very adamant about his looks as well as his body and his fighting techniques. He often gets very down on himself because of his need to be perfect and his absolute imperfections.  

[ Vengeful + Unforgiving ] "Once you cross me, you won't last long."
[ synonyms : vindictive | hostile | spiteful | relentless ]

His childhood has caused him to be extremely vengeful and spiteful, and if anyone ever causes him pain or insults him, he'll get his way. Although, not many people mess with him considering most know that he is extremely hostile towards people who cross him, and he is relentless in his quest for revenge. He was taught by his father that no one should ever be able to cause you pain without getting theirs too. An eye for an eye was his way of teaching, which is clear in the amount of scars that Snaketongue has for his rebellious nature as well as his submissiveness. Never be submissive but never talk back to your superior. That was his motto. Although he tries to keep his anger under control as to not cause trouble, if you test his patience he will fight back. 

[ Insecure + Broody ] "I'm just a monster."
[ synonyms : hesitant | anxious | pessimistic | downhearted ]

Two words that sum up Snaketongue's existence would most definitely be insecure and broody. It is a rare occasion on which anyone would see the tom smile, and even more rare if he is smiling about something he did. He hates himself almost as much as he hates his dead father, and thinks badly of himself often. It is also known that he has thought of suicide and has made attempts on his life before. Sometimes he thinks it is best he dies so the world may be rid of his flaws. He doesn't think he will ever truly amount to anything and he believes he has no purpose in the world. He is angry often and thinks deeply about his life and the lives of others. The tom dislikes talking of himself or his past and would give anything to be born again as someone else. 

[ Selfless + Passionate ] "I'd rather die for my clan than sit around and do nothing."
[ synonyms : self-sacrificing | devoted | fiery | vehement ]

This tom's lack of lust for life causes him to be extremely selfless as well as passionate about his clan. He has always put more effort into helping the clan than helping himself, and would rather see the clan succeed than himself. He sees himself as nothing more than a piece of the machine and would stop at nothing to protect his clan. Snaketongue is almost always outside camp hunting or doing solitary border patrols to help out the clan, and will always obey any orders he is given. He is extremely devoted to his clan and if anyone should say anything bad about it, he would likely go over it in his head but will almost always side with the clan. The tom isn't blindly loyal to ShadowClan, but will not likely turn his back to them. 

[ Solitary + Distrustful ] "Please leave me alone."
[ synonyms : aloof | antisocial | suspicious | cautious ]

Because of his past and the way most cats treat him, Snaketongue is a cat of solitary and distrusting nature. He prefers to keep to himself as he has had no friends in his childhood. Most of the other kits and apprentices stayed away from him because of his father's strict rules and how he came back to camp bruised and bloodied. As more scars started to form, more and more cats avoided him, and soon enough Snaketongue started to avoid them. He isn't a social butterfly or a popular cat amongst the clan, and he understands that. The tom doesn't mind being alone anymore, and often takes walks alone to clear his head. He is also very distrusting of others and wouldn't trust anyone with his life except for the medicine cat. 

[ Trait + Subtrait ] "Quote"
[ synonyms : word | word | word | word ]

info (to be added as his personality develops)

[ Overall ]

Good traits:
- Selfless
- Passionate
- Meticulous
- Proper
- Intelligent
- Clever

Neutral traits:
- Solitary
- Broody
- Distrustful

Bad traits:
- Vengeful
- Insecure
- Unforgiving

| Family |

Mother: Smallflower - A small she-cat with a thin, grey colored pelt and yellow eyes.
Father: Blackmarsh - A large, bulky tom with a pure black pelt and dark green eyes.

Siblings: Darkkit - A fairly large tomkit with a smokey black and grey mixed pelt and yellow eyes.

Uncles (mom side):  Creamfur - A thin tomcat with a purely white pelt and yellow eyes.
Aunts (mom side): None

Uncles (dad side): Dogtooth - A huge, masculine tom with a short brown pelt and brown eyes.
Raincloud - A smoky black and grey tom with striking yellow eyes.
Burlfoot - A white and black ticked tom with huge paws and green eyes.
Aunts (dad side): None

Cousins (mom side): None

Cousins (dad side): None

Grandmother (mom side): Yellowstare - A delicate, pure white she-cat with bright yellow eyes.
Grandfather (mom side): Greyfur - A purely grey tom with hazel eyes.

Grandmother (dad side): Ratfang - A fairly masculine she-cat with a black and white pelt with long teeth and brown eyes.
Grandfather (dad side): Bearstep - A huge tomcat with a long brown pelt and bright green eyes.

Mate: None.
Past Mate: None.
Kits: None

| Sexual Orientation |

Mate: Open ; "I'm sure I'd be absolutely delighted to meet you."
S.O.: Homosexual ; "I prefer toms."
Activity: Non-Virgin ; "Uh...What are you talking about? I've never had relations with anyone before."

● Ginger or White pelts
● Someone who knows what they want
● Someone who is dominant
● Blue or Green eyes
● Someone who ignores his marred appearance 
● Someone who will treat him with kindness and respect

● Someone who is too aggressive 
● Someone who is repulsed by his scars
● Someone who treats him as less than them

copperstar + snaketongue = 4ever

| History |

Snaketongue's History

| Relationships |

 = Family
 = Respect  = Admire
 = Acquaintance  = Friend
 = Good friend  = Best friend
 = Crush  = (forming) Love  = Mate
 = Uncertainty  = Uneasiness.
 = Discomfort/Dislike  = Hate
 Irritated/Annoyed by = Jealous of
 = Fear

X = No longer feels this way.

strike'd = Dead.

[ Bullets ] [ Name w/ Ref ] [ Roleplayer ] [ Thoughts ]

[ RiverClan ]

Carpstar  | indesomniac  | "Although Carpstar seems uneasy around Copperstar and the whole of ShadowClan, I respect his ability to lead his Clan."

[ ThunderClan ]

 | Puddlestar  | twiiley  | "I suppose Puddlestar is alright. I mean, Copperstar and him are getting along? I think."

[ SkyClan ]

 | Owlstar  | Biirdi  | "SkyClan has never been a strong Clan. Same with Owlstar. However, I'm unsure if she can prove herself."

[ WindClan ]

 | Splitstar  | SophSouffle  | "Splitstar is just strange. And weird. And I just don't like him."

[ ShadowClan ]

 | Copperstar  | candysprites  | "I enjoy being around Copperstar. He's like me in a lot of ways and I really have no issues with him."

[ Non-Clan ]


[ StarClan / Dark-Forest ]

 | Blackmarsh // ShadowClan // Dark Forest | NPC | "You are not my father. You don't deserve to be. I'm proud of myself for what I did, and I'm glad you are dead."

 | Smallflower // ShadowClan // StarClan | NPC | "I wish you were strong enough to stand up to father. But you tried. And I love you for that. I hope you find peace in death as I often wish I could."

| Extra Information |
● Refuses to look at his reflection
● Loves being near rushing water
● Had a fling with the warrior Scarletpool of RiverClan, but after a night together, the two realized they were both gay. They're still friends.
● Hates the sound of scraping claws
● Theme Song: Adam's Song by Blink 182
● Favorites :
    Prey: Crow
    Season: Leafbare
    Time of Day: Moonhigh
    Colour: Green
    Scent: Clean water
    Place: Anywhere in the territory but the camp
    Activity: Fighting

| Likes |
● Fighting
● Swimming
● Running
● Watching water (such as a rushing stream)
● Being looked up to
● Toms
● Cats who are kind to him

| Dislikes |
● Cats who think they're superior to him
● Fire
● His father
● Things that aren't perfect
● Himself
● The Thunderpath

| Fears |
● His father
● Dying alone
● Being burned alive
● Losing those he holds dear

| Roleplay Example |

Snowpaw | ParadiseClan (not on dA) ]

The silence was heavy after he had spoken his true feelings to the she~cat he wanted to stay with his whole life, and the tension was so intense. It all rested on the female Snowpaw. Her words would either break his fragile heart and shatter the silence into millions of tiny pieces, or they could mend his invisible scars, and they could break the silence softly with words of light and sweetness. Suddenly the silence was broken, but when he heard what she had to say, he could hear only the healing of his scars, and the feeling of utter and truthful love and joy. He never wanted to leave her side, and he nearly cried happy tears at the fact that she would never leave his. Oh he just wanted to stay in this moment forever. He knew of the dark days to come as they always did, but he knew of the happiness and joy that would come after this moment in time. Time... Such a beautiful thing. It was constantly being written, like a never ending novel that cats could either cherish and love, or hate and destroy. Many books of the past were burned by those who it hurt, and many books of the future were to be written. But the female Snowpaw... She had started a new book with him. Their own book. A book that their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren would look upon the first page and say: 'This was where it started. Our true beginning.' and they would forever cherish the moment where two Snowpaws; a male and a female, became the truest of lovers. Where their feelings for each other were left to fly through the air with words of peace and romance. Life was so much like a rose. When it is born, it shuts itself from the world and hides its beauty, but as it progresses in its life cycle, it becomes such a beautiful and elegant thing. And though it is such a beautiful and elegant thing, hidden underneath the flower is a torrent of thorns. Thorns that reveal themselves during its life, and they stab you. They hurt you. They make you feel like nothing good will ever come. But then you look to the flower again and think: 'Life is a beautiful and elegant thing, but you must be careful for the thorns that it hides underneath its welcoming flower.' You think of it, and you think of it, and some people never see the flower above the thorns. They become trapped with the thorns, and they live their whole life in despair. They never know how beautiful life can be. But then the flower dies like all things do, and that is when life ends for a creature. They have either seen the flower and the thorns, or they have only seen the thorns. So, life is like a rose; It hides itself from the world when it first begins its life, but then it blossoms into a beautiful flower, with thorns hidden beneath it. Then it dies, like all things do, and that's when you do too. That would be their flower. First thing tomorrow in the morning, Snowpaw would bring his one and only a rose, and he would tell her what it meant to him. He would tell her that life was like a rose. He would tell her that things would get better, and that a person's life could too. He would be her one and only, and he would protect her from the thorns that dared show their ugly heads. "And Snowpaw... I might be taking this too fast, but... I need to tell you something else as well. Something that we will never forget for all our lives. Something that will mean the world to me and you later on. You are my one and only Snowpaw, and I will protect you from the dark times that will come later on. I will love you with all of my heart, even when it stops beating to the song of my life. I will be your knight in shining armor, and I will slay all dragons that dare try to hurt you. I only hope... That I can be your one and only. Snowpaw... May I be your one and only?" he mewed. Oh this tomcat really knew how to make a cat happy. He knew how to pull on their heartstrings, and he knew how to mend their broken hearts. But the one she~cat that he would always stand by, well, that would be his one and only, Snowpaw. Nothing would keep him from protecting her till the end of time, and he wanted to spend his life with her. He would stand by her side even after his heart stopped in his chest. This tomcat was none other than Snowpaw, the tom that believed that the female Snowpaw was his one and only. 

| RP Status |

Comments: Nope
Notes: Yep
Skype: Eh, I just use it to chat sometimes 
Chats: Nope

tRE: Snaketongue's Rp Tracker  | heartchart | etc. go here ]

art and character © rainadoodles
application template © indesomniac

Related content
Comments: 26

l-lALCY0N [2015-08-18 17:13:31 +0000 UTC]

Hello congrats on becoming ShadowClan's deputy! What's your skype so I can add you to the admin chat

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to l-lALCY0N [2015-08-19 02:50:09 +0000 UTC]

oh gosh i'm so honored i didn't think i had a chance aaa thank you so much! 
skype: makeitrainvb 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Soft-Jay [2015-08-18 16:04:59 +0000 UTC]

Congrats! On the New rank 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to Soft-Jay [2015-08-19 02:50:20 +0000 UTC]

thank you! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Benepotentia [2015-08-18 07:25:15 +0000 UTC]

DUUUUDE congrats on ShadowClan deputy yo. Shadey is so proud of snake son

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to Benepotentia [2015-08-19 02:50:58 +0000 UTC]

aaaa thanks so much! <33
snek thank shadey v much 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

agavnythepigeon [2014-12-21 00:57:27 +0000 UTC]

heyy I was wondering if you were interested in a rp! fav.me/d89f4m2

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to agavnythepigeon [2014-12-21 18:52:57 +0000 UTC]

omg oops i commented on urs before seeing this aha
but yeah sure! ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

loftiicry [2014-12-18 01:16:29 +0000 UTC]

Shippings: copperstar + snaketongue = 4ever

i'm laughing
can we RP these two idiots

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to loftiicry [2014-12-19 00:35:03 +0000 UTC]

crying i wasn't sure if anyone would actually notice that part
and yes omg pls send me a note so those two dummies can talk

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Soft-Jay [2014-11-03 05:35:41 +0000 UTC]

Wanna Rp with Leopardpelt :3  
Omg he is so cool 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to Soft-Jay [2014-11-04 10:18:36 +0000 UTC]

Sure! c:
ah thank you <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Soft-Jay In reply to rainadoodles [2014-11-04 16:38:08 +0000 UTC]

what way do you like to rp :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to Soft-Jay [2014-11-06 03:17:28 +0000 UTC]

notes please c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PKBlast1o1 [2014-10-27 00:55:58 +0000 UTC]

Omg he's so cool~~~~~~
///whispers// Border RP with Honeybreeze? ;o;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to PKBlast1o1 [2014-10-27 04:38:21 +0000 UTC]

I'd love to! c:
I will try to start it off at some point considering I'm not really supposed to be on my computer right now xnx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PKBlast1o1 In reply to rainadoodles [2014-10-28 20:41:12 +0000 UTC]

Actually if you're busy I wouldn't mind starting it off 8'3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to PKBlast1o1 [2014-10-30 01:52:57 +0000 UTC]

Okay yeah sure thank you ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Chief-Pineapple [2014-10-23 02:55:41 +0000 UTC]

Rp with Crossedstream?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to Chief-Pineapple [2014-10-27 04:37:26 +0000 UTC]

Sure! Mind if you start, I have really limited time on the computer and technically I shouldn't even be on it ;3;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SophSouffle [2014-10-07 03:51:05 +0000 UTC]

Splitstar: *feelings are hurt* Well I don't like you either *sticks out tongues*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to SophSouffle [2014-10-07 04:14:57 +0000 UTC]

Snaketongue: Bruh it's not personal I just don't know you //sticks out tongue and hisses//

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Benepotentia [2014-10-01 00:22:08 +0000 UTC]

Snaketongue has such an interesting history! : o he looks super cool too!

Hopefully we'll get to rp in the future!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to Benepotentia [2014-10-01 01:43:01 +0000 UTC]

Ah thank you! I appreciate your kind words <33
Definitely! I think Snaketongue would already have somewhat of a history with her with him constantly being in the Medicine Den cx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Benepotentia In reply to rainadoodles [2014-10-01 01:51:34 +0000 UTC]

of course! : D

true, true. ouo i look forward to them getting to know each other better X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rainadoodles In reply to Benepotentia [2014-10-01 02:26:31 +0000 UTC]

me too, i think they'd get along quite well because snake definitely doesn't like windclan cats very much either hahaha cx

👍: 0 ⏩: 0