RainbowFoxxy — Petalback Entry - FGFHFV 2024

Published: 2024-03-29 20:55:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 544; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description FOR GLORY, FOR HONOR, FOR VALHALLA 2024DRAKEHEST WELCOMES YOU TO THESEVENTH CUSTOM MUTATION ART AUCTION EVENTmay the gods be in your favor,As stated in last years auction, the available mutations will be switched (For Honor, For Glory, For Valhalla 2023). In this art auction, we invite you to let your creativity run free to win your very own mutation Drakehest! For the seventh time in a row, we ask you to give us insight into your ideas, your stories and your characters. This event is meant to give you as much freedom as possible with your entry (or entries). Have fun!RULES:This is an art auction to win your very own custom mutation Drakehest. Art will be judged on effort, composition and development of the character shown, NOT the design of the horse, as we find everyones design tastes to vary and be extremely subjective.Art must be colored full body and simple background at minimum.Literature entries must be 800 words at minimum.Artist description needs to include a link to the event and the mutation you're trying for!The mutation you're trying for must be clearly identifiable/visible even with the use of alteration items (like Mane/Hoof Dye or Prism Scale). Designs may not imitiate other mutations. The design itself will not be judged for correctness (as mentioned above).The entry needs to be one file! (one picture, one gif, one comic page, one animation etc)Reusage of old artwork is not allowed, the entry needs to be created specifically for this art auction.Any kind of AI generated work (in total or in assets) is prohibited and will lead to disqualification. We want to see what you can do / come up with, not a machine.One person may try for five mutations maximum. Each mutation needs its own entry!You can still combine mutations if you have a specific design in mind but you cannot use the same entry for multiple mutations. Each mutation you are trying for needs a separate and unique entry! Mutations not available for art can still be used for combinations in your design ideas, however, they can not be acquired in this art auction!Drakehest Admins are allowed to enter as they hold no benefit towards mutation horses, nor will they be allowed to judge the mutation they are entering, however the above rules apply.Collaborations are allowed if the pair plans to co-own the horse.There will be NO extension of the deadline!External submissions are allowed, as long as it isn't required to locally download the file or create an account on another website to view it. However, you should still upload a preview submission on deviantArt and put the link to your final entry into the artist's description.Entries may not be altered after the deadline is over. Changing your entry ( this includes the artist description and external submissions/files! ) will result in a disqualification!There is only one of each mutation available.AVAILABLE MUTATIONS:BloodoathButterflyCalaveraClouded LeopardFraukiFrostgiantHelheimHoliJaguarKrakenLongstockingPandaPeafowlPetalbackShieldSolmániSplashed HoliVeiledDEADLINE: March 31st 2024, 7pm CET / 8pm CESTReply here with your entriesAny questions? Ask them here! Good luck everyone!,CUSTOM MUTATION USD AUCTIONAs determined previously, the following mutations will be available via USD during our annual custom mutation auction.The auction will be held on March 18th 2024, 8pm CET.Further information on the auction will be released on March 18th 2024. Stay tuned!AVAILABLE MUTATIONS:AnthosAuroraeBifrostDrakkarDraugrEitrFawnGlasirGleipnirHálogiOrnamentalRagnarökRosemalingSerpentSkogkattTigerWulvZebra,As a heads up for the Mutation Auction 2025: There will be a new RNG Raffle Stream early 2025 to determine which mutations will be available for art and which ones will be available for USD for the next mutation auction!
Mutation: Petalback

The route we had taken did not seem to be taking us anywhere near the road we usually traveled. This one was hot, dry and extremely dusty. I pulled my sun scrag up around my chin to help protect myself from the choking clouds of dust that the jeep was kicking up.

“We’re not lost,” The driver assured us as we carried on over the rocky terrain. “We will be back at camp before the sun completes its setting.” 

He sounded quite sure of himself so I nodded and tried to get myself comfortable.

“This is actually quite a lovely country,” The driver continued.

I nodded, casting my gaze out over the hills and monuments that made up this part of the desert. It was truly breathtaking. I wished I had brought along my camera. There was no way I was going for my phone either. Knowing me I would drop it. At the rate the driver was going I knew there would be no retrieving any dropped items. 

I noticed beads of sweat beginning to stand out on the man’s neck as he clung to the wheel and steered us around the worst of the rocks in the road.

“Are you sure this route is safe?” Another passenger asked the driver as he carried on down the edge of a sandy hill and bottomed us out with a hard jolt.

“Ah yes,” A swallowed. “As long as we are gone by sunset.”

I glance at the red orb as it dipped its way ever lower to the horizon.

“You mean by the time it sets or by the time it begins to set?” I ventured the question from behind my scarf.

“Better to be gone before the setting begins, but best to be gone before it ends.” He repeated the words like he had been saying them as a mantra in his head.

I breathed lightly, hoping we would make our way back to the main road soon. 

I wasn’t sure why we had deviated from it to begin with. The main road seemed safe to me. At least there were no rocks in our way and way less of this confounded dust. Then I heard the screeching noise. It sounded like the whine of the engine but different. More high pitched. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up straight as I heard it again. 

“We need to move,” The driver pushed his foot down hard on the gas pedal was the jeep bolted under us. 

We pelted through the sand and scree, making our way for what looked like a small paved road up ahead. In front of us something stood up. It was silhouetted against the dying sun for a moment and then I saw it clearly.

A brilliantly colored stallion was rearing up. His legs pawed the open sky and behind him, shadowed by the cliff faces was what I swore to be a dragon! I reached for my phone, knowing this was a once in a lifetime image. If we didn’t get out of here quickly, it would be a once in a lifetime image for sure!

The stallion reared again then let out a bellowing neigh. He seemed to be warding off the terror that had just lighted on the cliff. I could feel the eyes of the dragon follow us as we sped to the paved road and out of its sight.


Reference images purchased from ShutterStock
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