RainningDoom — Settingspirt

Published: 2015-08-05 07:28:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 1110; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 0
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Description GENERAL & PHYSICALName: Settingkit || Settingkit || Settingspirit
Setting – Named due to her pelt being the colors of the setting sky
Spirit – For her unbreakable will and spirit that remained even after she reached the lowest point in her life
Age: 27 Moons
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Voice Actress: Taissa Farmiga ex.[link]
Religious Beliefs: ★★★★★ 
"Starclan stood by me when no one else did- when I thought I was alone. I was foolish then...Starclan has always been beside me and they always will be. Those up in the sky shall always have every ounce of my faith plus more."
Clan: SunClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Sunstorm (dead), Twitchwhisker (alive)
Apprentice(s): N/A
Short Description: Settingspirit is a light gingery-orange she-cat with russet-brown tabby stripes and a few cream stripes with a cream underbelly, paws, eartips and muzzle.
Breed: Maine Coon, Exotic Shorthair, Somali, Norwegian Forest Cat, Siberian, Singapura, Munchkin Cat, Turkish Angora, LaPerm, Devon Rex
Build: Settingspirit is a relatively small she-cat, growing no larger than an apprentice and has a rather skinny and petite build. She adorns long slender legs and a very long, plumy sensitive tail. Though she looks bigger due to her thick fur.
Fur: Very long, fluffy and uber soft~ Also rather curly
Eyes: Pale green
Scent: Mint, sand and lavender
Scars: One scar along her side from Deersong by accident while they were talking to one of Setting's friends


Eyesight -  ●●●●●●●●○○
She's has very good eye sight, and able to see small details that might be helpful.
Hearing -  ●●●●●●●●○○ 
Her hearing is very acute due to her large ears.
Taste -  ●●●●●●●●○○ 
Her taste is very good, due to her always being out trying to hunt.
Smell -  ●●●●●●●●○○ 
Her nose is very sensitive, and can easily pick up scents. This helps a ton in hunting, but in battle it makes her easily ill from the smell.
Touch -  ●●●●●●●●●○ 
This is her best sense. It's best in her tail, so she can easily feel vibrations in the ground.


Inches: 7 inches


Pounds: 8 lbs.

Daily life:

●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Memory

○○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Leadership

●●●●●●●●●● ➟ Willingness to learn


Strength  ●●●○○○○○○○
Mainly due to her size she's not very strong.
Intelligence  ●●●●●●●○○○ 
She's very smart, and loves to learn. And has a rather good knack for it.
Speed  ●●●●●●●○○○
She's in FireClan for a reason you know, her speed is something amazing, and makes up for the lack of skills in combat.
Swimming  ●●●●●●●○○○
She loves to swim and it rather good at it, though her fur might weigh her down a little it's not hard for her to keep afloat
Defense  ●●●●○○○○○○ 
She's better at defense, though it's still easy to attack her, she's able to hold her own for a little, but not long.
Fighting  ●●○○○○○○○○ 
She's not good at fighting at all. She's a lover not a fighter, and freeze around new cats. She'd just rather try and talk it out then fight.

Summary:  Motherly – Open-Minded
 Shy – Pacifist
 Anxious – ScarredPositives:Motherly – “Come on little one, don't cry.”
Even though she's never had kits, she has a very soothing way with others, as she hates to fight, but just like a mother if you mess with it's cub, the claws come out. And she's that way she is with her friends and family.

Open-Minded – “I understand what you mean, I know how you feel.”
She may be quick and clever but all plans will wield  flaws, so she always listens to people before judging them and gives them a chance to speak their minds. She also doesn't mind listening to other peoples problems and lending them her own thoughts to help them get through a tough time. "You cannot discover true potential without discovering the true mind first." She will often quote.

Neutral:Shy – “O-Oh...Ahh...U-Um..H-Hi th-there!"
Not a fan of crowds, talking is this cat's worse enemy. Though it has been getting better, she still stutters when she has to talk to strangers and when it comes to crowds she'd rather try and sneak away to be on her own. And the spotlight also makes her freeze up on spot as she's never been a glory hound...She in fact hates having attention from others, unless they are her loved ones.

Pacifist – “I do not want to fight. For my mind is bloody enough, I would hate to torture my thoughts even more with a front row seat to the murder show..."
Not very common for a hot-headed Fireclanner, but this cat hates fighting and even more so blood. She feels that her mind is already scarred enough and she would never wish it upon anyone else, so she denies that fighting is the way out of anything.Negatives:

Anxious – “I don't think this is a good idea...What if they don't like me?”
Severely nervous and overly conscious of herself and her surroundings, Settingspirit is often times over-analyzing things
and worrying too much about situations that she will never possibly be in or what others are thinking of her.

Scarred – “M mind and heart are in ruins...I can't find my sanity.”
As original as it sounds, Settingpaw is scarred. Mentally, however and probably later on physically after she tears off a few heads. Her background, not being all too quiet and dainty much like herself, has left her somewhat unstable when it comes to dealing with nerve-wracking situations. Certain subjects are quite sensitive for her and may cause her to become uncomfortable and anxious (ex: parents, family, murder).

Being with friends, Soft things, Hope, Those she loves and trusts, Stars, Kits, Watching apprentices train
Fighting, Darkness, Crowds, Lies
Her father, Moonclan, Death, Blood
To prove her father wrong, have a mate and kits, Prove her use to her clan

Quote That Represents:
"But darling you've got to believe me when I tell you that there are more people to meet
and more movies to see and landscapes to travel through! And oh god I know it's hard to
keep putting what's left of your dignity and your faith into humanity, but I swear it to you that
that you are stronger than you believe and the aches and pains in your knees will subside and this
will all be a blurry memory someday." 

Songs That Represent:
Everyday: Best of You- Foo Fighters [link]
Battle: The Kids Aren't Alright- The Offspring [link]
Sad: When You're Gone- Avril Lavigne [link]
Death: The Ghost of You- My Chemical Romance [link]
Happy: Ain't it Fun- Paramore [link]

RELATIONSMother: Heronheart
Father: Flakestorm
Brothers: N/A

Sisters: Deersong (half-sibling)

Crush: Braveclaw (ex-crush)
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Activity: Virgin
Looking For: True love, someone who will help mend her broken mind and heart
Turns Ons: Understanding, Cheerful, Green eyes
Turn Offs: Infidelity, Harshness, Entitlement
Shippings: N/A


 ll No opinion / neutral

 ll Acquaintance 

 ll Friend

 ll Good Friend

 ll Best Friend

 ll Ex-Crush

 ll Pity For

 ll Ex-Mate

 ll Distant relative

 ll Relative

 ll Close Relative

 ll Small Crush

 ll Average Crush

 ll Major Crush

 ll Suspicious

 ll Questionable

 ll Interested in / Curious about

 ll Lust

 ll Love

 ll Respect

 ll Fear

 ll Terrified of

 ll Slight Hatred

 ll Wants Dead / loath

 ll Family by choice

|| Mate

 || Dead



"My adopted mom, she's a mute. But still she's really kind to me. We're kind of a like."



"She's really the only other she I know in Fire Clan, but she's really nice~"



"My friend, she was the first cat I ever talked to, she has a mate now~ I'm so happy for her~"



"My sister..she's nice, scary at times, but she means well, she just wants to keep me safe."



"He's really nice, and likes taking care of me when Deersong is busy. Thanks for putting up with me."


"He tried to save Wolfkit from the fire, he didn't even know the tom! He's really brave, and is so nice. Though he feels bad for watching a kit died.
 I'm teaching him about StarClan, and he's helping me open up..They say good people die young...I hope your not in that saying."



"H-he was the first FireClanner I knew well..but he left us! He left me! I-I likes him...I guess I just can't have a happily ever after..."



"He-her died in the fire...I um...I'm sorry I wasn't a good apprentice..I wasn't cut to make a warrior..I'm sorry."

HISTORYPrior to Birth and Kithood, 1-6 Moons || DoB- Feb. 15, 2014
During the snake attack Settingpaw's mother is bitten by a snake and thus later on is killed by its venom. Her father, seeing Settingpaw as the cause of his mates death due to her having to use her strength to give birth instead defending herself,  continuously tells her that he blames her for the death of his once she is old enough to understand. After his final meeting with his only daughter he purposely eats deathberries so that he could be with his mate. The events of her early childhood have seemingly forever scarred Settingpaw, leaving her a bit antsy on a few subjects. As a result of her mother's death she was placed in the care of Desertrose, a foster queen and loves Desertrose like a second mother, however still mourns for her birth mother. However she forces herself to hide it and can on the desperate occasion be seen having a break down or having nightmares about parents. These previous delicate situations are what have caused her to be very quiet and obedient in fear of making someone else hate who she is. However, these tragic memories will stay with her through out her life and will most likely keep tearing away at her tender interior until she finds her own "rock".
+Meets Braveclaw and becomes friends
+Meets Jupinerpaw and becomes friends
+"Talks" to Desertrose, after having a nightmare
-The war happens putting back her ceremony and making her more fearful of Moon Clan and Snow Clan

Apprenticeship and Warrior, 6-Now Moons || DoA- Nov. 20, 2014  DoW-During the journey [no real set date due to no ceremony]
+On 11/29/2014 Became a apprentice
+Was give Sunstorm as a mentor for his cheery personality
+Mets up with Jupinerpaw again, though with Deerpaw tagging along
-Gained a scar from Deerpaw due to her jumping in front of Jupinerpaw to protect her from getting hurt.
+Watches Deerpaw become Deersong
+Fire Happens
+Found a Cat Named Dingo Helping a trapped Wolfkit
+Wolfkit Died, Her and Dingo ran to the clans
+Started calling Dingo Wolf (Cause he tried to Save Wolfkit, and Howls when hurt)
+Moves to new Territories
+Given New Mentor (Twitchwhisker)
+Becomes Warrior
+Stays with FireClan
-Dreamstar attacks, war happens
+Fights in war and breaks out of her shell/ stands up for herself
+War ends clans become two [Joins SunClan]

ROLE-PLAYStatus: Open!
Timezone: EST
I accept roleplays in comments, notes (preferred) and on Skype!
Feel free to ask me about any of these~ (Note me for my skype~)


She nodded her head with a grin. "That's good then I was worried I'd stick out more then I already did." She said with a bubbly giggle. Her eyes bright with joy. Though she remained innocent minded to all of the bloodshed of the past. Her past didn't even faze her, though she didn't like sadness. She promised herself sadness would never defeat her and she would always remain happy, so she may spread it even in darkness.

"Well that's great, I'm hoping I'll be able to help everyone. Some cats around here seems so...sad or scared. I hope I can help them though!~ I'll be trying my best to help them." She said with a purr. Pure joy and zeal pouring from her very presence. She had no idea what could make a cat stay awake at night, fearing to close their eyes and wish for nothing but the sweet release of death. She nodded her head quickly. "Yep~ My dad always said it's best to help people and be nice cause someday they might help you when your down. Though I changed it. I just want to be kind because no one likes being sad. So I want to help spread it!" She sad a bit too loudly getting a few cats looking at her with annoyance.

She nodded her head, making a mental note to herself that when she went looking for her family to let Asha know in case she wanted to join her...or had to go looking for Chika cause she got lost. And sadly it wasn't going to be something rare that was going to happen. "I'll let you know, if you want we can go looking for them soon. I want to try and find them before winter. I don't want to get lost in a storm again. It wasn't fun really." She said with a giggle.


*Yes she is the one who finds Dingo! And yes she names him Wolf, because she thinks he was brave to help a stranger. And the cat he tried to save was named Wolf

*I really need to get her a good life, Like seriously, she has such a sad life story.

*Dingo (Aka Wolfpaw) And her are going to be great friends!

Settingspirit (c) Me
Art (c) RainningDoom
Application (c) The-Warriors-Guild
Majority Coding (c) dehani  
Some Coding (c) totoroe  

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Comments: 55

OMGpiku [2016-03-01 01:37:11 +0000 UTC]

We really need a happy best friend reunion Juniper has so much great news to share

And i also think that she and Bearstride could be great friends! He too is suffering from a broken heart, maybe the babs can cry together. 

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bloodbornedlc [2016-02-15 22:50:36 +0000 UTC]

shes such a pretty cat!! i would love to rp at some point she seems like a lovely character!

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RainningDoom In reply to bloodbornedlc [2016-02-16 22:22:21 +0000 UTC]

That would be awesome, though she's going through a big personality update though, so the ref is a bit off with that atm.

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bloodbornedlc In reply to RainningDoom [2016-02-17 02:23:23 +0000 UTC]

ah thats fine!! we could always rp after your done updating it or wjatever works for you!

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PatchyFallenstar [2016-01-27 18:27:42 +0000 UTC]


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RainningDoom In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2016-01-27 23:05:48 +0000 UTC]

^^ My little baby is all grown up *sobs* It does not feel like it's been more then a year with her ;; *whispers* Can I just lock her up in the nursery forever patchy ;;

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to RainningDoom [2016-02-01 22:59:52 +0000 UTC]

heehee I know how you feel ;u; get her pregnant and sure LMAO

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RainningDoom In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2016-02-01 23:16:29 +0000 UTC]

They grow up too fast ;o; Easier said then done with her xD *throws her at Timidbreeze, go be her mentor Timid, teach her your ways! //shot

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to RainningDoom [2016-02-01 23:57:37 +0000 UTC]


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RainningDoom In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2016-02-02 20:13:02 +0000 UTC]


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pasteIpurrinq [2015-08-24 23:48:39 +0000 UTC]

RP with Eveningbloom??? ;;u;;

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RainningDoom In reply to pasteIpurrinq [2015-08-25 21:24:13 +0000 UTC]

sure, could you start though please.

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pasteIpurrinq In reply to RainningDoom [2015-08-26 00:18:22 +0000 UTC]

Eveningbloom was walking with her head drooped. It was towards the end of the day, an hour left of walking before they got to sleep. She sighed. It had been a long day. Almost every cat she had tried to talk to was grumpy. Probably because of the rain. Accidentaly she stepped on a creamy cat's tail. "Whoops, I'm so sorry!" she gushed out.

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RainningDoom In reply to pasteIpurrinq [2015-08-26 01:05:29 +0000 UTC]

Omg not the tail xD Poor Settingpaw (She's not a warrior yet btw) she's so sensitive their in feeling.

The golden tabby had been walking for a while, her friend Dingo, or as she called him 'Wolf' had walked off after she told him to met some others. She hated feeling like she was holding him back from getting to know the world around him. Though it was always nice to have him, it gave her a chance to feel hope after Starclan knows how long. She was still trying to wrap her mind around the idea that they had left the camp where she had been born, raised, and where her mother died. Her heart was there, and she wasn't sure she'd ever get it back. She felt lost and didn't know what she was doing really, she just followed all these cats, and stayed to herself. So many cats around her, it made her scared and her heart was pounding heavily every second of the way. Though a sharp pain ran along her spine, making her fall to the ground in tears, curling in a ball tightly out of reflex. so many cats had been stepping on her small frame since the start of this journey, she wanted it to stop, even thought about just walking away, or just staying in the very back. At least she'd be safe from being stepped on, but then she was scared she'd get lost.

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pasteIpurrinq In reply to RainningDoom [2015-08-26 19:37:16 +0000 UTC]

Eveningbloom's ears flattened as she saw the cat fall to the ground in tears. Her eyes grew wide and her fur flattened. Almost instantly she was crouching down at the cat's side, looking panicked as ever. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I-I didn't mean to!" she stuttered out. This was bad. She stepped on a random cat by accident and now almost everyone was glaring at her. The poor kit. She started to smooth the cat's fur along her back, to try and calm her down, but there wasn't much else she could do. Wiping away her tears might leave a bad impression on the she-cat, and make her angry. But leaving her might make her sad, so she stayed put, biting her lip.

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RainningDoom In reply to pasteIpurrinq [2015-08-26 20:09:53 +0000 UTC]

The golden tabby she cat's body was still in pain, and her tail felt like it had another heart beat where it had been stepped on. She was shaking and wanted to flee from the touch of a cat. Too many times had it led to nothing but being hurt in the end. Whether it had to be her mind, her body, or even emotion, she got hurt later down the line. Faintly she remember a bright colored tom with green eyes stepping on her tail lightly as a kit and making her jump up a fox length's height. He had been a friend, and a first crush that went bad, he had left, gone missing and never came back for her. The feeling of being hurt was in her chest again, but she pushed that thought away focusing on the pulsing from her tail. She could faintly her a voice seeming panicked and she shook her head. The cat sounded feminine, and seemed worried trying to comfort her. She could feel the other cats looking at her as they passed by making her heart pound. "They must think I'm a kit that got hurt. I'm not a kit! I-I'm not...I don't want to go back to being a kit ever..." She thought to herself hating those moons of her life, when the pain truly started since the time of her birth. "I-I-I'm f-f-f fine.." She said shakily and softly like a mouse, still in a ball. Though she was trying to tell the cat she was okay, even though she was in pain. It wasn't anything new sadly.

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pasteIpurrinq In reply to RainningDoom [2015-08-26 21:02:43 +0000 UTC]

Eveningbloom bit her lip even harder. Clearly she wasn't fine, as she said she had been. She was curled in a ball, for Starclan's sake. She didn't neccesarily think that meant okay. "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked nervously.

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RainningDoom In reply to pasteIpurrinq [2015-09-13 21:22:33 +0000 UTC]

The golden tabby shook her head, the feeling of this she cat around her making her panic. She wasn't leaving, and she didn't want her to worry over her. She was nothing but a waste of space, like her father had always told her, a waste of life StarClan could have given FireClan. Getting into an upright position to where she was sitting. Her cheek fur was damp, but the pain had begun to turn into a dull throb. "I-I-I'm o-o-okay..." She said still shaking slightly. Though her green eyes were open looking at the white and silver she cat that had dainty tabby markings. "I-I-I'm f-fine." Her heart was beating fast from being confronted for so long about such a simple matter, and all she could think to say was she was okay.

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pasteIpurrinq In reply to RainningDoom [2015-09-15 22:32:39 +0000 UTC]

Eveningbloom watched as the cat sat up and said again falsely how she was fine. Clearly she wasn't. She bit her lip, trying to think of something to say or do. She was normally a quick thinker, so why was she panicking now? "Well, do you want to walk with me?" she suggested.

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RainningDoom In reply to pasteIpurrinq [2015-10-02 17:09:07 +0000 UTC]

The golden tabby shook her head, keeping her eyes low. She wished her sister was here, or Dingo. She was always more confidant around them. But then again Deersong would end up attacking the silver tabby for accidentally stepping on her little sister's tail. So maybe the only cat that would be good would be Dingo, but she had told him to go make friends with the other cats. Something she wished she had the guts to do, but she was always so scared to. "N-no...I-I'm w-waiting for a f-friend..s-sorry..." She said looking down, shuffling her paws like she was being scolded rather then having been asked a simple question.

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pasteIpurrinq In reply to RainningDoom [2015-10-04 17:46:01 +0000 UTC]

"Oh..." she lowered her head a little bit, looked to the left and bit her lip. She really wished there was something she could do to make it up to the other she-cat. She felt really bad and guilty. "Well..." she said, her gaze locking with Settingpaw's, "Can I wait with you until then?"

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RainningDoom In reply to pasteIpurrinq [2015-10-26 01:00:01 +0000 UTC]

The golden tabby only looked at her paws, shuffling them, and trying to keep herself calm. "Y-you...d-don't w-w-want to m-met my-my sister..." She said, know her sister would attack the poor cat without a single thought. She wanted to be alone really not sure what to say to make sure this cat could get away from her in case her sister showed up, though she hoped it would be Dingo who popped up to cheer up the two of them. She could tell the cat in front of her was worried about her, but Settingpaw was worried about what would happen if her sister found out. Dear StarClan it would not be a pretty scene.

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pasteIpurrinq In reply to RainningDoom [2015-10-27 01:20:53 +0000 UTC]

"No, no, it's fine! I'm pretty friendly!" she said, brightening up, her fur lying flat and her mouth turning into a smile. She wondered what this cat's sister was like. Maybe she was shy too... Or really clumsy... Maybe that's why she didn't want her meeting her sister! She was sure she'd make friends with both the siblings in no time.

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RainningDoom In reply to pasteIpurrinq [2015-11-26 01:56:55 +0000 UTC]

((do you mind if I bring in Deersong, it's her sister))

"N-no..sh-she's um..w-well.." She wasn't sure how to tell the cat that it wasn't going to be all fun in games. Though Deersong had become a bit softer since Hawkpaw had gone missing,  but she knew she hated outsiders, but this cat was a cat that had allied with them in the fight against Fallenstar, she didn't kill Deersong's friend..so she could only hope things would be easier on the she cat.

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pasteIpurrinq In reply to RainningDoom [2015-11-26 03:25:30 +0000 UTC]

((Sure! It'd be fun))

"Sheee's...?" Eveningbloom waited for an answer. Maybe Her sister was just.. Shy! Maybe that's what she wanted to say about her sister. But Eveningbloom was positive she could make friends. She really did wanted to make friends... Maybe Settingpaw's sister would help Settingpaw be friends with her!

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RainningDoom In reply to pasteIpurrinq [2015-11-26 03:47:29 +0000 UTC]

((Just a fair warning then, Deersong has a temper, that isn't nice. But Setting is the kind to try and keep her quiet and out of trouble~))

Settingpaw was about to open her mouth when she could hear footsteps coming closer to them and looked at the she cat whom was talking to her. "P-Please leave..I-I..um.." She said to her shyly, though soon her dark brown tabby sister was next to her her blue eyes looking over her.
"Are you okay Settingpaw? I heard you cry and came as fast as I could. A-and who is this! Did you hurt her!" She siad her voice raising as she faced Eveningbloom, her blue eye narrowing on the she cat. Her fur starting to stand on edge. She wasn't fond of cats that were from FireClan.
"I-I'm fine..and no! S-she was seeing if I was okay..right?" Settingpaw said turning to face Eveningbloom, trying to make sure she didn't get hurt, StarClan knew her sister's temper was something FireClan was well known for, cause it was like fire!

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pasteIpurrinq In reply to RainningDoom [2015-11-28 04:27:01 +0000 UTC]

Eveningbloom looked up to see a dark brown female tabby walked over. She looked concerned but also angry. She noticed Settingpaw looked almost... fearful! Then as she talked concerned to her sister, as they did look very alike, Eveningbloom smiled. But then the tabby turned to face Eveningbloom and demanded to know if she had hurt her. "Oh- well, I didn't mean to, but it was-" then Settingpaw blurted out a statement, and looking down at Settingpaw, she looked back up at her... less friendly sister. Wow they were so opposite. "I was just trying to help her! See, she likes me, right...?" she looked at Settingpaw for confirmation.

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RainningDoom In reply to pasteIpurrinq [2015-11-28 05:05:22 +0000 UTC]

Deersong narrowed her eyes looking at them then turned to Settingpaw, sighing. "Is this true Settingpaw? You swear your not lying." She said her voice softer and calmer, though anger was still in her voice.
"Yes Deersong, this is Eveningbloom she heard me cry cause someone stepped on my tail, and she was helping me. She's my friend." Settingpaw said, looking her sister right in the eye, though she hated to lie, it meant peace...for a couple of minutes.
"I swear Settingpaw, you have so many outside friends, can't you met any in FireClan. And thank you for helping my sister, though I'm not fond of you, I owe you. She's been through a lot so thanks for helping her. I have to go though, I'm trying to help the queens with the kits. Just be careful you two." Said Deersong before taking off to go help the queens.

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pasteIpurrinq In reply to RainningDoom [2015-11-28 20:58:49 +0000 UTC]

Eveningbloom reluctantly smiled at Deersong as she thanked her. Thanked her for what? Stepping on Settingpaw's tail in the first place? She felt a twinge of guilt in her stomach. Poor Settingpaw... Having to lie to her sister just because she seemed like a not-so-friendly cat and wanting to have peace. "Good luck with the queens!" she called after Deersong. Then she looked back at Settingpaw. "Hey... Um, thanks, back there," she said.

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RainningDoom In reply to pasteIpurrinq [2015-12-12 17:41:54 +0000 UTC]

Settingpaw nodded her head. "I-I'm sorry..s-she's protective of me...a-and isn't fond of n-non FireClan cats...Mo-moonclan and Sn-snowclan cats killed her b-best friend in the war..." She said looking to the where her sister had run off from. "B-but your w-welcome..I'm used to it...I-I don't have many friend in m-my clan." She said shuffling her paws slightly.

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pasteIpurrinq In reply to RainningDoom [2015-12-14 22:37:01 +0000 UTC]

Eveningbloom frowned, then gasped. War? Is that what was going to happen when the clans split up? War? She didn't want to join just for fighting... All this was and then the friendships forgotten? No way! She couldn't let that happen! Not after all this... Surely no cat would want to fight their friends from other clans? Then Eveningbloom looked up again and gave Settingpaw a small smile. "Well, I'll be your friend," she suggested.

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RainningDoom In reply to pasteIpurrinq [2016-01-31 04:45:55 +0000 UTC]

(Do you think we could end this I'm so sorry, but I really am busy and have a lot going on atm sadly. Maybe we could rp another time.)

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pasteIpurrinq In reply to RainningDoom [2016-01-31 06:43:46 +0000 UTC]

Oh, no problem!

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pasteIpurrinq [2015-08-06 16:18:56 +0000 UTC]

OMG she's soo pretty .w.

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RainningDoom In reply to pasteIpurrinq [2015-08-06 19:58:34 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~ ^^

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pasteIpurrinq In reply to RainningDoom [2015-08-06 20:00:43 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome! ;w;

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suicunetobigaara [2015-08-06 03:02:54 +0000 UTC]

She looks so beautiful!

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RainningDoom In reply to suicunetobigaara [2015-08-06 05:23:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!~

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OMGpiku [2015-08-05 23:39:50 +0000 UTC]

//throws happy times at her
You eared it bby

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RainningDoom In reply to OMGpiku [2015-08-06 01:16:09 +0000 UTC]

//catches and shoves at her
Yeah, but she has much luck...which is none ;;

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OMGpiku In reply to RainningDoom [2015-08-06 01:21:12 +0000 UTC]

I wish she and Juns could see each other more cause she really needs it

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RainningDoom In reply to OMGpiku [2015-08-06 01:36:57 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but I'm sure they'll still talk~

She just need to get to know more cats xD

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OMGpiku In reply to RainningDoom [2015-08-06 01:39:09 +0000 UTC]

if there are any people bringing orphaned kits into Fireclan i'm sure Setting could find some excuse to adopt them. And then she'd have more love.

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RainningDoom In reply to OMGpiku [2015-08-06 01:42:49 +0000 UTC]

Yeah if she has kits I might just make her stay a Queen, since she hates hurting cats, and just loves everyone (even more so of kits)

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Shady-Raichu [2015-08-05 23:35:15 +0000 UTC]

ahhh I finally know who setting is

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RainningDoom In reply to Shady-Raichu [2015-08-06 01:16:44 +0000 UTC]

Ye, my little sad baby who always is sad and depressed cause her luck is the amount of zero xD

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Shady-Raichu In reply to RainningDoom [2015-08-06 01:21:36 +0000 UTC]

oh good sounds like a fun time

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RainningDoom In reply to Shady-Raichu [2015-08-06 01:37:26 +0000 UTC]

yeah ;;
I feel bad for her, but it's why I love her <3

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Shady-Raichu In reply to RainningDoom [2015-08-06 01:41:06 +0000 UTC]

ehehehe same, though
The more tortured a character, the more theyre loved

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RainningDoom In reply to Shady-Raichu [2015-08-06 20:08:34 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, it's cause you feel bad for them I guess xD

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