RANPl — die happy // twg

Published: 2018-08-02 19:11:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 391; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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Introduction:Name: Larkleap
Name meanings:

  • Prefix; Named for her small size
  • Suffix; For her domineering personality and excellent athleticism
Aliases: None
Age: 36 moons
  • Joining Age: 36
Previous Names: Lark-kit , Larkpaw
Gender & pronouns: Cis-Female (She/Her)
Clan: Thunderclan
Background: Thunderclan x Thunderclan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: None (Former: Brightshadow)
Apprentice: None

Appearance:Simple book description: A mink colored molly with dark features and a short tail.
Breed: Moggy
Pelt: Short but thick
Texture: Soft
Eyes: Blue

Body type: 
Height: 7 inches
Weight: 7 lbs

Scars: None
Accessories: None
Bans: None
Scent: Pine needles and wet dirt

Strengths and Weaknesses:Battle strengths: 
Larkleap is a small and nimble molly and is extremely unpredictable in her movements, making it slightly easier for her to confuse her opponent.

Battle weaknesses:
She struggles to remember to defend herself due to constantly being on the offense and tends to not know when to retreat for her own good. Selective hearing...

Hunting strengths:
Strong limbs make it easier for her to leap farther or higher in order to catch fleeing prey.

Hunting weaknesses:
On the other hand, Larkleap isn't a very sneaky cat and cannot stay quiet for the life of her. Whether it be tapping paws or rustling bushes, she always ends up on the pursuit of prey she could have easily caught.

Larkleap has no issues in making friends or enemies with anyone. She's very charismatic, though its more so up to what others think of her loud mouth.

Relationships:Orientation: Pan-romantic Asexual
Preferences in a mate(s): Not looking, but she isn't really one to care. If she has feelings for someone, she has feelings.

Current mate(s): None
Previous mate(s): None

Kits: None 

Parents: Clearstep and Lizardtooth
Siblings: Robinbreath, Finchnose, Chickadeetail, Starlingtoes, Swallowpelt

Friends: N/A

Thunderclan: The best clan ever!! 
Riverclan: Neutral... They're slimy though. 
Windclan: Neutral. How are they so thin?
Shadowclan: Neutral. Shady guys...
Outsiders: Slightly Neutral. Haven't had a problem with 'em yet.
The Afterlife: Ancestors babyyyyy!!


 - Positive  - Neutral  - Negative

 Captivating , Energetic , Witty
Larkleap is a stunning feline, both in looks and personality. If you're able to get past her loud mouth and erratic tendencies, she might be an exceedingly pretty feline. But her looks aren't the only thing captivating about the molly- despite being petite, she seems to take up a whole den with her presence. Who knows what she would do if she had a larger body- it would certainly be a disaster. In addition to that statement, she is very energetic, and tends to fidget when told to be still. If not under those circumstances, she prefers open clearings to run- anything but sitting still. Larkleap is strikingly witty, despite the stupid and rather bumbling vibes she gives off. Though for the most part, she uses her wits to get in the way of others and to outsmart her prey while hunting.

 Dominating , Outspoken , Proud
In addition to her captivating features, she often demands attention to herself, and likes to dominate others with her voice and (if it comes to it) her body. Not in a sexual way- she'll slice those across the ears and tear out fur when she doesn't get what she wants. She is outspoken and loud, and her opinion will be heard, whether asked for or not. The molly also won't hesitate to speak someone else's opinion for them. Too shy? Larkleap will do it for you! She is extremely proud of herself, and its clear in the way that she carries herself. A big personality for such a tiny cat, and she has no qualms about it.

 Difficult , Opinionated , Meddlesome

Larkleap is rather difficult to boss around, because she will argue back and make your life difficult as well. If she doesn't want to do it, she won't. She'll dig her heels in and won't budge. She is also opinionated, whether it be good or bad. She has little to no filter, and if she doesn't like a clanmate or something she's being told to do, she will tell you. And likely everyone within yelling distance. She's not very hostile, just ambitious. The feline is also meddlesome. She has no intention on becoming a deputy or leader, yet she certainly acts like it. Always trying to nose her way into things that don't concern her is her trademark. Especially large clan affairs.


Lark-kit was born to a single mother by the name of Clearstep, and a working father named Lizardtooth. Despite bearing a whopping litter of six kittens, the parents didn't particularly feel fond of each other. Simply an agreement made to benefit Thunderclan's numbers. Being a middle child never really boded well for Lark-kit, and especially with little attention from her parents. None of this pleased the small child, so from an early stage, she was an attention seeker. Whether it be pulling her siblings tails to get any sort of glance from Clearstep, to trying to sneak out of camp before she was allowed- everyone knew she would be a problem. Clearstep had her favorites out of the siblings, as did Lark-kit. Eventually, the mink kitten grew tired of vying for attention from her mother and turned her sights on the rest of the clan. By this age, the litter of kits were branching off, choosing their interests and paying attention to other things. Lark-kit decided she wanted to become a warrior. The bulky beasts that defended the clan were admirable. They could strike fear in the hearts of any invader. And that's what she wanted to be.


Soon after her revelation, the molly and her siblings were appointed as apprentices. The training was grueling, yet Larkpaw didn't complain once- save for when irritated when told to do things rather nasty. Elders could pluck their own ticks off. Either way, the small molly exceeded expectations, and grew into her role quickly. The rest of her time as a apprentice flew by with nothing particularly interesting going on. Simply patrols and hunting and pulling her mentor's tail. She's certain that that old crone was glad to be rid of her!

(sorry that its bold im on mobile pensive)
Larkleap sprang into her role as a warrior with as much grace and poise that she could muster, immediately deciding that she'd work as hard as possible to patrol and hunt. She still maintains this mindset as the moons pass. Hopefully she can maintain this peaceful lifestyle!


Dreams: Being named the best warrior in the forest.
Likes: Open spaces , Stretching , Not being restricted
Dislikes: Being told what to do , Kittens , Other dominating cats

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