RavenDiablo — A Mother's Gift (of growth)

#3dart #asianwoman #beautifulwoman #eunice #fran #francesca #strongwoman #muscularwomen #muscularwoman #strongshoulders #shirttear #clothingrip #bulgingbiceps #muscularshoulders #clothingripped #musclebulge #dazstudiopro421 #musclesshirtrip #musclegrowth
Published: 2023-12-03 03:56:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 3765; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Hello All Deviants!

This is a small short story that I wrote which is a precursor to the "Bully" story I have been talking about.  Given that it will be a fairly lengthy story, I had decided to develop a short story on the same concept, but with different characters.   I want to get a feel if a story like this will be liked and read before I invest the time in a longer story.

This story is about a young woman on an internship, who is bullied in the work place by a woman that is taller, stronger, and far more beautiful that she is.  The woman has a lousy personality though, and bullies those that are not beautiful like she is.  One girl she particularly picks on is Eunice   (Pronounced You-niss).   Eunice is a rather homely looking Asian woman and Fran is a bit racist towards Asian people.   Fran often makes fun of Eunice and even punches her around...until one day....

Well I don't want to give away the whole story.  To find out what happens, just read below!

--The Gift--

Eunice had enough and today she figured her days of being tormented by the office internship bully was going to come to an end.

She was continually being picked on and bullied by a very strong and tall dark blonde young woman by the name of Francesca, or as she prefers to be called , Fran.

Fran was the most beautiful young woman in the program and she was in the last year of her internship. She was practically perfect in every way. Standing at six feet, two inches tall. In heels, she towered over everyone in the office building. If that wasn’t intimidating enough, she was also strong…very strong. Her build was very noticeably athletic and bordering on that of a body builder. Her body was moderately chiseled showing off it’s lines of definition, particularly on her arms and abdomen and she certainly wanted to show that off. While it was against the dress code to reveal the abdomen, Fran had often got away with wearing midriff outfits in the office. Her arms, while appearing svelte and toned, were much larger and approached the size of most men. She had often used her strength to her will and would often impose herself upon others to get her way.

Her skin was flawless. No blemishes, no veins, no scars. It was always a sun-kissed tan color almost all year around, but she would be noticeably much darker and richer in color in the summer. Being naturally beautiful, she didn’t need a lot of makeup to enhance her face.

She had often worn outfits that were fairly tasteful, but very sexy and revealing at the same time. Almost everything she wore had shown off her strong arms and shoulders. She would almost always wear something that would show some part, if not all, of her abdomen. Her skirts were always short and depending on how she felt, she either came in with stockings on, or her legs bare.

Her heels were never less than 3 inches tall, but it seemed that 4 inches was to her liking. Any taller and she found her hair scraping the tops of the door frames.

Perfection was always Fran’s goal, and she did anything she could to reach it, for those that got in her way, they were dealt with harshly. Being short tempered, she was very quick to get into fights. She had also picked on anyone that was “less than perfect”, or whom she would consider “ugly”. While no one particular race was safe from her bullying, she seemed to have it out for Asian people the most. In fact, many young Asian girls had often dropped out because of her.

So you might think why was this behavior tolerated? Well, it just so happened to be that the program director had the hots for Fran, and she had given him some ‘favors’. Thus he managed to cover things up very well for her.

Enter Eunice:

Eunice, was a young Asian recent intern, and was considered by most has having a dull, very homely look. She was fairly thing thin and only stood at a mere five foot, five inches tall. Her skin was far from perfect as it was pale and had blemishes. She had a pretty bad case of freckles which covered most of her body.

She had an elongated face and a long, but fairly flat nose. Her eyes had the shape and features characterized by a person of Asian origin and she had worn corrective glasses all the time.

Her black hair was originally straight, but in an effort to change her appearance, she now wore it short and curly.

Her body was very straight and had very little curvature to to it and while she had sometimes worn sleeveless tops, she preferred to wear short, or cap sleeve tops. While she preferred to wear pants, the dress code for the office stated that women were to wear skirts, although there wasn’t a mention of the length in the dress code. So, she conformed to the policy and often wore skirts that were just below the knee or even longer.

She had never worn anything that would revel her torso or bosom area. Only rarely did she wear something that would show much of her neckline, for her freckles were the heaviest there.

She preferred to wear only a 2 inch heel was that was most comfortable for her.

She never wore any jewelry.

Right off the bat she was a target for Fran, and very rarely Fran called her by her name, and when she did, she often emphasized the first syllable pronouncing as a hard YOU-niss. But she seemed to call her by other, more colorful names such as; Four-eyed, flat face leper. Spotted Beaver.

Horse face was another common one and Fran’s reasoning for that was the length of Eunice’s long face and nose.

Of course her glasses wasn’t the only facial feature that Fran picked on.

“You are in desperate need of a nose job, Pug Face.” Fran would say. “It’s just too darn flat! How can you breathe with a flat nose like that?”

“Pug Face?” One of Fran’s friends questioned the first time she heard her call Eunice that.

“You know? The dog that looks like it’s face was smashed in with a shovel? That’s what YOUneece’s face looks like. It looks like it was smashed in with a shovel,” Fran explained.

Of course, among Fran’s friends, these comments were met with an uproar of laughter.

Fran didn’t limit her creativity to only verbal taunting. There was the physical taunting as well.

One time she had just slammed her fist into Eunice’s back, so hard, that she almost blacked out.

“What the heck did you do that for?” Eunice asked as she tried to get her bearing.

“Because you were there!”

Many times, Fran’s reasoning wasn’t called for, but it got a rise out of her friends and that was all that mattered to her. For the others that were picked on, it was a bit of a relief for them given that Fran had a tendency to let up on the longer interns, in favor of picking on the “new meat”.

Given that Fran had often “went out” with the director, she managed to get away with it. In fact, he would often try to keep those that were picked on away from Fran as a solution, but sometimes, Fran was just itching for a fight.

She would often taunt someone until they finally would “attack” her. This fell in Fran’s favor, as she could just point the finger and say, “She threw the first punch!”

Of course, before the fight was broken up, Fran would retaliate in the most severe manner. While Fran never got to the point where she had broken an arm or leg, busted noses and lips were common for her.

But with Eunice, Fran had it particularly in for her because of the scowl she would give her, and one time Eunice made the mistake of calling Fran, Frannie, a name she despised.

Eunice could tell that Fran was itching to fight her and there was no way out of it.

One day, Fran did get the best of Eunice and though she was angered to the point where she wanted to jump down her throat, she ended belting out a remark that got, not only Fran’s attention, but those working in the vicinity.

“Get the hell off my back, Frannie, you b****.”

Well! This caused Fran’s low boiling point to be reached, but she didn’t act on it right away because she didn’t want to get her new outfit rustled up, or her hair mussed.

It wasn’t that the mighty, Fran, was chickening out, but she was one that liked to “prepare for battle.”

So to those she planned to fight, she would just say, “Tomorrow, your butt is mine!”

Usually the following day she would show up in a very tight and form fitting outfit that hugged her body close. The outfit was usually very decorated and would look like something a super hero would wear. Also her hair would be tied up in a bun, or in an extreme case, she would cut it completely short.

Regardless of how she would show up, Eunice was marked.

In many ways, this ploy of putting off fight had played with the emotions of her victim. Many times, they ended up quitting. Other times, they didn’t get any sleep the night prior and as such, were less alert when fighting, making them easy prey for Fran.

Eunice had much riding on the intern program and she couldn’t afford to drop out. She had tried to go to the director to explain the matter to him and all she received from him was:

“I can’t do anything unless she does anything,” he said.

“But there were others around that were witness to what she said,” Eunice remarked.

“Well, you have to give me proof.”

Of course, that proved to be mostly futile as Fran was careful with her words and who heard them. All the people that did hear her threat to Eunice were her friends. Naturally they denied any threat Fran had made.

So this left Eunice going home and she lay in bed, seemingly heading down the path of a sleepless night. Just when she thought she had fallen asleep, she had a dream of being visited by her deceased mother.

“Dearest Eunice, forgive me for not coming to you sooner, but it isn’t easy making my rounds. However, I see that an intervention is needed and now.

I, too, was tormented in school. I had hoped that things would be different with you, but spirit or not, I am not going to sit idly by why that numbskull has her way with my daughter. I will help you, my dear Eunice.”

Eunice wanted to talk more with her mother, but she had kept her “visit” very short and brief. Her mother said she wanted to help, but how? She was no longer living.

However, the following day, when Eunice had awakened in the middle of the night to go to the rest room, there was a glass vial on her counter with a note in her mother’s handwriting.

“Drink this my dear, it will give you the STRENGTH to get through this,” the note read.

Strangely, the word strength, was in full capitals. It will help you sleep too!

At first she was hesitant to take it, but given what she faced the following day, and the fact that the vial seemingly came from her mother, she figured it was safe to drink it. So, she did.

Immediately she yawned and felt sleepy. She had left the vial and the note on the bathroom counter and then went to bed.

The following day, when Eunice woke up and went to the bathroom, she had noticed that the vial and the note were gone!

She wrinkled her nose and said, “Hmmmm, that must have been part of the dream, too.”

However, when she looked in the mirror, there seemed to be something different about her body. Her arms seemed a bit thicker and her torso seemed to have more shape to it. Even her breasts looked a bit larger. Her arms started to have some definition to them as well. She had shook her head and shrugged it off, but then when she was getting ready to go to the office, she had realized her clothes didn’t fit properly! Luckily she did have an outfit that a friend bought for her that was a bit larger. She tried that on now, and it fit perfectly.

It was quite a different outfit for her in that it was a form fitting top that had the shoulders cut out slightly. They only bared about an inch, or so, of the shoulders to show. The top was nice in that it had a nice embroidered lace pattern throughout. When she put it on, she filled out the top much nicer now, although, it seemed as if, by some reason, the top shrank a bit, even though she had never tossed it in the wash! About an inch of her midriff was now showing. Whereas, when she first tried it on, it had covered her waistline.

When she put on the skirt, she had noticed that it fell a bit lower on her waist.

“This is strange. If I didn’t know better, I think I would have grown. But that’s not possible. I thought I stopped growing when I reached 18. But I am 20 now and could it be I am going through a growth spurt?”

While she didn’t have the time to measure herself as she was running a bit late from going through her clothes, she couldn’t help but feel taller.

The skirt she wore fell at mid thigh and it was normally a bit too high to go out without wearing pantyhose. So she had to put a pair on.

As she did, she noticed that her legs were more curvy and shapely, particularly her calves. The pantyhose seemed to give her a bit of trouble getting over her calves. Even her thighs looked slightly thicker.

“I hope I am not still dreaming,” she said as she left her apartment.


Upon arriving at her office, one of the few friends she had, in fact the same one that bought her the outfit, had greeted her.

“Eunice, you might want to lay low for a bit,” she said and then looked her friend up and down before continuing, “Whoa! You are wearing my outfit and it looks GREAT on you!”

“Thank you, Mildred, but please go on about Fran.”

“Oh yeah. Well, she had “directed” the director to fetch her some breakfast and he isn’t here. So Fran is itching to fight you right away! She’s wearing her battle outfit too!”

“Okay, thank you. I will see what I can do. Perhaps I can duck out in the conference room and come out when Alan comes back.”

“Yes, I will see if I can stall, Fran.”

“Careful, Mil.”

“You too!”

However, Mildred’s plan didn’t work when she tried to distract Fran so Eunice could make it to the conference room.

“You’re hiding her, aren’t you?” Fran said as she suddenly grasped Mildred by the throat.

As she started to squeeze, Mildred gasped out, “Cu...cu...cu. Conference roooom!”

Fran smirked as she let go of Mildred’s throat and let her slump to the floor.

“Good dog!”

Eunice could hear the conversation and knew her cover was blown. She made a quick attempt to escape from the room, but that was thwarted by Fran.

Fran quickly grabbed Eunice from the back her neck and threw her against a desk that was opposite the conference room door.

“Not so fast, Pepper Face!”

Eunice started to stand straight up and her heart started to pound. Suddenly, Fran back handed her in the face. While she reached up to hold the area that she was slapped, to her amazement, it didn’t hurt that bad. However it was just a slap.

While it looked like Fran was getting into a fighting stance, she had quickly looked around the hall and Eunice’s eyes followed. There were a couple more desks that were lined up in the main corridor which had a large window behind them. The window overlooked the city below. Right now, the morning sun was shining in the window and it highlighted Fran’s body well.

Fran had went to the length to cut her hair very short. It was a very beautiful pixie cut that had some wavy volume on the top, while the sides were very short. The right sided featured bangs that drooped down just falling over her right eyebrow.

She was wearing a very detailed, black, short sleeve crop top. It had multiple shoulder cutouts and the straps or bands that had a blue and purple pattern to it. This pattern was copied to all the other trim on the top, such as the hemline. The exceptions were the top and bottom of the sleeves and the main neckline straps. These were colored gold. The top was cut very high at the bustline. The top was very tight fitting, particularly around the sleeves. It accented her shoulder muscles.

Unlike her top, her skirt was a solid black color. It was leather and it fell slightly higher than mid-thigh. As with the top, it hugged the curves of her legs.

Also, like Eunice, she wore a pair of stockings or pantyhose.

Fran had marched over and grabbed Eunice’s shirt and pulled her up. Her nose wrinkled as she put a puzzled look on her face. She looked down to her feet to see she was wearing heels.

“You seem taller, but I notice you have heels on. What is with the new outfit YOUneece!”

Just then, Eunice could feel a grumbling in her stomach and she held it. But that wasn’t the only thing she felt.

Suddenly, her top started to feel a bit tighter. But there was another feeling that came over her as well. She felt stronger. She had taken a hit from Fran and it didn’t hurt much. But she knew the feeling came on after Fran slapped her.

She looked to her arms, and they seemed even thicker than earlier.

She lowered her brow and then looked to Fran and said, “Hit me again.”

Fran looked wide eyed at her, but then said, “Okay, that was my intention anyway.”

This time, Fran had pulled her right hand back and formed a fist. Eunice looked wide eyed herself as she knew this was going to hurt more than a slap. She just grabbed the sides of the desk.

Wham! Fran’s fist met the side of Eunice’s cheek with such a force that it knocked Eunice off balance.

There was a low, “Ohhhhh! And Ooooo!”

Fran looked around and said, “Who’s there!”

A few girls were in the corridor hiding behind the desks and water coolers. When they made their presence known, Fran realized that it was just her friends. Yet, she did look around the room one more time before turning her attention back to Eunice.

Eunice had felt something warm run down her cheek and when she reached up to touch it, she found she was bleeding. At first she was shocked, but the shock subsided when she realized she wasn’t in much pain. Yes, the blow was hard, but she had seen other girls completely buckle under being hit by Fran with such a force.

Eunice started to stand up as she put a scowl on her face. Her anger was now overcoming her fear. The gurgling from within her stomach grew louder. It was so loud that even Fran noticed. But she looked back to her and said, “Don’t look at me like that, Four Eyes! Wipe that scowl off your face, NOW!”

That had made Eunice scowl even more. Suddenly she could feel a funny tingling sensation in her arms and stomach area. She could feel her shirt was getting tighter and tighter. As she looked to her shirt, she noticed her arms were completely filling the sleeves. The shirt had only one third the amount of wrinkles on it and she watched as more and more disappeared as the shirt became more taut on her body. In addition to her arms gaining thickness, they were also become more shapely and athletic looking. Then it dawned on her about what her mother wrote on the note putting emphasis on the word “strength.” Eunice realized she was growing muscles. Looking to her shoulders, the cutouts were slowly expanding and it appeared as if her shoulders were becoming more detailed. When she moved her arms, she could see movement beneath the skins. Her shoulders were becoming striated.

“Well, if you don’t remove that scowl from your face, I will do it for you!” Fran exclaimed.

With that, she had cocked her right back and clenched her fist tight. It looked like she was aiming right for the cheek that she struck before, as it seemed to have stopped bleeding.

As she thrust her fist forward. Eunice shot up her left hand and caught Fran’s fist in her hand with a loud, SLAP!

There were some, “Ooooo’s and Ohhhhh’s!” from those in the room. It sounded like there were some more people hiding in the group than Fran anticipated. There was even a “Whoa!” from the group and it sounded like it was Mildrid.

A look of shock appeared on Fran’s face, but as Eunice could feel her trying to withdraw her hand, she clamped down on her hand hard.

Fran yanked her arm very hard, but she couldn’t free her hand from Eunice’s.

“Let go of my hand you lousy excuse for a spotted beaver!”

Eunice didn’t feel any pain from grabbing Fran’s hand. In fact with every foul word that was spoken her way, the tingling feeling accelerated. She could then hear tiny sounds of the fabric of her top as it was being stretched to it’s limit.

She could feel the hemline of her shirt riding up on her stomach. Instinctively she pulled down on it, only to have it return where it was. Her midriff was exposed by a whole four inches.

Fran seemed to stop struggling as her eyes were fixed on Eunice. When their eyes met, Eunice could feel the line of sight change. Her eyes were approaching closely to the same level as Fran’s. Looking again to her stomach, there was now a 5 inch space. With out a doubt she was growing.

Suddenly there came a loud pop from the area of her right shoulder and the sounds of fabric fatique was now heard all over her arms.

She had raised her right arm and as she did so, there came a tearing sound from her armpit. She could see the striations of her shoulders pushing hard through the slits of her top. There was a series of fabric fatigue sounds and then the band that encircled her shoulder gave way with a loud pop. Her right arm was still outstretched and she was in awe at how thick it had become. Her forearms were bulging at the elbows too. Slowly she had moved her arm upright and she started to clench her fist tight. She watched in awe as she watched her biceps bulge. When her arm was upright, she could hear the fabric giving. She tensed up her shoulders and the striations pushed their way up tearing the opening up to her neck. She even started to hear the shirt ripping on her back.  She had looked down to her bosom area and it seems as if her chest was expanding too, however, as with her back, small tears started to appear around her neck.  While she didn't feel her neck get much larger, she could feel a sideways pushing force that seemed to be forcing her shoulders out.  A quick glance revealed that her shoulders were becoming, not only wider, but broader.

Noticing how she was gaining so much muscle mass on her arms that they were now tearing free, she had given her biceps a good hard squeeze. There was a small pop and a tearing sound coming from the back of the sleeve. She had outstretched her arm, causing her tricep to bulge. A very pronounced tearing sound could be heard. She could feel that the pressure on the lower part of her arm was subsiding, but her biceps still felt tight. Two more times she pumped her arm, going from straight to bent and each time the fabric fatigue sounds grew. By the fourth time, the sleeve finally gave way around the biceps.

“SHHRIP!” was the sound it made.

Eunice was in awe at how large and muscular her arm was becoming. Then she heard fatigue sound coming from her now, very tight, forearms.

The left one that was still holding on to Fran’s hand was starting to split. Eunice squeezed even harder, making her forearm muscles burst through the seams of the forearm area of the top.

Also, there were some popping sounds coming from her hand. Her grip was so strong on Fran’s hand, that her knuckles were cracking.

“Ow! Ow! Let go of my hand...Please!”

“Wow, that’s a first from you, using the magic word!” Eunice exclaimed.

“You are crushing it!”

Suddenly Mildred popped out from behind a file cabinet and chanted, “Crush it! Crush it! Crush it!”

Looking at Fran, Eunice was just shy of her eye level now. Her midriff was now exposed by almost a half foot. She was amazed at now she could make out that she had a six pack now. In fact, not only a six pack, but a more defined one than Fran.

A quick glance over her body and particularly her arms made her realize that she was probably far stronger than Fran overall. Wanting to make good on her mother’s gift. She suddenly wanted to hurt Fran, if only to get back at her for all the torment she caused her and those that Fran picked on.

She played a card and surprisingly just let go of Fran’s hand.

Fran turned her face to look at her hand as she exclaimed, “Ouch!”

With her left cheek now wide in the open, Eunice cocked her arm back and made her fist as tight as she could. Then she pushed her arm forward.

In the far distance, she could hear Mildred yell, “Kick her a$$, Eunice!”

There were some cheers in the background as well.

Much to her amazement, as soon as her fist contacted Fran’s cheek, a spurt of blood shot out from under her fingers and Fran was sent flying backwards into the glass for the conference room. Luckily the glass was tempered and when it shattered, it broke into small pieces.

However, Eunice just stood in shock as Fran’s body slummed to the floor.

It was very clear to her, that her strength more than quadrupled and she didn’t know how powerful she had become. Her hair started to stand on end as she was worried that she seriously hurt Fran. But then she started to move and writhe on the floor. ...Good, she was still alive.

She started to move forward as she approached Fran. Fran started to mutter a series of colorful four letter slurs. She held her cheek as she started to scramble back and then get to her feet.

Fran’s face was bleeding badly as she still held it. She called out, “Stay away from me, Four Eyes! Look what you did to my face!”

Eunice smirked and said, “Time for a nose job, Queenie.”

With that she started to rub her hands together. Fran had started to run around the conference table while Eunice tried to intercept her. This was becoming fun for Eunice and it seemed as if, suddenly some of Fran’s friends were now egging her on.

Suddenly, Eunice felt someone grab her arms and call out:

“Eunice stop!”

It was the director, Allan.

As she turned around, Allan let go of her for a moment, but then held on to her arms again. However as he grasped her arms, she could feel him rubbing them slightly for a moment.

He looked to her in shock as he said, “My goodness, how is this possible! You grew! You’re so muscular!”

He had looked over her body up and down. He was in awe.

Suddenly, Fran shouted, “Allan, what about me! Look what she did to my face!”

Allan shook his head and said, “Fran, I warned you that one day you are going to mess around with the wrong person.”

Eunice had clenched her fists and started to move towards Fran. Fran immediately started to bolt towards the door.

Allan had caught Eunice again and said, “Eunice, calm down. Please. Don’t try to fight her anymore. You are too strong. You could kill her.”

Eunice’s anger subsided as she realized that Allen was right. She really didn’t know how strong she had become. If she let her anger escalate, it might get the better of her. As she saw with what she did to Fran’s face. One thing though that was certain. Fran wasn’t going to bother her anymore.

In fact, Fran wasn’t going to bother anyone anymore.

Mildrid was first to come to Eunice’s side during a board hearing in regards to the matter. More and more people came forward in regards to Fran’s behavior. She was let go from the internship program. The company had also wanted to fire Allan since he was an accomplice to covering up for Fran, but somehow, he managed to keep his job, but his position was reduced to that of a mere assistant manager.

Mildrid, happened to be with the firm for a while and the role of director fell upon her. Eunice and Mildred’s friendship grew stronger.

Also, a relationship was building between Eunice and Allan. In the long term, he proved to be a good guy.

“I’m sorry, Eunie, for any hardship I caused for you when I dated Fran. Despite her being so beautiful, strong and attractive, she was just a bad woman. Worse, she had me eating out of the palm of her hand. Getting to know you, you are sweet and kind and while I do admit, I wasn’t really attracted to you at first, I find you are growing more attractive and beautiful with each passing day. So, what I am saying is that I would like to take you out Saturday, if you are not busy.”

Eunice grinned as she looked over her glasses as she said, “Sure.”

Excitedly, Allan said, “Oh that’s great! I will pick you up at eight and we can have dinner at my place.”

Eunice grinned even further as she said, “Allan?”


“Would you like me to tie you up?”

Allan didn’t say anything, but he put a smile on his face a mile wide.


Well, I hope you enjoyed this story and PLEASE, comment below and let me know if you want more!  If so, then I will move on to "The Bully" story.  The concept is similar, but it will be much longer and have more pictures.  The protagonist in that story has a slower, but more detailed growth.

So, please let me know in the comments below if you would like to read this story!

Other notes:   I had often used this texture in the past, in fact I had recently used it on Nadia, the werewolf woman.  There it is red, but the texture is the same.   But here, looking at it up close made me realize the gorgeous detail of this texture.  The sheen on it is amazing as well!

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Comments: 12

dennio123 [2023-12-03 15:52:41 +0000 UTC]

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RavenDiablo In reply to dennio123 [2023-12-03 19:59:47 +0000 UTC]

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dennio123 In reply to RavenDiablo [2023-12-03 22:01:04 +0000 UTC]

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RavenDiablo In reply to dennio123 [2023-12-04 07:12:16 +0000 UTC]

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dennio123 In reply to RavenDiablo [2023-12-04 08:55:00 +0000 UTC]

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RavenDiablo In reply to dennio123 [2023-12-04 22:41:56 +0000 UTC]

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dennio123 In reply to RavenDiablo [2023-12-04 22:57:24 +0000 UTC]

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RavenDiablo In reply to dennio123 [2023-12-08 04:28:01 +0000 UTC]

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RavenDiablo In reply to dennio123 [2023-12-05 11:02:49 +0000 UTC]

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dennio123 In reply to RavenDiablo [2023-12-05 14:37:30 +0000 UTC]

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RavenDiablo In reply to dennio123 [2023-12-06 04:12:38 +0000 UTC]

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dennio123 In reply to RavenDiablo [2023-12-06 08:24:45 +0000 UTC]

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