RavenSerpent — My Horses, Part 2 of 2

Published: 2014-12-09 19:38:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 2190; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 28
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Oriskove [Ohr-Rees-Kohv]

- Oriskove was the second toy to appear on the shelf of a small toy store, instantly overnight. After Neirolust was not being purchased due to the creepy realism his eyes portrayed, Oriskove showed up. The two sat there, appeared in various shelves throughout the store. They were quite eerie. Wherever Neirolust appeared, Oriskove was there the next day, then they’d reappear in the same spot every four days. Still, the shopkeeper thought nothing of it. He was slightly amused by it. The night of a full moon brought the two to life, they ransacked the store and abandoned it together. Neirolust seems to have a plan, and Oriskove happily follows. But they’re only active at night, returning to their plush states & sizes the instant the sun sets. As long as they’re in a safe spot, they’re out of harm’s way, but if threatened, the stuffed animals can protect themselves. Neirolust can overheat to at least 400° and burn his captor, whereas Oriskove can get ridiculously heavy, at least 600 lbs & freeze from anywhere to 20° to -110°. How they function & survive is absolutely strange to understand.

Orzalo [Ohr-Zay-Low]

- Orzalo seems to be the saner between these two siblings. Alynzary has all these strange theories and such, mind always racing. Orzalo just enjoys mining, making fun rock and quartz formations, and of course keeping his crazy brother in check. He’ll even try communicating with the other horses, regardless of his brother sheltering him away from them. He’s a follower, trying to break free, but unsuccessful. His brother is rather powerful & although Orzalo has much to learn, he doesn't know what his true strength beholds.

Paxialisa [Packs-Zee-Uh-Lee-Suh]

- Paxialisa has and always will be a gypsy-queen. She escaped her old, torched wagon after becoming victim to angered townspeople. She stumbled into the desert and nearly fell prey to a starving Habirislia, who had other plans when she came across the gypsy in distress. They in turn, befriended each other and their friendship becomes stronger than ever when they capture a rich victim, which especially pleases Nubyk, who treats Paxialisa like a beloved sibling. She can manipulate her tail & mane to snake & dance in beautiful ways as she too prances on hind legs, sparkling & glistening in the moonlight. Iris gets her victim while Paxialisa gets to keep the gold and whatnot.

Pinkalzara [Pin-Kahl-Zahr-Uh]

- Pinkalzara works her butt off every day in a tiny village yards away from her dream castle. She is a bit klutzy, but has every good intention in the world. She’s an absolute sweetheart. One day, the princess Faelara escaped her high & mighty castle, beckoning for help. Turning to the only other pink horse in the entire village, she easily befriended Pinkalzara, who can’t believe how ditzy and brain-dead she is. Pinkalzara is insanely jealous of the lifestyle her new friend temporarily abandoned, however, she enjoys helping her. Teaching common sense is an easy little thrill. In turn, she gets to learn decency & etiquette & fashion. They’re an interesting little pair.

Quakyrok [Kwa-Kai-Rok]

- Quakyrok was a ferocious omnivore from the late Triassic Period. He prefers meat, but will often eat whatever’s around. He’s bossy, angry and barely opens up to anyone. Loves showing off and just being a brat in general, he’ll make plenty of enemies. Quakyrok finally told himself he didn't need anyone and stormed off, to live life on his own. While eating what he could, he stumbled upon an easy target; a stumbling, weak horse-like creature. He lunged at the creature who trembled to the ground before Quakyrok could even hit. Quiskian covered his head and curled as tightly as he could. All Quakyrok could do was laugh, and soon felt sorry for this poor creature, who he knew would not last much longer out there on his own. Quiskian seemed incredibly grateful, and their friendship is really thriving. Quakyrok’s ego is fed so much every time Quiskian asks for help. It’s unknown how they've survived since the Era.

Quiskian [Kwis-Kee-Yuhn]

- Quiskian was a timid omnivore from the late Triassic Period. He prefers foliage over meat, but if that’s what available he’ll take it. Sensitive is his main characteristic. Being one to hide behind others, he’s viewed as weak and very dependent. Quiskian had ventured off from his heard to toughen himself up, live the elements and fend for himself, that sort of thing. While scrounging up what he could to survive, he could swear he felt another presence. Before Quakyrok could even attack, Quiskian fell to the ground and cowered like no one’s business. Feeling humiliated he didn't bother looking up at the chuckling foe. Quakyrok helped him up, and wanted to help him, for he knew he was just as lost as he was. Thankfully, Quakyrok was there and has showed him the ropes to fending for himself, but the two are becoming strong and thriving. Quiskian is absolutely grateful for this much needed friendship. It’s unknown how they've survived since the Era.

Ritalias [Rih-Tahl-Yuhs]

- Rita loves nothing more than gambling, especially when it involves those black & red cards. She loves Blackjack & is one sick Poker player; almost always raking in that money. She’s a diva and extremely good and getting what she needs to win. With the help of Exerxes, who knows all there is to know about the casino livelihood, and her dear friend Melazuna, who’s got the clubs, drinks and more down, the trio simply can’t lose. They love wreaking havoc & getting into trouble, escaping by the mere hair of their tails. They make more enemies than friends, but that’s just how Rita likes it. She lives for the thrill of the game, and throws those chips like there’s nothing to it.

Roselna [Row-Sehl-Nuh]

- Rose is a mysterious & elegant sight to behold. She’s so graceful & is incredibly exquisite. She loves rose gardens (naturally) and can instantly become a rose if danger is around. She’s one to bring life to her surroundings, including living beings. She just has that gift; the type of gal you’ll fall for at first sight, and she’s always flattered. Her wings are large & graceful, she loves nothing more than soaring straight towards the sky, extending her wingspan to full potential, and have the wind take her wherever it pleases. One day while soaring over a rather large park in the middle of a city she caught the attention of Jyrinto, who was probably as high as she was. She landed by his side & boom; instant connection. She’s his muse, and he’s never been more artsier. He’s absolutely gaga over her.

Sekorka [Suh-Kohr-Kuh]

- Sekorka was reincarnated with the help of Trazorkun, who was ultimately looking for a slave to do everything he was asked of. Sekorka is ever so grateful, and is his loyal guardian and assistant. Just being a living skeleton wasn't enough, and after bringing Trazorkun a soul to do as he pleased, he granted him the gift of sight; all over his body, and his body isn't perfect. He loves that he can contort and whatever he wants, including scale walls & ceilings. But he’s happier now than when he was alive. He’s obsessed with life more than ever before, and in order to keep this body, he must never let his master down. So, if that means killing victims or even bathing the large overlord himself, then so be it. He has no true idea what he is capable of, and Trazorkun makes sure he is never given the chance.

Skarkalus [Scahr-Kah-Luhs]

- The freakiest display of macabre horror ever to grace the world sums this guy up perfectly. He’s cynical, fearless and absolutely ruthless. Skarkalus is a ringleader, maniacal & twisted, believing that blood & gore really gets crowds going. He’s exactly the kind of sight you wanna avoid, especially in the darkness of carnivals, theme parks, or even alleyways. He knows his target, and he’ll stop at nothing to satisfy his hunger. Mouth stitched up really doesn't affect him and he still manages to consume, although it’s never been witnessed. With the loyalty from his henchmen, Warvox & Zortruk, the trio are absolutely something to fear for your lives. They love performing & turning their acts into feeding frenzies. Warvox is the strongest & largest around, relying on his brute strength and love for metal music theme songs to push him through kills. Zortruk is a silent terror and his spikes are always drenched in blood the morning after a good night. Skarkalus couldn't ask for anything more if he tried.

Trazorkun [Trah-Zohr-Kuhn]

- Trazorkun is a demon from the darkest depths of Hell. He’ll boast that he rules all of it, tortures all around him and will show no remorse. Every mortal he comes across trembles in his presence. He lives every day to bring dismay and despair to everyone around him. Although his tormenting is good, he figured using his powers to bring one of the dead back to life, Sekorka, would be amusing to aid in his malicious ways. Turns out rejuvenating the skeleton was a brilliant idea. He does everything he is told, and lately Trazorkun just gets to sit back and boss & brag. It’s a win-win, really. From the souls he receives & consumes, his eyes and nose constantly ooze gold magma, which he later uses to adorn his thrown and cavern. All that matters is that Trazorkun is still so greatly feared, and victims Sekorka brings to him don’t last too long.

Tyralk [Tai-Rahlk]

- Tyralk & his brother Vilrozt have quite a bizarre lifestyle. They used to perform as clowns, but loved the fact that they instilled fear into others a little too much. After leaving their traveling show, they pursued becoming something that, on the outside, seemed harmless; Mimes. It gets them money, it gets them just the right amount of publicity. After hours, Tyralk’ll prey for victims that Vilrozt can use as live dummies for Ventriloquism. In turn, Vilrozt gathers victims for Tyralk that he can practice escape-stunts with, and they never prevail. After the victim has been tortured, they are quickly feasted on. It’s twisted what these two do, but they always get away with it, quite frankly no one would willingly go near these freaks after dark. If left alone, they won’t bother you, but venture too close and it may be the last mistake you make…

Ulania [You-Lahn-Yuh]

- Ulania, still to this day, has a difficult time recollecting how she came about. She awoken with a large, pink butterfly-horse standing over her, with a tilted head. She felt rejuvenated from whatever had happened to her. Loraska tended to her, and Calysna gave a little attention here and there. Her appearance is unlike any horse the two have seen, but they don’t treat her differently cause of that. Her vision’s perfect, hearing’s even better, and she proves to be quite helpful. She learns something new about the world and herself almost every day. Loraska can see it, the more she pushes herself and the more she assists, the closer she gets to finding herself.

Uzorgun [You-Zohr-Guhn]

- Uzorgun’s entire planet had been falling apart for as long as he could remember. It was crumbling to shambles, the planet failing to house its organisms much longer. He knew he had escaped for the better to a more accommodating vicinity. Although, the Asteroid Belt wasn't much of a vicinity, it was a start. He was determined to make the distance to Earth. A shooting star had struck the Belt hard, and sent his specific rock in the right direction. However, he was no longer alone; accompanying him was this strange little pink creature that went by Yuzie. She’s completely enamored by Uzorgun and she’s practically his pet. He plans on keeping her safe, but there are several hindrances from his deteriorating planet that just won’t let him leave yet…

Vilrozt [Vihl-Rahst]

- Vilrozt & his brother Tyralk don’t lead a normal lifestyle. They were brought up as clowns in a traveling show, but the amount of fear they instilled in guests as opposed to joy got them kicked out. They had to pursue something similar; it was all they knew. Vilrozt enjoys Ventriloquism and is quite good at it, so with the brilliance of Tyralk, they pursued simply being Mimes, not uttering a word during the day, but making money they needed. After hours their hobbies are even darker as they lure victims, torture till the last drop of blood is left, and feast on the remains in a sick & twisted rendition of the joy of being a Ventriloquist.

Vysirgot [Vai-Sur-Go]

- Vysirgot is a martyr & a bastard. He gets everything he wants and let’s no one stop him. A true leader amongst his viral trio of thieves & live-destroyers. He’s rather cocky & doesn't take no for an answer. He, Galira & Elekrazz used to be extreme & relentless rivals, but when they finally came to terms, they realized they’re far more treacherous working as a trio. They can upload themselves into hard drives easily and wreak havoc. Stealing various codes, passwords and such, getting themselves into even more trouble. Vysirgot appointed himself the All Mighty Leader, and after some scoffs here and there, it was official. Elekrazz is like his malicious henchman & Galira is his feisty little secret agent. Vysirgot outside of the internet is simply unruly & destructive, sending hundreds of electrical volts throughout surfaces. The last thing you see before his attack is that heartthrob smirk of his, and it’s too late.

Warvox [Wahr-Vocks]

- Warvox is an almighty & powerful individual; his strength reaching unlike any others. He lives to serve Skarkalus, who is only in his highest regards. Always willing to do his bidding, he’ll stop at nothing to please. He rocks out a lot, music that often instills fear, especially when they aren't aware of where it came from. He’s always starving, and normally just sticks to robbing delis, but when Skarkalus has a plan, he follows one hundred percent. He’s also envious over his friend Zortruk, who barely utters a sound, but is simply a reckless killing machine. The trio is absolutely gruesome. Warvox loves performing and loves the circus/carnival lifestyle, but there’s a slightly higher love for the occasional bloodbath.

Wybroto [Wai-Bro-Toe]

- Wybroto is just a carefree & easy going spirit. He was highly into the medieval era as a young buck, but times have changed & he’s accepted that. His fiery little friend, Fyriello, however, lives in an alternate universe where, apparently, medieval times live on forever. There are times where dueling & being medieval light a fire under that ol’ butt of his, but other times Fyriello tires him real fast. Which is fine, rest is good too. However, Wybroto enjoys dueling a lot, or even training aside his friend. His favorite thing is staying in shape, and looking good for the ladies. They can’t see a worn-out horse, now can they? Especially when he’s the one saving his friend from an almost demise when he thinks too highly of himself.

Xiakalzi [Zee-Yuh-Kahl-Zee]

- Xiakalzi has been a master in the witchcraft department all her life. She’s had years & years of experience & can certainly show for that. Only recently did she open her wisdom to a student who reminded her so much of herself. Delkierro is adorable; always asking questions, always willing to learn and stop at nothing to perfect his magic. Xiakalzi can levitate, transport and makes pretty much anything happen at will, mostly with the control of her over-powerful mind. There was only one incident, where she needed to leave briefly during their training session, and she comes back to Clasartrus, a merged creature she had never seen. Oddly enough, the spell that Delkierro had cast was impenetrable to any of her tricks and the beast could not be separated.

Xilphar [Zihl-Fahr]

- Xilphar was created in a strange lab by Hyavor while he was experimenting with personifying shapes; thus creating Xilphar. It was phenomenal to witness. Xilphar’s intelligence instantly increased, far passing Hyavor’s, and he can complete difficult tasks with relative ease. He can even levitate and disappear into the night sky. He’s incredibly strange, but there’s something ever so endearing about him. He makes Hyavor look like a genius instead of insane, as he always was, and sometimes is, portrayed. This little guy often corrects Hyavor’s research, his theories, and has even saved him from an explosion or two. They’re a pretty good team. Xilphar has such a strong love for his creator and doesn't care how much he has to help him. Just being there is enough and he couldn't be happier.

Yelzea [Yehl-Zay-Uh]

- Yelzea is Country Girl at heart. She’s bad to the bone & doesn't let a soul get in her way. A sharp-shooter and just one to start brawls over anything, Yelzea charms ‘em all. The star on her body glows as she gets fired up, and instills curiosity in everyone. She’s got a thick Western accent, and has an attitude to boot. She’s a kick-ass bartender at the Ol’ Tyme Saloon; yes, everything about her is die-hard, old Wild West style. It’s amazing how easily she can take control over some rambunctious cattle. She’s took little Glasabell under her wing, per say. Yelzea LOVES showing off, bragging, gloating et cetera. Glasabell loves nothing more than learning everything there is to know about Yelzea & the new lifestyle she’s come to love so much.

[I added the bedazzled effects to the star, I hope that’s okay ^^]

Yuzie [You-Zee]

- Yuzie is one of the last few remaining species of her kind. After her home planet had been blown to smithereens, she took shelter on a nearby star and caused it to shoot amongst the galaxy, thus abandoning who was left from her world. Striking past the eerie sight of a deteriorating planet who had been affected by some force unknown to her, she shot towards the Asteroid Belt, and managed to hit several out of their place, rocketing quite a distance away. She met this terrifying beast, Uzorgun, who she instantly cuddled up to since she just felt so alone. It wasn't in him to hurt her, and together they’re hoping to successfully escape the galaxy. However, some strange force is making their journey ever so difficult…

Zortruk [Zohr-Truhk]

- Zortruk is probably one of the most intimidating & terrifying creatures out there. He’s meticulous when it comes to pretty much everything, and malicious when it comes to murder. He’s been known to absorb morsels through his soulless, voided eye sockets. He’s insane, for lack of better terminology; an ultimate killing machine. He absolutely worships and respects Skarkalus, who rules over their twisted little carnival. Warvox is a close friend whose strength often prevails when it comes to victims that fight back too hard. However, if Warvox doesn't crush them with brute strength, those spikes adorning his back become drenched in blood from his own kind of force. He enjoys performing and showing off his appearance, he loves a crowd. There’s plenty of options to choose from, from his point of view. Very little is known about this chill-inducing killer, but what is known is that if he corners you, chooses you, it’s over.

Zuronus [Zoo-Row-Nuhs]

- Zuronus has always been an aggressive & strange individual. His dark past mostly involved abuse & experimentation. He was an icon, a successful mutation thriving on popularity & friendship. It didn't take long for the effects to turn for the worse; especially when hunger kicked in. Banished for his aggressive murders & attacks, Zuronus was outlawed far away. He could care less, all this power he had was his only companion. That is until he stumbled on a forgotten fellow, Jalazos, who too fell prey to experimentation, but only for the worse. Vision lost & hopes deteriorated, it seemed his untimely death was upon him. Zuronus had such pity for this poor soul and instead of feeding on him, assisted him back to a less-depressive state. These two ultimately hunt & seek revenge on those who gave them hell. Zuronus is more relentless than Jalazos, but that’s more than fine. He respects his friend & is extremely loyal to him, they’ll shy away for a while, only to come back once the hunger kicks in…

Zyoxt [Zai-Yahkst]

- Zyoxt was locked up in an insane asylum for who knows how long. It was believed that he committed murders all around him, simply by staring and causing the victim’s world to turn black. He’s maniacal, cynical, and shows no mercy. Victims crumble in his presence if that’s what he desires. The remnants of their souls constantly seem to be dripping from his eye sockets. There seems to be no way of getting through to him. Barely speaks, barely socializes; he mostly communicates with Kysrontus, another escapee. Other than that, he’s incredibly vicious. He’ll even return to the same asylum that abused him and he’ll wreak havoc like no other. No remorse shown; he’ll often lap up the blood himself afterwards…

Every Horse Character I have, and that were made for me :3
I will do them in regular style, but I wanted to show them all first, Chibi-Style
THANK YOU ALL so much for these amazing designs, and of course for your patience xoxo

Part 1 is done too!

Oriskove ©

Orzalo, Tyralk & Vilrozt ©

Paxialisa, Roselna, Ulania, Xilphar & Zuronus ©

Pinkalzara, Skarkalus, Vysirgot, Xiakalzi & Zortruk ©

Quakyrok & Quiskian ©

Ritalias ©

Sekorka & Uzorgun ©

Trazorkun ©

Warvox & Yuzie ©

Wybroto ©

Yelzea ©

Zyoxt ©
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Comments: 5

spiderwuff [2014-12-11 11:34:04 +0000 UTC]

There's the demon horse I made. XD Awesome name for him, Raven. ^-^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KTLasair [2014-12-09 20:20:27 +0000 UTC]

NICE!!! These look AWESOME!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RavenSerpent In reply to KTLasair [2014-12-09 21:17:34 +0000 UTC]

Thank you soo very much!! I'm psyched with the finished product ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jahpan [2014-12-09 20:14:32 +0000 UTC]

WHOA EPIC!!! you went to town on these ^^ i love yuzie, vysirgot, vicrozt, skarkalus, and the first guy top left

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RavenSerpent In reply to Jahpan [2014-12-09 21:15:32 +0000 UTC]

Aww thank you so much !! Haha yeah, went all out on these little guys :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0