Sigil for the soul. In some traditions Soul is a key element, representing an extension of the body. Something like a double. Be this your belief of not, this sigil may help you connect with your soul to help self awareness
All Sigils and Bindrunes created here are a creation from historic, folk, religious, research and divine influence. They are meant to for religious and esoteric purposes only. Their purpose in not solo and need to devotion, love and work from the person using them. Some are indeed meant to manipulate a person or event. While I am not a believer on karmic backlash, I urge caution in the wake of karma or Numerical-fold laws if they apply to your faith.
I also create more personalized sigils by request, if this is what you are looking for. Sigils and Bindrunes start at $2 each and you may contact me privately, if you so wish. Please keep all contact civil and open minded.