RedKelpieART — [HAIKYUU! OC] Miki Shirogane by-nc-nd

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Published: 2019-08-07 00:40:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 20113; Favourites: 107; Downloads: 0
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Description Guess who is obsessed now with Haikyuu! Exactly! Me! Probably i'll upload more things about her, but she's my first oc!

27/12/2019 -> New character sheet! Added and modificated information!


Name: Miki Shirogane
Japanese name: みき しろがね
Nicknames: Miki-chan (by Nishinoya and Tanaka), Shirogane-san (by Hinata, Kageyama and Yachi)
Birthday: September 30
Age: 16
Zodiac sign: Libra
Gender: Female
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Japanese
Birthplace: Miyagi Prefecture
Residence: Miyagi
Ethnicity: 2/4 Japanese, 1/4 Danish, 1/4 Jamaican


Occupation: Student
Schools Attended: Karasuno High (high school), Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High (Middle school)
Class: 2-6
Club: Periodism
Role/Position: Sport Photographer
Attendance Record: 99%
Average Grade: A+

Power: 4/5
Jumping: 2/5
Stamina: 2/5
Game Sense: 3/5
Technique: 3/5
Speed: 2/5
Overall: 16/30

At first glance, Miki doesn't seem like someone strong, but has proven to be a highly capable individual. Thanks to practicing all types of dancing in her youth, she has a great physical shape and healty habits. In fact, Miki is very strong and is capable of easily hitting someone hard enough to knock them off their feet or even getting unconscious with a single blow.


Flexibility: Thanks to her love for dance, Miki is agile, has great flexibility and nimble reflexes. Miki is able to doing minor acrobatics like flips, pirouettes, kick up or splits (only lateral or frontal), without any kind of difficulity. Due her sister is able to do this same things and presents a similar abilities, is assumed that it is part of the genetic heritage of one of their parents.


Height: 176,2 cm (5’ 9”)
Weight: 67.9 kg
Hair Color: Copper – Reddish brown
Eye Color: Pale blue
Body type: Hourglass

Miki is a cheerful young girl with long copper hair tied up in a side braid with side bang and two fringes which frame her face. She has large pale blue eyes with long lashes and fair skin.
Even she doesn't have the same beauty-level as her big sister, Miki has been been noted by a lot of people to be pretty cute.
She's taller than other girls and has a very good physic condition, but far for being athletic. Miki has big breast, standar butt and quite long legs. Surprise, she has more physical strength than she looks.



Miki is a cheerful, smart and friendly girl who displays a bright smile on her face most of the time. Highly social, she loves to hang out with her friends and likes to gossip a little (she doesn't recognize it). She possesses strong fashion sense and make-up, liking to go shopping a lot.
She's a romantic soul and holds a lot of interest over the love lives of other people, to the point of being obnoxiously curious and intrusive about them. She also likes to help pairing people, that the reason people often calls her "the Cupid of Karasuno". Despite loving forming pairing people, she's quite shy and clumsy when she's involucrated, losing her confidence. Miki feels inferior respects her looks in comparison with her sister or her fellow friend Kiyoko, which she considers them having a beauty unreachable to get.

Also, she has an aversion to nudity because is bit self-conscious about her looks as well, having complex with her big breast and stature. Miki has been described by other students as "the most laid back girl" among her class, being a kind of an airhead at times, Miki is often incredibly blunt without being aware of it, despite this, one of her most distinguishing traits is her high intelligence.She is a very warm, lively individual who thinks about everything positively, though she is objective enough to see flaws and virtues. She will try to help or defend anyone who is kind to her or who needs assistance but often pushes too hard, which is why she easily forgets to take care of herself. Miki has proven to be very observant, seems to be very good at reading people.
Her empathy and kindness are also seen in how well she gets along with different kind of people. Even if she is highly observant and seems to be a careful person, she makes some unkind comments inadvertently. Her words may also come off as unintentionally harsh thanks to her blunt honesty, resulting in her feeling guilty and regretful when she speaks out against her friends.

Despite being very outgoing and extrovert, Miki is distrustful and reserved when she has to talk about her feelings with people she doesn't trust enough, trying to avoid or change the subject.She is a person who almost never gets angry, instead she'll cry if she ends under pressure or stress. However, with her curious nature and mischievous personality sometimes she easily gets into trouble, being a little troublemaker, but always good intentions. 

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Likes: Studying, makeup, sweets, bubble baths, photography, hot chocolate, rodents and birds, take photos to Nishinoya.
Dislikes: Needles, arrogance, cold weather, rude people, wasps, people who mistreat animals.
Habits: Beating her nails when she’s nervous, touching her hair.
Hobbies: Shopping, napping, playing chess, sewing, studying, dance, reading.
Goal: Becoming Nishinoya's girlfriend, go to the university
Fears: Snakes and spiders.
Love interest: Yu Nishinoya


Miki is the youngest child of her family. Unlike her siblings Akira and Tomoe, Miki always was the most calm and obedient of the siblings and for the same reason, was who least attention received during her first years.This fact changed when she began having very bad grades being in elementary school, something which worried her parents a lot. After a series of tests performed by a psychologist, Miki was calificated as gifted and was advanced one year in the school. Since that moment, Miki became the focus of her parent's attention.

Miki had a quite happy childhood. But in middle school, Miki began to suffer certain bullying by some boys of her class due her high stature, which later made her develop a insecurity, thinking no boy could like her because her height. Her fears and insecurities increased when her parents divorced. Miki was the sibling who suffer the most. Like Tomoe, had a decrease in academic performance and her already bad self-concept was worst. But when her sister had to moved to Tokyo, Miki started to had hints of deppression and anxiety. She finished middle school and when her mother said the better option was the Aoba Johsai, Miki bursted into tears saying she will never go to the same school as the boy who broke her sister's heart. Actually, Miki really wanted to go Aoba Johsai because it's a very good school , but she already feeling bad enough because she blame herself like the reason for Tomoe and Oikawa's break up.

For that reason, Miki decided to ingressed in the Karasuno High School.

In her first year, she met Nishinoya Yu who who showed great interest in her. At first, she was very shy with her classmates, specially with that energetic boy. When all discovered that Miki is a child prodigy who advanced one year, Nishinoya took more intered in her and asked her to be her private teacher.
They started to be quite close and Miki began to admire a lot of things about Nishinoya: his confidence, fearlessness and tenacity... and tried to be more like him. Thanks to Nishinoya and proffesional help, she slowly adapted to her new familiar situation, begin able to overcoming her doubts and fears. Miki even helped in th Cultural Festival making a lots of photos which were used on the scholar newspaper, something who produced her anxiety.

In her second year, Miki become in someone confident and accepted the invitation to be a new member of Periodism Club, finding her vocation.

Miki was able to overcome her depression and become the cheerful girl who she is now.



  • Dancing Talent: Miki is extremely skilled at dancing, being capable of pulling breakdance moves with little effort or other types of dancing styles. She can also teach an amateur into becoming a decent dancer in little time.

  • Keen Intellect: Academically speaking, Miki is highly efficient, proving to be very intelligent, also very analytical. She's very rational and hard working and is considered an extremely good tutor by her peers, being able to holding several study classes for her friends and even for olders classmates

Extracurricular activities
Periodism Club

Miki is part of the Karasuno's Periodism Club. She's one of the principals photographers and a very loved member.
Usually she's one of the four photogrphers of the club, specialised in sport photography, but always ended doing jobs aren't hers.
Despite she looks like she's always wander for the school, Miki is very hard working and love her club activities and members.
Sometimes is quite frecuently that she scold by the president of the club for do "too much photos at the boys volleyball team", but since Miki is one of the pillars of the club, usually can act with freedom, sometimes to the others members irritation.



Rie Shirogane (Mother)

Rie is the most affectionate, fun and kind of both parents. Since she was born, she and Miki have been very close due to their very similar personalities (although Rie has the bad temper that Tomoe inherited). When her daughter suffered depression, she feels responsible for her daughter's problem and takes her sadness on herself and, gaining weight as a result. In spite of everything, he has always supported his daughter and has been at his side in difficult times, becoming a strong pillar of emotional support for Miki.

Kazuya Shirogane (Father)

Kazuya is the most strict of the two parents. In the past he was more relaxed and calm, but the disobedient, rebellious and lazy attitude of his firstborn Akira made him change and had to took measures. Even so, he remains a comprehensive and modern father, as long as his children fulfill their duties and obligations. He and Miki have a good relationship, and Kazuya is aware that she was the daughter who was most affected by the divorce. Despite living in Tokyo, he tries to be as much as possible in her daughter's life to give her affection and support.

Akira Shirogane (Older brother)

With an age difference of five years, Miki and Akira were never especially united. Akira always had a rebellious and carefree attitude, and used to go off alone a lot, although she has been there when her little sister needed him, for example when they were little and some children older that Miki laughed at her for being tall taller than usual and Akira came out in his defense. Akira loves her sister and has no problem showing it to her.

Tomoe Shirogane (Older sister)

Tomoe and Miki were always very close since childhood, being a role model for their younger sister. When Tomoe had to move with their father to Tokyo, Miki felt devastated, and when she heard about the breakup of her sister and her boyfriend she came to think that it was her fault, because if she hadn't been a whimsical and a coward and had it was who moved, Tomoe and Oikawa would still be together. The bond between them is so strong that Miki deny the idea to go the school of her dreams, the Aoba Johsai, for her sister because would be a kind of betrayal for her part. 
Both visit as much as they can, every two weeks one spends the weekend at the house of the other, being able to be together, as well as on Christmas or summer holidays. Despite their love, Miki feel envy about her sister character and things like her tenacity, her security... She's being unable to think on other thing that Tomoe is the ideal of woman she want to be. She isn't aware of Tomoe's jeolusy to her.


Nishinoya Yu (Close friend/ Love interest)

They have known each other since first year before Miki changed class in second year due her high grades.
Their friendship started when during the first year, Miki was assignated by their teacher to help Nishinoya with his grades due she was the best of the class.
At first, Nishinoya he was flustered by how beautiful and tall she is, and felt touched when at first of their friendship Miki usually called him "senpai" (he's older than her becuse she advanced a year).
He support her as much as he possibly can andencouraged her to keep her chin up and showing her smile to the world, and she credits him for helping her gain confidence.They are close friends and she calls him "Noya-san", and he calls her by her first name.

Miki began to admire and respect Nishinoya and tried to be more like him, but this admiration gone far. Slowly she developed feelings for Nishinoya, but when she knew he has a crush on the volleyball club's manager, Kiyoko Shimizu, Miki was heartbroken and thought she's the best option for him because she considerates Kiyoko's better than her.  But she decided doesn't give up, thinking she will had the chance to win the libero's heart when Shimizu finish the high school and go to university. Meanwhile, she try to do anything as possible to speed the process, like visit quite often the team and their trainings using the recurrent excuse that "it's for the school newspaper"

For his part, Nishinoya has certain romantic feelings for her and that make him doubt, but his crush for the manager are a little bit stronger than his feelings trought Miki. Also, he looks like he isn't aware about her friend's feelings.

Kei Tsukishima

Despite his his smug and blunt attitude, Miki was able to form a nice relationship with Tsukishima, to everyone's surprise because her friendly and calm personality contrast a lot with his. Miki disliked him for his arrogant demeanor at first, but she saw he has low self-esteem like her. Miki was able to see he is actually a very hardworking and kind boy. At first Tsukishima found her infantil and annoying, but later he saw she's someone level-headed, responsable and incredibly smart and began to tolerate her more and feel understood by her. He is, in addition to Kiyoko and Sugawara, one of the members of the team who is aware about Miki feelings about Nishinoya.
This fact make him tease her a lot in private, but actually he thinks it's a shame a interesting girl like her be in love with someone irritating and goofy like Karasuno's libero.

Hitoka Yachi

Despite being intimidated at first by Miki's overwhelming height and beauty, Yachi soon befriended her. Miki think she's very cute and secretly envy her tiny frame, but this doesn't prevent her to be a good friend. Both likes photography and Miki try to hang out with her always she can, even she likes to ask her about Nishinoya, Yachi doesn't realize her friend's feelings.


Nekoma High

Miki met for first time the Nekoma team during a weekend which visited her sister at the beginning of second year. At first she felt intimidated, but slowly she saw they were good boys. Even she's able to hang in out with them and her sister when Miki visit Tomoe. Miki has a good relationship with her sister's teammates and supportive of them during matches, except when they playing against Karasuno.
Special mentions:

Suzune Arataka

Suzune and Miki are quite chatty and friendly, so they befriend quickly. They have many things in common, especially related to the arts. Miki likes to hang out with her for shopping when she goes to Tokyo, regardless of whether her sister goes out with them or not. Although Suzune is closed when talking about love issues, with Miki she was able to open up when she told him about her crush on Nishinoya. They both like to talk about the boys he likes. 
As an observant and intuitive person, Miki was able to realize that Suzune is also attracted to her sister Tomoe, although none of them knows.

Lev Haiba and Sō Inuoka

Although the majority of the team finds Miki cute, this two boys of first year thinks that she's especially gorgeous. Inuoka often gets flustered whenever she speaks to him meanwhile Lev, being extremely blunt, usually flattered her and try to flirt with her with a result quite comical. This increase the slight rivalry between them.

Tetsurou Kuroo

To everyone surprise, Kuroo is quite respectful and even nice with Miki. Some of his teammates teased him thinking he likes her but actually his behavior is cause of Tomoe's warnings and his fear to a punishment for her part.

Oikawa Tooru

During the time that Oikawa and Tomoe were a couple, they both got along very well and appreciated each other. But when he broke up with his sister, Miki began to feel resentment towards Oikawa which, although to a lesser extent, continues until the present day.


- Voice actor: Haruka Tomastu  sample   sample   sample

- Favourite Food: Sukiyaki

- Current Concern: Knowing someone who have better grades than her.

- When Miki talk about Nishinoya with others, she often call him "Yū-chan", but never to him because thinks is a disrespect.

- She’s a big eater

- Has pollen allergy

- In her freetime she likes going to her favorite bookstore and or go shopping


   • Miki (幹) – Tree trunk

   • Shirogane (白銀) – Silver coin

Template - Emirukiway

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Comments: 9

Starman1999 [2019-12-27 00:47:58 +0000 UTC]

Wow. She looks very pretty

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RedKelpieART In reply to Starman1999 [2019-12-29 20:32:52 +0000 UTC]



👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Starman1999 In reply to RedKelpieART [2019-12-29 20:57:20 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome She would look cute in a long skirt too

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RedKelpieART In reply to Starman1999 [2019-12-29 23:48:22 +0000 UTC]

Yes, of course! Miki is a fashion victim, she'll wear (almost) anything ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Starman1999 In reply to RedKelpieART [2019-12-29 23:52:48 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. Would she wear a long skirt, if she got captured by a bad guy. If she was off guard

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RollingCroqueta [2019-08-07 08:15:33 +0000 UTC]


bienvenida al hell de haikyuu, donde se entra pero no se sale... Lo digo por experiencia, llevo ya tres años y nada... Sólo sigo sacando ocs... u.u

Se llevaría bien con una chica de fukurodani que tengo, también es fotógrafa del club de periodismo : D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RedKelpieART In reply to RollingCroqueta [2019-08-12 11:40:36 +0000 UTC]

Jajaja! Me alegro que te guste

Tranquila, ya sé como va la cosa. Estoy acostumbrada a estar en este tipo de lares, que ya me pasó con Boku no Hero y Magi xd

Oye, pues no sería una mala idea, solo habría que buscar una forma en la que se conozcan

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RollingCroqueta In reply to RedKelpieART [2019-08-13 08:10:30 +0000 UTC]


Y sí!!! La verdad, tan difícil no sería... La mía siempre anda de aquí para allá buscando las noticias más interesantes...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RedKelpieART In reply to RollingCroqueta [2019-10-22 22:20:27 +0000 UTC]

Pues por mí adelante!    El único inconveniente que tiene Miki es que es de Miyagi y solo está en Tokio los fines de semana de vez en cuando xD
A mi con buscar la manera para que haya un primer acercamiento me vale para poner a tu personaje en la bio ^^

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