Name:Amelia the Merhog
Birthday:March 21,1498 (earth years) March 21,3098(in mobian years)
Age:520 but looks 30 (deceased)
Likes: pretty much everyone and everything (expect…)
Dislike: horror,scary things,violence (how ironic seeing her husband is the scariest thing on the planet mobious)
Nickname: song bird,angel,sea queen, mystic water, aria,selkie, good sirin
Job:Future Queen of Atlantis (formal), the royal judge and head counsel women in Castle Acorn(formal)
Soul color and trait:Kindness,Patience,Purity,Wisom (green,cya,light yellow,olive green)
Beautiful,Wise,Kind,and Loving.This women was a Queen, a Teacher, and a Great Mother. Sadly due to the Great war in mobious theying to protect her children ended up dying protecting the ones she loves from an army of deadly robots.
(and yes she looks like Primarina but trust me I had those colors for her before pokemon sun and moon)