reincarnationz — [Project VII] Ive Flosvir

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Published: 2017-03-12 20:27:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 1729; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 5
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    I n t r o d u c t i o n
Name: Ive Flosvir
Gender: Male
Age: 182 (26); looks much younger than his age though
Birthdate: March 20th (Pisces-Aries cusp)
Height & Weight: 157 cm (5'2") & 49 kg (110 lbs)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Species: Forest Elf
House: Vega
    P a s s i v e    •    M a g i c    •    S p e l l s
Major Arcana: Aqua (Water)
Minor Arcana: Nullus (Absence of)

Mana Reserve (Elven) 
★★★☆☆ Passive Buff
 Large mana reservoir: as a magical being, he has a natural ability to store large amounts of mana within him and replenish mana at a quicker rate than the average
 Strength: natural affinity for Aqua (Water), Aer (Air), and Anima (Life) magic, but it doesn't mean he's gifted in these elements
 Limitations: needs more experience to tap into his reserves, otherwise he needs a medium; currently, it is more like a "back up" supply due to his seal (listed below), so he will become fatigue if pushed passed his average
 Flaw: needs to continuiously train himself or this natural ability is null (like stamina training); he has a very difficult time with Ignis (Fire), Ferrum (Metal), and Nox (Dark) magicLocked Growth (Seal) ★★★★☆ Passive Debuff
 Seal of debuff: physical and mana growth has been magically stunted
 Strength: when/if he becomes powerful enough to unlock the seal, his ability to perform spells will improve; his physical body will reach maturity and his magical abilities will "increase"
 Limitations: the seal acts like a blockage of his potential growth; it's not that he gets stronger per se, but he will achieve the abilities he should've been able to achieve for his age
 Flaw: when/if the seal is unlocked, his lifespan shortens significantly and an estimated 3-8 weeks worth of physical recovery is necessary; will need to learn how to use his "increased" reservoir and power control, which will take far longerAqua Mandatum (Aqua) | ★★☆☆☆ : All-rounder | Cast: 30-60+ seconds | Cool down: 30-60+ minutes | Duration: until used up or broken or fatigue
• Basic water manipulation: water needs to be externally sourced and within approximate range of sight. Can be used defensively (water wall to slightly slow/hinder aim of projectiles) or offensively (drenching the target or as very blunt blows).
 Limitations: cast and cool down duration are dependent on how much water is yielded; the greater the amount, the greater the cast and cool down duration, the easier it is to become fatigue, the more fragile the enchantment
• Flaw: can only control a maximum of 8 gallons (30L) of water at a time; the average enchanted is 4 gallons (15L) or he'd tire too easily
 Passive: N/A 
• Next level: shapeable water > refined shapes > harder water
• Next upgrade: basic ice manipulation.
Spiritus Imperium (Aqua + Nullus) | ★☆☆☆☆ : Debuff or Buff + Passive | Cast: 30+ seconds | Cool down: 30+ minutes | Duration: 90 seconds
 Humidity control: adds or expels moisture from the air. Used as a debuff to hinder breathing and concentration (making the air very humid or dry) or as a buffer to make breathing easier (balancing the atmospheric change).
• Limitations: cast time cannot be interrupted or the spell will need to be restarted; will still drain magical powers and fatigue, and the full cool down time is in effect
• Flaw: can only be cast about twice a day and extends within a 5 meters radius from himself effecting a maximum of two people; cannot act as a debuff and buff at the same time
• Passive: due to the change of humidity, Aqua and Ignis users may be aided or hindered accordingly when the spell is in effect
• Next level: wider range > external range > wider external range > debuff and buff simultaneously
• Next upgrade: greater modifying control.
LOCKED: Inrita Rem (Nullus) | ★☆☆☆☆ All-rounder
LOCKED: Amare Curare (Aqua + Nullus) | ★☆☆☆☆ Heal

Wand (and Elven blade)
• Ive currently uses the standard issue wand to amplify his powers. In the future, there may be a chance he'd resort to using a treasured Elven blade he received from his guardian. Otherwise, the blade is kept safely in his room.
    P e r s o n a l i t y
Positive traits: Independent, adaptable, intuitive, go-getter, diligent, empathetic, dependable, generous, mature
Neutral traits: Curtly polite, unequivocal, studious, humble, persistent, numb
Negative traits: Standoffish, too trusting, overly zealous, vulnerable, strict, rash, impatient, pessimistic, anxious
Ive is a very independent and adaptable person who doesn’t mind being on his own and is not the type to let others change him. But not minding a lack of company and enjoying solitude are two separate ideals: he does prefer company but doesn’t prioritize socializing which makes him seem standoffish. It doesn’t help that Ive can be curtly polite and unequivocal with how he speaks, making him sound uppity without trying to. This can lead to admiration, but usually ends with misunderstandings (it doesn’t help that he has a natural grimace to his smile). However, he is surprisingly intuitive and can read social situations with little trouble; he knows when he isn’t wanted anymore and will not hesitate to leave in order to appease the majority.

Because he is not gifted with talents, Ive has a go-getter mentality and believes in pushing oneself for success. Thus, he is quite diligent and studious and often goes to the library to read about magic or practice his spells at an isolated clearing. He appreciates challenges of all kinds as it helps him release stress and gives him more chances to learn and grow. This also means that Ive likes to make things more complicated for himself sometimes, just for the fun of it. Despite his ambitious ideals, he is humble and not the type to sabotage others in order to progress. In fact, Ive is rather generous with his knowledge and experiences and quite empathetic, making him a very dependable friend. Some say that he may actually even be too trusting and overly zealous when he interacts with others, making him vulnerable with catching the short end of the stick as he's often used as a scapegoat or "as an excuse".

Otherwise, his strict and persistent self-imposed regime can sometimes cause Ive to act rashly and impatiently in order to see results, opening up chances of grave errors. He knows that mistakes also exist for one to learn, but his emotions can waver towards pessimism. He second-guesses himself and can be anxious with how his friends and family view him. Although Ive can be mature, what he understands in books he lacks in understanding in his own emotions; he often numbs himself in order to continue working instead of discovering what is going through his heart. Unlike his work ethics, he much rather avoid emotional confrontations, which only makes it worse.
    H i s t o r y
TL;DR: Raised on a continent of Elves called Elorbisa , Ive was ostracized for looking different compared to fellow Forest Elves. He left his community when he was a young child and would live alone in the forest until he's a teenager. He runs into ruffians who left him to die with a head injury during this time, but was found by urban Elves who brought him in. He was given a seal that would stunt his growth but keep him alive, although he developed a lisp due to the neurological trauma of his fall. He would stay with the foreigner who had cast the seal on him, learning magic under his guidance. Ive eventually made his way into Luna Arcana via a portal within a book.

"Thicks and thones will break my bones, but wordth will never hurt me..."
Pale hair that glisten like the moon. Pale eyes with diamonds like the stars. And pale skin that glow like the sun. Although Elorbisa did not possess gender norms, it was both rare and strange for a Forest Elf to be born with any dark traits as it was traditionally inauspicious. And living within the forest, traditions and oral narratives were what dominated their culture. Ive was teased and bullied in his younger years for his singular difference, often times involved in vituperative confrontations. He often oversaw it despite his pain, thinking that his family would mend his physical and - more importantly - emotional wounds. But over time, it seemed that they were becoming weary too. He began getting blamed for any unfortunate events that occurred within his tight-knit community and was further ostracized whenever he tried to defend himself. When he turned 28 (4), he concluded it was best to leave in order to please everyone and figured that no one would miss him. Sadly, it was true.

Young Ive ventured as a vagabond through the forests and learned how to survive purely from trial and error. He ate wrong foods that made him ill, learned how to defend himself from predators, and became akin with the meeker forest animals. His independent characteristics were fostered by his solitude and his heart hardened each time he passed by an unfriendly community. He would’ve continued living as he did without complaint, but when he was 119 (17), he had passed through a rather malicious community of Mountain Elves. Rough natured, the Mountain Elves began harassing Ive and taunted him to be more physical and play-fight with them. And known to be ruffians, the group of Elves continued their “game” for several hours despite Ive’s natural dislike for confrontation. At the end of the day, Ive was battered and bruised and was left only after he had fallen and hit his head on a rock since the “fun” was over after their target had fainted. "Ith thrange, ithn’t it? When you thought you were thatithfied, new dithcoverieth maketh you want more..."
The next thing Ive knew, he found himself in a strange space made of bricks and wood after he was rescued by passing Village Elves and brought up North to recuperate. What shocked him most wasn’t the strange home, or the fact that he found other "rare" Elves like him with darkened traits, but a foreign Elf that had no diamonds in his eyes. His situation was explained through the time of his recovery: about the Labisa Region (the Elves of Urban Living) and their advancement in living, travel, magic, alchemy and science - all of which the Silvalin Region (the Elves of Nature) knew nothing about; how Ive obtained his lisp due to the head trauma and that he was on the brink of death; and the seal, Locked Growth, that has saved him from death. Once he was recovered, the foreigner decided to take Ive under his wing once he understood the young elf's situations.

In the next 63 (9) years, Ive would eventually get used to living in the village, appreciating their cultures and views. It had taken him time to adjust, but his guardian's patience and kindness promoted a positive atmosphere that encouraged Ive to open up and slowly learn to trust people. Although he was never formally adopted, his "papa" (a title the older male didn't mind), would spend their time together studying magic and helping each other out with daily chores. It was also this period that Ive would notice the effects of his seal as his body matured even slower than the average Elven longevity, his lack of magical growth also noted. But Ive had never asked his guardian why he was in Elorbisa and how he was able to use such strong magic on him during the time of his seal, but figured if his "papa" wanted to share his story, he would. "Within fableth and rhymeth for children, Luna Arcana was juth a fantathy. But all thories come with a grain of truth and a touch of magic..."
It was thanks to his guardian that Ive would discover his knack of studying with the help of his Grapheme-colour synesthesia. Although his powers were stunted because of his seal, the amount of training and intense studying that helped balance a bit of the debuffing seal. It greatly helped that the current region welcomed foreigners from different continents and worlds, for their public library exchange was a great expanse of knowledge with new books coming in every day. Ive and his guardian often passed their time here studying and even read fables and children rhymes for fun. It was satisfying for Ive to attempt solving the mysteries of how books from different worlds all had a similar, underlying truth. Mixed with the oral narratives of his birthplace, fantasy books about Luna Arcana, and history books about magic from a variety of worlds... He felt like there was definitely something there...

Seeing Ive's thirst for knowledge, his guardian eventually shared a couple secrets with the younger Elf: Luna Arcana was no fantasy story. He explained that there was definitely a grand academy for those who practice the art of magic and that it homed magical beings that Ive would've never fathomed; dragons with humanoid forms, vampires, the undead, beasts, aliens and other Elves with trademarks different from his own. And the second secret was that... he may or may not have learned a great sum of his magic there. It was a rather teasing taunt, but the young Forest Elf easily fell for it. The only problem was, it was common knowledge between them that creating a portal was beyond possible, even for the most powerful Elf on Elorbisa, so how was Ive going to magically get there?

One day, during the year he turned 182 (26), Ive was still diligently reading through new books that even remotely mentioned Luna Arcana, still searching for clues to make his ways to the academy. He read about Nyx, the guardians, something called a philosopher's stone, and finally... Gateways! Except, no details were written; just a name was given. Mentally exhausted after another long day of studying, he dropped his head on the piles of books and closed his eyes. His body slowly grew heavy as he felt a jolt that startled him, making him fall off his chair. When he opened his eyes, he noticed that he was in a garden with nothing more than his wand, his blade, and his messenger bag with just a few of his belongings. He gasped as he saw a majestic building in front of him: Luna Arcana. He grinned, shaking his head at how magic worked sometimes before making quick headway to the academy, curious to see what else his future would unfold.
    A d d i t i o n a l    I n f o r m a t i o n    •    L i k e s    &    D i s l i k e s
Physicality & Appearance:• His pupils are diamond shaped, a common characteristic for creatures with magic in his world
• Literally cannot smile when he's forced to or you'd be greeted with a grimace; if you catch him on the rare occasion though... u v u
• The translation for his Elven age is 26 human years, but he often gets mistaken as a 13-16 year old because of his seal
• A mark of his seal is on the center of his forehead, hidden by his bangs
• There are no gender norms where he's from, so he is quite open-minded and believes how you behave is more important than how you dress or fit into a norm/stereotype
• He picks fallen flowers every morning for his hair accessories and likes making flower crowns for others
• His gloves and stocking boots are made of satin (+ wood for boots) that fade to translucent voile sheer; his guardian enchanted such a fabric because he'd literally wear nothing if given a choice :lSpeech Impediments:
• Has a frontal lisp ("s" and "z" sounds are not normalized) due to his incident
• Luckily, spells that need the "s" and "z" pronunciations still function fine
• His speech impediments is not as apparent when he sings, but he does hold onto the "s" and "z" sounds longer
• He's working on correcting it, but it personally doesn't bother him much; it's just hard to communicate without repeating himself sometimesFun Facts:
• Grapheme-colour synesthesia makes him pretty good at studying, but otherwise he does find it to be a bit daunting
• Misses his bunny companions back at home and wishes he was allowed to bring at least one over to keep him company
• Pretty good at most chores except cooking; he can boil a potato, maybe...
• He's not strictly vegetarian, but he does limit his meat consumption; if he does eat meat, he'll pray before his meal
• He really enjoys pampering himself (and others interested) with facials and hot baths
• The continent he comes from is called Elorbisa ; more info in the link o u o /Likes & Dislikes:
♥ Singing: reminds him of home when he gets homesick, and it also lifts up his self-esteem
♥ Music and artistic outlets: although he is only good at singing, he really likes seeing other people's creativeness
 Forest animals: he has a soft spot for most living creatures, it's in his blood lol
♥ Reading and studying: he loves learning about different worlds and species
~ Electronics from other worlds: he thinks the theory of them are nice, since he never got to experience one for long; an unlucky star of some kind has blessed him with making things malfunction within 10 seconds
✗ Clothes, particularly pants: he lived a great deal of his life without them, so he cannot deal :l
✗ Getting his hair caught on things: he prides himself with the length of his hair, but the hassle of it has made him wonder if he needs a trim
 Fire: thinks it's "very barbaric" due to the destructive and uncontrollable nature of the element; an inborn distaste due to him being a forest elf
✗ Slugs: Despite his affection for forest animals and creatures overall, a complicated story involving a very uncomfortable nap fosters his dislike for them...
    R o l e p l a y
• PST timezone: I'm most active between 3PM - 3AM. I'm most definitely a night owl and tend to chat it up with people on the other side of the world lol.
• (Semi) Literate ~ HC: I tend to write 2~3+ paragraphs, but I don't expect the same if you're not comfortable with it~
 Discord > Google Docs ~ Forums > Notes > Comments: I am good with most things actually, and I like them for different reasons! Mostly for archiving. But I tend to only like comment RPs for short, slap-stick kinda things~

✔ Mutual headcannoning is preferred,
✔ throwing art at people when I have time,
✔ and getting to know people between RPing! MOST DEF THIS PART. ♥

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Comments: 10

SnaredWolf [2017-04-06 01:18:48 +0000 UTC]

IVE!!!!! YOUR IN!!!! /HAZZAAAAAA/ <3 <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

reincarnationz In reply to SnaredWolf [2017-04-06 01:20:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SnaredWolf In reply to reincarnationz [2017-04-06 01:33:47 +0000 UTC]

YYYYYAAAAAASSSSS OMFG THATS GONNA BE SO FUN! 99.9% sure they gonna be sass everytime between them! I look forward to it tho!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

reincarnationz In reply to SnaredWolf [2017-04-06 03:05:48 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

VoidHikari [2017-03-22 00:17:22 +0000 UTC]

He can "maybe" boil a potato xD
Interesting character

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

reincarnationz In reply to VoidHikari [2017-03-22 21:11:08 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha, thank you~
He's lived in the forest for too long. What is cooking. 8D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VoidHikari In reply to reincarnationz [2017-03-24 05:14:02 +0000 UTC]

LOL yess great characters are the ones who don't aspire to "normal" ;3 
Who needs cooking when you can gather berries xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

reincarnationz In reply to VoidHikari [2017-03-27 05:53:26 +0000 UTC]

Hehe~ AND IKR. Forest Elf and all !! 8Dc

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

biSchematics [2017-03-12 20:37:59 +0000 UTC]

there he is * v *

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

reincarnationz In reply to biSchematics [2017-03-12 20:52:37 +0000 UTC]

In all his >:c glory.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0