Renstability — Alejandro Gang Leader

Published: 2011-05-09 23:58:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 4148; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 13
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Character Name: Alejandro Fernando Roberto Escobar Hernandez
Nickname: Ale, Alejandro, Red Dragon, Hawk Eye, Dumbass, Cobra King (lol Villi), Mutt (Rikter)
Age: 19
Birthday: March 21st.
Gang/Status: Leader of Latin Sydnicate
Gender: Male
Sexual Preference: Women
Hair Color/Style: Brown and spiky
Eye Color: Heterochromia. Amber and blue in one eye, Amber and green in the other.
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160 lbs without weapons. 270 with weapons
Distinguishing Feature: His eyes, dragon tattoo, carrying at least 200 weapons on his persons, wears motorcycle pants at all times, the scar coming up from the corner of his lip to his ear where its missing a chunk, Hispanic accent. The brass knuckles in his gloves.
Immune status: Not immune dominant genes with carrier and immune recessive genes.
Descent: Father- Native Mexican(Mayan). Mother- Canadian, British, Irish, German.
Mother- Immune with Carrier recessive genes.
Father- Not immune
Grandfather on mother's side- Immune
Grandmother on mother's side- Carrier
Grandfather on father's side- not immune
Grandmother on father's side-not immune
-edit- His eyes come from family lineage. Grandmother had green eyes, great grandmother had amber, Mother had amber and heterochromia. Her left eye was green. Grandfather had heterochromia, bright green(right) and light blue (left), Great Grandfather also had heterochromia. Green and amber, great grandmother on his grandfathers side had it as well only with blues. The triple mixture is an accident brought on by his father, its rare for rings but due to the mixing of all the genes it reversed and ringed. Ale's children will have regular heterochromatic eyes.

Stats: 60
STR: 9
DEF: 7
SPD: 8
INT: 6
CTY: 15
AWR: 15

All CTY points are for AIM

Personality: Extreme mood swings. Generally looks serious but can be extremely hyper, or extremely angry. When angered or happy hyper he'll round off in spanish at 100 mph. Won't take shit from anyone, generally tries not to pick fights with other gang members for his own personal gains. Maintains control of his gang and areas they control using fear. He's ruthless and sadistic. Has an Alpha Male complex (meaning if there is a more powerful or a more massive male around he'll start trying to pick a fight and prove that he's the dominant one). He's obsessed with weapons, when he gets a new weapon or more bullets he gets very excited. Around women he's a bit of a perv and a womanizer. This only gets worse when he's drunk. He's OCD with his weapons and keeps them all clean. He will sacrifice anything and anyone if it means keeping a member in his gang alive. Try to leave or join another gang however, and you'll be staring down the end of a shotgun. He's very loud, usually when he talks it comes out as more of a yell. Hot headed, and cannot plan his way out of a wet paper sack. He's more of the charge in with guns blazing type of fighter.
Character History: His mother who was naturally immune but had the carrier recessive gene gave birth to him at the young age of 20, 26 years into the infection(her parents had her at a late age and 6 years into the infection). Her and her husband managed to survive for those 10 years (his parents died off at the start due to their old age) they lived in hiding afraid that she (his mother) would be taken or killed for her immunity in the start of the mass panic. Just shortly after he was born, his mother became pregnant again this time with a daughter Sidia. Unfortunately the father died off leaving her to care for the children. She took off in search of her parents. Ale was 9 months old when his sister Sidia was born. Luckily for his mother she was able to get to her parents who were able to help her care for the children. Unknown to them the grandmother and new daughter were carriers. The grandparents remained paranoid about the new children dying off. His sister became infected quickly and passed it along to him. Him and his sister were overly sheltered due to the grandparents paranoia, and didn't learn about the infection till about 10 years old. The grandfather began teaching Ale at the young age of 5 how to handle guns properly. He took to it immediately, as he got older his skills and awareness grew to the marksmen that he is now. His mother died when he was 13 of unknown reasons, some say it was depression and lost the will to live. When he realized that his sister showed no sign of infection he began to get paranoid of people finding out, and began to hide her away from everyone. When he was 17 he gained the tattoo he has now, and began to form the Latin Syndicate at the age of 15 in order to keep Sidia safe unaware that it would grow into a weapon dealing powerful gang as he got older. It started out with just a handful of men he knew closely. At the age of 16 he started a gang war with a rag tag group that had control of a food warehouse, in order to protect his sister he ran in front of her and shoved her down gaining the scar he has now. Most of the rag tag team was killed on spot, but stories spread giving them their bad rep, which only cause Ale to add to it. Attacking random people and killing them in the most gruesome way possible. Ranging from Columbian Neckties to Disembowlement as they made their way up from Louisianna to Cable Car.

In the early years of the gang he started up drug dealing to get their reputation going and the money to keep them moving from state to state. What he didn't realize he'd done by leaving his home was he was no longer getting important shots from his grandmother (a highly skilled doctor who had gone to 6 years of college before the outbreaks) to keep his cannibalism (Green Flu) in check. When the urges hit him he was unable to control his lust for human flesh and blood and began his way tearing through the city devouring family after family. It didn't matter money, religion, or race just whoever happened to be closest to him. Shortly after his first mental break down he began doing drugs such as heroin and LSD thinking they would help keep them in check because they closely resembled what his grandmother had given him. Obviously, they made it worse and made his rage fights and desire for human flesh even worse. For the first year of not taking the shots he ate a person daily sometimes a whole family. This is when he obtained the nickname Red Dragon. Because when he'd tear through the streets on his motorcycle all you would see is the red tail lights tearing through the night and then a wake of fire and destruction following after him.

He didn't have much luck after. He became a rapist and a murderer from the drugs just doing whatever he pleased and whatever his messed up mentality told him to do. He put Latin Syndicate on the do not fuck with list because after he raped a woman he'd tear her to shreds and eat some of the remains then go murdering his way through any sort of people he thought saw what had happened, which could easily be a two block radius. After awhile he kicked Heroin he was about 17, along with his first relationship. He also kicked LSD. Making him slightly more sane but the fits of rage and urge to eat people wasn't quite kicked. When she dumped him after learning about his past he snapped, set her house with her and her family in it ablaze. She was the one who convinced him to get the tattoo due to his nickname, so at times he loves it most of the time he hates it because it reminds him of her. He had several more relationships all of which ending the same way a blaze whether she had cheated or lied to him. The only LIVING ex of his is alive because he wound up getting her pregnant in which he has a daughter. That he kicked any and all drugs he was doing in an attempt to father her. But the mother still won't let him see the girl due to his infection and his urges to eat people. Along this time he was down in Georgia kicking up a racket and starting wars and tearing through the city.

Before the great gang war for control of Georgia broke out Maria came up to him, threw a punch and challenged him to a fight for control of LS. He won but before killing her he realized her fire technique could be used to his advantage so he stopped, offered his hand and gave her the option to join or die. Not long after is when Arihi stumbled onto the scene he lied because he could see her potential and wanted control of Georgia, well when she found out he lied. The tattoo was a dead give away as all stories would have ' The devil with the dragon tattoo' she was PISSED and kicked his ass until she almost killed him. He simply smirked and stopped her by saying 'If you wanna live you better stop. We outnumber you. So you got two choices you can kill me and they can kill you, or you can stop and become my second.' she choice to become his second and unknowingly kept him in balance and from his fits of cannibalistic rage. They made their way down to Cable Car after that. Only to stumble on the other four gangs. Sidia still with him he complied to their demands to keep her safe and became the foot soldiers of CC. A week or two into their stay he sent her back home, even though she had already wanted to go home after hearing about the death of their grandma and grandpa. She now stays with her adoptive aunts back in Louisianna.
hits his targets 90% of the time
20/10 vision
Twice the peripheral vision of an average person
Walks silently (genetic)
Excellent judge of speed and distance
Extreme Will power
Excellent liar
Great Pokerface
Can cook using weapons as his heat source
Partly Colorblind (any sort of color darker than blue looks black to him)
Extreme photosensitivity due to virus
Chronic headaches due to virus
Extreme mood swings caused by the headaches due to virus
Can't plan his way out of a wet paper sack
Hand to hand combat is not a strong suit
Overly Stubborn
Hot headed
Alpha Male Complex
Weapon OCD
Short Tempered
High powered rifles
The scent, sight, and taste of blood (yes he likes to bite)
Clean Weapons
Mexican Food
Anything shiney
Cloudy/ Stormy days
Any member of his gang
Hitting on women
Motorcycles (owns one)
Sweet food
Overly bright/hot days
Hand to hand fighting
Liars (even though he is one xD)
People who try to leave his gang
Those who try to introduce laws
Fighting women (doesn't hit them plus finds them too weak to fight)
Wasting ammo
Dull blades
Getting fixed up by Medics (tries to put on a tough guy act like he doesn't need it)
Mass amounts of stupidity
Know it alls

Drawbacks: Has to wear sunglasses in just about any type of lighting because of his extreme sensitivity to light. Sensitivity to light causes chronic very painful headaches which result in extreme mood swings. Can't plan to save his ass. Extremely sensitive to touch. He tends to get sick about every month to the point he passes out and throws up all day from headaches and his infection, after which he can't control his cannibalistic instincts. Head trauma will do this as well.
Misc: Has a motorcycle. Loves giving explosives to Box just to see her reaction.
When he's sick the disease his grandmother was carrying comes out. He throws up for 2-4 days, headaches that make him pass out. Afterwards his cannibalism comes out in full sway since his conscious thoughts aren't in keeping it in check. He won't eat anyone in a gang or his own gang. Only a random stranger who is unfortunate to come across him, he preffers the taste of women due to the fat they carry for child birthing.

List of Weapons:
Grenade/Rocket Launcher (keeps on his motorcycle)
Scythe (folds so he can hide it) on his lower back underneath coat
Electromagnetic Cannon Pistol (can only be used 2x then it will explode. Cannot be used around metal, takes 2 minutes to fully charge then releases a kick back from hell, drains the user, can severely injure the user making the recovery time 5 days along with a 3 day temp blindness, weapon is 55 years old passed down by his grandmother who had it made for her by a nuke engineer) around ammo belt on his waist
4 48. Revolvers two on the front of the twin harness, two on the back of twin harness. Outside of shit underneath coat
2 9 millimeters hip holsters
Desert Eagle coat pocket
1) 22. gauge Shotgun on his back undercoat
Double Barrel Shotgun on the back outside of coat
8 millimeter Mouser (from WW2) inside of coat
Luger Pistol (from WW2) forearm hoslter
AK-47 outside of coat on his back
SMG on his back underneath coat
10 frag pineapple grenades attached to the outside of his coat
5 tear gas grenades attached to the outside of his coat
5 flash grenades attached to the outside of his coat
5 C4's inside of his coat
2 Pipe Bombs pant pockets
Gun powder bomb coat pockets
8 sticks of dynamite combination of coat and pant pockets
Stuff to Make 3 Molotovs combination of coat and pant pockets
5 Cherry Grenades pant pockets
Winchester 30 aut 6 under his coat
2 Sais attached to his thighs outside his pants on the sides
Hunting Knife under his hood
Skinning Knife under his pants below his left knee
Compact Bow inside his coat
Handheld Crossbow on his back underneath the coat
Chain Sickles inside his coat near his back
5 packs of throwing needle (each pack containing 300. Various sizes from the size of a pinky to 9 inches long) underneath his hood
5 different kinds of throwing knives (15 of each kind. Throwing Daggers, kunais, throwing axes (yes there's such a thing), stainless steel weighted, White pearl butterfly knives) combination of pants and coat pockets, along with inside of his coat
25 throwing stars pants pocket
Katana tied onto his coat
Machete outside of pants on the back of his left thigh
Hammer coat pocket
Butterfly Knife pants pocket
Sniper Rifle attached to the outside back of his coat
4 .357 Magnums under his pants near his boots
2 Brass Knuckle GLoves
Miniature Baseball Bat inside of coat
Meat Cleaver coat pocket
Set of 10 (in various sizes) ceramic kitchen knives coat pockets
Marine Combat Knife around his right boot
Tomahawk under his pants around his thigh
Spear (folds so he can hide it) Inside of coat
Polearm (folds so he can hide it) inside of coat
Pocket Knife pants pocket
Switchblade hidden in the sole of his left boot
Box Cutter hidden in the sole of his right boot
= 200 total weapons
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Comments: 114

Renstability In reply to ??? [2013-12-15 22:36:52 +0000 UTC]

I don't even play that game. 

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ArtsyArachnid [2011-12-17 00:09:39 +0000 UTC]

...Ren I can't draw manly men like Alejandro.

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Renstability In reply to ArtsyArachnid [2011-12-17 01:53:22 +0000 UTC]


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Anime-Angel14 [2011-06-20 00:42:59 +0000 UTC]

....YOU EDITED IT. ADHGFKDNMJKFDJRJMEKKRE. But alejandro looks even better than before. 8'D <3

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Renstability In reply to Anime-Angel14 [2011-06-20 18:49:11 +0000 UTC]

yes I did xD I hated the old app. Thanks eueb glad to know it looks way better. Had issues in styling his face.

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Strider-Tina [2011-06-19 23:56:34 +0000 UTC]

more info?~
very cool

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Renstability In reply to Strider-Tina [2011-06-20 18:49:56 +0000 UTC]

That and a totally new picture. I couldn't quite draw him right. So I went through so many meme's and so many drawings until I was able to mesh what I see as him in my head xD. And yes more info because he didn't seem as developed enough to me. I like text wally historys.

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Strider-Tina In reply to Renstability [2011-06-20 18:57:20 +0000 UTC]

I know i see the new picture and like it~~

though...it's kinda werid how the side picture has no arms...but I also understand why that is~

and yes wally Text history is pretty cool~ and explains some things as well

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Renstability In reply to Strider-Tina [2011-06-20 19:02:49 +0000 UTC]

LOL yeah I see a lot of people post full on body refs like that. Believe me it drove me NUTS to have to freakin not draw arms xD and I forgot to color so much so I need to go back and fix it up and shade it. Glad that you like it ouo/

and yes I do like to have everything explained for actions and all that I need to edit Strengths/Weaknesses and Likes/Dislikes now that I've developed him some more xD

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Strider-Tina In reply to Renstability [2011-06-20 19:12:11 +0000 UTC]

lol Ale without arms...hehehe~
and np~ it really dose look good~

same! *looks over at Nezumi's ref sheet..* ... >:c need to fix that sooner of later...
might also make and Ace ref...just for the hell of it...maybe...

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Renstability In reply to Strider-Tina [2011-06-20 19:22:01 +0000 UTC]

xD okay. Thanks c: well take your time in fixing it xD it's fine how it is

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Strider-Tina In reply to Renstability [2011-06-20 21:20:54 +0000 UTC]

.3. np~

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Renstability In reply to Strider-Tina [2011-06-20 22:33:34 +0000 UTC]

xD <3

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Xuiology [2011-06-18 00:49:05 +0000 UTC]


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Renstability In reply to Xuiology [2011-06-18 01:00:29 +0000 UTC]

yes yes you do eue

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Himiku [2011-05-30 08:13:46 +0000 UTC]

o-o; i was gonna ask you about the Immune status......then i saw the list of weapons! oAo holy shit.....

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-05-30 08:28:22 +0000 UTC]

he's infected xD heavily. But ask away 8D

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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-05-30 08:35:03 +0000 UTC]

most character are infected right, so in the info, i just put that or do i have to explain it, such as coughing and forgetfulness etc? ^^'
i will not make him mad thats for sure XD

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-05-30 08:37:10 +0000 UTC]

yep xD basically how the apps have it currently. I'm OCD so I list it ALL out

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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-05-30 08:42:32 +0000 UTC]

XD ok Thanks ren! X3 i'll have my done app done soon
lol looks so much cooling when its all list out <3

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-05-30 08:54:36 +0000 UTC]

yw ouo and 8D woot can't wait to see eue join LS we need love

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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-05-30 10:51:29 +0000 UTC]

one more question, =u= my character tends to forget things a lot (one of her side effects) and i was wondering if she could like try to remember Alejandro whole name (which she fail all the time lol) as a memory exercise?

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-05-30 16:49:02 +0000 UTC]

LOL Yep 8D he'd get a kick out of it. MOre than likely he'd mess with her and be like B| wrong its not Hernandez its Rodriguez. eUe a girl? Yay girls moreforAletopervon that's only when drunk or when he first met her depending on how she is eue but that's totally cool. When you write the app you have to include how and when they met and why they joined xD

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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-05-31 06:23:34 +0000 UTC]

LOL she already is forgetful and he would mess with her lol XD this will be a fun friendship XD yea, a girl. X3 I had a hard time making the a boy without makeing him look girly ....(like jase lol)
oh, i have no idea how they would have met.....o-o'

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-05-31 06:46:25 +0000 UTC]

.3. would you want a funny story? Cute story? or something just totally weird and out there .3.. And LOL hey not sad bout that eue more girls. Makes me happy

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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-05-31 07:28:34 +0000 UTC]

......whatever you like ^^ funny would be fun....
here, see what she looks like -> [link] (is one of the pic off her app ^^')
LOL the more the marrier! <3

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-05-31 15:48:15 +0000 UTC]

Yeah she's definitely gonna get hit on LOL. Dude it's your chara have fun with the story xD can't wait to seethe finished app and see her in action

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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-05-31 20:00:30 +0000 UTC]

XD oh god. Ok ouob i will.
hope to have it done soon <3

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-05-31 20:04:02 +0000 UTC]

ouo YAY eue

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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-06-01 02:48:19 +0000 UTC]

ok, just finishing up the bio then i will be done! XD just wondering, if he would take her in if he found her crying on the side of the road, crying? At the time she had forgotten everything. o.o she fine now, getting bits and bits but still has a hard remembering things.

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-06-01 04:14:28 +0000 UTC]

He would. He's a softy.

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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-06-01 04:18:03 +0000 UTC]

ouob awesome. is done and up on DA

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-06-01 04:25:50 +0000 UTC]

I saw eue.

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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-05-30 09:24:27 +0000 UTC]

ok, oAo aaw *loves*

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-05-30 16:49:10 +0000 UTC]

*loves right back* B)

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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-05-31 06:18:06 +0000 UTC]

>:3 <3

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-05-31 06:47:01 +0000 UTC]

*DIES.... FROM LOVE over flow*

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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-05-31 07:25:59 +0000 UTC]

OAO omg!!!! *revives...with.......a gentle hug?* ono

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-05-31 15:44:30 +0000 UTC]


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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-05-31 19:56:56 +0000 UTC]

YAY! <3

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-05-31 19:57:34 +0000 UTC]

xD areyoudoneyet?eue

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Himiku In reply to Renstability [2011-05-31 20:09:54 +0000 UTC]

XD because I is slow >3>

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Renstability In reply to Himiku [2011-05-31 20:48:55 +0000 UTC]

t;is fine eue

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GalilelOmni [2011-05-16 03:13:11 +0000 UTC]

;3; stupid comp *on cell yet again* ene;;

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Renstability In reply to GalilelOmni [2011-05-16 03:21:08 +0000 UTC]


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GalilelOmni In reply to Renstability [2011-05-16 03:28:04 +0000 UTC]

e3e;; so what happened after Ale ragequit with granddaddy Ichi??

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Renstability In reply to GalilelOmni [2011-05-16 03:33:26 +0000 UTC]

LOL he's spilling the beans about lil ale
and people are asking him questions XD

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GalilelOmni In reply to Renstability [2011-05-16 03:38:20 +0000 UTC]

tell me all he answered eue please??? And does Ale need a Lili hug?? <33

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Renstability In reply to GalilelOmni [2011-05-16 03:55:17 +0000 UTC]

XD he's pretty osefjnke,mdsx oh like what he was like as a kid, how he became what he is, how old Ichi is, if he was in black ops, how he got there shit like that xD

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GalilelOmni In reply to Renstability [2011-05-16 04:01:50 +0000 UTC]

XDD now i wanna somehow make some kinda of crossover thing
eue;; how WAS Ale like as a kid??

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