Concept Sketch Deadline due August 20th (Optional)
W.I.P. due September 30th* (Mandatory)
Submission Deadline: NOVEMBER 30TH, 2017
Deadlines can be subject to change after all artists have been recruited, and consulted with.
*If W.I.P. Deadline is missed by a participating artist without any prior notice, artbook spot may
be given up to the next suitable artist. Just give me a heads up if you need an extension, please!
[ R U L E S ]
1) Image size are set to be 2670px by 3075px (includes bleed already), 300DPI or 8.5" x 10.25", portrait.
2) All artwork must be original, and made specifically for the artbook.
3) All submitted artwork should be fully coloured with a background, although simpler backgrounds can still be accepted given that the rest of the piece makes up for detail. The artwork must include at least one character.
4) It's highly encouraged for you to upload a preview of your work! Just make sure its a <40% sneak peek of your whole piece.
5) All submitted artworks must be in RGB format (I will be converting images to CYMK myself during formatting, and adjusting vibrancy as needed to retain as much of the original colour quality as possible).
6) We reserve the right to decline or hold off from accepting any artwork that does not follow the submission guidelines, or is not on par with the expected standards and quality.
Please do not post your full, completed artwork anywhere, on deviantart or otherwise, until the artbook is fully completed and all copies have been sold. Thank you for your understanding.
[ A l l o w e d ]
Any style of art; traditional or digital, it's absolutely your call.
Your original characters! Can include multiple.
Artist signatures (given that they're not too big);
please refrain from large watermarks.
[ N O T A l l o w e d ]
Fanart or copyrighted material of any kind
18+ content (Excessive nudity, gore, profane language)
Photographs of traditional artwork; please scan them!
Sketches or incomplete artwork
Re-using old artwork
[ C O P Y R I G H T I N F O R M A T I O N ]
1) All artwork must be original and not subject to copyright infringement; any copyright infringement will be subjected to the responsibility of the artist who brought about the violation.
2) Artists retain full rights to their artwork, and are free to do as they will (sell as prints, etc.) with their submitted art piece once the project has concluded. Full credit will be given in the artbook.
3) By submitting an art piece for this artbook, the artist confirms to be over the age of 18 or have received parental consent for their participation.
4) In submitting an art piece for this artbook, the artist gives us the right to edit and/or modify (adjustments to size, etc.) their artwork for the purpose of formatting, printing, and marketing the artbook.
Artists may be asked to use their artwork for additional merchandise such as posters/bookmarks/etc. for the project.
[ S U B M I S S I O N ]
To submit your finished pieces, please send them to our official Revel Artbook email :
In your submission, please also include the information below along with your artwork:
Your dA username
Any social media links you'd like to include
The name you wish to appear in the artbook
Your chosen event or holiday name
A brief description of the holiday chosen and/or why you chose it (MAX 240 CHARACTERS)