revoiment — [MG] Adrien Rhys

Published: 2019-04-14 13:48:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 1532; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Name| Adrien Rhys

Nickname| Adry

Age| 15

Birthday| November 25th, 2003

Gender| Male

Orientation| ???

Height| 174cm / 5’9”

Weight| 60kg / 132lbs

Nationality| English-American

Ethnicity| Caucasian

Blood Status| Half-Blood

House| Pukwudgie

Year| 4th

Voice Claim| Toyonaga Toshiyuki


Core| Wampus Cat Hair

Length| 14 and ½”

Wood| Elm Wood

Flexibility| Very Flexible


Oblivious | Impulsive | Tactless | Over-Thinker | Idealist

Adventurous | Laid-back | Free-Spirited | Compassionate | Earnest

Adrien might seem to come off as an aloof person with his default blank expression, although that impression would immediately shattered the moment he talks about things that piqued his interests. With his added overwhelming curiosity, he will not hesitate to approach a stranger with questions-- although sometimes it would come off as inappropriate and tactless at times. This gung ho attitude is also mostly applied when he tried to know about things that sometimes he would impulsively make a reckless decisions that would get him into troubles. Such as exploring the castle and got lost, or adding a non-required material to potions out of curiosity.

Being the youngest, he is used to be dependent on his sister for the most basic things, including talking-- that became a habit and thus lacking understanding in how to conduct general conversation. He might appear strangely quiet at times since he think too much on what to say to people that it ended up in awkward silence. Although it became better as he gained friends, he would sometimes still over thinking on how to ideally approach strangers so he wouldn’t come off with rude remarks.

Although behind his no-nonsense remarks, he does truly care for people who he considered as friends, sometimes by making people feel he’s too overbearing with his questions of concern. He would charge ahead and break their defenses if needed, even if he was scared to be hated and prioritize their needs. Although still works in progress, he would try his best to understand their worry over his own interests.


  • Being surrounded by books

  • Exploring new places

  • Foods

  • His sister

  • Comfortable sneakers

  • Watching badly written horror flicks is his guilty pleasure

  • Monster Energy


  • Dishonest people

  • Repetitive and menial tasks

  • Slimy things

  • Overly sweet treats (mostly american snacks)

  • Chores

  • Hot Weather


Being a former Auror, Matthew was really familiar with the danger that it brings to him and his own family. As he wished for their safety, as soon as his wife gave birth to their firstborn, the whole family moved from the UK to a quiet town in Massachusetts, in order to get away from the unavoidable scorn and judgement from his paternal family. Although he had to retire from his old job, he was mostly satisfied since he was able to spend more time with his family and watched their children growth.

Being born as the second child, Adrien was as pampered as the youngest can be. With a strict but loving sister and doting parents, he had quite a happy childhood. When he had shown signs of magical prowess really early, it didn’t really came off as a surprise although his parents still deemed it was worthy of little celebration. However, this discovery left him with a mixed feelings-- although he was excited about magic, his sister’s condition where she didn’t show any signs of magical power even when she was nine years old, weighing in his mind more. Thus the boy tried to not use his magic at all whenever his sister was around, trying to keep their relationship the same as before.

In school however, it was different. Due to his too honest of personality, a lot of people weren’t really fond of him and mostly avoiding or make fun of him. He didn’t really care for most part, but over the years the name calling had escalates into violence, that he actually got injured from trying to defend himself one time. Lilianne, who was trying to stop the fight at the time, was overcome with rage the moment she saw it and ironically awaken her magical power, sending tables and chairs flying across the classroom and scaring the bullies away. Adrien who witness it, immediately burst into tears-- not out of fear, but from a huge sense of relief that his sister was the same as him. And their parents, although worried, were elated at the news and send her to Ilvermorny with the best wishes when her time arrived. Even though he felt kind of lonely, he was still looking forward to the day where he can get into the same school as his sister again.

His first year in Ilvermorny was proved to be quite difficult, for he was often missed home and having quite a challenge to make friends, plus was hugely disappointed that he wasn’t in the same house as his sister. However, slowly but surely, he learned how to properly interact with people (although still lacking) and even made acquaintances that he could call friends along the way. With his gaining confidence, the boy was trying to enjoy and adjusting without huge bumps for the next few years.


  • Matthew Rhys (45) | Father, Pure Blood, Open a Cafe which cater to both the no-maj and wizarding side

  • Diana Rhys (45) | Mother, No-Maj Born, Wizarding Painter

  • Lilianne Rhys (17) | Older Sister, Seventh Year Wampus





  • Magical History of America II

  • Charms IV

  • Potions IV


  • Transfiguration IV

  • Herbology IV

  • Broom Flight IV

  • Nordic Runecraft


  • Enchantments II

  • Study of Ancient Runes II

  • Magical Linguistic II


  • Wizard’s Chess


Name| Margareth (Meg)

Species| Ferrets

Gender| Male

Personality| Quick-witted but shy to strangers. Was a gift from his parent for his 6th birthday and really attached to him, often found around Adrien's hair or inside the robe. Its name was due to his sister naming Meg without confirming the gender, and when they realized, it was already too late.


  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Blood Type: AB

  • Zodiac Sign: Sagitarius

  • Took interests in music because of his father, likes to secretly practice the piano at home because somehow it was awfully embarrassing.

  • Although he was taught about magic since young, he went to a no-maj schooling before attending Ilvermorny but immediately withdrawn after the incident and home schooled for the rest of the year, being taught by his father.

  • Generally loves animals but can’t stand the sliminess of certain types. Prefers small mammals that are easy to carry around.

  • Quick to learn new languages and is interested to explore it. Currently fluent in English, French, and German.

  • Would go back to Europe over the holidays from time to time for visiting his grandparents.

  • Although forbidden, he often sneaks into his father studies since it had many interesting books that he couldn’t find in library.

  • Started to bring an enhanced pouch that contains blankets and thermos everywhere in case he has to camp out when he got lost and sometimes over the designated curfew.

  • Recently notices the strange men that often came in and out of his family cafe from the wizarding side. Although curious, he decided to observe things at the moment.


Headcanon > Lit/script

Discord > Twitter (HC only) > GoogleDoc

Feel free to poke me for RP or HC!



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