Hello their everyone, today's creature is a favorite of mine I worked hard on this one. I was inspired by the Brachiosaurus from Jurassic park and have since wanted to have a large sauropod on Ternova. So, I decided to have a Titianosaurus convergently evolve into a similar shape as a Brachiosaurus and their are others that had evolved to look like other sauropods of the Jurassic to fill in a similar niche. I named it after Julius Caesar since he was a famous roman emperor and ruled Rome for only few days granted but he is still a legend many remember today. Also this is a remake of Saurotitan I wanted to change the way it looked and make the model size easy to see and I feel that it came out really well.
Orosaurus Julius (Julius’ Mountain Lizard)
· Height: 90-95 ft.
· Length: 145 ft.
· Diet: Herbivore
· Family: Sauropoda
· Subfamily: Titanosauria
· Lifestyle: High browser/ environment stabilizer
Description: It is the largest of all land animals on Ternova and the biggest animal on both Ternova and earth. Weighing in at about 90-92 tons it is the heaviest of any land animal to have existed. The Titianosaurus were a diverse group of sauropods that lived from the Late Jurassic to the end of the Cretaceous periods on earth. It contains the largest terrestrial animals known with a few of them even reaching the size of modern-day whales and possibly even more, for instance, the Dreadnoughtus that belonged to this genus was the largest known land animal in the history of the earth. But on Ternova they had diversified even further than their ancestors on earth filling roles that required a large herbivore to fill. They make up a major Clade on the ecosystem of Ternova clearing land and keeping the climate at a stable level for other animals to inhabit, this is how it is a lush jungle at the equator while in the north it is cooler but not enough to freeze the jungles since they help keep it stable. These herbivores are mostly peaceful creatures that are content with roaming their range foraging for food. In other words, if they were not attacked, they will never be offensive. However, an attack or threat from any enemy would turn them fearsome.
Habitat: The towering herbivores are also responsible for clearing old and new areas of forest growth in their quest for the most digestible food sources. Moving through the jungle between the open lands, families of Orosaurus create game trails, clearing paths through the thick forest with their great strength. They live in a semi dense jungle landscape with defined wet and dry seasons. they love floodplains, gallery forests and fern Savannah's with Araucaria trees. Orosaurus usually wander around marshes, lagoons, rivers, and lakes and are more common in open zones near the limit of forests. They also like thick dense jungles and deciduous forests as well being hard to see, even for their great size, they are like mobile mountains having growths of moss and other vegetation which helps them blend into the forest around them.
Ecology: Its diet likely consisted of ginkgoes, conifers, tree ferns, and large cycads, with intake estimated at 200 to 400 kilograms (440 to 880 lb.) of plant matter daily. However, more recent studies estimate that 240 kilograms (530 lb.) of plant matter would have been sufficient to feed a 90 metric tons sauropod. As stated, before they are mostly found in semi to dense jungle environments as well as moving during the dry season in search of pastures new along the marshlands and rivers within Ternova itself.
Social Structure: Female Orosaurus live in small groups of 5-10 individuals dominated by a single matriarch. These herds are well-spread out so that they do not overgraze. Males sometimes live in Bachelor herds when seeking out the female groups when it is time to breed but mostly are solitary. Bulls can be very aggressive towards other males during the mating season, but no deaths have been recorded as of now. Young are cared for and protected by all other members of the herd regardless of their parenthood, all members of the herd will share duties of protecting young from predators. As they mature, young females will on occasion leave to join other herds, while young males stay with the group to assist in defense till, they are of mating age. The sheer size of the adults protects them from almost all the island’s predators, but young are at risk from Theosaurus rexes.
Fun facts: When the herd is separated during feeding, Orosaurus communicate with one another by stomping signals that are transmitted through the ground over short distances and received by other members of the herd through the pads of their feet. Simple alarms can be easily transmitted by individuals feeding on the outskirts of the family group, alerting the entire herd to any danger. They also keep in constant contact with one another over long distance through a variety of musical honks and bugles as well as infrasonic booms which can travel incredible distances. Their song-like calls are also used to settle disputes between individuals, and to warn others of approaching danger. These gentle giants sing amongst herd members. They are reminiscent of whale songs, which can be heard from 10 miles away.
(PS: do not copy without permission)