RianaSalvatore — Back to the Start: Rebirth

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Published: 2024-04-06 21:45:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 22631; Favourites: 107; Downloads: 8
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I was freaking out. I couldn't believe what was happening. I was a girl. I was wearing a tank top and shorts that were pretty short. How did this happen? What was going on? Maybe I was dreaming. Maybe I was in a coma and this whole thing about being a girl was just my imagination. It would make more sense than me actually being a girl. The only problem with that theory was that it felt pretty real. I heard some footsteps and noticed someone was coming my way. A girl walked into the room, and she looked a lot like my reflection.

"Faith?" She asked.

"That's not my name." I replied. I probably shouldn't have said that, but one thing that I realized was that I didn't have the best filter when I was stressed out. It was the reason why I had nearly ruined my mom's relationship with Burt. Also, my voice sounded so weird. I couldn't believe that I sounded like a girl too.

"So, you do remember. Well, that's going to make this easier." She stated. Now I was even more confused. Who was this girl and what was she talking about?

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"Before I answer that, why don't you tell me the last thing that you remember." She suggested. I didn't know why that was more important than her name, but I decided if that was the only way that she was going to tell me, I would do it.

"I was driving and someone was following me too close and I stopped to avoid a cat before I got hit and my car flipped over." I answered. "Am I dead?"

"You did die, but you're not dead anymore." She responded. How was that even possible? "I made a deal with God. They agreed to bring you back, but you couldn't go back to your own world since you're dead there. So now we're here and I'm kind of your sister now."

"They? Is there more than one God?" I asked.

"No, God just doesn't have a gender." She explained. "It's just the male-dominated societies couldn't understand that concept and wrote them as male. Now to answer your question, my name is Chrissy Hudson here."

"Chrissy?" I asked. It was then something hit me. "Wait a minute. Are you my dad?"

"Well, I'm more your sister now as I already told you." Chrissy remarked. "I'm sorry that you're a girl now, but I figured that you would rather be a girl than be dead. Now we need to start getting ready for school."

"But I've already graduated. I was about to start college." I argued.

"Not here you haven't." She explained. "We're about to start our sophomore year here."

I had to admit that I was pissed about having to go to school over again.

"Wow. I knew that you played soccer, but I didn't know that you were that good." Chrissy stated as she looked at the trophy. She looked like she was impressed.

"I haven't even played soccer since I was kid." I remarked. "How the hell am I going to be as good as everyone thinks that I am?"

"I think you can figure it out. You have it easy. I have to do cheerleading." She remarked. "Also these things are supposed to come naturally to you, even if you've never done them before."

"That don't make sense." I pointed out.

"Don't believe me? Get dressed, including putting on a bra." She stated. "I'll see you in the kitchen."

She left the room, and I went to my dresser. I had no idea what I was supposed to wear to high school, and I definitely didn't know how to put on a bra. I wasn't currently wearing one. I took off my tank top and my hands basically moved themselves to put it like I had been doing it for years. I was shocked. I figured that I should wear something cute for the first day of school. Wait. Where did that thought come from? I ended up putting on a black sweater and jean shorts. It was probably better than wearing a skirt at least, even though I did notice that I had some. I also somehow knew what makeup to wear and how to put it on as well. 

I walked into the kitchen to find that Chrissy was there wearing a Cheerios uniform.

"So are you wearing a bra?" She asked me.

"How did I know how to do that?" I inquired.

"You've been doing it for three years here." She pointed out. "It's muscle memory. It should help you play soccer as well."

"Where's my mom?" I asked. I almost just said Mom like she was Mom to both of us. I couldn't help but think how weird it would be to have to be a daughter to the woman that you married. It couldn't feel good.

"She's at work. She goes to work early so she can be home when we get done with school." Chrissy explained.

"Then how are we going to get to school?" I asked.

"Well there is this thing called a bus." Chrissy pointed out. I did not want to have ride a school bus again. It wasn't fun. "But we do have a car. Technically, I have a car because you don't have your license, but it is supposed to ours to share."

I supposed that me being late to get my license was something that still hadn't changed.

"So, you should eat your breakfast and then we can go." She added.

"Are you going to try to be my dad because that would be weird?" I asked.

"I don't know how to be your dad." She admitted. "Listen, I'm sorry for what happened and I'm sorry that you had to find out the way that you did."

"Well the truth is that even though the circumstances are less than ideal, you are the reason that I am still alive." I remarked. I then thought of something. "So, is this place going to be like the universe where we're from or something?"

"Well a lot of the people that you know are here, but not all of them look the same." Chrissy explained.

After the two of us finished eating, we headed out to the driveway and to the car. It was a red convertible.

"How did we get a convertible?" I asked.

"Well I had to ask for something in exchange for helping." She quipped. Had my father really asked God for a Camaro? "It's not brand new though. It's like 10 years old. Now I have to figure out how I'm going to drive wearing a skirt."

Everything about the drive there was the same. We still lived in Lima. Chrissy was not a very good driver though. I didn't know if I was scared for my life, but it wasn't the best feeling after dying in a car accident.

"I think I should be driving." I remarked after we got to the school.

"I'm just a little bit out of practice." She replied. "I haven't driven in nearly 20 years."

I decided to go to the school. I needed to find out where my locker and what all of my classes were. Maybe the office could give me that.

I ended up going to the office and got both my schedule and my locker number. As I was exiting the office. I couldn't help but into someone. She was blonde and wearing a Cheerios uniform.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"It's good to see you, Faith." She said before she gave me a hug and I instinctively hugged back despite not knowing who she was. "How was your summer?"

"It was good and it's good to see you too." I replied. I wished that I knew her name because that would make things a lot easier. She did seem familiar though. It was at that point that another girl walked by and called her Q. "Quinn?"

"Yes?" She asked. It was at that point that I remembered that she could hear me. I tried to think of something that I could say. Were the two of us in a relationship or something? Also she was taller than me. It would take some time to get used to being so short. I didn't even think that I was super short like Rachel, but I had to be a foot shorter than I usually was.

"I just wanted to say that you look really pretty today." I improvised.

"Thanks, so do you." She replied. "So I want to tell you all about this guy that I started dating."

I supposed that meant that we were not in a relationship. I supposed we were friends, maybe even best friends.

"So who do you have for your first class?" I questioned.

"I've got Spanish with Mr. Schuester." She answered. Would he still look the same? "What about you?"

"Same." I answered. At least I knew where that class was. I decided that I would try to do something. "So have you heard about a glee club at all? You like to sing, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I'm not going anywhere near that creepy Mr. Ryerson." Quinn responded. "He's got total serial killer vibes. Please promise me that you'll stay away from him."

So, that meant that Mr. Ryerson was still in charge of the Glee club. I couldn't help but wonder what he had done to get kicked off of it, but I was pretty sure that it was because he was arrested.

"Okay I won't." I replied. I mean I also didn't trust Mr. Ryerson. However, before I could say anything else, the warning bell rang. "Looks like we need to get to class."

I supposed if there was one good thing about going to back to school, it was maybe I could focus on getting better grades. I wanted to see if I was capable of getting straight As.

We walked into Mr. Schue's room…and Mr. Schue looked different too. He was thin with long dark brown hair, and he also wasn't wearing a sweater vest. The other thing was that actually seemed to know Spanish. Of course, I probably wouldn't come across him until he decided to take over Glee club, which meant that it would have to wait until Mr. Ryerson was gone and I had promised Quinn that I wouldn't talk to him.

After school, which got out around noon since it was the first day, I figured that I should go to soccer practice. However, when I got there, I couldn't help but notice that there was a problem.

"Faith, why aren't you dressed?" A British woman asked me. I was assuming by how she was dressed that she was the coach.

"I'm sorry. I just got a lot on my mind today." I stated. At that point, I noticed that Chrissy was walking over to me.

"Faith, you forgot this in the car." She told me as she presented me with a duffle bag. She then whispered to me. "It's got everything you need for soccer in it."

The coach was staring at me.

"I'll go get changed now." I stated.

However, as soon as I got there, I couldn't help but remember that I had to go to the girl's locker room to change and there were girls changing in there. Fortunately, there was a solution for it. They had stalls. I took was able to get changed into my soccer uniform and I also found a sports bra, which seemed to be easier than a regular bra.

I headed out to the field and the coach beckoned me to stand beside her.

"Good afternoon, girls and welcome to football tryouts." She greeted. A few of the girls looked at each other. "The first rule of being on the team is we don't call it soccer here. We are a football team. I am Coach Tweedy. I'd also like to introduce all of you to your captain, Faith Hudson. She won most valuable player in the state league last year as a freshman."

I blushed a little. I knew that I was a good football player, but I was apparently a great soccer player. I didn't even think I could name a soccer player. I think that there was a guy named Messy, but I wasn't even sure about that.

"Now I want all of you who are trying out for defenders to step forward." Coach Tweedy replied. You know if her name was Tweedy, did that mean that she was going to have a rivalry with Sue? Maybe it was just a coincidence that their names were Sylvester and Tweedy. "Now all of you are going to have one job. Try to stop Faith from scoring. You won't even have a goalie to help you."

I couldn't help but think that ten against one was a little bit unfair. Were there not any players at the moment? However, once I started to play. I once again seemed to feel myself moving on autopilot. How was an expert at playing a sport that I hadn't played since I was a kid and was never really good at? It turned out that ten people were not enough to stop me from scoring.

"Again." Coach replied. It was at that time, that I saw Sue walk over with her Cheerios including Chrissy and Quinn. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, you can kindly get off the field so I can do my tryouts." Sue replied.

"You can sod off because this is our field." Coach Tweedy responded. Yeah, it seemed like there was a bit of a rivalry there.

"Listen here, Hermione, we're in America and we're not going to be playing your quidditch or whatever here." Sue retorted. That had to be one of the most xenophobic and completely inaccurate things that I had ever heard. Hermione did not even play quidditch.

"You may think that you can just bully everyone else here, but I'm not going to bow down before you." Coach Tweedy responded. "Now get the fuck off of my field now."

"You want a Revolutionary War, you're going to get one, but just let me tell you, this will end the same way." Sue threatened before she took them away.

After we were done, I was a little bit worn out. I missed playing sports. I forgot how fun they were. I met up with Chrissy because I didn't feel like taking a shower in the girls' locker room just yet.

"So what did you think of your first day of school?" She asked me.

"It definitely wasn't like I expected it to be. How does Mr. Schue know Spanish and why does Sue suddenly have someone else willing to stand up to her?" I questioned.

"It's a different universe." She explained before she started to drive home. "Things don't always go the same. How did playing soccer feel?"

"How did I know how to play?" I asked. "I shouldn't know how to play this. I got past ten girls to score."

"I thought you would want to be good at a sport." She replied. "I saw how upset you were when you found out that you couldn't play college football."

"Is there particular reason why you couldn't bring me back as a guy?" I questioned as a few tears came out of my eyes. "I don't want to be a girl."

"This was the first world that I could find where you weren't fated to die at 19." Chrissy answered. "I know this will be an adjustment, but please I'm only trying to help you. I didn't do this on purpose."

At that point, she turned on the radio and started to sing along with it.

I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan
Welcome to the land of fame excess, am I gonna fit in?
Jumped in the cab here I am for the first time
I looked to the right and see the Hollywood sign
This is all so crazy, everybody seems so famous

My tummy's turning and I'm feeling kind of homesick
Too much pressure and I'm nervous
That's when the taximan turned on the radio
And a Jay-Z song was on and a Jay-Z song was on
And a Jay-Z song was on

So I put my hands up, they're playing my song
The butterflies fly away
Nodding my head like yeah, moving my hips like yeah
I've got my hands they're playing my song
You know I'm gonna be okay
Yeah it's a party in the USA
Yeah it's a party in the USA

"How do you even know that song?" I asked her.

"Sometimes you just know good music." She answered. That didn't answer the question. "Faith, you're going to get used to this place. It's going to be okay."

The next day at school, I couldn't help but see Mr. Ryerson getting dragged away by the police. Hopefully, it meant that Mr. Schue was going to be taking over the Glee club now. You know one thing that I hadn't tried was singing myself.

"See I told you he was a creep." Quinn said to me.

"What did he do?" I asked. I don't think I ever did know what happened to get him kicked out initially, but this had to be worse if he was being arrested.

"He was touching one of the kids in the Glee club inappropriately." She explained.

"So I'm surprised that Sue hasn't forbidden you from talking to me or something." I commented.

"Faith, we've been friends since kindergarten." She stated. What? I had only met her at the start of high school. Did that mean that she wasn't fat in middle school or something? "I'm not going to let some silly rivalry get in the way of that. So I didn't get a chance to tell you about the guy that I like."

"What's his name?" I asked nervously. Though, I was only nervous because I thought it could be one particular person and I really didn't want it to be him.

"His name is Sam Evans." She answered. I breathed a sigh of relief, but why was Sam here a year early? "He's a freshman and he's on the football team."

"Sam?" I repeated.

"Do you know him?" She asked. "Oh my gosh, you don't like him too, do you?"

"No, I don't like him." I stated with a blush. I tried to think of a good lie for how I knew him. Maybe I could change the subject to avoid doing so. "He sounds nice, but you're not seeing anyone else are you? Would your parents even be okay with you having a boyfriend?"

"I think they would eventually. This isn't like when I had a crush on Mike Chang. I think Sam would be someone that I could eventually introduce to my parents." She explained. That's right. Her dad's a racist.

After school and after practice, I decided to stay a little bit late to take a shower. I had thought about going to Glee club auditions on my own, but I was a little unsure since I couldn't even be sure that I could, even though I wasn't sure why I wouldn't be able to. I waited because I wanted to ensure that no one would be in there with me while I was showering because while I initially thought getting to see girls naked in the locker room would be cool, I forgot that those girls might also get to see me naked, and I was uncomfortable enough in a girl's body without people looking at me naked. I did start to sing a little. It was a Three Days Grace song. I really hoped that they would not break up in this world.

This world will never be what I expected
And if I don't belong who would have guessed it
I will not leave alone everything that I own
To make you feel like it's not too late it's never too late

Even if I say it'll be alright
Still I hear you say you want to end your life
Now and again we try to just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it all around cause
It's not too late, it's never too late

"You sound amazing!" A girl interrupted as my shower curtain opened suddenly. She was short with brown hair and brown eyes.

"What the fuck?" I asked as I grabbed my towel to cover myself so she couldn't see my body. "Who are you and more importantly what are you doing in my shower?"

"My name's Rachel Berry and I think that you would be perfect for the Glee club." She explained. Oh my god. This was Rachel? I was in shock. "I'm sorry for invading your privacy, but I had to talk to you so you would know we need people for the Glee club."

I was enthralled and a little disturbed. I then said what I thought a normal person would say.

"Go away. I'm trying to take a shower here." I replied. I didn't want to say that to Rachel, but this was really embarrassing. I didn't think that Rachel would do something that like that. I mean I didn't go up to Sam when he was singing in the shower.

"I'm not leaving unless you agree to audition." She declared.

"Fine. I'll audition or whatever if you just leave me alone." I agreed.

"Will you sing with me?" She requested.

"No." I replied as I closed the curtain. At that point, she started to sing the bridge.

The world we know won't come back
The time we lost can't get back

I couldn't believe that I was doing this, but I joined in

The life we had won't be as I came

This world will never be what I expected
And if I don't belong

Even if I say it'll be alright
Still I hear you say you want to end your life
Now and again we try to just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it all around cause
It's not too late it's never too late
Maybe we'll turn it all around cause
It's not too late, it's never too late
It's never too late
It's not too late it's never too late

Thankfully, she did leave after she was done. I had to admit that I didn't think that the first time I saw Rachel in this new world, I would be naked. I went out to the car to talk to Chrissy.

"Why are you blushing?" She asked me.

"I just got my shower invaded by girlfriend." I explained.

"You mean like in Pitch Perfect?" She replied.

"I never saw that movie. How did you see it? Did you watch movies in Heaven?" I responded.

"Yes." She answered. Was there a movie theater with every movie ever in it or something? "So, what did she ask you to join the Glee club then?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"It had to be better than Will framing you by planting drugs in your locker." She opined. I couldn't be sure if I could say that.

The following day, I decided to talk to Mr. Schue.

"Mr. Schuester?" I asked. It felt weird calling him that, but I didn't know him at this point. Why did I feel so nervous about this? I loved to sing and I apparently had an even better voice than I did before. He looked at me. "Hi, my name is Faith Hudson and I was wondering if I could audition for the Glee club today."

I actually didn't have practice since the soccer team didn't practice on Wednesdays.

"Of course you can." He responded. I was pretty sure that he wouldn't have a choice to let me in.

When I got to Glee club, I saw three people: Sam, Rachel, and Kurt. Sam and Kurt looked the same. Where were Tina, Mercedes and Artie? It might be harder building this Glee club than I thought.

The three of them did seem to be impressed with my singing at least.

Mr. Schue looked like he wanted to give up. I supposed that only having a third of a Glee club was worse than half. Rachel had the idea for us to sing one more song…but it wasn't "Don't Stop Believing" this time. To be fair, this song was probably better.

Tommy used to work on the docks
Union's been on deck he's down on his luck
It's tough so tough

Gina works the diner all day
Working for her man, she brings home her pay
For love for love

She says "We gotta hold on to what we've got
It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot
For love we'll give it a shot"

Oh we're halfway there
Oh living on a prayer
Take my hand we'll make it I swear
Oh living on a prayer

We gotta hold on ready or not
You live for the fight when it's all that you got

Oh we're halfway there
Oh living on a prayer
Take my hand we'll make I swear
Oh living on a prayer
Living on a prayer

The good news was Mr. Schue was going to stay. The bad news was we would basically have to assemble a new Glee club from scratch.

So Faith's father is now her twin sister and that's not the only thing that changed. Can she rebuild the Glee club? Please don't forget to review. 

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