Ribbon-Wren — Brindleheart

#warriors #warriorcats #endthestars
Published: 2019-05-24 21:27:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 600; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 0
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Blind cats are just as capable as cats who can see and i'll fite erin hunter for not making Jayfeather a warrior

I'm using the group template instead of my own since it looks like we're supposed to might reformat a bit later if I have the time.

Name: Brindleheart
Age: 2 Years
Sex/Gender: Female (afab)
Height: 23 cm
Weight:  10 lbs
Rank: Warrior
Clan: EarthClan

Appearance: Brindleheart is a small brown classic tabby molly. She has a generally unassuming appearance, save for her large, unseeing eyes. 

Personality: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

History: A transcript of your character’s history! Be sure to be familiar with the group’s story before writing your cat’s history. Remember that you cannot have NPCs within the clans! This includes siblings, parents, and etc.

• Born blind- her pupils are always dilated
• To make up for her lack of sight, Brindleheart has excellent sense of hearing, smell and touch
• Though she claims to hold no faith like most EarthClanners, she is interested in StarClan's faith in the stars
• She wears her heart on her sleeve

I Roleplay With:
= Maybe, please ask!
✔ = Yes, this medium works well for role-playing
✘ = No, I do not prefer this type of medium for role-playing

Google Documents: ✔
Discord: ✔
Notes: ✔
Comments: ✘
Other: O

Roleplay Example: (from a role-play in OakClan  ) 

Beetlekit sat in the shade of the great roots of the camp’s oak tree, his white-tipped tail twitching in annoyance. Some of the other kittens had said that they would play with him at sunhigh, yet here he was, alone. They had seemingly hidden around camp somewhere, but he couldn’t figure out where they had vanished to. The warriors he had asked had absent mindedly flicked a tail here or there in a vague direction, but the heat of the day had made everyone drained and tired. One of the elders said it was the hottest day of newleaf they had had so far, though Beetlekit had no way of telling if they were speaking the truth or not. 

Giving a great yawn, the tom-kit stood and waddled back towards the direction of the nursery. If the other kittens didn’t want to play with him, then he would just have to play on his own! Beetlekit glanced around the camp a last time for the other kits before pulling out a small stash of pebbles and dried flowers. In boredom earlier that moon he had collected the objects and given them all names, pretending they were his own personal clan that he ruled over. Rolling the pebbles this way and that, he played out the imaginary cats’ lives as if he were StarClan themselves. 

Art and character © me

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