RichardsonSquared — Dragon Hunt - 8 and 4

Published: 2021-03-20 22:49:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 6203; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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.: Dragon Queen's Winter Show :.
Event: Dragon Hunt
Participants: Marvel's Sleipnir ridden by Tom Hiddleston of Marvel Stables
Fairytale Gone Bad ridden by Renna Kallens of Valkrian Sables
WC: 3632

Renna sat down at a table with a groan. Her abdomen and inner thighs were sore after her run with Fairytale, and it was time for a well deserved dinner. They had performed well, Renna thought, and the course had been stunning with the star-like lights underneath the night sky. She remembered those split second moments when all four legs were in the air, the ground was dark where it almost seemed bottomless, and she felt those butterflies that only came when falling and falling, and flying. 

She hadn’t realized she had closed her eyes in her daydreaming when a voice sounded next to her. 

“May I sit with you?” 

Her eyes open with mild surprise. A tall, thin man in about his early forties stood at her table holding a plate of food, smiling. Renna would have called him handsome if it weren’t for his angular features, or his too small eyes. She had to admit though, he cut a striking figure in a simple jacket and khakis. Everything about him said “sharp”. 

“Oh, sure.” She quickly stole a glance at the surrounding area. It was busier than she thought in the dining hall. Most tables had been filled, and the low drone in the back of her mind turned out to be the hum and buzz of conversation, no doubt it was about the upcoming dragon hunt that had everyone excited. She thought she saw more than a few people looking her way, but she supposed it was just coincidence. 

The tall, dark haired man took the seat opposite her and began tucking into his meal, looking up at Renna as if he expected her to start a conversation. His smile never truly left his face. Renna raised an eyebrow back at him. Did he know something that she didn’t? Did she look funny? She self consciously wiped her mouth just in case she had food sticking to it. She was unconvinced when her napkin came away clean and the man kept on smiling at her. 

Then he laughed. It was just a small chuckle, but a laugh nonetheless. 

“What’s so funny?” She asked. She could feel a slight burn beginning to creep into her cheeks. 

He looked back up at her with a sideways glance, accentuating his blue eyes in the light. 

Goddamn, if Renna’s friend were here to see this face, she would be making puppy eyes, complete with drool. She had a thing for hollywood hot kind of men that Renna found to be a bit overrated. 

“I’m sorry, my name is Tom Hiddleston.” He said.

“I’m Renna,” she said nonchalantly. He was as strange as he was sharp, even somewhat familiar, and she focused back on her food. 

“I believe I saw your show jumping performance earlier. You did well.” He said, trying to start up a conversation. 

“Thanks. I… don’t think I’ve seen you perform.” Renna said awkwardly. “Sorry.” 

He smiled again, “It’s fine.”

They both lapsed into silence for a minute. 

“So what did you think of the last Avengers movie?” He asked. 

Renna looked up from her food. She hadn’t taken him for a fan of superheroes. “I’m not sure. I’ve only ever seen Iron Man and Thor.”

“That’s a shame. Not too into the comics either?”

“I can’t say it’s really my thing. Mostly because I have a bone to pick with the creative directors and their portrayal of the norse gods.” She said, gesturing with her fork. “First off, Thor has red hair, and a beard, and who do they cast? Some blonde stick who’s much too polite. Loki is a bit too villainous, but I suppose it was more for dramatic affect, but still. He’s supposed to be red haired too. And nobody seems to be able to get Odin’s character right. He’s almost just as much of a trickster as Loki is, but he’s like every other head of the gods character, in which I blame christianization for. It sucks.” She stabbed ruthlessly at her beans before she put them in her mouth.

“Ahem, well, that’s quite the rant.” Tom said.

“Mmm, that’s only the start of it.” She stabbed at another bean. 

“I’ve played Loki in a couple productions before.” He said, rubbing at his chin. 

“Yeah? In a play or…?”

“Movies, actually. You haven’t noticed the resemblance?”

Renna looked up. And then the realization hit her. Get rid of the stubble and darken the hair, and he was Loki, from the movies. The ones that all her friends fangirled over. Renna’s face went a full shade redder as embarrassment took over. She had just dissed the movies in front of one of the actors! 

“Oh! I’m so sorry!” She said. Tom only smiled.

“No it’s alright, I understand. They aren’t for everyone.” 

She immediately dropped her fork, her appetite completely vanished. But Tom just kept on smiling as if she had said something rather amusing. 

“Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask if you were thinking about participating in the dragon hunt tomorrow. I still haven’t found a partner.” 

Renna, still flustered with embarrassment, could only manage to shake her head with her hands steepled over her mouth and nose. 

“You should join! You ride well.” He said. 

Even after she just insulted his movies? Renna thought. And she could hardly believe a popular actor would have any trouble finding a partner in a crowd like this. Others would have died for the chance. She hadn’t even recognized him when he walked right up to her! 

“I mean… I goul...could. Guess. Or... ok.’ She sputtered. She hadn’t meant to agree, but the words were out before she could register what she was saying. 

“Fantastic! Let’s talk more about a plan tomorrow morning. I’ll meet you back here at eight?” He flashed that smile of his again at her, and again, all she could do was nod. Tom gave her a small, polite bow.

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Renna, but I must be off to bed. Goodnight.” He picked up his plate and left, leaving Renna speechless. She saw everyone in the hall staring at her, and more than a few glaring. Renna felt she could die right then and there with embarrassment.

The next morning came much too quickly. At least that’s what it felt like to Renna who still hadn’t gotten over her embarrassment from the previous night. She sat sweaty palmed in the commons area, not sure if Tom would actually uphold their meeting time, and feeling anxious about what she would do if he did. Would she apologize again? What if he just walked past and scowled at her? What if she had made him feel uncomfortable? Gods, she had really made a complete fool of herself. 

Then there he was, making his way into the commons. Her heart kicked into a painful tempo, but was soon drowned out when Tom approached her table with an easy smile.

“Do you have a jacket?” He asked without much preamble. 

She gaped like a fish for a moment, caught once again off guard. “I… Well, I can grab one.” 

“You should do that. I want to show you my idea.”

Renna took a couple moments to grab her warmer clothes and then they both headed off to the stables to collect their horses. Tom had said he had found a perfect spot to lay a trap for “the queen and her dark steed” as he put it. As Renna was tacking up Fairy, she heard an unusual gaited clopping of horse hooves behind her. She turned and was met face to face with the most unusual horse she had ever seen. Renna had learned to grow accustomed to the strange colored horses that came from the far reaches of the world, but so far not one with eight legs. He seemed real. Each black leg was corded in thick sinew and muscle, and the velvet fur twitched and stomped like any other horse leg. The grey stallion’s head was massive, and he rolled a striking green, glassy eye at her, watching with an unusual intelligence. Fairy, however, seemed unfazed by the strange stallion’s presence, and it set Renna a little more at ease. If her horse was relaxed, then she could be too. 

Tom’s tall, lanky frame appeared from behind the horse and gave the beast a pat on the neck. “Ready to go?”

Renna gave one last tug at the saddle girth. “That’s not… Sleipnir… is it?” 

“Got it in one go. He is the one, though I’m only borrowing him for this event.”

“The Sleipnir?” 

Tom eyed the horse. “Hmm, you know I’m not exactly sure. He’s a Sleipnir in any case.” The grey stallion flicked an ear back before swishing his tail back and forth, then giving his leg a stomp just to make his point clear. 

Renna and Tom led their horses out of the stable and mounted, with Tom leading the way. The morning was bright and chilly. The sun’s rays tricked those who were looking from inside on how cold it actually really was outside. Their breath puffed in small clouds in front of their faces, and the air made her nose run, and then freeze on the inside when she breathed in, only to melt and run some more when she breathed out. She wiped her nose on the sleeve of her jacket and sniffed.

They made their way across the snow plowed grounds, then veered off the trail and into the open fields where the snow drifts reached up to their horses shoulders. Tom and Sleipnir lead the way, plowing their way through as easy as if the snow were liquid instead of frozen. She assumed an extra pair of legs helped with the matter a great deal. 

Just past the fields there were woods where the snow didn’t pile up so high, and instead was held up in the arms of the trees like a precarious, and very cold blanket. The sun wasn’t quite warm enough to make the snow melt and drip down their necks, thankfully. The brush of dry snow was bad enough. 

“Where exactly are we going?” asked Renna. 

Tom looked back “It’s not too much farther. There’s a hilly side a little ways that way,” he pointed. “It makes for a nice trap when I last looked at it.” 

Is that even allowed? Renna wondered to herself. It made her a little nervous. A trap sounded dangerous. 

And, just as Tom had said, the gentle slopes of the forest floor steepened and became more jagged. She couldn’t imagine running a horse through here without twisting an ankle or even breaking a leg. At least the trees were sparse enough.

They carefully made their way down a gulley where a small creek had frozen over, their horses necks outstretched for balance. Where Fairy stumbled a bit, Sleipnir walked as if on newly raked dirt, gliding over large stones and stepping confidently onto the ice. They followed the stream for a while, with small cliffs running alongside them, until a small clearing opened up, walled off by small, but very steep hills, like someone had dug a hole but realized they had dug too close to the stream and abandoned it. 

Sleipnir snorted and bent his head to hunt for old grass. 

“What do you think?” said Tom, pulling up his horses head. Sleipnir shook his head and snorted again. “We could block off that part of the stream, and I could drive her in from the other end of the creek. That way actually leads back out further into the field. And you will be here waiting to catch her.” He smiled proudly at his scheme.

Renna observed the area. It was spacious, clean, no tempting and slippery slopes. It could work. 

“Yeah, actually.” She said.

Tom smiled wider. “Now that we have your approval, we should get to work before the hunt starts.”

Renna nodded and dismounted, rubbing some feeling back into her numb legs and wiping her nose. 

The creek bank wasn’t overly wide. It could perhaps fit two riders side by side if they didn’t mind their legs and toes getting squished a bit. And it wasn’t so big that it would be impossible to scrounge up a makeshift barrier in time for the hunt. 

“We could try jamming in some larger branches into the sides of the cliff.” Renna said. “It doesn’t need to be solid, just more like a really high fence should be good.”

Tom nodded. “That’s a good idea.” 

For the next ten minutes or so, the two dove into the woods to go looking for suitable materials. Renna came back with two branches, while Tom managed to hack down another four. She would have been a little salty, but he did have the advantage of carrying a knife in his pocket. She had to manage with just her bare hands. 

With their materials gathered, they set to work, carving away holes in the dirt of the cliffs and setting in the branches like fence rails. Within the hour they were both jacketless and sweating along the brow. Fairy had decided to have a roll in the muddy snow after Sleipnir dug up the area in his hunt for grass, and Renna and Tom were sharing bad puns and favorite mythological gods while they puffed big clouds of steam into the air. 

With their work done, they mounted up and headed out the opposite end of the creek, where, true to his word, it opened up back into the field. With Sleipnir once again in the lead, they jogged their way back to the stables, leaving their plan lying in wait. 

The Hunt

The Queens steed was enormous. Black like hot pitch, and towering at least four to five hands above the other horses. The queen, not much taller than Renna herself, looked like a child on his back, her feet barely coming down to his ribs. The massive horse strained against the bit, every muscle in its neck rippling and tensing, dancing in place and pawing at the ground, yet somehow the queen managed to keep the beast somewhat under control with her thin, tiny hands tugging at the reins. 

The massive horse was making the others nervous. Heads flew up with wide rolling eyes, others shied or tried to rear. Riders were cooing and clucking in attempts to calm their respective horses down and keep them lined up at the starting post. Fairy, who normally only watched with perked ears and a nervous look was now shifting back and forth and once even nipped at a bay who got too close. 

Renna could feel the tension rise as the chase came closer to the start. The queens stallion gave out a screaming bray that sent a cold sweat down her spine. There was a shout and all the horses lurched forward, almost catching Renna off guard. The anxiety burned away into adrenaline as hooves thundered all around her and Fairy. Snow flew in all directions, creating a sort of snow storm kicked up by hundreds of feet, turning the visibility to an almost white that stung at her eyes. She could only make out vague ghosts of shapes from behind her eyelashes, panting and snorting before disappearing into the white. 

Renna couldn’t see Sleipnir or the black horse, but it wasn’t her job to give chase. She nudged Fairy off to the left and slowed her down to a lurching canter as the snow became less trodden and much deeper. The cloud of snow suddenly vanished in a shower of glitter. She could see the main pack with a couple horses in the front just ahead of them, but still no sign of her partner or the queen. However, to the left Renna watched as at least three other riders galloped off into the woods.

“Looks like we’re not the only ones with another plan in mind.” She said to Fairy. She urged her on, half running, half leaping through the snow to the cutoff point. 

Sleipnir’s speed had always taken Tom’s breath away, his gait smooth as a summer’s breeze with his eight long legs. Tom always said you could have your tea and biscuits while galloping on his back across the hills and not spill a drop, but where Sleipnir was fast, the queen’s horse was faster, streaking ahead like some demon with the queen’s coattails flapping behind like butterfly wings. He urged Sleipnir on, faster and faster. Two other riders galloped a nose behind them, and up ahead the forest was fast approaching. Tom moved off to the right, getting ready to push the queen towards the left of the field, however, the queen was turning right to skirt the woods, and the riders beside him were taking this to their advantage. Tom realized he had two choices now as hooves thundered. Press on and fight for a chance to take control of the chase, possibly exhausting Sleipnir prematurely, or fall back and let the other riders have a go at the chase, while he stayed behind and waited for his opportunity. 

With gritted teeth he reined in Sleipnir and the two riders overtook him, but he made sure to follow along behind to see what would happen. 

The four ran alongside the edge of the forest. It seemed they were hoping to corner her off by the lake. The two riders positioned themselves on either side of the queen, but found them slowly falling behind with each stride of the massive horses long black legs. 

Tom could see the lake now. He reined in Sleipnir to a stop. Now it was just a matter of waiting and seeing who came galloping back. Either way, he would chase them down. 

The queen, realizing she was running out of ground to run on, spun left, nearly colliding with the left hand rider but somehow managing to avoid it before taking off in the other direction. The second rider raced alongside her, reaching out his hand for the small dragon plushie the queen carried, but with some urging, the queen broke ahead, turning back the way she came and cutting off the other riders, running straight toward Tom. 

Tom clicked Sleipnir into action. He made sure not to hug the woods too tightly, so that the path was wide open for the queen, and staying just far ahead enough so that he could have those few crucial moments to push the queen into the woods and down the creek path. He would have to time it just right. Tom kept his sights behind him, watching the queen, adjusting Sleipnirs trajectory, increasing speed as the queen galloped closer and closer. She was right where he wanted her, barreling down the edge of the woods, the creek only a few meters ahead. As long as the queen didn’t stop, she would fall right into the trap. 

They were at a full sprint now, the queen too close to the eight legged horse and his rider to make any sudden turns without colliding. Tom could tell she was looking to outrun them rather than out maneuver. 


The two dark horses galloped side by side, one with his strange eight legged gait, and the other with his strange size and speed. Snow flew in clumps behind them and steam poured from the horses noses. The woods were just ahead. The queen and her horse were making straight for it. 

Both were forced to slow down once they entered the trees. The ground was uneven and branches whipped in their faces. The queen thought she had made her escape. Tom only smiled.

It wasn’t hard finding the alcove in the creek, being nothing more than a straight shot. The hard part was taking down enough branches to allow Renna and Fairy to squeeze through into the clearing. And once that was done, putting them back up. Renna had to work fast, as she had no idea when Tom-or even if Tom would chase the queen down the creek. She was sweating and her heart was racing by the time she was done. She flinched and jumped at any noise that sounded like the rustling of leaves or the stomp of hooves, but it was only ever the wind. Renna mounted back up onto Fairy and waited. 

Renna found waiting extremely difficult, what with her nerves rattling in her skull, down her throat and around her stomach before jumping back up again. Fairy could sense her nervousness and both had to pace the small clearing. 

Fairy’s ears suddenly perked up, staring off the other end of the creek. Then Renna heard it too. Twings splintered, hard objects clattering against rocks, then the rustle of branches and a snort. 

A massive tar black stallion broke through the trees, causing Fairy to shy. The queen saw Renna standing off to the side, and then the fence ahead of her and slid to a stop. She made to turn around, but it was too late. Tom and his eight legged horse stood at the other entrance, blocking it. 

There was a moment of heavy breathing as human and horse alike took a moment to catch their breath. Then the queen smiled.

“Clever.” She said. 

“We thank you for the compliment, my lady.” Said Tom, giving a little half bow in the saddle. “Though, would you mind handing us over the dragon?” 

The queen laughed. “Fair enough.” She walked over to Renna and handed over the small blue plushie, but before she let go, she stared down Renna in the eyes.

“I’ll catch you though.” 

Renna smiled back, “Oh I’m sure you probably will.”

Then together Tom and Renna raced off.

Art by RichardsonSquared  
Marvel Stables, Horse, and Rider by RichardsonSquared  
Fairytale, Rider, and Story by Belluthier108
Animation by RichardsonSquared  
BG by Me

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TazEquestrian [2021-06-27 05:42:15 +0000 UTC]

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