Published: 2012-11-24 23:19:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 203; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 4
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Cover for my secret Comic o3o'Paper Blood' is the story about my charas Dangel, Ruuze, Tru, Mel, DevilsEye (Ryuzaki), HalfDevil (Ryan), Shade and Damien (yeah, who is Damien eh? XD)
They are in Venice (dt. Venedig) but all people there live their own books. Their own stories they have written themselves.
They don't know each other, they only know their books with their written life in it.
But one day a boy come into the city (without a own story-without a book) and wants to destroy all books. But without the books the people can't live. Because the story in the books are their life...
Wonderful story in beautiful english, I know :'D
Art, Chara © me