Ed's little sister and Mafia princess of Big Eddy's gang. An X-mutant like everyone from the now destroyed town of Peach Creek. The town's drinking water was contaminated with Chemical X, causing children born Their to have watered down versions of the Powerpuff Girls abilities.
After Aku's forces burned the town down and harvested the people for study. The Ed's and Sarah were one of the few to survive. They became Homeless street urchins in Akutropolis. Surviving thinks to their scams. Eventually the Ed's grew into a full blown crime syndicate. Ed having to look after Sarah spoiled her, making her a pampered diva with a violent temper. Not to mention super strength like "8 foot tall 600 pounds of muscle" brother.
Because of the Ed's business deals with Ronin, Ben and Sarah have known each other for years. While extremely quick to anger she was always sweet towards Ben, even he isn't immune of her short fuse. Recently she has been dating Ben because he is afraid of her temper and her brother didn't reject her.
The angrier she gets the stronger she gets. Get her enraged enough and she can match her brother, Vilgax or even the Powerpuff Girls.