Roack — 2009. 07. 08. desktop

Published: 2009-07-08 10:46:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 2056; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 45
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    They're soooo soooo lovely and hoot *___* Change desktop wall, NOW!
    My shit Comp was so much problem, so I uninstalled XP and then reinstall... [but the reinstall is sooo hard with this winchester .___.]
    Anyway... two days later I've an XP \^^/ PPl, say YAY~...
    Now I hope it'll be right! >,<

    When I installed programs I print screen the desktop and tadam~ :Đ [I uploaded it Da~]
    and I love IconPackager program *v* and Rainmeter too *v* [I made that America's rm skin *v*]


    Tsuna and Primo Vongola © Amano Akira
    Icons by `yingjunjiu
    Theme by ~gatodescabelado
    Original wallpaper by EevaLena


    Utálom az újratelepítéseket .___.
    Mégis muszáj volt letörölnöm a rendszert, mert beállt a pillanatnyi "idegösszeomlás" és már egyáltalán nem akart működni úgy, ahogy szerettem volna.
    Aztán persze, jöhetett a rémálom, amit sosem felejtek el kihagyni egy telepítésnél... a szórakozás... bár, most lényegesebben könnyebben ment fel a rendszer, az XP telepítésénél viszont folyamatosan leállt, mert nem tudott egy fájlt telepíteni .__."
    Volt fent Vista is, de... úgy döntöttem, maradok XP-nél az legalább megy DX
    Nos, ennyit a szenvedéseimről, most már minden fent van *épségben \^^/* és folytathatom tovább a felgyülemlett mangák szerkesztését DX

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Comments: 117

Roack In reply to ??? [2009-09-14 21:11:16 +0000 UTC]

Yep ^___^ Ayis Powers Hetalia~
The turkies is Turkey :Đ and the two "little" boy are Greece and... hmmm...
I really don't know... maybe Egypt... but not 100%^^"

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-14 21:52:09 +0000 UTC]

thanks. that is what its called? that is interesting. it looks like an interesting show to watch to.well besides the fact that they are hot. lol, thats certainly interesting to. xD

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-14 21:59:06 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, Axis Powers Hetalia .___. [My keyboard is horibble .___.]
Oh, yep *-* They're hot and really so much historical things are in anime/manga <-- web manga^^"

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-14 22:38:03 +0000 UTC]

thats fine. yeah i agree! so have you seen the series? i mean axis powers hetalia?

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-15 10:46:33 +0000 UTC]

I watched series X"DD but just 18th episodes DX [I could watch continue^^" XD]

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-15 16:37:58 +0000 UTC]

ah. yeah im watching it right now. i love it its so cute. i love it when France asks England to marry him. that made me laugh soooo much!

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-15 18:01:59 +0000 UTC]

I HATE France... really, he's too gay... and those ppl aren't healthy or nice... >.> I know this is a bad prejudice, but I don't like those ppl^^"
My fav charas are USA, UK, Turkey and Austria-san *-* [of course Hungary-chan is my home coutry :Đ]

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-16 00:21:02 +0000 UTC]

but see, i love gay guys! they are hilarious!!! xD. plus France makes me laugh. that is true. i see your viewpoint. its okay yeah it sort of is but i understand. what you think is what you think. . haha USA is funny. i love Italy and Germany. <3 and china and japan. well i love all of them really! lol. of course! =3

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-16 11:48:21 +0000 UTC]

Hm... Think a little bit about it... I don't dislike homosexual ppl, but I don't like (whatever hate) those gays who make fashion of that really serious social status...
I love Germania and Italy's grandfather, Rome too~ >v< They're soooo perfect couple *___*
Rome & Germania

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-16 14:40:27 +0000 UTC]

i get it. yeah france is well thats kinda the point. i think they are making fun a little bit. France with his fashion and you know overexaggerating americas love of hamburgers. yeah me to! his grandfather is great.

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-16 14:44:27 +0000 UTC]

Yes... Hetalia figuring out the nationals :Đ That's correct :Đ But even like this is o funny XD

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-16 22:34:40 +0000 UTC]

yes i agree. . i also really really love austria. i think he is hot/cute i cant decide how to describe him. lol.

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-17 14:55:32 +0000 UTC]

Yeeees __
[I can't say anything new about him DX]

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-17 19:46:58 +0000 UTC]

lol. lets just say....we are austria fangirls and...WEEEE LOOOVVEEEEEE AUUUSSTTTRRIIAAAAAA!!!!!! xD

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-17 20:06:32 +0000 UTC]

Yep *___* [but just character^^" I don't like that country^^"]

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-18 00:20:57 +0000 UTC]

yeah we love him austria the charecter. lol. they do have real names....do you know austria's?.........cuz i know france is francis and england is aruthur and american alfred i think.......but i could be wrong, i just know that from fanfiction.

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-18 10:47:24 +0000 UTC]

Austria? I really don't know... Maybe Wolfgang?

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-19 17:38:14 +0000 UTC]

...maybe? ill find out. lol cuz now im interested lol

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-19 22:29:30 +0000 UTC]

Oh, that's great.. Then I didn't read your reply thoughtfully .___."""

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-20 04:11:14 +0000 UTC]

ahh. whatever. lol. its fine. so what've you been up to recently? you been good? i feel like our converstation kinda has been dieing.lol

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-20 13:01:39 +0000 UTC]

X'DDD No, just I was tired after XD [now, I'm sleepy XD]
Anyway, I'm fine... I've to learn T^T

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-21 00:52:53 +0000 UTC]

lol. i know that feeeling. i feel like im tired to much. lol. that is good to hear! im glad you are doing well. ewwww leeeaarrrnninnngggg! xD. i know so do i. doesnt it suck sometimes? lol

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-21 08:23:55 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm, a little bit ^^" I like learning, but if that soooo useless!
So I don't like those lessons >.> I think you've those lessons too .___."

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-21 17:38:38 +0000 UTC]

yeah. i don't like learning things like math when I won't really need it for my career or whatever or life even. i mean when do you honestly use calculus in life or algebra? okay you should know fractions, but the other things...i doubt. lol. ughhhhhh i have an english (American Literature) test today and im going to diiiieeeeeeeee! ssaavvveeee meeeee! seemmmppaaiii!!! T-T. xD

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-21 18:00:18 +0000 UTC]

Math is really important, but useless those ppl who will not going to like university or collage where they'll learn so much math^^" XD
Anyway, litherature is a good thing, but I don't like american litherature^^"

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-22 21:22:31 +0000 UTC]

i agree its important but useless, and reeeaaallyyy annoying! xD. lol. math is dumb. i want to burn it. xD. yes it is i like literature very much especially poetry. . yeah right now....i mean we are reading wierd poems and talking about puritans. .

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-23 18:44:37 +0000 UTC]


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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-23 21:20:21 +0000 UTC]

reeaallllyyy wierd poems. and i like poetry...but these poems are reeeaaalllyyy wierd and way beyond me. if you talk termenology with me for poetry im really stupid. lol. cuz like if i think about that while im writing it ruins it. when i write it just ccomes out. but i always feel stupid in class since im a poet and when the teacher asks a question i can never answer it. xD

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-26 11:44:23 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah... X'DDD But you must to learn^^" DX
[if you wanna go somewhere... I think... for example university, collage^^"]

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-26 15:39:29 +0000 UTC]

thats true i learn. ah really? where? what would you study do you know? ohhhhhhhhh guess what guess what sempai? its not for sure but this coming summer I may go australia! for this volunteer program cool huh? but i dunno for sure yet.

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-26 16:43:24 +0000 UTC]

Should I know what you wanna study? Sorry, but I can't .___.
Oh, you're so lucky... >.> I didn't go oversea country >.>

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-26 17:31:31 +0000 UTC]

noooooooo i mean what YOU want to study/be sempai!
wellyeah im excited and hope i get to go! i dunno tho we will see. if i do go my parents may let me take our mini laptop and if they do ill definitly stay in touch with you roack-sempai! and tell you all about it. if you'd like that that is. .

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-26 19:47:16 +0000 UTC]

I'm studying now law X"DD [okay that isn't correct^^"] I'm studying legal assistant course...
I'll hoping that I'm going to university when I pass in the exam^^"
Wow, because I'm 20 years old my mother will buy a laptop... [ but not that what I want T^T - [link] ]

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-27 01:10:18 +0000 UTC]

ah i see! that is really admirable sensei! my brother wants to be a lawyer and is a junior in college. he is finishing up a social science degree. . you will you will go to university! i believe in you! you shall pass with flying colors! .
haha. yeah. idk i like my pc and i have no actual need for a laptop now so ill prolly buy one in 2 years or so. i got a bit to go before im in college. unlike you sempai who's four years my senior! wow twenty! when did you turn twenty?

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-27 12:05:39 +0000 UTC]

Oh, he's so lucky X"DD There isn't so easy to pass in .___."" [ah, I have school systemic... >.>]
OMG, I don't like social science degree X"DD
That's right... :Đ I wanted laptop two years ago ^^" XD [but we haven'4 enough money DX - now haven't too >.>]
Oh, nov. 22th^^" :Đ

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-27 20:51:00 +0000 UTC]

ah i see.
you don't like social science? . that is not my thing either haha.
awww that sucks sempai im sorry.
so you have a bday coming up right? itll be november soon. . well soonish. my brothers birthday is in november to.

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-28 08:55:46 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes... very soon .___.""" [and I will be 20th >.>]
I'm soo old T^T

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-28 19:48:31 +0000 UTC]

lol. well if it makes you feel any better, i can say i feel sooooo young. xD. well ill have to wish you an official happy birthday but happy early birthday!

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-28 21:20:38 +0000 UTC]

Yep, you're young and strong and pretty etc.^^" I'm just an old 20 years old chick :Đ
Ahh, thank you so much

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-28 23:47:16 +0000 UTC]

ehhhhh? you don't know what i look like sempai! and im not really that pretty but thank you for saying so. lol. you 'ARE NOT old!! jeez stop that sempai! lol you are welcome!

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-29 10:10:20 +0000 UTC]

But that's right X"DD My back is always hurt

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-09-30 17:21:59 +0000 UTC]

sempai if you keep doing that you'll grow wrinkles in your young age and end up sounding like a sixty year old at twenty one and ppl will think you are wierd. lol. jk.

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-09-30 18:19:59 +0000 UTC]

Oh... I know that ppl thinking I'm weird X"DD But I don't mind :Đ

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-10-01 01:14:20 +0000 UTC]

ahaha. well actually i think we are the normal ones and EVERYONE ELSE is wierd. xD. so when ppl ccall you wierd, technically you can just say its the other way around. xD. don't worry im wierd to. but seriously sempai don't ggrow wrinkles in your young age. its bad for you. xD

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-10-01 18:39:17 +0000 UTC]

Maybe... .___." But I'm not child anymore >.>"
[and I haven't got HP Pavilon dv6 notebook ]

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-10-01 22:57:05 +0000 UTC]

lol. that is true, you definitly aren't a child. . awwww i'm sorry! T-T

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-10-02 11:46:10 +0000 UTC]

Not at all ^___^ But I really want to be a child^^" They live calm and happy .___."

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-10-02 11:52:38 +0000 UTC]

true! . well, you can still be a child at heart! .

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Roack In reply to ErzaStacojiu [2009-10-02 13:02:06 +0000 UTC]

Yes X"DD [but not body DX]

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ErzaStacojiu In reply to Roack [2009-10-02 23:35:46 +0000 UTC]

lol. that is very true. . we all turn all wrinkly eventually. lol

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