RobicTheEscapist — -AbiskaIsThisU-

Published: 2013-12-20 21:26:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 468; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 1
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Description Not a 8ig deal, really XD

I just wanted to try the "Calliope God Tier version" of one of my favourites fantrolls, Abiska... damn, she's the only Sea Dweller I own, of course I'm proud of her!

(She's a Sylph of Hope, I HOPE you can tell it :::;D)

Disclaimer: Homestuck 8elongs to Andrew Hussie; Abiska Ahvili 8elongs to me and the drawing style she was portayed with it's obviously inspired by Shelby  duedlyfirearms.tumblr.com

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Comments: 33

neonr4in [2013-12-21 14:20:18 +0000 UTC]

p3rf3ct w1n9

l0v3 It

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to neonr4in [2013-12-22 13:18:23 +0000 UTC]

1t's gr34t you l1k3 1t! th4nk you so much!

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Gosianica [2013-12-21 06:55:30 +0000 UTC]

Her wings are so freakin' perfect <3 And I LOVE her appearance *^* She is such a cute fantroll.

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Gosianica [2013-12-22 13:21:19 +0000 UTC]

It's gr8 you like the wings because I was so concerned about them! *D* 

thank you so muçh my dèar! (this is her quirk ;D)

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Gosianica In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2013-12-22 20:44:56 +0000 UTC]

It vvas a pleasure mah dear abiska :>

(And this is my violet sea dweller OC quirk ;D)

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Gosianica [2013-12-22 20:46:33 +0000 UTC]


*she's honestly amazed by the idea that two sea dwwellers are chatting LOL*

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Gosianica In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2013-12-23 11:31:21 +0000 UTC]

I-i hope that i didnt say anything vvrong...
*squeee *

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Gosianica [2013-12-23 15:45:06 +0000 UTC]

you çouldnt say anything bèttèr ^^ fèllow blood dèar

its kinda rarè to mèèt onè likè us for mè i dont know how to bèhavè!! *paniçs a lot*

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Gosianica In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2013-12-24 13:58:26 +0000 UTC]

I have already noticed it. Youre actually the first violet blooded troll i chat vvith! Maybe not the first seadvveller, but still :> No need to behave me... Really, stop it, if you please...

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Gosianica [2013-12-24 20:47:02 +0000 UTC]

haha i always got thè fèèlin i say somèthin wrong 

forgivè mè i just always try to bè gèntlè 

i'm açtually not usèd to talk to pèoplè

i travèl too muçh and always on my own so i çan bè kinda çlumsy ^^ thè friènds of my sèssion know this alrèady so thèy kinda forgèt it and i forgèt it too

i gèt too muçh distraçted too èasily

and i talk too muçh LOL

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Gosianica In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2013-12-27 17:08:18 +0000 UTC]

Uhuhu i highly understand you dear a gentleman like me alvvays tries to be gentle to everyone even vvhen they dont like me at all but thats their problem
My moirail is alvvays there to cheer me :>
Oh you travel hm? Thats intresting if you ask me
Where have you been? :> Just curious hehe

You know what? This is actually the first time I roleplay using my OC character XD And it's really intresting, I like it ^D^

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Gosianica [2013-12-28 19:23:35 +0000 UTC]

oh you got a moirail  thats niçè ^^ i only havè a fakè moirail

i çould tèll you why hes fakè  if you want... but you havè to promisè you wont tèll anybody

hèhè i think i'vè bèèn èvèrywhèrè on altèrnia açtually

i'vè bèèn an intrudèr in a lot of sèssions bècausè i'm always too çurious and i fèèl i'm dying if i stay too muçh in a placé

but it's my naturé  you know  what should i do?

i travèl  i mèèt pèoplè  i hèlp if thèy nèèd anything  i disçovèr nèw rèçipés  i takè all of thè souvènirs

i comè baçk to my friènds  NATURè and DUTY

say  do you bèlièvè in karma?  do you know what i talk about? 

told ya im çurious LOL

Pffft you know what? This is the first time I: 1)rp in English 2)rp with an OC of mine It looks damn funny and good to know more about characters, don't you think? ;D

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Gosianica In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2014-01-02 20:14:05 +0000 UTC]

Shhh... i vvill guard your secret until i die! I vvont tell anyone they vvouldnt care anyway :>
Oh thats intresting. I have a "friend" vvho travel like you. Vvell actually she used to travel novv shes mostly staying in her hive. Planning some kind of revolution or something... Nobody knovvs vvhat shes doing because she hardly ever uses trollian. And she didnt take a part in so many many sessions vvovv. Vve actually have just started our session nobody knovvs whats going on but it seems to be fun i think.
Karma? Pardon me but i have no idea vvhat is it. Or maybe i knovv but i cant remember it right novv hehe. I vvill ask my neighbour she knovvs EVERYTHING. I hope that she vvont kick me out of her hive...

I think so ;D It's awesome!

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Gosianica [2014-01-05 01:45:51 +0000 UTC]

karma is my rèligion i'm going to èxplain it to you vèry badly beçausè a propèr èxplanation would takè mè YèARS
èvèrything you do çrèatès çonsèquèncès in this and in the nèxt lifè you arè bad bad things happèn to you you'rè good good things happèn
i havè thè fèèling i'vè donè tèrriblè things in my prèvious lifè... it's a duty of minè to rèpair it
i got to pay somè duès i fèèl it
so i always try to bè good with èvèrybody and to givè all thè hèlp i çan i got a lot of privilègès you know it and i'vè startèd influènçing my karma by hèlping somèonè RèALLY in dangèr likè my friènd kafiri hè's a rust blood hè suçks at fighting hè'd nèvèr bè ablè to dèfènd himsèlf now his lusus is dèad but hè's a niçè guy vèry swèèt a gourmèt
but still now that you know about him you know hè'd bè cullèd for surè
hè nèèds protèction and i givè him protèction by playing thè part of the pèrfèçt moirail
whilè wè both know wè arè not rèally in our rèspèçtivè palè quadrant i got somèonè èlsè in my mind for that LOL in thè mèanwhilè hè's safè 'causè no onè mèss with thè moirail of a sèa dwèllèr nèithèr a dronè nor a troll (;
also your friènds sound vèry cool thèy must bè grèat (: you havè a kind of a rèbèl i hèar and shè usèd to travèl wow wè'd gèt along wèll i guèss i gèt along with èvèrybody
èxçèpt othèr sèa dwèllèrs LOL thèy disrèspèçt mè a lot bèing palè with a rust but you sound vèry niçè instèad LOL totally bèttèr than thè most of us LOOOL

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Gosianica In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2014-01-24 20:28:26 +0000 UTC]

Oh i knevv i heard about it! One of my friends belives in karma too. Although she didnt said that loud shes very shy and rarely talks to anyone. But shes our knight ehehe. Vvell thanks for explanation abiska :>

Rust blood in our session is one cool guy though i dont get along vvith him. He is very skillful vvhen it comes to fence and i REALLY dont vvant to mess vvith him. But hes almost alvvays smiling even vvhen his lusii died he said that his dad vvouldnt be happy if he vvould cry after him.

 Im sure that youre the best moirail you seem to be very nice at least for me :>>

Hey i have a question. Vvhats kafiris title? Thats the question i ask everyone i meet im just TOO curious :> 

Ha its nice about you to think about my friends like this. They can be cool no theyre cool. Like the best friends i ever had...

You knovv shes such a though girl to talk vvith. She tooks almost everyone as enemy but somehovv managed to have two moirails and matesprit thats vveird. One of her moirails is a guy who dont have eyes because she cut them off. But he already get used to it he forgave her somehovv. Anyway shes alvvays pessimistic but i wish you luck if you vvill ever chat vvith her :>> Maybe shes only pretending that shes this unkind and somekind of really svvet girl hides inside her vvho knovvs...

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Gosianica [2014-01-24 21:23:43 +0000 UTC]

it was a plèasurè  i'm always willing to èxplain things i managè to know
haha nèvèr hèard of a morè diffèrènt rust dudè (: kafiri is a bard  a bard of blood  and this is hilarious if you think about it bèçausè hè has so many problèms whèn it çomès to rèlationships LOL èvèrything scarès him
still you said a thing about your rust onè's lusus... it rèsèmblès a littlè what happènèd to our indigo  hèr lusus dièd whèn shè was 4 swèèps  so young  but shè dièd for natural çausès  but bèforè dying shè madè an important spèèçh and thè juiçè of thè spèèçh apparèntly was
nyeh my lusus is way çalmèr than that (: shè's a narwhal  what's yours?
and haha i told ya alrèady  your folks sound çool  also and mostly the onè-you-don't-know-if-shè-is-your-friènd-or-wants-to-kill-you LOL
i'm good at taking out thè bèst sidè of thè pèoplè (: thè way i do it works with èvèryonè in my sèssion
èxcèpt for our sèèr LOL suçh a diffiçult gal to dèal with latèly
blamè it on thè violèt blood
fuçkin violèt blood LOL

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Gosianica In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2014-01-30 17:39:28 +0000 UTC]

I knovv i knovv hes really SPECIAL i think :> Hes seer of heart and most of us thinks that this matches him but personaly i dont knovv hovv to feel about this :/ btvv i am heir of space if vve talk about titles :>> Oh poor guy! He reminds me about proomi one of my friends. I vvish him luck he seems to be nice...

Vvoah mine is calmer too. I feel sorry for this grl (i feel sorry for almost EVERYONE i should stop vvith that:>>). Oh and my lusii is killer vvhale. You knovv, orca :>

Oh i dont even vvant to knovv hovv vvould she react knovving that i said something about her to someone... Keep that as a secret but shes VERY senstive person... I think she hides that under her unkind personality tovvards people.... My she has big problems idk

Vvovv he or she really seems to be difficult! I hope that you vvill finally get along vvith him or her (;

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Gosianica [2014-01-31 22:43:16 +0000 UTC]

you fèèl sorry about fèèling sorry that's niçè (:
orça! i lovè thèsè animals
and surè i won't tèll anybody what wè talkèd about lol
our diffiçult sèèr btw shè was so niçe and çutè onçè
i'll tèll you if thè things will èvèr gèt bèttèr with hèr (:

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Gosianica In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2014-02-04 11:17:59 +0000 UTC]

To nice for a seadvveller i think. Seadvvellers are usually VERY violent but maybe i should break stereotypes :>

Thats really nice to knovv im so happy ^^

Thank you dear i knevv i can count on you :>>>

Heh maybe all seers are like that. You knovv that our rust guy whos seer too he used to be even more difficult to deal vvith than hes right novv. He rarely talked to ANYONE and vvas just unkind. But he met his glourius matesprit and everything vvent better at least for him :>>

Hey im looking forvvard to hearing from you about her <:

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Gosianica [2014-02-04 20:44:34 +0000 UTC]

i'm a sèa dwèlleèr too but it çan be fuçkin lamè somètimès  am i right

i don't want to bè likè thèy want mè to bè  i'm bèttèr than this lol at lèast i try  lèt's be diffèrènt togèther 

fuçkin sèèrs  fuçkin violèt bloods lol  thèy're all wèird

matèspritès çan çhangè pèoplè somètimès  i got plènty of thèm in thè past lol  but i want to bèhavè now (: it's niçé a rèd flush hèlpèd that unkind guy of yours

and rogèr you'll know all hèr stupid movès and usèlèss hurting ): fuçkin makram  did you know shè was doèrèt's moirail in thè past  it èndèd so badly though looool VèRY BADLY

did you know it

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Gosianica In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2014-02-09 09:46:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes youre right but its not alvvays lame ;> Bein' seadvveller can be avvesome sometimes i looove vvater and svvimming :> More than my neighbour i think that she dont care much about that but life is a life she lives in sea and it vvont change.

Violet seer vvould be soooo vveird :>>

Ehehe that matespritship vvill kill him one day hes matesprit is the killer revolutionary and super pessimistic girl ariari (i call her like that its cute but she HATES it :>). You knovv vve talked about her already :> 

I feel sorry to say so but i knovv nothing about im sooorry :<< Maybe you should give her some time for change once again i don't knovv :<

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Gosianica [2014-02-09 14:54:21 +0000 UTC]

violèt sèèrs would bè thè worst omg

i know about hèr yèah i rèmèmbèr thè rèbèl  uh uh that will ènd vèry badly

hm thè story about makram and doèrèt as moirails is so long and so full of bètrayal and rèvèngè and hurting and killing lol

i'm so going to tèll you about that onè of thèsè days (:

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Gosianica In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2014-02-09 15:44:06 +0000 UTC]

Yeah im so hapy vve dont have any violet blooded seers :>> 

I vvish them look anyvvay ariari made no harm tovvards me and i actually dont care about that guy. But i hope that it vvill end lucky that girl SMILES vvhen shes vvith him i mean her smile is something impossible to see reaaaaally :>

Killing? :< I mean these tvvo are still alive... yeah?

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Gosianica [2014-02-09 16:31:23 +0000 UTC]

thèy'rè both alivè NOW

thèrè wèrè so many issuès and timè shènanigans though   thèy mèssèd èvèrything ):

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Melody-akatsuki [2013-12-20 22:03:07 +0000 UTC]

asdasdasd *A* <3 <3 <3 <3

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Melody-akatsuki [2013-12-20 22:13:45 +0000 UTC]

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Melody-akatsuki In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2013-12-20 23:42:51 +0000 UTC]

so beautiful!

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Kittly [2013-12-20 21:34:31 +0000 UTC]

soo cuteee<3

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to Kittly [2013-12-20 21:41:26 +0000 UTC]

Awww I'm so happy you like it! Thank you!

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Kittly In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2013-12-20 21:53:29 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome!!!!

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SoffPigeon [2013-12-20 21:28:41 +0000 UTC]

she is so pretty! i love her wings!

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RobicTheEscapist In reply to SoffPigeon [2013-12-20 21:41:05 +0000 UTC]

It's so great you like her! Thank you very very much, dear!

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SoffPigeon In reply to RobicTheEscapist [2013-12-20 22:08:42 +0000 UTC]

>w< your wwelcome!

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