Robo-Birdie — Fanstory Creature Demons old and outdated

#concept #demons #dragonfly #monsters #reptile #snake #crocodile #serpent
Published: 2022-03-17 15:57:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 426; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Description An over view of some of the creatures marked as demons or monsters in the realm.
The Bio's for the flora and fauna are designed to look like they are excerpts from a guide book (which the characters are given in the story. The book is mentioned though in the story itself I do not flush out what the pages say that is what these artworks are for) whose author I decided to name Keikiary in honor of my beloved cat Keiko who died of cancer. 

Keikiarys description to what truly classes as a demon:

'The Ash Wastes is highly notable for one distinct fact; it boasts the highest concentrations of entities that could only be described as daemons. Despite the term demon not all of these are truly demons and some are simply monsters. All share in common however that they come in a variety of states from living to un-dead to ones that are not living nor dead but something else entirely. Often boasting dark magic’s and unnatural traits it is often believed these are entities of pure darkness given form or created from dark magic’s. While all of them are monsters not all of them are truly demons. To be classed a true demon monsters have to originate or be tied in some way to the void the first and greatest darkness. These are frequently encountered around ruins of Oni or Asher construct or other dark places where the light of the universe appears to have been removed or hindered or serving alongside dark sorcerers, beings and the likes. They are most prominent here in the wastes due to the presence of Ashers and the Red Tower which these daemons have turned into their home. I would not recommend you seek these entities out and avoid all contact with them, if you can. If you do find one of these nearby I recommend you hide and pray they don’t find you. Not even many skilled adventurers or warriors stand a chance against these entities.

One should remember despite the term of demon not all the monsters considered demons are truly evil. There are just as many good beings who are neutral or even benevolent. These good ones however are still classed as demons due to their origins and ties to the void. Just because their kind are good however doesn’t mean they are all good. As with the natures of all beings of the void they can be just as bad as the evil ones. An interesting statement one monk told me as I did my researches about these beings is that the way these beings view us and those in the mortal realm is comparable to ones views to ants. We are often nothing but musses or simple matter to them and while some may wish to aid mortals, others may feel an interest or wonder to the mortal beings while others exist in neutrality to us or see us as nothing more but pests, toys or sources of power and fuel.' 

For fun I came up with what each of the knights and ninja would say if asked to give a few words on these creatures. Here is what they would have to say on the Demons of the Wastes: (note these are based off their views from the first part of the story)

Jay-Let’s just put every single one of these in a big box of nope! Fire breathing two legged crocodiles more hot headed than Kai, creepy creatures that are like crosses between bugs and other animals that like to suck the energy and life out of you often with appetites bigger than Coles, big four armed snake sorceresses, bony bird things that can barf on you, many like to drain you’re energy and do other bad things to you just for fun do I need to go on! Not even Zane is immune to any of their attacks; they can harm and destroy him just as easily as the rest of us and worse you can’t truly destroy these things! They’ll just return from this horrid void place and make your life a living nightmare and not to mention many want to turn you into monsters like them! How can people handle having these things around? Even worse many bad people like to work with these monsters and are friends with them!
Cole- Yha a lot of these things give you the chills just to read about or even look at pictures of. Anything insect like is defiantly probably the most unsettling especially when there is something spider like. Despite what some of the others think I think we can handle some of these with little problem like Gloam-Harpies, Serpent Flies, Voidfears, Vesparilions as long as they are not in too large a swarm others I’m pretty sure we can’t handle. Those who think we can are being foolish. Also I am getting rather sick of some of the others the two know who they are making jokes about my appetite with some of these things especially that one called a Hunger.
Zane- Despite the term demon many are not truly evil just how they view things, their powers and natures do not align with what humans would consider pleasable or good. True some are what could truly be seen as evil but quite a few are just like animals or people. They have their own lives and individual views just because of their origins they have strong desires to cause chaos and destruction to the world around them; I guess that makes them more of a force of change more than evil. Truly what the people consider demons especially around here is subjective based more by their views and not entirely on facts; I know this first hand. Many of them consider me a monster or even a demon just because of what I am… it’s very unpleasant.
Nya- Not going to lie many of these don’t sound too good. Many like to painfully weaken you by sucking energy from you and why do quite a few take forms that are like some mutant insects? Is that to further make them more scary? I wonder are insects scared of those that have insect like appearances just as much as people are? That aside despite what my brother might think I don’t think we will fare too well against a lot of these. We haven’t done so well yet against some we have faced mainly those creepy shadow figures and a Noctern Crow which… actually that doesn’t matter. Simply we haven’t done so good and I don’t think we’ll do well against most of these. These aren’t simple creatures or monsters. They all have rather dangerous powers and those that seem very bestial are actually surprisingly cunning and sly. With his ego I’m pretty sure my brother will get himself into some serious trouble if we left him alone with some of these things.
Lloyd- In one word terrifying that’s what I think of these things. Monsters equipped with dark powers that can drain your energy, health and even life equipped often with sharp claws, teeth and other body parts. Then there’s the fact they can’t truly be destroyed. You can destroy them but their remains simply vanish after sometime after which they re-manifest from the energies of the void and can return to hunt you down again! Worse apparently these things can be found in all the realms even ours and can easily go unnoticed as they wreck havoc. They often stick to dark or less populated places and can attack quickly leaving little to no survivors so hardly anyone knows they’re there. Thinking about it I think I recall some monsters from ancient tales and urban legends that match quite a few of these demons; I don’t think in many of those tales these monsters were ever felled meaning they could still be out there! That’s a very unsettling thought.
Kai- I’m pretty sure I can handle some of these, well probably not the big ones or if they’re in a swarm or large group but one on one yha I could. Those little bug ones don’t look so tough and I hear they’re just like insects in that they can get obsessed with lights. I’m betting they’d foolishly head straight into my fire just trying to get it and burn themselves up… I wonder if they’d be attracted to Zanes eyes like normal insects? I then wonder what would happen if he accidently ate one? Would it turn him all evil crazy? We should probably make sure that doesn’t happen then. Also these fire breathing lava crocs sound pretty cool. I wonder if I could trick them with my fire to make them friendly to us. Also don’t let him know I told you this but that one called a Hunger sounds a bit like Cole always hungry and will eat anything; maybe like him we could win those creatures over with cake. I doubt that but it would be funny.
Aaron- I won’t deny yha a lot of these are defiantly not something I would want to face in battle especially if I was on my own nor would I want to stumble upon them in some dark place or at night but is it wrong to find some of them cool? Like they look and some of their powers sound so wicked, kind of makes you want to be one of them. Yha the Noctern Crow was pretty tough but it looked cool and what it could do was pretty wicked. I know as a knight that thought kind of goes against my teachings and training, we’re supposed to protect people from monsters like these, but it is still a fun thought. I will have to admit though that while some are cool there are quite a few I will admit scare me. Those four armed snake ladies and those Hungers defiantly, I would not want to get into a fight with those.
Axl- These all sound so tough I don’t think we’re ready to face these. I know I won’t be able to hold against them and if I can’t then I don’t think most of the others can. Clay might be able to and some of those ninja with their powers defiantly not that Jay though might be able to but I think these things have the rest of us beat. I’ve heard looks of these things can be deceiving. Just because they look delicate doesn’t mean they are. After dealing with that crow thing which didn’t look too tough I’d have to agree with that statement and that one crow was being mostly nice to us and it was still pretty bad.
Clay- These things defiantly aren’t like any monsters we’ve faced before. All those we’ve faced that were under Monstruxs rule before and the many normally found in our realm seem mild or even harmless compared to these things. Guess we should be thankful they don’t normally wander freely about the realms preferring to stick to certain environments or locations and don’t often wander from those sights or close to where innocent beings tend to hang out. Gotta feel sorry for those that have to deal with these things on a regular basis; it can’t leave them feeling very well especially since some of these can literally make you ill.
Macy- I don’t care where these monsters come from I will still face them just like a knight should even if they are pretty scary and I’m pretty sure we won’t fare very well against a lot of these. It is our duties though as knights to protect others from monsters like these so we have to put aside our fears to protect those who can’t stand a chance against these monsters. That being said I hope we don’t have to face too many of these or some of the nastier ones.
Lance- I doubt many in Hollowood could come up with such nasty monsters as these. You don’t want to know what some of them can and will do to others and Aaron finds some of these things cool? How crazy is he? The things that droi- I mean crow thing did were worse than disgusting! All these things want to tear you apart, turn into their chew toys, eat you, put gross and nasty substances on you that take hours to get off and the smell off your clothes and you don’t want to know what end it comes from cause they’ll do both and these are just some of the nicer things they do. You don’t want to know about the worse ones! How could anyone consider such monsters cool?! Why would anyone in this realm want to become some sort of knight or any kind of warrior with these things around?
Jestro- I know I’ve had dealings with monsters in the past but I’d never want to side, work with or even just be near monsters like these. I was unfortunate to experience some of these monsters up close and they are far worse than any of the monsters I’ve worked with before. Not even Monstrux was as bad as these things!

These aren't the only ones. Some other beings and monsters classed as demon can be found here:

Hunger- fanstory creature Hunger
Noctern Crow- fanstory creature Noctern Crow
Vesparilions- fanstory creature Vesparilion

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