Robot58-Mech — Panna Prime Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder

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Published: 2020-01-06 23:00:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 2364; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 2
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Description ©Copyright and ™ Trademark of the names and designs of Star Wars go to George Lucas, LucasFilm Limited, and Walt Disney
©Copyright and ™ Trademark of the names and designs of the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special goes to Director Steve Binder
©Copyright and ™ Trademark of the names and designs of the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special Animated Section goes to Director Clive Smith
©Copyright and ™ Trademark of the names and designs of Terminator goes to James Cameron

Note: this is a just a Screenshot with a small amount of my MS Paint editing, and NOT my OC let alone a fan art picture, as this invention was created by Director Clive Smith, of Director Steve Binder's 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special, in 1978.

Also, since there is no information about this on Wookieepedia, despite all of the information about the location and places, let alone a single mention, then I have made up some facts about it, let alone given it a name.

Extra Note: Credits is the Star Wars Currency

Panna Prime Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder a.k.a. Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder

Availability: Military

Affiliation: Galactic Empire, Dark Empire, Imperial Remnant, Fel Empire, One Sith, and so on

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Model: Panna Prime Airspeeder

Line: Imperial Airspeeder

Hull: 10 Ru

Cost: 81,000 Credits

Consumables: 3 Weeks

Cargo Capacity: none

Passengers: none

Crew: 3 Stormtroopers (with one being Pilot, one being Mega Laser Blaster Cannon Operator, and one being Sniper despite not being a Scout Trooper) Only

Armament: 1 Mega Laser Blaster Cannon

Maximum Speed: 987 KM/H

Role(s): Patrol, Exploration, Pursuit

The Panna Prime Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder, is the Galactic Empire's answer to navigating the dangerous swamps and hazardous surfaces of Panna Prime, as well as to enforce imperial rule on the entire planet. In 8 BBY, Admiral Leo Hago saw the potential of the ISP (Infantry Support Platform) and UT-AT (Unstable Terrain Armoured Transport) from the Clone Wars being put to good use on Panna Prime, but since the ISP and UT-AT presences were not enough to scare the people of Panna Prime into total submission, then Admiral Leo Hago had to think of a better solution to solve this problem. Gathering a task force, Admiral Leo Hago set them all a mission to design a new airspeeder to combat the resistances of the Panna Prime, as well as to uphold imperial presence on that planet. It took the task force just three weeks before then invented the Panna Prime Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder, which looked fairly simple but deadly from first viewing. "Ah, this Airspeeder looks so simplistic, but then again, I like the design and idea for imperial presence." started Admiral Leo Hago, who was marking down a set of good marks on a piece of paper with a pencil, 'We have considered a spot, for a stormtrooper to play sniper, to pick off any unwanted threat at any range.' added an engineer, which made Amdiral Leo Hago smile nicely. After finishing off making some last minute analysis, Admiral Leo Hago said "This is a very fine specimen, not almighty, but not terrible. This will please The Emperor at a moderate rate, but enough to please him.", before he looked out of the viewport of his Star Destroyer: Leo, to look at the stars in admiration. On the small Planet Ishanna III which was very similar to Panna Prime, one Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder piloted by three Stormtroopers, managed to take out 10 CIS S.T.AP.s (Single Troop Aerial Platforms) that were piloted by Practice Droids (Robots) wearing Scout Trooper Uniform. The successful test area was known for Imperial Practice Projects, making the Airspeeder worth its power a week after its creation. Darth Sidious/Sheev Palpatine/The Emperor was so impressed by this magnificent and very flawless display, that he promoted Admiral Leo Hago to Grand Admiral, as well as his task force to Elite Imperial Task Force (EITF). Demanding that this Airspeeder to be mass produced right away, the Imperial Stormtroopers at the sight were glad at this news, as they were impressed by the capabilities of this new invention. As soon as the first millions of Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeders were off the production line, five million were sent to Panna Prime whilst four million were station to Ishanna III for patrol duties, and the rest for all corners of the Galactic Empire. The people of Panna Prime were now living in fear of the Galactic Empire, and it was mainly thanks to the Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder, which was so iconic that the imperials ranked it as: "The Best Vehicle Kuat Drive Yards could build to enforce all imperial patrols.". Unfortunately, the Battle of Yavin 4 in 0 BBY saw the mass production of the Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder cut back, but Grand Admiral Leo Hago didn't give up as he weaseled his way through imperial actions in order to get mass production of the Airspeeder up and running again. In 1 ABY, one Panna Prime Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder was taken out by Chewbacca, who fired one single blast from his pistol (not the Sacros K-11 of Boba Fett) to destroy the Airspeeder with ease, and the three unlucky Stormtroopers fell into the liquid of the swamp sea. Despite this setback, the Airspeeder was still gaining momentum, and helping the Galactic Empire win battles against the Rebel Alliance. However, the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY saw a complete turn for the worse, as the temporary death of Darth Sidious, the death of Darth Vader, and the destruction of the Death Star II, saw the entire empire go into chaos mode. Although Grand Admiral Leo Hago saw this as an opportunity to claim power, his reign of terror was actually very short lived, as a massive ambush a month later by the Alliance of Free Planets saw the destruction of the Star Destroyer: Leo, with Grand Admiral Leo Hago and his elite task force on board. Despite this terrible tragedy for the empire, the imperials refused to let his legacy go to waste, and kept the Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder in service for the coming future events. The Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder continued to be in service, well into 247+ ABY, when one Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder was sent out on a patrol on the Planet Ishanna IV, only to find something not encountered before.

The following report goes as is recorded:

As the Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder was out on patrol, there was a massive flash of light followed by electric sparks that cam from a wooded area, which caught the attention of all three Stormtroopers. As soon as the lights and the noises had quickly passed, the Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder went to the wooded area to investigate and found a smoldering crater, but there was no one around to link with the forming of the crater. One Stormtrooper who had a Clear See-Through Visor Face Helmet (which was just a Stormtrooper helmet, but with a clear see-through face, instead of the classic black and white face, and you can actually see the human face through the clear visor face of the helmet, which was a massive deterrent for intruders and infiltrators), got out from the Cannon Operating seat to have a look around the crater area, whilst the other two Stormtroopers scanned the area from their seats. Then the Clear See-Through Face Stormtrooper returned to the Cannon Operating seat, whilst the Stormtrooper from the Pilot seat got out to check out what was beyond the area, as he saw footprints going towards a massive dense area of trees. Since this Stormtrooper had a Scanner Clear See-Through Visor Face Helmet (which was exactly like the other Clear See-Through Helmet, but with red coloured and advanced scanners that no other regular Stormtrooper helmet had), then he could scan the entire area and look out for any danger that might jump him, but the footprints soon came to a dead stop at the foot of the tree. Suddenly, a large muscular naked man jumped on the Scanner Clear See-Through Face Stormtrooper and crushed his body, that his ribcage cracked and splintered open, killing the unlucky Stormtrooper easily. After stealing the dead Stormtrooper's clothing and stuff, the humanoid being's eyes flashed red briefly, and from its viewpoint (from its eyes point of view) engaged his own scanner mode next to the small words that read: 'T-900: Advanced Skin and Flesh Cyberdyne Systems Model 101'. When the Terminator got to the wooded are where it came from a few minutes ago, it saw not only the Clear See-Though Face Stormtrooper in the pilot seat, but also the Stormtrooper in the Sniper seat, that had a helmet that was clearly identified as a Snipe Clear See-Through Visor Face Helmet (which was almost identical to the Scanner Clear See-Through Helmet, but with large green coloured advanced scanners, which only covered the eyes and not the face). As soon as those two Stormtroopers saw what they thought to be their comrade, the T-900 Terminator immediately shot and successfully killed both Stormtroopers, before dragging out their corpses to join their dead naked brethren that was in a bush nearby. Finally, the T-900 Terminator went to the Imperial Stormtrooper Airspeeder and flew away, whilst a large giant predatory Saw Tooth-Mandible Mayfly appeared and started to devour the corpses of the three dead Stormtroopers. When the T-900 Terminator got to an Imperial Outpost, he told the fake story of what happened to his two comrades, before infiltrating the Imperial Remnant to find out where it was, and how it got to the Star Wars universe from Earth 2031 AD. The last known sighting of the T-900, was on the planet Circarpous IV (no, not Circarpous V, and not Mimban), when it killed a Stormtrooper who had an Armoured Visor Face Helmet (which was just a Stormtrooper helmet, but with an face that looked like several pieces of thick armour, that gave the user protection of the face, except for the eyes that were just small see through glass lenses), before taking off on an airspeeder (that was similar to the one Captain-Supervisor Grammal was cut in half, in Splinter of the Mind's Eye (of Legends)) to safety, but not before killing a Stormtrooper who had an Environmental Visor Face Helmet except for the armoured Eyes (which was just a Stomtrooper helmet, but with a see though glass face, except for the eyes that were armoured with special scanners for poor visibility areas). There is still yet to be some more info, but the imperial archives are slow at updating so expect updates, but in the far future in about ten years or so (but only in the Star Wars Legends and/or Infinities universes ).

Imperial information ends here.

So, what do you think?

This screenshot is for all Deviantartists and Star Wars fans, who cannot find any image of this Imperial Airspeeder, since I cannot find anything to do with Panna Prime on Deviantart, except for a minor mention of my recent OC Troposphere Nui Traps and Rahi Ocean Sun Fish picture, until now .

I know the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special had such a mixed reaction and negative outcome, but it had some interesting elements and ideas that should not be forgotten, and this is one of them.

I wanted to do a screenshot, as I am not yet skilled at drawing stuff on hand, and I still have MS Paint, although I am still not yet a skilled artist.

The T-900 came from Terminator 3: The Redemption videogame, as this type of Terminator is just a few steps away from the T-1000 Liquid Metal Terminator, which means it might have advanced human tissue covering it for special future missions.

Yes, I do know about the flesh tissue for Cameron of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, although I wanted to use the idea of advanced skin and flesh, to make it different from a T-800 Model Series Robot.

Also, George Walton Lucas Junior (Jr.) (that is George Lucas's Full Name) wanted to smash every copy of the Star Wars 1978 Holiday Special, but that is impossible and even George Lucas knows it, as the show was copied by people all across The United States of America and parts of the world.

Plus, this is the second time Terminator and Star Wars have met, but the first time they met was in the Bionicle Universe (see Proto Nui Robots and Dogs for more info).

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