rockingyourstar — HC12-033 Sookie Carlisle

Published: 2011-07-06 19:15:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 3109; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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ROUND THREE: [link] PASSED! And I got to add my little beneficiary badge. ^^
- UPDATE: Roster change, switching Sapphire the Lapras for Lyra the Dewott
ROUND FIVE: [link] (dropped out)

Name: Sookie Carlisle
Age: 19
Height/Weight: 5'3", 102 lbs
Trainer Orientation: Neutral Good
Hometown/Region: near Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh; roams Johto
Sister to Ollie [link]

The Carlisle twins are the fortunate daughters of Rick Carlisle, a partner in the Feugo Ironworks Corporation and one of its wealthiest benefactors. Their mother, Sasha, had been a devout protector of Pokémon labor rights, which led to her meeting and falling in love with the quite debonair Mr. Carlisle while on an inspection job in the ironworks. Unfortunately, an accident involving a herd of raging work-Tauros cut short their marriage, killing Sasha just two years after the birth of her and her husband’s twin girls.

Sookie and Olympia grew up at their father’s estate just west of Twinleaf Town, where they enjoyed the comforts of a prosperous and well-catered lifestyle. It was to Mr. Carlisle’s surprise, however, when his seven-year-old daughters came running to him, pleading for him to give them Pokémon to battle just like the ones they had just seen on TV. He was wary at first, due to the creatures’ involvement in his wife’s death. Eventually, though, he came to the decision that it was best to give Sookie and Olympia companions other than each other, for he was far too busy at the ironworks to spend much time with them. For the sisters’ eighth birthday he presented them with a pair of Eevee, bought from a litter bred from a local trainer’s Espeon and Umbreon. Olympia, eager to start her “training” early, immediately asked for a Thunderstone as well so that she could evolve her new friend; Sookie, on the other hand, was absolutely satisfied with the Eevee given to her.

Sookie and Olympia bonded with their Pokémon right away, setting off without hesitation on adventures around their expansive grounds. The sisters participated in mock battles with each other and with wild Pokémon, each dreaming of one day going off on her own and battling for real. When this desire was communicated to their father, however, he shot them down without hesitation, for fear of losing his daughters in a way similar to that in which he lost his wife. For years Olympia and Sookie volleyed for permission, watching local children start their Pokémon journeys at ages that were tantalizingly close to their own. Finally, for the pair’s fifteenth birthday, Mr. Carlisle gave them his consent to leave the estate and travel the world, promising them a surprise when they attended the meetings he had arranged for each of them with Pokémon professors relative to where they desired to go.


Sookie has always fancied herself to be the black sheep of her family. While her sister was enthusiastic, loud, and eager, Sookie remained quiet and patient. Olympia promised their father, during their pleas to start their own Pokémon journeys, the she would stay in Sinnoh and always return home; Sookie had no intention of staying in the region, and instead dreamed of travelling to other regions, namely Johto. She and Olympia share a close bond, however, after being each other’s only friend for the majority of their lives.

With the addition of her Eevee, however, Sookie discovered a new companion with whom she could share secrets and have adventures. On the day she received him, Sookie thought for hours on what she would name her new friend. In the end, she was inspired by the light of the moon reflecting off of his white ruff of fur as he gazed out her window that night, and decided to dub him Moonlight.

After being given Moonlight, Sookie found herself growing farther and farther apart from Olympia and closer and closer to the Eevee. She didn’t blame him, and still doesn’t; in fact, it hardly bothered her at all. She knew that one day she and her sister were meant to part ways, and it would only be easier if they weren’t breathing down each other’s necks every moment of the day.

The day after her fifteenth birthday Sookie and Moonlight boarded a ship, bid Mr. Carlisle, Olympia, and Zeus (Olympia’s Eevee-turned-Jolteon) goodbye, and sailed off to Johto on the beginning of the realization of Sookie’s most desired wish. The boat made port in Cherrygrove, where the soon-to-be trainer and Eevee came ashore and travelled down the route to New Bark Town. There Sookie met with Prof. Elm, who presented her with the surprise her father had spoken of – a Cyndaquil, specially prepared for her and ready to embark on the expedition that Sookie had watched so many others begin.

Sookie has an inconsolable fear of ghosts and ghost-type Pokémon. When she was small child, her bedroom on the top floor of the house was the habitat of a pair of Gastly, which held no qualms about terrifying a young girl every few nights. Moonlight remedied this shortly after his arrival, however, demonstrating his inherited Shadow Ball move on the rogue ghosts and thereafter protecting Sookie at night and during explorations in the attic and basement.

Again, Sookie is quiet, patient, and reserved. She doesn’t hold much merit in people, and much prefers the company of her Pokémon. If a person speaks to her, he or she would only receive the most minimalist of answers; but Sookie is positively chatty around her team and talks to them – as well as passing wild Pokémon - almost constantly. She doesn’t know whether they understand her or not, and she doesn’t particularly care. She sees them as the group of friends she never had while isolated at her family’s estate, and loves them as much as her blood relatives, if not more. Dark clothing appeals to Sookie because of its subtlety, as well as spiked collars for no other reason than the edgy look. Otherwise, she dresses in whatever’s comfortable and durable.

Main Battle Strategy: Types, types, types. Sookie's memorized every type weakness and advantage there is, and can list them off to you in a heartbeat. She's tried to cover every type there is in her team's moveset, and made sure her best fighters have the most diverse moves. To Sookie, battles aren't won by strength or levels, but by speed and matchups. If she's in a situation where she can't get the type advantage, she has her Pokemon use their strongest move in an attempt to overpower their opponent.

Friends: Kay , DJ , Lios , Itsuki


Species: Umbreon (male)
Ability: Synchronize
Nature: Quiet, Often lost in thought
Item: Expert Belt (worn like a scarf)
Moves: Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Moonlight, Psychic
Info: Sookie’s first Pokémon and devoted companion, Moonlight and Sookie virtually grew up together in her home in Sinnoh. He is constantly at her side and almost always out of his Pokeball. Moonlight evolved into an Umbreon during Sookie’s battle against Morty, when his type immunity and super-effective moves weren’t enough to reassure her against her fear of ghosts. He and his brother Zeus inherited Shadow Ball from their father, and it came in handy during his and Sookie’s mischievous explorations in their childhood, when they would have a run-in with a wild Haunter or Duskull while lurking in the attic. Due to their friendship, Moonlight and his trainer know each other so well that they can often communicate simply through facial expressions. Though he works well with the rest of the team, he socializes very little and is normally found staring up at the stars, lost in thought. Moonlight likes to use his physical abilities in battle. Though he isn't able to use Faint Attack as an attack any longer, he still utilizes the ability to become invisible. Otherwise he often blinds the opponent with his rings.

Willa Sue
Species: Typhlosion (female)
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Quirky, Highly persistent
Item: Rock Gem (tied around her neck as a necklace)
Moves: Flamethrower, Rollout, Thunderpunch, Brick Break
Info: Willa Sue was given to Sookie as a surprise gift by Professor Elm upon her arrival to Johto (this was arranged by her father, of course). She was a funny little Cyndaquil, reacting strangely to new sights and sounds and often pestering an unamused Moonlight for attention. As she grew older she mellowed out, but every once in a while Willa Sue will do something silly to remind everyone of her individuality streak. In addition to this, she harbors an extremely strong loyalty to Sookie and will not only protect her with her life, but will stubbornly intervene if Sookie is about to do something Willa feels is not in her best interests. In battle, Willa relies on her insane speed and special attack to take an opponent down quickly. She's not good at taking hits, but is known for using situations and environments in battle in weird and ingenious ways.

Species: Crobat (female)
Ability: Inner focus
Nature: Impish, Highly Curious
Item: Big Root (wrapped around right forewing)
Moves: Fly, Poison Fang, Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain
Info: Sookie’s third Pokémon, Batgirl took an immediate liking to the trainer after she shared some Pokefood with the Zubat during her team’s first visit to Dark Cave. This liking grew as Batgirl led them out of the pitch-black cavern as a favor, and by the time they had reached the exit, she was fluttering incessantly around Sookie’s head and refused to stop until she was caught. Her love for Sookie was evident as she grew, for she evolved into a Crobat almost immediately upon becoming a Golbat. Batgirl’s favorite place to perch is upon Sookie’s head (often to her trainer’s annoyance), and when she’s feeling playful, she loves to pluck Sookie’s fedora from its place and fly in circles with it, just out of reach. Batgirl relies a lot on her poison in battle, and will try her best to land a good Poison Fang in order to infect her opponent. After that, she tends to suck the poison - and the opponent's health - out with Giga Drain after Giga Drain.

Species: Steelix (male)
Ability: Sturdy, Rock Head
Nature: Naive, Loves to eat
Item: Wide Lens (self-explanatory)
Moves: Earthquake, Iron Tail, Stone Edge, Rock Climb
Info: After being traded to Sookie for a Hoothoot in Violet City, Rocky became her secret weapon against not only flying types, but troublesome normal types like Rattata as well. Being from a different trainer made him nervous around Sookie at first, until his teammates convinced him that she would treat him as well as any Pokémon had ever been treated. Due to his childish nature, Rocky believes himself to be about the size of a Weedle, and, when paired with his low-accuracy moves, this became a battling issue Sookie could not ignore. The problem was solved by several hours of Voltorb Flip in the Goldenrod casino, much to Sookie’s monetary regret. Just before her battle against Claire for her eighth gym badge, Sookie called in a favor from her sister and briefly traded Rocky to Olympia in order to have him equipped with a Metal Coat and traded back, thus evolving him into a Steelix. Rocky is easily distracted and a normally happy soul; in a rare state of melancholy, all Sookie has to do to cheer him up is cry “ROCKY!” in a decent impression of Dr. Frank-N-Furter from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.” Rocky often takes his time in battle, because most attacks, especially physical ones, won't leave a scratch on him. His moves aren't always the most accurate, but are devastating when they do connect.

Species: Ampharos (male)
Ability: Static
Nature: Serious, Somewhat vain
Item: Quick Claw (charm on collar)
Moves: Thunder Punch, Discharge, Signal Beam, Strength
Info: In the wild, Meep had been the black sheep (pun intended) of his flock due to his humorless and unyielding nature. He found a kindred spirit in Sookie in her quiet and wary persona, and, upon hearing from Moonlight of her personality and her acceptance of all Pokemon, decided to challenge the budding trainer. The young Mareep was caught and began to cultivate a great respect for Sookie; so great, in fact, that he started to adopt her mannerisms. When he is outside of his Pokeball, he watches Sookie and often (belatedly) leaps into a stance that compliments her current pose. While other Pokémon and trainers find this eager action laughable, Meep, in his deadpan state of mind, never understands what’s so funny. Upon his evolution into an Ampharos, Sookie bought him a collar to match her own in order to make his imitations more…realistic. (And because it was he first time his neck wasn’t covered in fluff.) In battle, Meep reacts slowly in order to take a good look at the situation at hand, then uses his Quick Claw to strike like lightning (pun intended).

Species: Lapras (female)
Ability: Shell Armor, Water Absorb
Nature: Gentle, Strong willed
Item: NeverMeltIce (whittled into tiara around horn)
Moves: Surf, Ice Beam, Body Slam, Waterfall
Info: Sapphire was the final addition to Sookie’s team, caught during a fateful encounter in the rocky surf around the Whirl Islands. She resisted capture the most of her companions, and resented her trainer for a long time afterward. It was only after Sookie literally threw herself in front of Sapphire to deflect an electric attack from a Rocket’s Pokémon that the Lapras came around to respecting and obeying her trainer. In the time since then, Sapphire has assumed the role of peacemaker among the other Pokémon, gently pulling apart the combatants of a skirmish or else squirting them with a jet of water to make them shut up. Sapphire often takes the reins herself when in battle, and commonly ignores Sookie's directions (thinking of them more as suggestions) and attacks her opponent dead-on.
Species: Dewott (female)
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Bold, Likes to fight
Item: Shell Bell (pendant on collar)
Moves: Razor Shell, Ice Beam, Revenge, Focus Energy
Info: Lyra came to Sookie through happenstance, when the trainer had a run-in with a former Team Plasma grunt that was bent on "liberating" Moonlight. After subduing the grunt, Sookie deduced that Lyra had been stolen from her original trainer and took her in. Lyra is a strong soul who loves the thrill of battle. She secretly hopes to reunite with her first trainer one day, but, being a realist, she realizes that it will most likely never happen. Instead, she focuses on training and becoming better in order to wreak revenge on any affiliate of Plasma she may come across. Lyra still doesn't trust Sookie completely, so she doesn't always follow orders, especially when she thinks she has a better alternative.
(How Sookie met Lyra: [link]


After completing her rounds of Johto and Kanto, Sookie settled into some half-hearted training in Mt. Silver and the Battle Frontier to keep herself and her Pokemon busy. One day she was contacted by her sister Olympia, who told her that she'd conquered the gym circuit back home in Sinnoh. She had been given an invitation to travel around the Unova region, but Olympia couldn't go because she had business to take care of at home. Sookie understood her offer and accepted it, travelling to Sinnoh for a brief visit with her sister before taking the ship to Unova.

Once there, Sookie wandered the routes a little to get a feel for the region before challenging the gyms. Secretly she felt she was postponing assembling a new team, as she knew many trainers did when they arrived in a new region. Regardless, she went north from Castelia city, where she had arrived, braving the deserts, skirting Nimbasa city, and traversing half of Unova's circular formation before returning south. This time she passed through Nimbasa City and caught wind of a tournament that was taking place soon - the Hyperion Conference. It sounded fun, and she and her team hadn't had any real action since her defeat of the Pokemon League. So our heroine signed up for this "Hyperion Conference" and now waits with excitement to see how it will turn out.

Pet Pokemon: Sparkplug the Joltik

Sookie hadn't planned to start catching any new Pokemon quite yet, but the moment she walked into Chargestone Cave and saw all of the tiny, fuzzy little Joltiks scurrying around, she knew she HAD to have one. It's a miracle that she didn't catch every Joltik in the cave. After seeing that they evolved into giant spiders, Sookie resolved not to train Sparkplug and instead keeps him as a pet, allowing him to ride on her shoulder, on her hat, and sometimes inside her hat. XD

So..I think that's it. Wish me luck. ^^

Sookie, Willa Sue, Moonlight, Batgirl, Rocky, Meep, Sapphire, Sparkplug, and art (c) me
Original reference sheet (c) #HeliosConference
Pokemon, Typhlosion, Joltik, ect, (c) Nintendo and Ken Sugimori
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Comments: 10

ShinyWoopWoop [2012-03-26 12:52:24 +0000 UTC]

dude, we're on opposing teams, yes this is good

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rockingyourstar In reply to ShinyWoopWoop [2012-03-26 20:21:19 +0000 UTC]

Hehehe...there will be rivalry. And cameos. XD Onwards to battle - I mean, rugby!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShinyWoopWoop In reply to rockingyourstar [2012-03-26 21:52:58 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wheelzzz [2011-07-06 20:39:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rockingyourstar In reply to Wheelzzz [2011-07-06 20:41:36 +0000 UTC]

Haha. Look a little familiar, huh? XD Great to see ya, Wheels!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wheelzzz In reply to rockingyourstar [2011-07-06 20:50:31 +0000 UTC]

Call me Matty. ^^ We're friends, right?

DJ: 83 Well, ain't you two a sight for sore eyes?

Tiger: ^o^ --Glomps Sookie--

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rockingyourstar In reply to Wheelzzz [2011-07-06 20:57:59 +0000 UTC]

Heck yeah, we're friends. ^^

Willa: *glomps DJ*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wheelzzz In reply to rockingyourstar [2011-07-06 21:04:05 +0000 UTC]

YAY! Thank you! ^^

DJ: ~<3 --Falls flat on his back with Willa on top of him-- Oof~!

Tiger: --Licks all over Sookie's face--

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BS--Comics [2011-07-06 20:34:30 +0000 UTC]

Woot! More competitors!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rockingyourstar In reply to BS--Comics [2011-07-06 20:39:48 +0000 UTC]


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