I'm keeping active I swear I am
We have trademarks for Alistair Wonderland and Bunny Lapin/White, and we haven't seen them yet, so speculative art!
alistair wonderland is a humorless, kind of dour guy. He doesn’t particularly enjoy the company of the other wonderlandians, because he’s so over the nonsense associated with them, be it maddies speech patterns, lizzies weird association with decapitation, or kittys mischief. in the royals vs rebels conflict, he comes down more on the side of the royals, only because he wants to get his story over with so he can live a more quiet life.
he’s not a bad guy, just kind of exhausted atm
alice in wonderland was an allegory for new math and how ridiculous lewis carrol thought it was, so i thought it fitting if alistair was the same; sensible in the face of nonsense
also in my head he’s indian and has the split hair because i love it
bunny white/lapin is a tiny, frantic girl. she speaks a mile a minute and almost always arrives early to pretty much anything, which kind of upsets her when no one else is there at the same time. she’s not happy with this arrangement, and would rather slow down her pace. in the royal vs. rebel conflict, she comes down on he rebel side, because she’s not looking forward to being lizzies errand girl
clockface monocle is all i ask