Winterfest 2022: All Breedables Open
Free or At-Chance Litter
Winterfest is back on and running till the end of the month at least. This event means the return of many of my closed breedables, reopened just for the holidays.
This litter was requested by @ BrackenStorm268 who, as the requester gets the first pick of the litter. With the chaoticness of Holidays, requesters have 72 hours to comment and claim their cubs before they are open to all.
1. 2. 3.
My Rules
Genders, personalities, backstories, names, etc. of the characters are up to you. If the designs don't quite suit your taste feel free to make adjustments.
1. 200 points @BrackenStorm268
2. 200 points
3. 200 points
Base oCrystalArt