RomainBowen — Okami Main Characters

#characters #main #okami
Published: 2022-12-09 23:34:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 1779; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 2
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Description I may artwork of Okami Main Characters since around of 2020. It's take some time of separation to the characters and then I think type of background for them. I hope you may like it and I hope you give credit for the Capcom company to create the game.

The story time
When things were normal for each earth dimension that until the “Covid-19” spread over the least half-earth dimension well least some of them around are 35% and time is flying toward the summer season. Things getting crazy level to the world of “Covid-19” along with socialize community which troubled at time gone by during the “virus” even some people can’t tell of different days as well most countries still close board line so on for people safely least temporary. Zootopia were still same things with “virus” and mostly like having hard time of system however, it slow open the broad to zootopia bit by bit which take some time going back normalize at same time to other countries.

On the main base, my main bodyguards are still patrols to each selection of most area expect the “dark selection area” which be not allow to anyone expect of highest ranker or master hood with light and darkness to manage it. My students are vacation and visiting their parents, friends and their masters for month in the summer, Sly and Blaze are dual partner in the training selection at the cyber train dorm for try different form in combat of combat robots. Yin and Yang are medication state at the rainforest area mostly the morning to recount of their master from the spirit realm. Digimon and other are walking outside with Akio for some hours in morning; Ava was trying of a hobby in poem for a while with nice tea, Gula and Invi have nice and quiet chat about topics at the living room, Digit Jr and Akira are work hard of maintain system to the base until toward the afternoon to relaxing, tailed breasts and others are just handout in the bar room for their reunion anniversary and then myself were check of earth dimension’s anything be change or not with virus at the lab so far it hard to say for now as well same time think of faith for each earth dimension from this virus.

I may check of present time on Okami dimension in peacetime in election still having their old tradition all rounds and the creation of festive for goddess Celestica Wolf of sun for save them from evil demons over century years later which good things. However, there some nightmare eaters and heartless in demon form this new for me and I guess of the old witch did again also they are plot something bad on that world. I call of other at once to meeting at the hanger which they are respond it as well rush to the hanger in few minutes time, I explain of detail on the world along situation had latterly report which they may understood for moment and we can’t they destroy the festive holiday as world too. I need of three men squad which on Blaze, Yin and Akio for now beside other stays for back up if things getting trouble.

I think use Sly’s pirate sky ship style in Mooshu and he pick out the eastern dragon ship which for under cover mission beside I don’t some local villagers think us to take over their world which be not easy least to play smart for now. So we traveling to Okami world in good time and enter of the Kamiki Village where legend be begin for long time ago in ancient time where orgs and demons running as well destroy but, it’s failed by one wolf be celestial goodness along the thirteen celestials gods of their powers to save the world mostly like be legendary while other people believe be fork tales from their past to give the children for hope, faith and bright future all-round the countryside. We arrive of first village where legend begin on cover up sky ship of normal ship be close like tourist ship same thing to us as well.

The festive be full swing for their holiday to the horror Amaterasu the celestial goddess and her partner Issun the celestial envoy it been long time since over in the centuries by now, they very old like elderly age but only of Issun be that age not a god like Amaterasu least they had kids as well teach each skills to pass down on them until day it coming for them. We enter of the village close a town like bit future with old tradition from past within old generation to new generation of people in Nippon which nice for now. Phantom blog along with Mortimer Mouse are fake old travelers are start of trouble on that village with heartless cause the people freak out as well they think of heartless a demon from the past still run from it while small police force try to stop them as well catch of fake travelers.

No use on the police so one’s of villager call the grandson of legendary swordsman from naji and father of Susano its Kuni young adult age ready of combat with his father at old age is Susano be behind him for modesty support. I step in the battle and everyone believe that we are tourists but, they are guessing wrong for moment by I use cast chain of light to block any normal get involves except of my group take it then we want try new form in the system form unit mode: Toukiden 2 within 9 Dragons turn into Toukiden Dragons 11 of kung fu arts enter the all clans/demon slayers customize. We may use of hyper class mode, all heroes classes link on along Akio use of chain warp linking blade combat fans, Yin Tiger with Roxas the cat use of rifle (small size) linking bagger stuff, Blaze use sickle-chain rod linking monk-pole and then myself use metal fists linking shield-sword in defense (guard mode) and put sword aside for now finally we are charge in full force on them without hold back no matter what happen this battle.
A simply wolf and one poncle watch of distance to the village on hillside of Kamiki Village and then they join in the battle front of us along power of gale storm rise to the sky on them with power slash in quick minute. Well it’s not Amaterasu and Issun but, their children in young adult form and I sense them that they are halfway of their level from their parent’s level in combat then they sent more of their heartless spreads wield ranger leave of five heavy guard’s close of demon fusion heartless form. We slip up of each different direction loss of their numbers, Yin deal of the west, Yang deal to the east, Akio deal of the south and then I deal of Phantom blog along with Mortimer Mouse of course with some company of this special wolfs and poncles.

Some of heavy guards toward us in full force so I use demon hand to find it weak spot then grab of the left arm to pull off turn into demon hand blade to slash up one of those guard while this wolf use cherry bombs power with grow trees power to trap of two heavy guards leaving of two remain heavy guards while Phantom blog along with Mortimer Mouse making an escape of the Shinshu Field path by use dark portal. I use demon hand grip of edge on the cliff swing across to reach them along use power of heroes in all speed of hyper fists blows with combination trio yin clans called: trio light dragon fist barrages as well second time of use all heroes in strength of sword/shield in (attack mode) of mighty clash blitz with combination trio spirit clans called: spirit dragon buster slashes which they are given some damages and manage to escape for now as well the celestial wolf and poncle final attack of remain guards in combed powers: Mists/ Slashes with dual blades into time dualist slashes then all the heartless be gone along the village be save as festive still on even bit minion damages on things and we may switch back to normal form in travelers form and I may repair of the damages by use of repair dorm as well the village be back to normal state.

We check of the area from the Shinshu Field toward the Kusa Village as well to the Sei'an City any heartless be around which be true as well take them one by one to each places until sunset during the time the celestial wolf and poncle were watch us at the distance as well judge on us of our action. I may sense of powerful source somewhere of the mountains so travel back to Shinshu Field. Meanwhile, at the Laochi Lake at the Kamui village where Phantom blog and Mortimer Mouse be hideout have lot darkness energy to summon one of demon that be mostly dangerous which ancient time of powerfully is Yami and he may exchange of his restore life to some the ancient demon power source and then Yami be back strong than over years ago be losing to Amaterasu at the Ark of Yamato in final showdown since it return and start of revenge to the world by summon some demons that Amaterasu did defend it each time of the journey.

We resting back of the Shinshu Field while same time of celestial wolfs and poncles followed us until they tired as well they want to talk us in private and take long until they understand it. Sudden, darkness covers the sky at the Snow Mountain area and heartless demons be rebirth as well attack to each of place like world-wide spread out of madness. I sense strong and deep darkness of the snow mountain and I may choice to travel there alone of the snow mountain while other spread out to each area of strong sense of darkness: Sei'an City, Dragon Palace, Oni Island and Kamui village each of other going those locations alone and try to survive this battle it. Before that be happen, I may call our base for back up if things getting worse of the each location be spend more the world then send them which they are understand it.

Everyone want agree it and we went separation location, Yin Tiger went of Dragon Palace following Yang Steel went of Oni Island, Akio went on Sei'an City and then I went of Kamui village with celestial wolfs and poncles and we get connection online as well map on for our location. I use of snow form kept me warm like snow leopard on nice winter, we arrived of main source of darkness that villagers be home like in the past but, some warriors hold their ground of the heartless demons. The celestial wolfs sense powerful of darkness energy by the lake so we travel there alongside leader Oki’s son of the warriors as well the leader Oki in his old age their clan along those warriors is full wolves form takes some small flies.

I sense it nearly of the lake and scout the area until found it. I felt strong light like bright sun and something be drop in front me like it metal blade but, not full complete state then celestial wolf and poncle arrived of the lake and saw me hold the metal blade in not complete state it need source of powers. Something happen of this blade glowing bright when celestial wolf and poncle touch together and chance form into of new key-blade been born like sun celestial wolf with all celestial gods their bushes power within this blade as well I called: Rising Of Celestial Amaterasu. We finally meeting of the evil Yami stand behind of heartless demon ark then sudden, the incoming attack which real Amaterasu and Issun in their elder state was coming show to take care of old villain from past while we dealing some heartless demons, I trying of new armament: amaterasu Form in key-blade beast-warrior version mode (half wolf/ half wielder) alongside Chirithy been customized of poncle style form too. We are feeling bright and warm of the sun along all the brushes under my command as well all kung fu it ready of combat and I choice: Exorcism Beads and Infinity Judge.

I working of symbols to all 13 brushes in ink brush weapon mode while other of attack on Yami to each sides even some them get hurt in process it’s good time for children and parents working together in true harmony and near done however, Yami notice what doing there and he attack of his power and lucky for me be protection by mother and children use their strongest reflectors and then I use casting of kingdom heart with legend art: 13 celestial’s true punishment blades on Yami which he got major hits and all 13 still symbols on the ground with some effect to pin him down then I use armament: ultimate celestial god form into key-blade ultimate celestial wolf/ wielder full combat humanoid with Chirithy became ultimate poncle style form give me supportive and we must finished him as well send him back to underworld never return to world or next world by use shadow clones of 12 with myself made 13 to end him.

Yami still attack with anything on real me to stop of the plan but, my clones are block of all reflectors along all the beads for counterattack multiple waves while I may set of the final symbol be under him which he not notice as well sealing on him to drain of his power and I use final technique with teamwork of both wolves and poncles also we equip of trio element’s divine gears: grand celestial guardian’s trio wolves ultimate divine elements blitz crosswise! Then Yami be defend and send back to hell which never this world again however of phantom blog and Mortimer Mouse collection enough collection of evil demons, boss and yami for their boss and they leave of this world for now at same time Sly and other complete of their part and they be safe for the now.

I switch back to normal form and loss mostly of my energy as well still stand on my feet, I used 10 Tailed Beast Chakra Yang Form Mode for using max repair dorm with max nature dorm around the world and then I must erase spread memories to the world expect for my group as well others in the sky ship be protection barriers for this special reason. Once the mission be done, Amaterasu and her children use famous howl victory like old days which I never forget of that howl again like sound war is over and cheer for victory. After I may use them switch back to normal but, however use too much of my energy end in fell the ground with bit remain energy kept alive for now and new key-blade switch back to normal. The last few days later, things having of slow in the progress to mostly places in north, south, and east then west don’t know happen of that event and they think of having real nightmare in their mind and turn to normal of their daily lifetime at same time to the Kamui village which I be resting for now.

I may felt of the white fuzzy furs like of the wolf furs with strong light fill for hope on the future, like the sun bright in new dawn. When I woke up of the floor it celestial wolf be guard close to me like a friendly wolf which nice for now evens they are lick on me. The ponlce came back with bit hurt of artwork that try to design a lovely girl and garden valley which I don’t know and just like of Issun in his young age had some hobbies anyway they told of other about it and they plan of thrown a party for save world once again at the Kamiki Village. So far it big hit of party even some fireworks be show on the night sky to enjoyed to each of city and villages be same time even shown of our images and more, Elder Issun with Amaterasu want me talk in private at the sacred tree so I followed them to the sacred tree nearly cut of real world complete so nobody know about it. Sly and other knew this happen and they kept other busy of the party until we are finished it, like of the private meeting to the three respect leaders.

I sitting down of the ground and same of Elder Issun with Amaterasu doing too at the sacred tree where was start their quest and both them want thank for save the world even support with my group involves then we’re may talk each other even questions which take hours until they’re understand it. They’re thinking of special gifts that help me of my goals someday in coming future and they give a nice smile to me as my group to bright future which I may accept it like beauty of friendship bloom in the spring. On the sunrise to the top of mountains and we had say good bye to them as well I may give of small gift on trio star galaxy of sun, moon and earth with some magic to bond connection along the cell phone to link into our phone for cause serious problem like the world in trouble again which accept of the gifts and treasure it. So we sailing to our world with full memories of amaterasu’s world, while other celestial gods’ waves to us in the realm along Amaterasu and her children use their howl for good bye a friend, it be legacy than remember in the game of our world. Someday, we may plan to visiting there again might vacation or another mission only time to tell us and the bond of them never broken apart.
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