Link bet that he was a faster swimmer that a zora, so Sidon challenged him into a swimming contest. And of course, Link has no chances against the prince of the Zora.
That means, that for a day Link must wear the mermaid version of the zora armor (that was originally made to worn by a woman). While it has amazing movement in water, it is practically impossible to move on land while wearing it. So, for moving around Link must get help from Sidon, who really enjoys rubbing his victory in Link’s face by carrying the helpless hero around Zora’s domain.
The bet only says that Link must do this for a day but who knows, maybe he likes being a zora princess so much that he wants to go on a bit longer?
This piece was inspired by SissyPrincessBrianna‘s design so go check it out!
( BTW this is not meant to be a LinkXSidon thing, but I can’t stop your imagination )
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