RoxasNamineForever — EAH Chapter 34 - The New Girl
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Description Why my parents decided I should change schools in Sixth Form is beyond me. I liked my old school; I had friends there and I was getting good grades too. But anyway, it was too late to argue and before I knew it I was on the steps of a new school. I looked around to try and see what the cliques were like here and I saw all the usual ones; cheerleaders and jocks, geeks, A-crowd wannabes, bullies... and by the looks of it, a group that shouldn't be touched with a barge pole. No one was going near them and it was pretty obvious too. One of them looked too old to be at this school and was fairly tall with long brunette hair. The second guy was very skinny but also pretty tall with a blonde- was that a mullet or a mohawk? Whatever, it looked cool anyway. An arm was draped over his shoulder as he talked animatedly to the brunette and the arm seem to be attached to the most threatening-looking redhead I've ever seen. He had hair spiking in all directions and piercing emerald eyes with an upside down teardrop under both of them. As he listened to the conversation his friends were having, he was flicking a lighter and looked pretty upset about something. I decided to casually walk over and sat by the tree they were at, pretending to check my timetable when actually I was eavesdropping.
"-but he had a KNIFE to my neck! I could have been killed!"
"Dem, it was plastic..."
"Yeah, but all he'd need to do is catch me in the right place with it!" There was a pause, then 'Dem' carried on. "I just hope Roxy got out. I saw him when the brawl started and he looked really scared. Maybe his friend got him out, what was his name? Tear...? T.. Teacup...?"
"Terra, Dem"
"Oh, thanks Axy~! Yeah, I hope Terra got him out cos I heard gunshots from outside."
"I'm sure he's fine Dem." They were silent again and I have to say my curiousity was getting the better of me. Who was this Roxy person and where the hell was he? While lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the brunette had tilted his head back and was looking at me upside down.
"Y'know, it's rude to listen in to other people's conversations." I jumped and turned my head to look at him, completely embarrassed now.
"I-I'm sorry... I... I'm new here and I wanted to make friends but everyone looked so boring apart from you guys-"
"Woo! I'm interesting!" The blonde shouted, who I suppose was Dem.
"Anyway... I didn't want to interrupt you so I thought I'd just wait for you to finish..." The brunette smiled at me and patted the ground next to him. I smiled and moved over, sitting cross-legged. "My name's Xion."
"I'm Demyx! That's Leon, and this is Axel~" He then kissed Axel on the cheek, making a blush erupt on the redhead's face. "We used to have a bigger group but well... Nami moved and Roxy's not here right now..." Suddenly, Leon checked his watch and stood up.
"Shit, I'm gonna be late. Gotta go guys, see you tomorrow." With that, he ran off to the parking lot. I tilted my head in confusion and Axel answered for me.
"He goes to university, but sits with us every morning for old time's sake." I mouthed 'oh' and nodded in understanding. I battled with my thoughts for a while, then asked them what I really wanted to know.
"Demyx, Axel... wh-who's Roxy?" They both froze at that, and I felt like I'd  told them we were in a zombie apocalypse or something. Demyx answered, though his voice was much quieter than before.
"He's our friend... our best friend. But something happened a few months ago and well..."
"He's in prison for manslaughter." Axel said, equally as sad, though not nearly as quiet. "It wasn't right though, they should've let him off on self defense. Demyx nodded and then the bell rang. That was a shock, it had to be said. It did explain why no one sat near them though. Turns out, I was in the same classes as them, so we spent the majority of the day talking and  getting to know each other. Demyx eventually insisted that I call him Dem instead and I found out that not only were he and Axel gay, but they were together and had been for a while. Which to be honest I found pretty adorable.
  By the end of the day, it was as if we'd been friends for way longer than a few hours. It felt nice to be included like that so quickly; normally I'm really shy and it takes weeks to make friends. When the end of the day rolled around, they invited me to go with them to visit their friend Roxas (apparently Roxy was a nickname that only Dem used). I agreed and together we drove to the prison outside of town. When we got there, the prisoners were giving us some really dirty looks and I was later told by Axel that this is where the people who commit serious crimes like murder go. Though he added that he thought it was stupid to add manslaughter to that list. We finally got to the visiting room, but they told us we couldn't see Roxas.
"Why the hell not?" Axel was very clearly pissed off.
"Sir please calm down. Prisoner 113 is not allowed visitors at the moment as he in solitary confinement for two days."
"Bullshit. Why would you put someone like Rox in solitary confinement?!"
"For causing a disruption and causing a lot of guards and inmates injury." She started to walk off, but Demyx called out.
"Wait! Can we see his cellmate? Er... Axy, what's his name again?" Said redhead facepalmed.
"Terra, Demyx. His name is Terra."
"Yes you may see prisoner 203, excuse me." She walked off to go and get this Terra guy while Demyx and Axel shared worried looks with each other. The woman came back again after a few minutes with a prisoner that didn't look much older than Leon. I assumed this was Terra, and he looked pretty happy when he saw us. We all sat down; him on one side of the glass and us on the other.
"Heya guys. How's your neck Demyx?"
"It's fine, not so much as a graze. What about you? How are you doing?" Terra ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"M'okay I guess. Been a bit boring today, but at least Roxas comes back tomorrow." I shifted slightly, feeling a bit out of place like I did this morning.
"Yeah...about that... What happened?"
"Well, they had to blame someone didn't they? So they pegged it on Rox seeing as he was the one yelling in the first place. It sucks but what you gonna do in a place like this?" I'm no psychiatrist, but it sounded like Roxas, whoever he was, had it pretty bad. We chatted a little longer, but before we knew it, visiting hours were over so we said our goodbyes and left. On the drive back, Dem turned in his seat and smiled at me. "Hey Xi, we're all going to Leon's apartment tomorrow, d'you wanna come?"
"You're skipping school?" Axel laughed at that and replied.
"No he means after school."
"Oh...Sure! Why not?" Dem grinned before turning around again and I couldn't help but smile – first day and already I had a group of friends to belong with.
  The next day was pretty much the same; I arrived at school, talked with Dem, Axel and Leon before school, went to our classes together and talked some more, then met up at the end of the day to go to Leon's. I've always had a knack for hiding my emotions, I don't know why; I just can. But when we got into Axel's car I couldn't hide the grin on my face. We were there in five minutes and I was in awe at the size of the apartment complex. I just lived in your average semi-detached house on the edge of the city, but this was huge!
"Which one is his...?" I asked, looking at all the windows.
"The penthouse at the top." Axel replied as if it was totally normal to live in a penthouse. I couldn't help but stare at everything on our way up, especially the blur that tackled me when the door opened.
"HiXionI'mSora,Roxy'solderbrotherit'ssonicetomeetyou!" I was stumped on what to say or do and just patted him on the back until he got off. He helped me up then paused with wide eyes. "Woah...you look just like her..."
"Like who?" I asked with a tilt of the head.
"Namine... OH! You don't know who that is do you?" He laughed as if the previous awe was never there. "The bitch used to be Roxy's girlfriend before  he was sent to prison. She followed daddy's orders and moved after breaking it off with him."
"Dude, that's my cousin you're mouthing off there."
"Dude, I'm telling the truth and you know it!" At that point, Dem and Sora had one of the gayest flail fights I'd ever seen. Axel just chuckled and pushed past them, beckoning me to follow. The inside of the penthouse looked pretty normal apart from the glass exterior. The living area, the corridor leading off to what I assume were the bedrooms and bathroom, the kitchenette and island with two dining chairs... It all seemed pretty regular, definitely not where I expected a convicted felon to live. But then again, Axel did say he didn't deserve it so maybe my view of Roxas was all wrong.
Leon came out of the corridor while I was looking around and sighed. "Demyx, Sora, pack it in will you?" They stopped mid-fight and looked at him sheepishly, instead deciding to race to the sofa to decide who got first choice of video game. Leon just grinned sheepishly at me as Axel walked over to the two other teens. "Demyx and Sora together is a very bad idea..." I just nodded with a smile, then caught sight of a picture by the phone. I walked over and picked it up out of curiousity. It was Leon with some girl and a boy who looked about my age. Leon was right behind me and smiled. "That's Yuffie, my girlfriend and her younger brother; though you know him as Roxas." So this was the famous Roxas. I had to admit he was pretty good looking; the blonde, slightly spiked hair, the blue eyes, the tanned skin and slim figure. And yet there seemed something so accessible about him, I wonder what it was..?
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