RoxasNamineForever — TSCOT Ch.6 - Plain Awful
Published: 2013-03-03 19:06:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 250; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description Chapter 6 - Plain Awful

Larxene woke with a spring in her step and, after feeding the kids (it was Christmas after all) she hopped into her brother’s car and grinned. Apparently, Luxord and Marluxia were already in a heated argument. “I am not babysitting those damn orphans!”
“Fine! In that case, you’re the getaway driver. Good morning Mrs Fox, merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Mr Fox.” They smirked and sat back as they were driven to their destination. “Let’s go get that runt.” The orphans watched from the window, and when the cost was clear they bolted it out of there and straight to the nearest police station. It was 2 blocks away, but they ran all the way nonetheless. They arrived at the front desk, and what could only be described as an hour of repetitive interrogation ensued.

Roxas woke with lead in his heart. Axel had apparently left sometime in the night, so the blonde busied himself with packing; weird to think he didn’t even have a coat when he arrived, and now he had a suitcase of clothes. He woke Vivi and the two made their way downstairs, sitting on the bottom step and waiting for his parents to pick him up. He’d worn the plainest clothes he could so he wouldn’t show his parents up: a white collared shirt, black pants and his coat and gloves. Vivi sat obediently at his side, head resting on the boy’s lap. “Guess it’s just gonna be you and me for a while, boy…” That thought hurt the most; he knew every time he heard Axel’s name, or saw him in the paper, he’d be reminded of his time here and all the 21yr old had done for him. The boy still didn’t understand why he was so sad to leave this place, as opposed to being excited about living with the two people he’d waited for his entire life, but for now he just put it down to anxiety and tried to ignore the nagging at the back of his mind telling him to stay. Axel’s office door opened and out walked the man himself, followed by Zexion and some man he didn’t recognise. “Good morning sir.”
“Really Rox? You’re calling me that already? Just call me Axel…” There was a hint of hurt in his voice as he sat down next to the blonde, which only made him feel worse about all this.
“You think they’ll let me keep Vivi? And see you… and Mr Zexion?”
“Of course they will. And if they don’t, I’ll have a car come pick you up.” Axel joked. He was really going to miss this kid. He’d been here such a short amount of time compared to how long it felt, and Axel was grateful to him for so many things. He showed the redhead how to be a kid again, he filled the hole that had been empty since the death of the billionaire’s parents and he’d given him a whole new outlook on life. Roxas may have been 16, but his naivety and childish-like wonder with everything enthralled Axel and drew him to the blonde even more. It broke his heart to see him go, but he couldn’t get in the way of Roxas’ chance to be with family – he himself would’ve given anything for that opportunity.

Roxas took in Axel appearance and frowned. He had slightly less glimmer in his eyes than usual and there were dark circles forming under his eyes. He was in the same clothes as last night (as was Zexion the blonde noted), only his tie was completely undone and hanging around his neck, and now two of his shirt buttons were undone, not just one. “You haven’t slept, have you?” Axel shook his head.
“We’ve been up all night looking at their documents and talking to the FBI. They don’t see anything wrong with what we’ve been told so…”
“So I am a Fox… Roxas Fox…” They nodded and the boy just sighed, leaning into Axel’s side. “I’ll miss you Axel… And you Mr Zexion.” Axel just smiled sadly and embraced the blonde in his arms.
“We’ll miss you too, Roxas.” The main door opened to reveal the Foxes once more. Axel let go and stood up, moving towards them and shaking hands. “Merry Christmas, Mr and Mrs Fox.”
“You too.” Vivi growled and ran forwards, barking loudly at Arlene. Roxas chased after him and held him back, looking up at his parents apologetically.
“I can keep him, right..?”
“Course sweetie, the only thing I love more than children is dogs, right Ralphy?” Arlene said sweetly.
“Come on Roxas, we’ll be off then.” Axel frowned in confusion, as did everyone else present. His dad looked at everyone and smiled. “Apologies, but our train time was changed so we really need to go or we’ll miss it.” They started to walk away, and then stopped again.
“Wait… w-we heard a rumour about a little money to help raise Roxas up right, is that true Mr Warbucks?” Arlene asked, turning slowly to everyone though her grip on Roxas’ hand never loosened (and neither did Ralph’s on his shoulder for that matter).
“Oh! Yes, a certified cheque for $50,000. I have it in my office if you just wait a moment…”
“Oh that’s very kind of you, Mr Warbucks.” Arlene smiled a sickly-sweet smile, and Roxas couldn’t help but recognise it, though he couldn’t place where from. Axel left and was back in a matter of seconds with the cheque. He handed it over and smiled down at his blonde friend.
“Goodbye Roxas, have a great life.” I love you…
“Bye Axel…” Love you. Roxas turned and left with his parents, only looking back one last time when they reached the door. Axel felt a sudden weight on his chest at seeing the boy leave and turned, heading for his office and slamming the door behind him.

Roxas was pushed into the car next to his mother while his father sat in the front next to a man with pink hair. I didn’t see a taxi sign… How could these two afford a chauffeur?He thought with a deep frown. The car sped off and, after a significant distance was between them and 5th Avenue, the two ‘parents’ removed their disguises sighed. “Man that coat’s hot.” Larxene complained. Roxas went into panic mode and tried to open the door, but he was stuck thanks to Larxene’s sudden iron grip around his mouth and middle.
“Ah ah ah: this is the one time you won’t escape, you little runt. So, what d’we do with him?”
“Dump him near the building site over there after we’re done – anyone’d think it was just an accident.” The blonde struggled like mad and kicked against the door for all he was worth. Muffled screams were slipping through Larxene’s fingers and it was only when Vivi bit her was Roxas able to finally pull away long enough to force the door open and jump out, rolling across the road and earning quite a few scrapes and bruises. Vivi jumped after him and the two ran for all they were worth towards what looked like a huge park in the middle of the city.
“Come back here you little runt!” He heard behind him, but he kept running nonetheless. He was running out of breath so, glad he clad in black, pulled up his hood and pressed his back against a thickish tree, hoping the shadows of the winter morning would hide him. Vivi took the hint and hid in jumped into a nearby bush, closing his eyes so his yellow eyes couldn’t be seen. The three con artists ran past in search of him, so Roxas took the chance to double back on himself and find the nearest way to 5th Avenue. He had to find Axel again, it was his only chance.

“Okay, okay, so you’re from the same orphanage as this kid but the woman in charge hates you all and now she’s part of a plot to kidnap the kid, do whatever with him and split the cash?”
“Yes!” Demyx shouted in exasperation. They been at this for hours and didn’t seem to be getting anywhere. “Please, just help us!”
“It all sounds pretty far-fetched, don’t you think kid?”
“But it’s true!” The policeman just raised his eyebrows, and looked as if he was about to say something , only for the phone to ring. He frowned.
“Who jumps out of a car in New York? That’s a death wish! Okay okay, slow down… A young boy, a dog… and three people after them? Yep, yeah okay. Thank you for calling, merry Christmas.” He hung up and looked at the three kids in front of him before sighing in defeat. “Let’s go see Mr Warbucks, shall we?”

Axel sat in his office, no longer feeling in a Christmas-y mood and swirling a brandy around in its glass. “Sir?” Zexion asked as he walked in.
“Mm?” The redhead didn’t even look at his friend.
“He’s only been gone a few hours sir… You must’ve really loved him.” At Axel’s shocked expression, Zexion merely smirked. “I’ve been at your side since we were both boys sir; did you honestly think I wouldn’t notice?” Axel chuckled and shook his head, a very small smile forming. “I reckon he’ll visit soon, you’ll see.” At that moment, they both looked up as Simpkins came in with a tray.
“Letter from the FBI sir; apparently it’s urgent.” Axel took it, curious, and read through the letter. His eyes grew slowly wider as he read and by the time he’d finished, he was frozen to the spot before he darted out the chair, shouting about getting his coat and having to catch up. Of course, the staff did as they were told but to say they were confused was an understatement. Zexion and Axel ran out the door together, only to be stopped by a policeman and three scruffy-looking teenagers.
“Mr Warbucks, it’s about your ward…”
“I know officer; I’m going after them now.” Zexion looked even more puzzled now, but he still stayed quiet.
“No, Mr Warbucks, you don’t get it – he was spotted in Central Park with a dog and three other people.” Axel paled dramatically.
“Call every officer available. You three: in the car. Zexion: drive.” Everyone nodded and did as they were told. “They’re not his parents Zexion!” Axel shouted as they drove. “I’ve let three money-grabbers take him away! What if-”
“Roxas is clever Mr Warbucks, he’ll be okay.” Xion smiled reassuringly.
“And Vivi is still with him – that dog won’t let anything happen to him.” Zexion added.
“I hope you’re both right…”

It must have been getting close to midday by now; the black was starting to lose its helpful obscurity. On the plus side, Roxas was starting to see the odd landmark through the trees to help him out of the maze that was Central Park. He was currently sitting by a tree, trying to get his breath back with Vivi at his side. His chest ached from running (and his earlier collision with the road) not to mention every other part of him hurt from hitting the pavement at such a speed and later tripping and hitting twigs and branches as he ran through the trees to get away from his would-be killers. Looking at Vivi once more, he stood and ran out onto the path, only to collide with the pink haired man he’d been trying to avoid. He fell to the floor, then started scrabbling backwards to avoid the grabbing hands. Vivi tried to help by jumping between them and giving him a chance to escape, but when he got to his feet and turned, Roxas collided with the other man and stumbled backwards a couple of steps. The 16yr old tried running off to the side, but Larxene had caught up by now and blocked his path. He backed up unknowingly into a tree and in a defensive move, Vivi once more stood in front of him and growled, snapping at them if they came any closer than they were already.  “Why Miss Larxene? I don’t understa-” His mouth was covered by Marluxia’s and Luxord raised the knife.
“Not here, someone might see!” Larxene hissed.
“Who’s in the park on Christmas Day?!” He growled back and plunged the knife in the direction of Roxas’ stomach. The blonde turned his head away, waiting for the pain to come and the blood to pour.
“FREEZE!” He opened his eyes slowly and, looking down, realised the knife was barely an inch from penetrating his stomach. “You’re under arrest for fraud, theft and attempted murder! Drop the weapon and step away from the boy.” Roxas barely breathed as he lifted his head to see three faces seriously considering a stab-and-run. “I said step away!” Marluxia looked tempted, as did Luxord – prison was probably a normal part of their life Roxas guessed. Larxene however had a scared and crazed look in her eyes. “Now!” Looking past the three, Roxas saw a whole bunch of policemen with guns raised and ready to fire. It gave him slight reassurance but nothing compared to the way he felt when he saw red hair in his peripheral vision – relief flooded through him to the point he smiled under the hand clamped against his mouth. His attention was drawn back to the people directly in front of him though when he heard them muttering.

“On the count of three…” Luxord whispered. “One… two… three!” He reached forward and in one swift motion had Roxas held close to him by way of an arm wrapped around his shoulders and the knife pressed to his neck.
“No!” Axel shouted and moved forwards, but a grab of the arm by Zexion told him to stay back. Sora, Xion and Demyx paled at the sight of their friend in so much danger, but like the redhead there wasn’t anything they could do about it. Roxas’ hands instantly went tried to pull the arm off, but it was no use. Marluxia and Larxene were behind and the three started to back away from the surrounding police.
“Now then, you shoot and Roxas here dies from a jerk of my wrist.” Luxord said calmly. He continued to back away until there was a sufficient gap between them. Smirking, Larxene waved the cheque, almost smugly, before she took off with Marluxia. Luxord looked down at the boy in his arms before looking back at the police and tipping an imaginary hat. “Thanks for the money Mr Warbucks.” He pushed Roxas forwards to the ground, along with the knife, then turned and ran with his two accomplices. The three of them didn’t get too far though as mere moments later, FBI agents brought them back into the clearing, cuffed and defeated. Roxas stayed on the ground where he’d fallen, not entirely sure if the danger was over, but more glad of the fact that he finally got to rest (even if it was on wet grass). He did however feel a very familiar pair of arms wrap around him and lift him into a comforting embrace. “I got ya Rox, you’re safe now. I’m so, so sorry…” He hugged back, still in a state of shock and not quite processing the fact that he was in Axel’s arms and being rocked gently. His heart was still beating rapidly and his breathing still slightly irregular, so he just sat there and tried to bring himself back into reality.

“So, here we have the Foxes. Or should I say Larxene Hannigan and Luxord Hannigan, otherwise known and ‘the Gambler’? Oh, and let’s not forget about Marluxia St Regis.” Said a man who wheeled himself out from behind the agents with a folder in his hand, frowning deeply at what he saw. “Well done Luxord, you’ve outdone yourself this time - the jury will be amazed. The man said with a heavy note of sarcasm. The three schemers were taken away, followed by the majority of the police. A few stayed behind to get statements and such while paramedics arrived to check on Roxas. They confirmed that yes, he had gone into shock. He also had a slight concussion from escaping the car, which apparently made everything he’d done today all the more impressive and explained why he kept running around in circles. He had a few cuts here and there but other than that seemed to be okay. They wrapped him in a blanket and bandaged the more serious wounds, leaving the smaller ones to sort themselves out. Axel held onto him the entire time and the others rushed over when they could to check on their friend.
“He’ll be fine, Mr Warbucks. You’ll be glad to know none of his wounds warrant a hospital trip.” They left again as the man from earlier wheeled himself over and held out his hand. He had grey, slightly spiked hair and the most peculiar eyes – apparently amber. Roxas looked up slowly, and even in his concussed state he recognised the man instantly.
“Hello Axel, good to see you again, and you Zexion; perhaps next time under better circumstances though. As for you Roxas, I’ve heard a lot about you. My name is-”
“I know who you are sir.” Everyone was a little shocked to hear him talk again, but relieved all the same as at least they could tell he was recovering. “It’s an honour to meet you, Mr President.”
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Comments: 6

Ldrmas [2013-03-06 03:58:08 +0000 UTC]

can't wait!!! soo excited!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RoxasNamineForever In reply to Ldrmas [2013-03-06 08:37:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

dragonblade122 [2013-03-04 17:41:26 +0000 UTC]

If the president turns out to be Roxas' dad i'll eat me pajamas, THIS PART IS COOL!!! cant wait 4 the rest.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RoxasNamineForever In reply to dragonblade122 [2013-03-04 18:29:19 +0000 UTC]

nooo he's not roxas' dad~
though that would be awesome...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dragonblade122 In reply to RoxasNamineForever [2013-03-04 23:12:28 +0000 UTC]

sorry if sounded as an insult, but i agree it would have been awesome.
Imagine Axel's face if he realised that, he would av fainted woke then faint again.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RoxasNamineForever In reply to dragonblade122 [2013-03-05 07:57:30 +0000 UTC]

It's not an insult in my mind :3

XD yeah probably. I reckon Rox would've been a liiiittle on the freaked out side - loses his parents then gets a billionaire and a President for dad in the same month~?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0