RP-Shayxy — |GMG| Zach's app

#altaria #character #design #gmg #oc #pokemon #rp #good_morning_guild
Published: 2017-12-16 13:26:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 1313; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 1
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Description Excuse my french.

: )

Name: Zacharie N. Benedicte ( Zach / Zacharie / bénédicte, call him however you want )
Gender: Male ( whatever pronouns ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Age: 26yo ( acts like he's 17 )
Birthday: November 30
Height: 5'3" / 1.62 m
Weight: 92lb / 42 km


"I m- mean wh, wh, what did you think was going to happen ??"

Species: Altaria     
Type: Dragon & Flying
Ability: Natural Cure


     Sky Attack 
attack : 140 / Needs to be charged / very strong
-> backs off and takes support on the nearest wall/other, when he's ready he opens his wings and projects himself on the enemy, using his beek as a torpedo.
-> This can also be used while flying, letting himself fall straight onto the enemy.

     Fly (HM)
attack : 90 / protects him for a brief moment
-> flies high in the sky, then takes his claws out and charges the enemy

     Dragon Claw (TM) 
attack : 80
-> His claws glow purple and yellow of dragon forces. He scratches the enemy with it.

    Ice Beam (TM)  
attack : 90 / May freeze the enemy
-> A lireral ice beam. 

     Cotton Guard
Rises Zach's defence by 3
-> His clouds get much bigger and provide a good physical shield

Allies and himself can't have their stat lowered
-> Creates a soft see-through magical fog

Puts alseep / high chances to miss :c
-> Sings a mesmerizing melody. Anyone that ears it for more than 4 seconds falls asleep

     Rest (TM)
sleeps for a while, restores health and statue as good as new
-> He falls asleep and can't be waken up unless hit by Wake-Up Slap or enough time has passed

Team: N/A

Nature / Characteristic:
 Rash, Very finicky


+++    _.   Will fight to get what he wants  _  Nice and soft if you are nice with him  _  Willing to get better at anything  _  An amazing friend ( will protect, help, cheer up etc whoever he considers a friend )  _  Curious  _  Good at fighting from distance or in the air  _  Has a big variety of interests and is skilled in some of them  _  Loves to learn

   _.   Thinks a lot  _  doesn't get attached easily  _  kind of stoic  _  jokeish with friends  _  is ok with killing or hurting those who "deserve it" ( such as agressiv ferals in dungeons or any dangerous enemies )  _  good tolerence to pain

- - -   
   _.   Socially awkward with unknown people   _   Bad at expressing himself / arguing  _  Loner  _  might be kinda edgy at times


__Likes to :  Travel, fight a little(mosty for fun), help around, spending time with quiet and understanding people, spicy and "exotic" food, getting to know new cultures, adventure !!, observing people, thrill, getting new objetcs, Ferals

__Dislikes :  Loud and annoying people,  getting forced (even slightly) in doing something, knowing or being reminded that he isn't liked or doesn't deserve something he has, 
____Is scared of :  Dying, loosing loved one, being alone forever, getting burned or to scare his body more
_____will be triggered by : specific things from his childhood such has the place, voices of his family members, the touch of the burning rocks. Would never hurt a Taillow, even if attacked by it.


Looks calm and sure of himself, isn't

        Zacharie is a loner. As a traveller, he has never been able to attach himself to anyone exept his one pet. Althaugh it may seem like a bad trait, he doesn't aknowledge it since he doesn't feel any need for company. He is used to being on his own. This also leads to him not being very good at anything social; he doesn't know how to comunicate well his feelings or needs, and stutters a lot. Being very ashamed of that, he tends to just avoid anyone. But when he really needs to talk to them, he gets very uncomfortable and full of anxiety, which often results in very, very short conversation.

        Even tho he doesn't realise it, he's desprate to have someone close to him. He has always loved to be around pets, and it was his one and only "social" interaction. And since he can't do that anymore, he's needing more and more to get someone close. And when that time will come, this one person won't be able to get him off of them.

        He's very possessiv, and while he tends to abandon anything that has no value to him with 0 regrets, he will keep forever whatever he gets attached to, and get oh so sad if he looses it. He has always acted like that. As a child he used to keep some objects as lucky charms, and get strongly attached to them, even if they only were rocks or pieces of wood. And as he grew up, he loved differents other things, from object to living beings. But never two at once. He would explain this way of doing so as the normal thing to do. To him it is useless to value all of the thing he has, or all the people he meets, so to feel a great sentiment of harmony and joy, it's best to like one thing deeply at once. Especially concerning peoples. ( Im sorry its kind of hard to explain this, it's like a part of myself too so I'm not sure if I'm being understandable here :'0 )

        Zach has strong beliefs and is very sure about them. If he thinks that something has to be in a way, it will be hard to get him to think otherwise. While this is possible, it will get even harder to reason him if he's feeling attacked. He can get vexed very easily, and will either shout a lot, or just shut down any conversation with the assaulter, and proceed to sulk, waiting for their apology.
        However, this behavior will be completly different if he's talking to someone he admires or love ! To this person, he will be absolutly naive and also overprotectiv.

He will usually get confortable with quiet people, as he doesn't like to talk and will be able to "analyze" them without the pressure of having an actual conversation. If they engage a conversation, he likes people who are understanding, and don't rush him with lots of questions, give him the time he needs to answer what he truly thinks, while not talking to him as he was stupid. Of course, anyone who will laugh at his stutters or finish of his sentences will be a total turn off from the conversation.
Other thant that, he can be very interesting to talk to !
He has seen so many different things from his travelling, and will love to talk about them, like local ferals or traditions etc ! He can get really excited and be fun to talk to if you take the time to understand him. It's a good way, if not the best way to befriend him or to get him to do what you want.
        If he feels like he can trust you, ( which is a rare case ! ) he might be very naive around you, especially if you knew him from a very long time and never did anything really wrong that stood out to him. In this case, he will be a total sweetheart. He is ready to listen to you and help you with whatever problem you're facing. He'll love to help, so if you need to vent, he'll always be here ! He doesn't care, as long as he is helping you. You're secrets are forever safe with him.

        Let's finish this on a more private(?) touch, he loves to be loved !! If he likes you ( and only if he likes you ), he would adore hugs and cuddles. Don't forget that he is desperate for attention, even if he doesnt acknowledge it. Please if you are close to him, give, him, the, hugies

Home Island: Obsidian
Hometown: ~Cinderheart

                                                            trigger warning : bullying, domestic abuse and loss of loved ones(?)

History: Zach did noooot have a nice childhood. ( as you can tell by the trigger warnings )

        Zach grew up in a little house between Cinderheart (at its left) and the volcanoes that surround the island, in the forest. He was the first child of the Benedicte's, and got it hard. 
It all began when his mother was forced to marry his father because she got pregnant of him ( It was a normal thing to do at the time, a family (in their belief and most of the town's people belief) has to be married to have a children together. Doing it otherwise is unholy, and the unwanted child would be bad and weak ).
Mrs Benedicte was alcoholic and had suffered from an abusive family herself. When she had her first child, Zach, and had to stay with this man she didn't loved at all, she started to get sadder and drank even more. Mr Benedicte, in the other hand, was kind of nice, but very dull. He had no authority and didn't stand up for anything. He's what we can call a very simple man. He loved Zach, but didn't have a clue of how to raise him ... Which gave Zacharie a not-really-cool childhood, where he'd have to support his angry sad and drunk mom, that used to hurt him as a lesson, his other two siblings who did nothing but help, and his school classmates ... Who weren't nice either. 
They used to bully him because of his weakness and abuse marks, but it got even worse when they saw him go into the forest where he used to spend time with ferals. They called him wild trash and used the burning rocks of this zone to burn his skin.

        At 16 years old, he had had enough of this life and decided to take, without paying, the first ship that was moving out of his island. This ship was headed toward Ruby port, his new home.
Here his life got a lot better ! He started to work in the port and was taken care by the nice chef of the trading center.
The two of them met for the first time at his arrival in the city. He was a little lost so he asked the chef some questions. And, as he felt safe around him, and was always in need of more informations, he kept coming back to him to ask him stuff. Eventually, they began to talk together on a daily basis. He learned that the chef was named Marshall. He was a 56 years old Lairon. Getting to know him helped Zach in so many way, as it was more or less the first time he actually liked someone, and felt understood. He used to talk to him as an equal, he'd never ever explain something to Zach if he didn't ask for it, assuming he'd know. This made him feel great, and gave him lots of courage. Marshall quickly told him he could come in his home as a room-mate, because he'd have a much lower rent to pay and that it'd be overall way much easier for him. 

        Because a Swablu is extremely weak, he had to work hard to get respected here. But his efforts paid out when Marshall told him they were looking for new postman in Tincaster. He had gotten much better at many things, including being a little bit less of a social freak, and getting a bit tougher !
        Being a postman had always been one of his dream since he was very little. He used to wish he could fly away from his family and the other students. He always thought that this would be a perfect life for him, as he could get to discover lots of new thing, and that even if he wasn't socially skilled, it wouldn't matter much with a work that'd make him go from places to places all of the time !
And even thought a city that big used to make him nervous, this was his dream job ! So he decided he'd go ! He took a small apartment with the money he had gathered, and asked for the job !
AAaand didn't get hired.
He got extremly mad at himself. at 18 years old, soon to be 19, he wasn't able to get any job he wanted. So he decided to do other side jobs that didn't really interest him, and trained at a club in his spare time.
    A year later, he had evolved and learned some sick moves. He wasn't still proud of himself, because he had been raised thinking he was the weakest of all. That he'd never be good at nothing. And even tho he had just gained so much power, after working so hard, he could not see past that.
    At the end of this year, tincaster needed a new postman, again. He signed up for the auditions with low expectation, and got the job !

This was the start of his dream job/life. He loved everything about it ! He got to be alone for most of the time, fly around, got this sick uniform and bag, everything was so cool !!
He let almost all of his stuff in his little apartment, and went off mailing stuff.
The 5 next year were the best one he ever had. He met Zaos, his Taillow, and got oh so attached to her. she'd have a tiny bag too to help him with his job, and they were the closest. Untiiiiiiiill the tragedy ! Where every feral became aggressive, his house and office flooded, his job not existing anymore.
        When the ground began to shake, him and his Zaos were up high in the sky, so they didn't see anything. His radio communication got lost, and he couldn't prevent the violent winds that would suddenly start to push them in all of the directions. Those winds became storms, and with storms came thunder. They tried to reach ground but got blown away from each other. The fall knocked out Zach, who never saw Zaos again.
        She was his only friend and companion. Her loss brought him back to reality. He was alone, he didn't know anything about where were his sibling or family, not even Marshall, that used to take care of him. He didn't have any job, any house. He was devastated.
        Soon after, another post office offered him a job, which he took, thinking that everything would go back to normal. But it did not. He couldn't manage to work the same as before, and imagery of the disaster kept coming back ...

        To fight that, and to change everything as he did years ago when he left his house, he moved to Everstone to join the guild.
Fighting was one of the skills he had learn along his life and enjoyed doing. As they needed explorers, and he couldn't seem to be able to work as he used to, it seemed to him like a reasonable thing to do. His sadness stays strong, but he wishes to move on, and help others.

        He lost the use of his right eye and ear when he used to be bullied. He has many scars of this time, and some more recent ones due to his last job. He's often missgendered for a woman because he tends to have a pretty feminin and shy behavior ( + he doesn't talk often )
        He's small and complexed about it
        The loss of his right ear is a big disadventage, as he doesn't know where the sound comes from and tends to misunderstand it's meaning.


Here is my gay son

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