RvBOMally — World War 2.5(B)(B)

Published: 2024-02-25 01:52:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 19802; Favourites: 112; Downloads: 45
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This was an abandoned commission, a sequel to World War 2.5(b) with an Allied victory. I am not allowing comments on this because there will only be four kinds of comments on this: 

- Posts about current politics. 

- Posts pointing out how unrealistic this is. This was commissioned in 2021 and the entire premise wasn't realistic to begin with. I know it's not realistic. 

 - Questions about the scenario. The scenario was the commissioner's and not my own, so I don't have any information about it apart from what has been posted here.  You'd get a half-baked answer I made up in five seconds, if you get one at all. 

 - Requests to make more. I will not be making more sequels or exploring these "history repeats" scenarios any further. They're lazy, stupid and I want nothing to do with them. So don't even bother asking or suggesting them. 

Do not bother messaging me about this scenario, either on this site or off-site. You will be ignored. 

It is the year 2045, 23 years after the start of World War III and 18 after the defeat of the Nationalists. In hindsight, the Nationalists could not have won the war, particularly after the devastating American defeat at Harbin, where an entire American army was surrounded and destroyed. Eventually, the Chinese succeeded in pushing the Americans and their Nationalist allies out of Asia, and made their long trek across the Pacific to invade America itself. In Europe, Russia’s advances were turned back by the European Union in the key battles of Cluj and Lodz, breaking the back of the Russian Army. America, the primary target of the Allies, is invaded from both oceans and eventually divided in two. The war against the Russians ends with the deployment of the “Rasputin” computer virus, a European-developed virus which allowed the EU to control Russia’s nuclear arsenal. The Russians surrendered after one of their own missiles was deployed against Rostov-on-Don. Eventually, the occupation of the Nationalist powers ended, with Kamala Harris being installed as the first post-war American president.

The post-war order was defined by the divide between the wartime allies, Europe and China. The European Union was reformed into the European Confederation, which is closer to the pre-war Germany in its centralization. The EC is the center of the Atlantic Bloc, a bloc opposed to Chinese power. It has formed a new NATO: the New Atlantic Treaty Organization, and created the Pan-American Economic Forum as an alternative to the defunct Organization of American States. The EC remains a multiparty democracy, although national political parties are slowly merging to form Europe-wide ones.

In the East, the Chinese created the Asian-Pacific People’s Alliance, including much of Asia and the portion of the Americas they conquered. China has brought in Taiwan through the One Country, Two Systems policy, along with Mongolia, Tannu Tuva and Outer Manchuria. China remains under a theoretically socialist system, although it has officially adopted Xi Jinping Thought as part of its ideology. The Chinese political system values social harmony and order above all other considerations, and has passed this system along to those within the APPA. Of particular note is the People’s Republic of America, which has adopted Xi Jinping Thought with fervor.

In the chaos of WWIII, the Islamic State succeeded in conquering much of the Middle East, with the two major Allied powers too exhausted from the war and too committed elsewhere to stop them. Much of the Middle East outside of Islamic State control is dedicated to containing them.

The Empire of Brazil was restored under a restored Brigantine dynasty. The emperor has executive power, but is still constrained by the Brazilian constitution. After the war, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Paraguay united under the Plurinational State of Andeana. Although initially pro-Chinese, Andeana became one of the leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Many different federations formed in Africa, many of them being neutral, in an attempt to keep European and Chinese influence to a minimum. Rhodesia has been reformed as a “white homeland” for many South African and American whites, and remains at odds with the remnants of the black-majority Zimbabwe.

India conquered Pakistan and "peacefully" absorbed Bangladesh, becoming the People's Republic of Bharat. Bharat has established a system of religious segregation, with Hindus enjoying more privileges than the large Muslim minority that Bharat has absorbed.

There are flashpoints all around the world. The EC-backed State of Israel and the Islamic-State backed Palestine are still technically at war, with a very tense ceasefire keeping the peace between them. The EC is getting increasingly involved in Anatolia, with the conflict between the western Republic of Turkey and the eastern Islamic State of Turkey brewing. Islamist uprisings are also starting in the Democratic Confederation of Kurdistan. China is placing hypersonic missile sites in Libya, which threatens much of Europe.

Some additional notes on the functioning of the post-war American political system:

In 2031, Maryland calls for an Article V constitutional convention, at the EC’s request. The convention takes place in New York City and results in a new constitution, with the following changes:

·  Universal suffrage is written into the Constitution, Election Day is made a national holiday, and the Congress is obligated to pass a Federal election law.

·  The House size is set by the Cube Root Rule and elected by STV

·  The Senate apportionment is changed, states are given 3 to 6 seats depending on population. Senators are also elected by STV. The 3/5ths rule for filibusters is gone.

·  The President is elected in a two-round system where the first round is Score and the second one is a runoff between the top two candidates.

·  The Congress is given a wider range of punishment for the President, more lenient than impeachment to keep the Presidency more accountable. Also, the Senate needs to approve all pardons by 3/5ths majority.

·  Judicial review power of SCOTUS is written into the Constitution.

·  The Supreme Justice is elected by the SCOTUS justices themselves.

·  Most amendments are either integrated into whatever Article they fit the best in (like 27th into Article 1, or 22nd into Article 2), put into a whole new Article 7 (like most of the Bill of Rights; the original Article 7 got integrated into Article 5), or - if redundant - completely gotten rid of (like 12th, 18th and 21st, or 19th. As Article 1 now guarantees universal suffrage). The only exception is The Second Amendment - removed, but gun control is instead made a state issue.

·  Other rights are added into the Constitution, in the form of the Second Bill of Rights.

Other changes are instituted. Inspectors General were put under the Congress, and Washington D.C. (renamed Washington Douglass Commonwealth), and Puerto Rico given statehood. The country’s new capital is named Capital, and is a separate federal district from Douglass.

The two main political parties of post-war America are the Justice Party and the Democrats. Justice used to be the left wing of the Dems, but have split off, and the Democrats have shifted into the center/center-right position. Libertarians are a swing party that took part in the first governing coalition following the restoration of the Congress, kind of an American FDP. Greens still exist and are stronger than ever thanks to proportional representation. The National Party remnants that were given amnesty and their followers formed the America First Party. AFP and Justice are the main fighters over the white working class.

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