Sage-Wren — FH: Varsa

#folkhaven #demon #varsa
Published: 2016-02-26 16:29:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 1723; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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 H U M A N
Name: Archer Reid
Age: 29
Height: 5ft 08in | 175cm
Weight: 137lbs | 62kg

Occupation: Independent baker
Nationality: British
Currently Residing: London, England

  O T H E R
Name: Varsa
Age: At least 640
Species: Incubus
Height: 5ft 10in | 177cm

Call Sign: Varsa
Role: Offence
Rank: Commander
Assigned Region: Europe

A B I L I T I E S 

  • Illusion of Paralysis (Immediate, Cooldown: 2)
Varsa inflicts 'sleep paralysis' on a target he focuses on. This is not real sleep paralysis - it's a glamour that simulates the feeling of paralysis for humans and fools them into thinking they are truly paralysed. If Varsa remains within 2 metres of the target, the illusion is fairly strong; if Varsa moves further away the illusion begins to fade. 
  • In One Bound (Immediate, Cooldown: 2)
With the help of his wings, he can leap to great heights, allowing him to either make a quick getaway or push ahead with no obstacles in his path. Using this in public may attract unwanted attention, as it immediately warrants materialising of his mission form.
  • Illusion of Presence (Immediate, Cooldown: 2 or When Seen, Whichever is Shorter)
Varsa leaves behind an illusion of him that is almost indistinguishable from the real one at that point. The illusions stay in that position until it is seen by a non-Other, wherein it vanishes in the sequence he travelled, when he can instead be elsewhere. He can leave up to three illusions; each illusion's duration begins the moment he leaves them. 
  • Demonic Endurance
Due to high physical endurance, and healing regeneration characteristic of a demon, Varsa can withstand light gunfire, electricity and sharp blades of human weaponry. He cannot handle anything bigger than an assault rifle, however, and will only be able hold off lasers for a short while. This applies to his wings as well. 
  • Illusion of Form (Duration: 5)
Becomes a demonic shadow with glowing orange eyes that can pass through walls and people. He takes no effects from passing through or getting attacked and has increased movement speed, but he cannot fly or use any Abilities. Leaves behind a glowing orange trail. Most usually used to distract or as a decoy, or to get to a place quickly. Note: Not actually an illusion.

 P E R S O N A L I T Y
[ Creative | Optimistic | Passionate | Responsible | Diligent | Risk-taker | Flirtatious | Dry humour | Altruistic | Determinator | Liberal | In denial ]

Varsa loves a challenge. It's what got him into baking, after all - he tried it, he liked it, and now it's his job. He lives for a time when every day is different, and since he's in control of his entire day, his existence couldn't get any better.

Because of how passionate he can be over his projects, Varsa can come off as often very obsessed. He takes great pride in whatever he does, and can get very passionate. And he doesn't take no for an answer - if there's something that he wants to achieve, he'll try and achieve it, or some form of it, before resorting to any other methods. As a result he can often jump towards one solution and hold onto it for a bit longer than he really should, but with reasonable convincing he can be coaxed to let go and seek alternate options.

That said, Varsa is old and experienced enough to listen to people he definitely trusts about their advice. Though he'll point things out snarkily, almost in a cynical way, he is quite the optimist and always looks at the best side of everything. Not much gets him down. He's always willing to fill the silence with a word or two, which can make him a bit of an insufferable chatterbox if not stopped.

Varsa always hopes the best for others as well. He personally feels that he is very fortunate to have found his niche in the human world and actually have people telling him they like what he does. He is appreciative of his customers and the people who joined up with him to see if his project could be feasible.

As an incubus, Varsa is innately flirty. It's second nature to him and completely automatic, especially when he sees someone who looks good in his eyes. Sex or gender doesn't matter (he was formerly pansexual) and he'll immediately pay compliments to someone's physical appearance while indicating some sort of attraction to them without thinking about it. In truth he has his nature, but his personal restraint (and actual lack of interest in getting it on) is at constant conflict with it, and thus he usually apologises when he realises he's said a bit too much...and then accidentally flirts again. He is aware of how creepy it can be, but he literally cannot force himself to stop being flirty and it just gets him into weird shit which he regrets.

Though Varsa comes off as heavily optimistic and positive, it's mostly a facade. In contrast to Atticus, who is aware that Folkhaven might not succeed but still helps out because he wants it to, Varsa genuinely doubts his own capabilities in helping to lead the organisation. After his mess in the Prologue, he is never sure of himself. His confidence is very much a mask he maintains for the sake of appearances. While his doubts have not reached a severity that would render him incapable of leading, it is possible that without resolution of those lingering demons he may eventually reach a boiling point higher than his own body temperature and who knows what would happen then.

Varsa is currently deciding if he is 'too human' or Other, and which one he'd rather be. He is not sure if an Other can become truly human, and if so if it would ever be desired - both the Others he hopes to protect and himself.

Though mention of the incubi and succubi date from Mesopotamia, Varsa originated from medieval Europe. He's never been bothered about where he comes from, but he's made a vague guess as to being related to the increased amount of belief in his kind; either way he doesn't really care. He did have a good time - his passionate work culminated in a lot of blame everywhere, along with possible exorcisms when he turned out to be miles away.

Varsa's entrance was around the end of the Medieval Ages, but he continued to do his work long into many other centuries. Due to his investment into his work he came to learn more about humans, though this is something he refuses to talk about. It seems that this is something that at first made him fairly cynical ("though not as much as Atticus is!") and perhaps why he has a oddly dissonant opinion on human sexual lifestyles (in that they turned out to be more deviant than even he is) and the reason for his existence. 

Varsa then reconsidered his purpose, noting that some people who enjoyed his company more than others ended up dead or ill. He of course fed off their energy as part of his job, but though he was a demon he genuinely felt pity that they had fallen into a trap of addiction. Perhaps it was time to change tune.

He did so. Sexual relationships fluctuated between 'acceptable' and 'forbidden' over the next few centuries, Varsa never let that stand in his way. He decided to switch to enjoying someone's energy from the act itself, rather than their life force. It was much easier, they stayed alive, and - surprisingly - they became regular customers. He very much liked this role, keeping people company on their loneliest nights. It made him feel like he was doing something to make people happy.

Gradually over time he found greater appreciation for the simpler lifestyle. After living the simple life, a contemplative session had him concluding that humans had very much sorted out their sex lives now. Perhaps he was no longer needed. With that revelation in mind, Varsa decided to temporarily retire from that line of work. Passion, he noted, was not limited to lovemaking. It could be applied to anything else. He wanted to do something hands-on, something that would get him closer to humans to understand them better. So he integrated himself into human society and took up a course in baking as a whim.

While he built his baking career he volunteered for human charities and came to understand their own issues and plight, though also occasionally coming off as slightly overbearing about it. Some of it still shows in his personality today, though he's made an active effort to tune it down (and may have replaced some with snark just because of having to deal with Atticus). Throughout this he's managed to move around the country a fair amount, and has discovered that as humans clear forested land and old sites once forgotten to be sacred, spirits and beings that used to reside at those places were gradually displaced, angry and lost. Finding them akin to human refugees he's heard of in the past, Varsa has set out another goal - to help those less fortunate than he is, in the world of Others. Even if it had to start by him just being the ideas man, or basically slacktivist incubus.

L I K E S /  D I S L I K E S
- Cake, hands down. Likes to eat and make cupcakes.
- Baking, obviously.
- High standards and professionalism in a job, especially regarding customer service.
- Waistcoats.
- Learning more about various baking goods from around the world.
- Flying, travel, but tends to be quite thrifty so he doesn't travel as much as he would like to.
- Tea. Best with cakes.

- Gets a little salty if people don't see his way or agree with him. He gets over it fast, though.
- People raining on his parade or being a killjoy. Typically if he has an idea he thinks is good and if someone grounds it, he gets sulky for a while, even if they're being reasonable about it.
- 'No fun allowed' kind of people.
- Rain. Dampens his fire - literally, as he's a demon - and his mood. He does better in sunlight.
- Others who assert superiority over fellow Others or humans. As far as he's concerned, everyone's on the same level now, just one side is losing out in terms of surviving and arrogance is not necessary for survival.

  A D D I T I O N A L  I N F O
- Varsa's real name includes the word 'varsa' in it. If you ask him for his real name, he will tell you most tongues will never be able to catch it accurately and you're better off just calling him a part of it. For the record, Atticus knows his real name on account of being a dullahan.

- No one really knows Varsa's human ethnicity and he has no idea either. All I know is that he's probably mixed race. He doesn't see himself as purely English; his days as an incubus were spent all over the British Isles so he's a mix of everything, hence the mixed ethnicity.

- Some tales state that incubi and succubi are the same demon able to shift gender. Varsa chooses not to vary. What he does insist on is keeping a general appearance and gender. His human appearance shares many same features as his true form does, though if you talk to him about his past he will imply that he hasn't always kept his physical appearance consistent and this rather similar appearance is actually recent. See the glamour magic point below.

- He usually goes after any gender, but of late he has no interest in anything sex-related or even romance. You can consider him asexual.

- Varsa's full wingspan is at least twice the length of his arm. His wings are very bat-like, but their length helps him with high speeds and he alternates between holding the fingers of the wings close together for high speeds and spreading them out for tight turns and braking mid-air. 

- He can use his horns to detect the presence of Others in the immediate vicinity. In human form this doesn't work.

- Varsa used to use glamour magic to create illusions around how others perceive him and make himself more attractive to them. More or less his illusion magic is now specially for Folkhaven missions, but he will sometimes set it loose a little to mess with humans. More importantly, his outfit is also a glamour, though a very realistic one. If it tears, the ripped edges will look faded. 

- Varsa's bakery is a little known for good cakes and pastries, and because Varsa doesn't really mind so much about money there's always a nice deal going on every week. Which means he still earns more money, so...win-win.

- While Atticus and Varsa certainly know each other fairly well, they didn't start out as friends - Varsa was far more respectful and formal with Atticus a century ago or so. Over that century the occasional dropping by has led them to get to know each other, and now they're on the level of 'dry friendly banter'. Varsa still sees Atticus as a sort of mentor due to the dullahan's age and experience, but at this time the two are definitely friends, if a little vitriolic towards each other. Varsa appreciates it, as it keeps him grounded.

- All his teeth are slightly pointed in his true form. His inner flesh and blood is orange; if he yawns a dim glow of orange can be seen from inside his mouth. The ridges on his horns and cheeks are heat sinks, as he has a much higher body temperature due to being a demon. His eyes also glow, though the bright yellow of his irises is far more intense than the orange. Thanks to this it is very obvious when he's injured. 

- Actually has black claws (not nails) and digitigrade feet, but prefers shoes rather than going barefoot and since human shoes aren't adapted to such feet (and he's too lazy to make his own) he just goes by human feet and changes his black claws to normal nails that are about the same colour as his skin.

- Has a habit of adding 'yes?' at the end of sentences.

  R O L E P L A Y  P R E F E R E N C E S
I'm available on Discord and Google Docs. 

I can do both script and paragraph, preferring paragraph but okay with either. I generally will write 1-2 paragraphs of short length, though may write less during my semesters.
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