Something I tried to experiment with watercolor last week. I tried that thing with laying tape down on the paper to help prevent buckling after watching some videos. It did seem to help! This isn't anything too fancy since it was an experimental test so I wouldn't mess up anything too special. I learned how to do a wash for skies from a video and tried it here. Even with layering, I didn't get the blue too dark to really be much a of a night sky. It always lightens back up after the paint dries, so perhaps this scene is before dawn? After twilight? XD
I added in Sonic with a marker, then I dabbed water on it to give it a nice watercolor look to fit with the overall look. I thought I probably should have added in the appearance of Sonic's other arm on his hip or at least at his side, but I liked the distinctive shape of his back quill and tail that I'm afraid it might mess it up, lol. Like this, you can more easily recognize his silhouette. Then, I added in stars and stuff with a white Gelly Roll pen.
Nothing too fantastic, but it's something I wanted to try. It does look better in person, of course. I only took a photo of this since I only used a half side of paper, and I still have it taped down to a desk until I think of something to paint on the other side before I un-tape it to scan. xD But the photo might still look better anyway,
Even with all of his zipping around everywhere, Sonic is one to enjoy nature in his spare time to just relax and take in the view. Even for how fast-paced he is, he appreciates it, and they're moments I'm sure he enjoys. Sometimes you've just gotta take in the view and enjoy it.
-Watercolor on mix media paper, with marker and white Gelly Roll pen. Painted February 10, 2022-
Sonic the Hedgehog is (c) SEGA/Sonic Team.
Art by me, SailorMoonAndSonicX .