SalamanderMoon — [Chernobyl-Empires] Shiro Reference Sheet

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≛ Shiro ≛

【 Last Updated: 9/30/2018 】

【 Log 】
4/16/2017 - 
?/?/2018 - Updated RP Platform Preferences
9/30/2018 - New Application Art+Information, Updated Information

Old Application: Shiro | Chernobyl-Empires Ref.
Toyhou.se Profile: [Chernobyl-Empires] Shiro


Basic Information Name: Shiro
Age: 42 months (last updated: 9/30/2018)
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Empire: Toxic
Rank: Secondary General of the Army
Breeds: Siamese x American Ringtail x Unknown
Height: 26 cm
Weight: 4.9 kg

Romance Status
Sexuality: Unknown
Significant Other: N/A
Crushes: N/A
Looking For: N/A
Disinterests: Flirtatious, promiscuous, or unfaithful cats


Survival SkillsFighting8/10 | inexperienced [▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲△△] skilled 
Hunting4/10 | inexperienced [▲▲▲▲△△△△△△] skilled 
Speed6/10 | slow [▲▲▲▲▲▲△△△△] quick
Strength8/10 | lacks muscle [▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲△△] muscular
Observance8/10 | absent [▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲△△] Quick thinker

Tactical AbilitiesGuarding6/10 | inexperienced [▲▲▲▲▲▲△△△△] skilled 
City Hunting3/10 | inexperienced [▲▲▲△△△△△△△] skilled 
Wild Hunting4/10 | inexperienced [▲▲▲▲△△△△△△] skilled 
Bird Catching2/10 | inexperienced [▲▲△△△△△△△△] skilled 
Tree Climbing5/10 | inexperienced [▲▲▲▲▲△△△△△] skilled 
Rooftop Hopping2/10 | inexperienced [▲▲△△△△△△△△] skilled Swimming3/10 | inexperienced [▲▲▲△△△△△△△] skilled 
Tracking6/10 | inexperienced [▲▲▲▲▲▲△△△△] skilled 

KnowledgeBabysitting0/10 | inexperienced [△△△△△△△△△△] skilled 
City Navigation7/10 | inexperienced [▲▲▲▲▲▲▲△△△] skilled 
Medicine1/10 | inexperienced [▲△△△△△△△△△] skilled 
Politics3/10 | inexperienced [▲▲▲△△△△△△△] skilled 
Authority8/10 | inexperienced [▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲△△] skilled 
Training the Young4/10 | inexperienced [▲▲▲▲△△△△△△] skilled 
Belief1/10 | no belief [▲△△△△△△△△△] religious

Natural AbilitiesVision5/10 | poor [▲▲▲▲▲△△△△△] best
Sense of Smell4/10 | poor [▲▲▲▲△△△△△△] best
Hearing5/10 | poor [▲▲▲▲▲△△△△△] best
Flexibility4/10 | poor [▲▲▲▲△△△△△△] best
Sensitivity [Feeling/Touch]3/10 | poor [▲▲▲△△△△△△△] best

Relationship Information

Relationship Key:

 Good Terms 

1=Okay With 5=Good Friends

 Bad Terms 

1=Angry With 5=Hatred


1=Crushing 5= Deeply in Love


1=Mildly Disturbed 5=Sheer Terror


1=Acknowledges 5=Regards Highly


1=Cares For 5=Considers as Family


1=Upset With 5=Given Up On 


Unknown (Father) | Toxic | NPC |              
"My dad is the one who taught me a lot of what I know, and who helped me get to where I am today. He's a good person, and respectable in every way."
Unknown (Mother) | Toxic | NPC |          
"She's my mother, and I love her, but I don't approve of the people she hangs out with. She could do better."


name | empire | user | bullets

Acquaintances ~ 

name | empire | user | bullets
General Koi | Toxic | @/Becksters-The-Beast |       
"As he is the Lead General, I respect him. Maybe someday I'll be able to rise to his position."
"What happened to you... where did you go? I still had much to learn from you, and about you."


Positive✔ Analytical
- Shiro is good at analyzing the enemy and then coming up with a suitable battle plan. He can read others fairly well, and is logical in his thinking. He also likes to be organized so nothing gets in the way of his analysis.
✔ Courteous
- Shiro is a born gentleman, and is respectful to others. He knows when to back down, though sometimes it's hard for him, but he's learned to overcome his faults as best as he can in order to be civil and not disappoint his family, who raised him to uphold their family name.
✔ trait
- explanation (2 sentence minimum)
Neutral◯ Aggressive
- Usually a negative trait, Shiro uses this to his advantage in battle. Once a plan has been laid out, he's quick to intimidate and take down his enemies, sometimes being overly aggressive to get the opposing side to back down more quickly. In his everyday life, he can usually beat this back and be kinder to others. Despite his best attempts, though, some things will still set him off.
◯ Dominating
- Shiro desires to be in complete control, and he likes for things to go his way. Sadly, this isn't always feasible, and he's been known to get into fights over whether something should be done his way or not. Those beneath him get the worst edge of his controlling personality.
◯ trait
- explanation (2 sentence minimum)
Negative✖ Dogmatic
- Shiro has a habit of saying everything as fact, and he believes that his opinions are also correct. He's quick to press his opinions onto others as well. Anything right is right, and anything he says is right, and nobody can do much to change that.
✖ Steely
- Shiro can be a harder heart to warm up to, and often has a ruthless quality to him both on the battlefield and off of it. He doesn't like pity, and doesn't give much of it, either.
✖ trait
- explanation (2 sentence minimum)
Hidden? trait
- explanation (2 sentence minimum)
- explanation (2 sentence minimum)

Backstory/Young One | 0-6 months\
Shiro was born in the Toxic Empire, at a slightly higher status than most cats due to his lineage. His family had a past history of serving the empire well, and so he inherited the status. He was a single kit, raised by both of his parents. His mother was a kind cat, though somewhat of a flirt, and though Shiro loved her, he never cared for the cats she hung around with. His father taught him survival skills, and was the one who introduced him to the Army. His childhood was relatively uneventful. He gained the nickname "Penguin" during this time, for his markings, although he hates the name.
The tin band he has, with a bi-color maroon-and-teal tourmaline gem chained to it, is due to his status. It's a family heirloom which has been passed down from his grandfather to him. The band was given to his grandfather by the former Queen for serving her in a time of need, and if Shiro is to die before he has kits then the band shall go back to the Queen, whoever that happens to be.

/Trainee | 6-12 months\Shiro became a soldier trainee at a young age, throwing himself into his training. His hunting skills were poor at best, though, and his fighting skills were okay but not great. He relied mostly on brute force and flailing, and was slow to make any decent moves. Every time he would go to attack, 15 different courses of action would run through his head, stalling him. However, his genius was unveiled to the empire midway into his training, during a pre-planned team skirmish. His team was divided into sects, with each cat playing a role. Due to his lack of fighting skill, they assigned him to coordination instead, and he excelled at the task, calculating a devisive hidden circular ambush wave that destroyed the other team and completely dismantled their plan. Needless to say, he was quickly put into a different sector of training, where he flourished. His combat skills improved too, now that the information in his mind was being properly expressed, and he had more control over different situations. Even though his plans took a while to formulate, every enemy plan was accounted for, every path could be taken, and there was little worry anymore of failure.

/Soldier | 12-26 months\After months of training, both tactical and combative, he graduated as a fully-fledged soldier of the army, and a good tactician. He earned the scars across the side of his face when he was 18 months old from a bad skirmish, when one of the enemy cats got their teeth hooked in the side of his face. He knew he was lucky that they didn't hit his throat, or do too much damage to his face. Since then, he's been both more diligent about continuing his own combat training, and more cautious in battle. At some point, he attained one of the highest ranks in the tactical sector, and finally polished his fighting skills so they were befitting of a high-ranking army member. He also gained the nickname "Scorpion Shiro" around that time. Eventually, he caught the attention of the empire's leaders, and was promoted to Secondary General at last.

/Secondary General | 26+ months\As the Secondary General, while he was still required to fight and make plans, he now also commanded the army and assisted with matters in the city. He also became further acquainted with the Lead General, Koi, and started studying the tom in his spare time to learn more about the fighting and defensive aspects of the army.
He was 30 moons old when the fifth year of the empires rolled around, celebrating -- and fighting invaders -- along with his empire. When the heatwave hit the empires during that summer, Shiro was one of many, many cats affected, but he did his duty and defended the empire, even if it hurt to do so. That winter, while many cats starved, his position and income kept him somewhat fed. Since the empires were all wrapped up in their own problems, he took the time to reflect a little on his family life.
Currently, the sixth year of the empires has passed, and while originally he celebrated along with the rest of his empire, the festive atmosphere was quickly overshadowed with more disappearances. Now, with General Koi gone and presumed dead, and the Radioactive Empire having to vote for a new Queen, Shiro's been left in a state of uncertainty. Koi was always better at battles, the face of the army during war, while he saw himself as the force behind the scenes. Will he be promoted, or will there be a new Lead General chosen? What will happen with the Radioactive Empire? These questions run through his head, and as a result he's having to re-evaluate himself, his skills, and his place in the empire.

Likes▲ Making battle plans.
▲ Having people listen to him and what he says.
▲ Unknown.

Dislikes▲ His mother's flirtatious ways.
▲ The taste of birds.
▲ Unknown.

Fears▲ Dishonoring his family and lowering their rank.
▲ Getting expelled from the tactical section, or the army in general.
▲ Getting heavily and debilitatingly injured.
Dreams▲ To be promoted to lead general, or to rise further in rank in the empire.
▲ Unknown.
▲ Unknown.

Key: X=yes Z=no
Cussing: X (Keep it to a minimum, though, please. If I swear, it'll be censored.)
Violence: X
Gore: Z
Sexual Content: Z

Roleplay Example:
Shiro opened his mouth, checking for the direction of the wind, and therefore finding out which team could smell the other first.
'Wind is blowing towards us. Good.'
With a flick of his tail-tip, he signaled for his patrol to keep moving, carefully making his way down the steep hill. He could smell the cats on the other side of the forest, and they were getting closer. He crouched behind a small thicket, waiting in silence. As the first pawsteps broke through the underbrush of the forest, he yowled loudly, a warning signal to the opposing team, before charging. The battle was on.
Written Application created by @/Becksters-The-Beast
Background Application created by @/CiderWolf and @/piggypen

Art (c) SalamanderMoon
Design (c) @/feralfoxz

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