Well, I've seen some people were making a tier list
for their favorites and least favorites. Since then, I
decided to make one of my own.
My Most Favorite Racers: Crash, Crunch, Tawna,
Coco, Dingodile, Komodo Joe, Tiny
My Second Favorite Racers: Polar, Pura, Pinstripe,
Ami, Liz, Megumi, Isabella
Sometimes: Cortex, N Tropy, Penta, Ripper Roo,
Neutral: Big Norm, Small Norm, Geary, Papu Papu,
Krunk, N Gin
My Least Favorite Racers: N Trance, Zem, Real Velo,
Oxide, Zam, Fake Crash
I hope you enjoy it.