SamusBrawler0815 — Samus's Log Day 17
Published: 2010-09-27 02:23:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 617; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 5
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Description    There was a distant light…I followed it for there was nowhere else to go. "Samus Aran…" a voice echoed.
   "Yes…?" I said trying to figure out where the voice was.
   "It is not your time to leave…it seems the Sages of that planet are bringing you and Metra back…"
   "T-They're what?!"
   "Good luck Samus Aran…do not disappoint us…" the conversation was so fast…a sudden wind blew and I flew off. It became so bright it blinded me. Then I heard the beautiful and calm voice that brought me back to life…
   "I-I'm getting a pulse!" Ike yelled. I missed his sweet voice…
   "I-It's working! Keep doing it everyone!" Zelda commanded. Zelda…? I'm dead…how can I hear her voice?
   "Lucario, won't Metra live too if we bring back Samus?" Fox asked.
   "Y-Yes…now keep releasing energy!" Lucario answered.
   I was finally able to open my eyes. Every one of the Sages and Ike surrounded me on a white bed. I think I was in a hospital… The Sages looked exhausted. Ike looked at me with happiness and kissed my lips gently. Everyone else saw I was alive and cheered.
   "Samus, I'm so glad you're okay! I missed you so much! I couldn't sleep or eat at all! Now that you back…I feel like the happiest man here!" Ike said.
   "I couldn't believe you were gone Samus! We all were so worried!" Zelda said with tears in her eyes.
   Peach started to cry as well, "We all missed you Sammy! I don't know what we would do without you!"
   "We tried hard to bring you back and succeeded, that's the way it works Sam! Glad to have you back!"
   "We thank you for sacrificing yourself to us Sam! You rock!" Fox added with his fist in the air.
   Lucario smiled faintly, "Indeed…we have all missed you…" Everyone looked at him. Was that all he wanted to say? He looked up, "Pardon my manners…it is just…" he looked at me, "If we do not do something about Metra…I am afraid this will be a never-ending cycle…"
   "What do you mean, Lucario?" Peach asked.
   "I am saying that Metra is still alive. Samus will still taken over by Metra. If she does not, Samus will die again and we will bring her back."
   "There has to be something Lucario…" Pit pleaded.
   Lucario closed his eyes, "I have to do it…it is the only way…" he sighed and looked at all of us, "Zelda, you are making me proud to see you ruling Hyrule and keeping it strong. Peach, careful you don't get carried away with things in the Mushroom Kingdom…it can hurt your people. Fox, try to call down once in a while, you worry me. Pit, I raised you like a son, you have always made me proud. Ike, make Samus happy, for me…As for you Samus…" he looked at me then sat next to me, "Please forgive me and yourself once I am done…" he smiled.
   I looked at him in confusion, "Lucario, what are you-?"
   He held my hand and squeezed it. I felt a part of me drift away…but I felt so…alive though… His paws glowed purple and blue. I realized he was absorbing Metra's aura…but why? He smiled when he let go, "She is weak now…once she escapes from me…finish her off Samus… Know that I cared for all of you…" he said then he fainted on the floor…at least I hope he fainted…
   Everyone gasped. Another…another died because of me…but…it was Lucario…he always cared for us… Pit fell on his knees and cried. "No! No, what did he do wrong? He doesn't deserve this!" he cried.
   Suddenly, a small, swirling vortex was forming from Lucario. Metra stepped in and I clenched my fist. "Miss me everyone?" she laughed.
   I stood up from my bed, "YOU DIRTY BASTARD!" I yelled, the tackled her to the ground. I sat on top of her while I punched her face. "IT'S YOUR FAULT, YOUR ENTIRE FAULT!"
   She coughed and laughed quietly, "The things I do…but this was your fault Sa-"
   I punched her again, "Shut up!"
   Pit then unsheathed his blades and spun them around. "Let me at her!" he commanded.
   "You didn't do anything you idiot…you just stood there and watched…so much for a guardian angel…"
   Pit really got pissed off and charged at us. Metra threw me at Pit and then she jumped out the window. Everyone was about to run after her until Zelda stopped us, "Lucario asked Samus to take her out…not all of us…" Pit was about to argue, but Zelda gave him a deadly glare.
   Zelda was right…this was my duty…my Shadow…I had to get Lucario's vengeance. Then I transform into my Power Suit and run after her in full speed. The jets on my back gave me a boost and I tackled her, to the ground.
   Metra stood up, "Alright sister…just come at me…" she smirked. This was for Lucario…for Ike…for everyone…I then charged at her with no hesitation. This was my last stand…everyone depended on me…losing was not an option. Only one thing could lead to peace: Kill Metra…
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