UPDATE:: Welllllll since I have a drawing tablet now I thought maybe editing a little of this would be nice. ovo
I just put a better watermark and touched up some parts of Snowdust's fur. ovo
Omg, I'm so happy this is finally done~!
Goodness It took quite a while to make since I've been a little busy irl. ='D
Not to mention this was all done with a mouse, no drawing tablet at ALL. *I'm gonna need a ice pack on my right hand now aren't I. xnx*
Anyway this is my Namikaz Snowdust, I adopted her from my friend Hatonni , they are a CLOSED species, so that means you can NOT make one without Haru's written permission!
So here's a bit of info about Snowdust~<3
*Also fun fact time about the Namikaz species: The cry even if they are Happy.*
Name: Snowdust
*Ah idk I named her that cause she has these white diamond markings on her back & I thought those looked kinda like snow crystals.*
Age: 20 years old
Species: Namikaz
Personality: Kind, caring, serious & protective over owner & friends
Hobbies: Running/Racing, wandering around forests, playing with others of her own kind or playing with her owner, & occasionally scaring my inkuwolf Ren..
Extras: She wears a little lantern around her neck as a necklace with small purple glass orbs on it; it glows a bright purple, then she has silver bracelets on her left arm.
If you wanna see all the progress & W.I.P's of this drawing then here's the link:
Interested in the Namikaz species? Then why don't you take a look at Haru/Hatonni's group~!