Decided to redo my Gorgon. Hopefully it invokes a bundle of snakes more than the original did and has become a lot more ornamental too.
Gorgini reside in caves and ruins, away from the light of day. Although small they are capable of defending themselves, moving nimbly in darkness and applying their petrifying spell. Science is unsure how they are able to ossify targets remotely but it proves to be a potent defence and may have something to do with their own eyelessness.
Gorglare are much less reclusive than their young counterparts, still residing in out of the way places but bolder when confronted. Staking a claim to a territory, they litter its boundary with petrified prey as a warning to others. Although totally blind they use these statues to feel their way around confronting each other since fights between Gorglare can be messy, physical affairs.
Gorgranite are exceptionally quick, overwhelming foes with their speed and maneuverability whilst jabbing at them with their claws and spines. In the dark of their caves their petrifying abilities fail since it works based on their targets sight, so they rely more on constriction. Although lithe and speed oriented their bodies are pure muscle and very capable of fighting tooth and claw.
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