Saur-ssb — Making a Comeback: Tigress the Humiliater
#anthro #arena #ass #blackmail #boxerbriefs #briefs #buffalo #cheetah #chihuahua #commentator #crowd #embarrassed #fox #furry #humiliate #lion #oc #stinkface #tiger #tigress #wedgie #wolf #wrestler #wrestling #largeass #atomicwedgie #hangingwedgie #dalmatian #publichumiliation
Published: 2016-09-12 13:06:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 20641; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 0
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Description It's been quite some time since anyone really heard the name Tigress in town. The mighty kung fu master had really fallen from grace as the past few months had been rather rough on her. She lost Charles to Jeff and ever since he left, she hasn't really had the chance to fulfill her wedgie needs. Sure, she could probably just find someone with their waistband sticking out and publicly humiliate them, but it wasn't the same. They wouldn't  have the same girlish shrieks as Charles. Their body wouldn't be as fun to tease as Charles was actually a guy who looked good in a dress. Even the crowds that would gather over to watch the scene was something she missed as just feeling dominate was something that made her feel good. All those feelings were things she missed and wanted to feel again. But how would she get this back even if not on the same scale as before? She had one plan and she was determined on fulfilling it. One way or another, Tigress was going to put herself back on the map.

To complete her mission, Tigress was going to need a lot of things done first. A place to get everyone's attention was something she would need. An arena of some sorts seemed like the best idea but she couldn't afford something of that size. Luckily for her she was quite the feline when it came to getting things she wanted. But where was she going to find an arena at? No, where was she going to find the owner of the arena at?

Pulling up her laptop, Tigress started to do some research as she looked up if there were any type of arenas in the area. To her luck there was one, but it was a wrestling arena.

Seeing as this was the only ring in town, Tigress decided that it was time to go take it over. Hopefully the owner wouldn't mind just letting her have it and even if he didn't, she would just compromise with him or just beat all of his wrestlers until he had no choice but to give up the rights to the arena.

As she started to walk to the arena, she started to think. Kung Fu and wrestling were two completely different things and she couldn't just take over unless she had something of interest to provide for the spectators. Maybe they would like the embarrassment that she would provide? If she was able to make crowds by embarrassing Charles then what was stopping her from doing it again but just on a larger scale? Humiliating males while doing it in embarrassing ways sounded more like a comedy act but then again some people would pay top dollar to see that. In fact, people would even pay top dollar to have that happen to them. The more she thought of it the better the idea seemed.

After about a twenty minute walk, Tigress finally made it to the arena as it was much larger than she thought it was. This was good as she would have an even bigger audience than she anticipated. Now all she needed to do was find the owner.

Walking through the arena, she saw two Buffalo bodyguards standing in front of a door as the seemed very focused as they didn't even move. The tiger walked over to them to try and get them out her way but they just stood there. Despite being much bigger than her, Tigress was sure she could move them if she needed to.

"Look, I'm not trying to start anything but if I were you guys I would move now or else this could get ugly. I'm fine with either one really."

The two Buffalos just stood there as they didn't any move a muscle. They were intended on not moving out her way.

Seeing as she tried to be nice, Tigress decided that it was time to get ugly. Taking a deep breath, the tiger concentrated and focused her energy as it was time to move these guys out the way. When she was done concentrating, Tigress delivered a quick and powerful kick to the Buffalo on the right, sending him through the door. The Buffalo on the left turned around to see his brother lying on the ground as he was just sent flying through the wall.

"Bro! That's it lady! It's time for you to leave!"

Before he could turn and take care of Tigress, she already had her hands on his waistband as she yanked the purple boxer briefs out of his pants and into the air. A loud shriek was heard as his underwear dug itself deep into his but. Seeing as she was in a hurry, Tigress just decided to throw the Buffalo back as he went flying down the hallway. Now she could have her one on one talk with the owner.

Walking into the hole in the wall she made, Tigress saw that the Buffalo was still on the ground, slowly starting to get up. Once he saw her walking over to him, he quickly made a run for it as he didn't want another beating.

To Tigress's surprise, no one was in this room. In fact, this seemed like a waiting room as there was another door leading further into the building. The door was apparently locked so instead of just knocking, she broke the door down and made her way in.

Again, no one was in here but it seemed to be an office. There was a chair facing against her and slowly it turned around until it was facing her. In the chair was a small Chihuahua dressed in a fancy tuxedo as he had an upset look on his face.

The Kung Fu master couldn't help but laugh at the Chihuahua as this was the owner of this massive arena. Looking at his name made her laugh even more as she was on the floor laughing.

Getting red with anger, the Chihuahua got out of his chair as he approached Tigress. "So you think you can break into my arena and make a full of me?! Well let me tell you something missy, I ain't no pushover!" He said growling.

Despite his attempts to sound serious, Tigress only laughed even louder as she still couldn't believe that this was the guy who ran everything. Slowly getting up, Tigress finally started to speak. "I'm sorry Mr. Fang but could you lead me to the owner of all of this? I wanna talk to  the man behind all of this and not his three year old toddler son."

"Who do you think you are to insult me?! I'm a multi billionaire and the man who runs this whole thing! I outta kick your ass to teach you what happens to people who mess with me!"

"I would love to see some kid like yourself try to take me on as that worked so well for your bodyguards. I think I heard whimpers and nose sniffs as one of them ran away. Don't think I won't leave you crying just because you're some shrimp."

"Being big and bad gets you know where with me! This is your last warning to get out before I make you get out!" The Chihuahua was steaming with anger as the room started to feel slightly hotter. Tigress still didn't turn back as she wasn't afraid. In fact, she walked closer up to him as she towered over the Chihuahua.

"And what are you going to do to me, little man?" Leaning down to get a closer look at him, the tiger laughed in his face as he had enough of her treating him like a nobody.

"That's it! I'm kicking your ass!"

Before Mr. Fang could do anything, Tigress grabbed him by his waistband and yanked him up and towards her face as a girlish shriek escaped out of his mouth. Flailing his arms all over trying to escape was futile as it accomplish nothing for him.

Even though she was here only to get the rights to the arena, Tigress decided that she should teach this Chihuahua what happens to people that try to stand up to her. Grabbing onto his legs with one hand and the waistband with the other hand, Tigress started to pull from both ends causing the wedgie to worsen and putting Mr. Fang in a horrible position. He didn't know what hurted more, his pride or his ass.

Immediately afterwards she started to bounce him up and down like a yo-yo as his briefs were starting to really stretch out.


A grin appeared on Tigress's face as once again she lifted him up to her face. "What I want is the rights to your wrestling arena. You can keep your money, your wrestlers, your commentators, and even everything else. I have no interest in anything else but this whole arena. You are a billionaire right? So building another arena shouldn't cost you much. Is that understood?"

"Y-Yes!" He said scared.

"Another round of bounces were given to Mr. Fang as she wasn't happy with his answer. "Yes what?"


Carrying him over to his desk, she let him go as he dug through all of his paper work until he found the the papers giving full ownership to Tigress. Without any hesitation, he started the fill the paperwork out as he wanted to get away from this feline brute.

"There, you now own everything in this arena. Now I'll take my stuff and go."

Before he could walk away, Tigress picked him up by his stretched out briefs and spoke to him again. "Hold up one second small fry. You said I own everything in this arena now meaning you're leaving everything here with me. Those were your words and you did fill out the papers."

"What?! I have at least fifty thousand dollars in here! You can't take that!"

Laughing at the Chihuahua, Tigress pulled his briefs over his head as she now had him in an atomic wedgie. "A deal is a deal and that money will be useful for advertisement. And if this is really a problem I can always hang you in public by your underwear and let everyone know you love to receive wedgies. It'll be all over social media and I'm sure it won't leave people's minds for quite some time."

"Alright! I get it! I'll leave with nothing!"

Looking at his desk once again, Tigress saw some papers with his address on it as that gave her an idea. "So this is where you live huh? You know if I ever hear my name come out your mouth about how I got the arena from you or anything like that I can always pay you a visit and we can play dress up right? I'm sure I can get some little girl's dress and some make up and then the two of us can really have some fun."

Mr. Fang felt his heart drop as he felt fear just by looking at the feline. He knew she wasn't bluffing and because of that he shook his head in agreement.

"Okay! You made your points! I won't tell anyone! I won't take anything out this arena! And I won't talk down to you! Can I please leave now?!"

"You sure can. Things are really looking good for me now."

Once she sat him down, he removed his atomic wedgie and ran out the building quickly as he didn't even care that his briefs were still hanging out.

Grabbing a sheet of paper, Tigress started to write down things that she would need and the the things she accomplished. "Hm, let me see. I got the arena and some money to advertise but now what else do I need. Maybe some commentators or an announcer would be good. I don't wanna pay to much so lets see if I can work my magic on this as well." Folding the paper up, she slipped it into her pocket as she had someone in mind in who she could get to be the announcer for free.

Walking out the arena, Tigress started to think of what else she would need. A referee would be needed but what if she made one of the commentators the referee? This would save her money as well as killing two birds with one stone. Now all she would need is a wrestler. Surely with some advertising someone would be interested but why would she need to do that when she could get someone else to find a wrestler for her? Only thing left to think about was the rules. Not really caring to much about the rules, she decided that she would just make them up as she wrestled.

A couple of minutes had passed and Tigress finally made it to her next destination. It was someone's home. Now she couldn't break this door down but there was no need to do that as she walked up to the door and knocked. Footsteps were heard coming towards the door as when the door opened it revealed an orange fox behind it.

"Hello Isaac."

Without saying anything Isaac quickly turned around and tried to run but he made the mistake of showing his back to Tigress which is a mistake no one should make. Grabbing onto his gray waistband, she yanked him back causing him to fall into her hands as she quickly gave him a massive wedgie.

"AHHHHH! WHAT DID I DO?!" Isaac shouted as he met the same fate as everyone else who met her today.

"It's not what you did but what you will be doing. I have a plan that needs to be carried out and you're gonna help me with it."

"And why should I help you? You aren't exactly the nicest person I know."

Smirking at his defiance, Tigress quickly gave him another hard tug followed by a few bounces as whimpers were heard coming from the canine.

"Now Isaac I know you know what I am capable of. If I can make one fox the laughing stock of the whole town I can easily do it to you as well. Now are you going to help me or what?" Up and down Isaac went as he was bounced for every second he didn't answer. Finally having enough, he spoke up.

"I'll help you! Just stop bouncing me please!"

"That's good to hear." Tigress said finishing the wedgie with one last bounce. "Now this is what you have to do. First of all let me tell what exactly is happening that way you don't tell me you don't understand. As of today I'm now the owner of Fang's Wrestling Arena, or should I say Tigress's Humiliation Arena."

"Wait, where did you get the money to but it off of Mr. Fang?"

Another bounce was given to Isaac as he quickly shut his mouth.

"I wasn't done talking! Another outburst and these briefs will be in your mouth! As I was saying, Mr. Fang was nice enough to give me his arena as we had ourselves a friendly discussion. Now this is where you come in. I need a commentator as well as a referee and you were the first to come to mind. Now you'll be doing this without pay unless you would like ripped briefs for paycheck. Does all of this sound fair?"

"Y-Yes ma'am. F-Free sounds perfectly fine."

"Good boy. Now I also need to you to find me a wrestler as well as spread this news to everyone you know. You got a week to do this and if you don't get me any wrestlers then expect to be the laughing stock of this entire town. Understood?"

"Y-Yes ma'am!"

Another part of Tigress's plan was now in place as she hung the Fox onto the top of his door, leaving him there to hang. The tiger walked off as now all she needed to do was talk to a news crew.

Luckily for her she remembered hearing that a new restaurant was being opened today and that a camera crew would be there to announce the opening of it. With that knowledge she was planning on "persuading" the camera crew so that they would advertise the arena for her. Even if they didn't want to then she would just publicly embarrass them instead.

Trotting through the streets was a happy tiger as everything was going according to plans. One by one, everything was falling into place and she couldn't help but smile at her achievements. Her glorious wedgies managed to get everything she needed done and not once was she ever on the receiving end of a wedgie. Her panties were still in shape and safely snugged onto her large butt as her rather embarrassing and childish panties were safe from the public's eyes.

After a good walk and some motivational thinking, the Kung Fu master finally found the new restaurant but to her surprise she came late as the camera crew was already recording. This didn't bother her in the slightest as that meant she could skip the persuading and get straight to the action.

Making her way onto the set, Tigress saw a male Dalmatian recording and a female Lion with a microphone as they were in front the restaurant casting the news.

Not really caring about what they were recording, Tigress walked straight over to the female lion as she received a questionable look from the smaller female feline.

"Uh, excuse me miss but we're recording right now. Can you kindly leave? We're busy here."

"Oh trust me, I know what you're doing." Tigress said with a grin on her face. "I just need to use you as an example."

"Excuse me?" The lion said as she wasn't sure what was going on. She looked over at the Dalmatian and asked what was going as he just shrugged his shoulders, not really to sure what was happening.

"Oh and someone inside the restaurant is waving at you." Pointing over to the window behind them, the Lion turned around to see who was waving at her as Tigress quickly took this opportunity to grab onto the Lion's pink thong and yank her into the air. A loud, embarrassing, and very childish screech came from the Lion as the thong was like floss in her ass. The Dalmatian couldn't help but laugh at the sight as Tigress snatched the microphone from out her hand. Looking over to the camera, she started to speak.

"Hello my beautiful people and welcome to your daily news. I know you aren't to interested in what I have to say so let me get straight to the point. You see this loser in my hand? That was funny what just happened wasn't it? What if I told you that you could see more of this? Interested? Of course you are! For those of you that aren't interested let me give you a reason to be interested. We all love to laugh and have fun so why not spend your day seeing something funny? At the same time we all love action as well. But what if I told you that I was holding an event full of action and comedy that wasn't bad? That's right, sounds good doesn't it. A week from now I'll be hosting a wrestling event with me in it. If you liked what I did to this caster over here then why not stop by for some more action? Not only will you get to see more wedgies but you'll also get a chance to see even more things that I can't show you on the channel 8 news. If you still aren't interested then I don't know what else to tell you. Come stop by Tigress's Humiliation Arena! If you remember Mr. Fangs arena then you already know where mine is. If you don't then I'm sure my lovely guess right here will tell you later on for the rest of the week, right?" Tigress said bouncing the Lion.

"Y-You heard her right folks! From now until next week we'll be talking about Tigress's Arena and all the reasons why you should go!" Despite the terrible feeling in her ass, her acting was still amazing.

"Exactly people! That's one whole week to prepare. See you all there!" Tigress dropped the Lion onto the ground as she placed the microphone onto the ground. She walked off and away from  the set as now all she needed to do was wait.


A week had passed and today was the big day. Hopefully everyone else had did her part as now all she needed to do was just show up and beat whoever the wrestler was. Tigress made sure to check the news everyday as she wanted to make sure her arena was being advertised properly.

Getting dressed for the occasion, Tigress put on a pair of black sweat pants and a matching black sports bra as she was ready to wrestle whoever she had to wrestle. The more she thought about it the more she laughed as she realized that she wouldn't really be wrestling. This was just more of an excuse to just humiliate any boy or girl that wanted a chance at her. To her, she couldn't really see herself losing to anyone in this town but in the case she really needed to fight she was more than ready to fight. This would be the day people remembered the name Tigress as not only a Kung Fu master, but also a wedgie master and the Queen of Humiliation.

A cab was waiting outside her door as she walked over to it happily with a smile on her face. Never has a day ever felt so good before as she couldn't help but feel like she accomplished everything she wanted. All that was left was to win her own event and everything she wanted would be hers.

Entering the cab, she was greeted by the driver who was a young rabbit. "Hello Master Tigress. My name is Richard and I'll be your personal driver for the day. Isaac already paid me to work the day for you so you don't need to worry about paying anything."

"He paid you to do this? Well if he did that then surely he did everything else I told him to. Do you know where my arena is?"

"Yes ma'am. The location was also given to me as well. Give me the word and I'll go." Richard said as he was ready to go.

Stretching her body and getting ready, Tigress got herself comfortable as she was ready to go. "You can start driving now. I'm not to much in a rush so get there at your own pace."

Stepping on the gas, Richard started driving as he drove at an average pace. Tigress on the other hand felt like a queen. Everything she wanted she got and anyone that tried to defy her or stand up to her met a horrible fate in the form of a wedgie. Wedgies and humiliation were her games and she was basically untouchable at the moment.

Over at the arena was Isaac as he was organizing everything else that was going on. He was dressed in a referee outfit as well as having a headset as he also had to commentate the event as well. To his surprise the arena was almost fully packed as most of the seats were already taken.

"Lights seem good, wrestler is changing right now, place is practically packed, and I did everything I was suppose to do. Only things that are missing are missing is Tigress and my co-commentator." Isaac said as he was checking things off his list.

"You mean me Isaac?"

Looking up was none other then his Cheetah friend, Chester. Just like Isaac he had a headset on but he was dressed more casually as he was only here to commentate.

"Chester?! What are you doing here?!"

"I'm here to help you. Why else would I be here? Well that opening announcement Tigress made about this place was pretty funny so I just had to come here myself. Also she found out I was friends with you so she asked if I was willing to do this for free."

"What, did she had to persuade you like she persuaded me?"

"Nope! I just saw this as a free chance to get in without paying. She told me it was an easy job so I decided why not? Seems like you're also a referee as well. Well I'll be seeing you. I'm gonna be over there commentating while you'll be up close and personal. Don't get steam rolled." Chester walked off as he went to go take his seat. Right afterwards, someone had tapped Isaac on the back. Turning around, Isaac saw that it was the wrestler who had agreed to do this.

"Uh, James right?"

"That's me alright." James was a white wolf with red dyed hair. He was an inch shorter than Isaac was but being a wolf meant he was naturally more built than the fox.

"You sure you want to do this? Like this is going to be really embarrassing for you. Like, I'm not saying this cause I think you're going to lose. I'm saying this cause I know you're gonna lose. No offense."

"Don't worry, I'm just trying to make a name for myself. If I can handle what Tigress throws at me then odds are I can handle anything else in his town."

"Well you're the only wrestler I bothered to get so at least try to put on a fight. Well it's gonna end the same regardless of what you do so at least prepare your ass. You're gonna be in the red corner. I'm just waiting on Tigress."

After nodding his head, Jacob went over to his side of the ring as he climbed into it.

Turning his mic on, Isaac started to talk. "Attention ladies and gentlemen, today we bring you here for a special treat! Prepare yourselves for the first ever.........HUMILIATION FIGHT!!!"

Loud cheering erupted from the crowd as they threw their arms into the air and screamed as loud as they could.

Seeing as Isaac was already hyping up the crowd, Chester decided to have a little fun for himself as well. "As you just heard from my friend Isaac, we're all here to see someone get their ass beat! I'm Chester and I'll be your main commentator for the day!"

"And I'm Isaac and I'll be the referee on stage! I just receive notification that Tigress had just pulled up! Get hype people!"

Once again the crowd erupted with noise as the stage lights started to spiral.

"Isaac, why don't you introduce our fighters?"

"Gladly. In the red corner we have Jacob! He's a young wolf here trying to make a name for himself so you might just see this wolf somewhere else in the near future. Remember his face people cause he'll surely be known as a brave soldier after today." Smoke started to come from the walkway as another fighter was about to make their appearance. Already knowing who it was, Isaac introduced them. "Here she is people, the main reason we're all here! The rightful owner and the Queen of this arena. Give it up for.....TIGRESS!!!!"

Walking her way down the walkway was Tigress as the crowd couldn't get any louder with noise. The Tigress chants were already started as she entered the ring. Isaac walked over to the center of the ring as he awaited words from Chester.

"I'll give this fight about two minutes. If you guys didn't bet money already then you're out of luck. Isaac, take it away!"

"Alright fighters, we aren't going by normal rules. We're going by Tigress's rules. Jacob if you don't know what Tigress's rules are then you're likely to learn about them as you fight. I want a good clean fight people. Begin!"

Tigress and Jacob both moved out their corners as neither of them made a move. In fact, Tigress started to talk to him. "Why don't you make the first move? You seem much less experienced than me so I'll give you first move.  How does that sound?"

"Really? Well I won't complain about that. Here I come!"

Charging at the Tiger, Jacob ran full speed as he went for a gut punch but Tigress easily saw that coming as grabbed his arms tightly, giving him an evil smirk.

"What a quick turn of events people! Tigress allowed Jacob to make the first move but she used that to her advantage to grab him! Chester, I think this is about to be a one sided fight!"

Pulling him in, Tigress tripped Jacob as he fell onto the floor. Before he could really get up, he felt a hard smack against his rear as he quickly hopped up and started to rub his ass. The Tiger only smiled as the crowd was filled with laughter.

Not falling for the same trick again, Jacob decided to let Tigress approach as he wanted to see how she would open up.

Slowly making her way over to the wolf, Tigress held her hands up as she swung at him. Jacob made the attempt to dodge it but it was only a fake out as she didn't really fully swing. It was a decoy for her to tackle him as she now had him on the ground with her body on top of his.

"Is she really gonna pin him this early on? I highly doubt it but lets watch and see." Chester said as he watched carefully.

Jacob tried his best to push Tigress off but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get her off.

"Come on, don't tell me this is all you got? I wasn't expecting much of a fight but this is to easy. Well if you aren't gonna entertain me the I'll just entertain myself."

"W-What do you mean by that?"

"Oh nothing.....just this." Tigress back flipped off of Jacob but as soon as she got on her feet she grabbed him by his legs and tossed him into the air. A loud gasp was heard from the crowd as they didn't know what was going to happen next. Both of the commentators watched carefully as they were just as interested as the crowd was as to what was about to happen.

As Jacob fell down Tigress quickly caught him by the waist as now she was about to have some real fun. Kneeling down, Tigress placed Jacob onto her knee as she pulled his pants down and revealed his white briefs. Another round of laughter was heard coming from the crowd as a blush appeared on the wolf's face.

After pantsing the wolf, Tigress immediately went to spanking him as he flailed his arms all over trying to escape. Even with the briefs covering his butt, everyone was still able to see how red his butt was becoming.

"Cover your children's eyes people cause this might be a pain in their asses as well! Never have I seen anyone get a spanking this badly before! Isaac, what about!?"

"Chester I rather not talk about my experience with Tigress as we would be here all day. Why don't you do all the commentary as I feel like I'm gonna have PTSD talking about this." Isaac grabbed his ass as he remembered getting spanked by Tigress before.

Jacob grabbed onto the stage and tried to pull himself away from Tigress but that didn't stop her from spanking him even harder. The crowd was eating it up as they enjoyed every passing second of this.

Getting tired of the spanking, Tigress had stopped but she made sure to take Jacob's pants as he wouldn't be needing those for the rest of the event. His ass and face were both red as he didn't think it would be this bad.

"I-I-I thought wrestling was fake! Aren't we suppose to be acting?!" Jacob said as he wasn't ready for Tigress's humiliation.

"Acting? This is as real as it get. If you thought I was joking when I made that announcement then you have another thing coming. Now get over here!" Tigress said as she ran at Jacob. Not wanting to get caught, Jacob started to run as he didn't want Tigress to catch him.

"Look what we have here folks. I don't know if this is a game or chicken or a game of cat and mouse. We didn't come here to see some running away now did we?! Chant with me everyone! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Hyping up the crowd, they started to chant with Chester.


Hearing the people chant fight gave Tigress more motivation as she quickly caught Jacob by the back of his waistband. "It's wedgie time people!" Quickly yanking the briefs into the air, Jacob was launched into the air as he dangled by his underwear. "You know what you want people! Let me hear you shout!"

"BOUNCE HIM! BOUNCE HIM! BOUNCE HIM!" The crowd's chants were filled with energy as they really wanted to see him get bounced.

"You hear them Tigress, why not give the people what they want! Bounce that wolf!" Chester shouted.

"The people have spoken Jacob. Time for your bouncing!"

"No! WaiAHHHHHHH!" Giving the people what they wanted, Jacob was bounced up and down rapidly as the back side of his briefs sunk deep into his but. His redden spanked cheeks were now on full display as everyone laughed even more.

Never in his life had the poor wolf felt his underwear sink so deep into his butt. With how far the wedgie was going into his ass, Jacob was practically able to taste the cotton and it didn't taste to good at all. He wasn't sure how much longer he could last but he doubt it did matter.

Seeing as she was growing bored of bouncing him, Tigress placed Jacob onto his feet as he tried to run away. His briefs were still in her hands so escape was futile. He didn't care what it took, he wanted to get away from Tigress but her grip on his briefs was to strong.

An idea popped up in her head and she decided to let him go. The surprise of being released caught Jacob off guard as he ran straight into the ropes of the ring. The force of the ropes caused Jacob to run straight back into Tigress as she tackled him and knocked him onto the ground. He was seeing stars at this moment as he couldn't move.

Taking advantage of the situation, Tigress picked him up again as she hung him on one of the corners and watched him dangled without moving.

Walking over to him, Isaac checked him as he noticed the wolf was still moving. Jacob shook his head slowly trying to tell Isaac that he should say that he was out cold.

Making his way back to Tigress, Isaac held her hand into the air as she was victorious. "ladies and gentlemen, your winner by knockout, give it up for Tigress!!!"

Confetti fell from the ceiling as everyone cheered for Tigress, but Tigress wasn't to satisfied with her victory.

"Don't cheer yet!" Tigress shouted as the crowd quickly went silent. "I may have beaten Jacob but I 'm not the last person standing in this ring!"

Chatter went around as the crowd was confused by what she meant. Even Isaac was confused and he knew what happened. "Tigress what are you talking about? You knocked Jacob out. You won."

"Oh no I didn't, at least not yet." Placing her leg in front of Isaac, she pushed the fox causing him to trip as Isaac landed on the floor.

"T-Tigress! W-What are you doing?!"

"I'm winning my event if that's what you wanted to know." Reaching her hand into Isaac's referee shorts, she dug out a green waistband as she gave him a monstrous wedgie! A loud girlish shriek escaped out from Isaac's mouth as the crowd was now laughing at him.

Wanting to do new things with Isaac, Tigress quickly started to spin him in circles as if the fox was a helicopter blade. The sudden wedgie caught Isaac off guard as he wasn't ready for any of this.

Seeing as this was her chance to publicly humiliate the fox, she wanted to try her signature tormenting skills on him. "I'll stop the wedgie if you say it for everyone."

"S-Say what?"

"We've been through this many times before Isaac. Just tell the crowd what you think of my wedgies and I'll let you off easily this time."

The fox looked all around him as he saw everyone looking at him. Every other time he ever said this was when he was getting wedgied in privacy but never did he ever say it in public. It took him a short while to say it as he took in a long breath of air.

"Hello everyone! My name is Isaac and I love Tigress's wedgies! They fill my ass with cottony love and I wanna wake up to a hard yank everyday!"

Even more laughter erupted from the crowd as Isaac couldn't help but blush. That was one of the most embarrassing things he had ever done but Tigress had one more thing in store for him.

Dragging the embarrassed fox by his briefs, Tigress brought him over to a corner. Using the stretched out briefs, she tied him down in order to make sure he couldn't move away from this. He wasn't sure what was about to happen but he did know it would be something really embarrassing.

Walking back to the middle of the stage, Tigress looked around at everyone as she raised her hands into the air trying to get everyone hyped up. It seemed to work as everyone was roaring with excitement as she was about to end this in a way everyone would remember.

Placing her hands on her black sweat pants, she slowly slid them down revealing a pair of white frilly panties.as the crowd was now confused. Was she trying to embarrass herself now? In the confusion, a spectator shouted something out letting everyone know what was about to happen. What started as a one man chant quickly grew to the whole arena.

"Stinface! Stinkface! Stinkface! STINKFACE! STINKFACE! STINKFACE!"

Seeing that the crowd finally understood what was going on, Tigress turned around so her ass was now facing Isaac. Isaac looked around trying to see what was happening but his answer came to him when he saw Tigress backing her ass up and coming towards him. As much as he tried to escape, he couldn't get out as she had him tied down good.

Only inches away from his face, Tigress stood there allowing Isaac to look at her panty clad ass as he had a terrified look on his face. The worst had yet to come as the tiger reached for her panties and gave herself a wedgie as now her buttcheeks were on full display. Not sure if he was being taunted or what, Isaac had a confused look on his face.

Shaking her ass in front of his face, the crowd laughed as they knew it was time.

Grabbing onto the robes of the rings, Tigress backed up as she started to rub her large ass all over the foxes face as he flailed all over trying to push her off. The crowd was eating this up as the encouraged it by shouting more and telling her to shake it.

Not wanting to disappoint the crowd, Tigress did just that. From rubbing to shaking her ass, Tigress made sure that Isaac had a face full of ass shortly after she got up and away from his face. Picking the wedgie and pulling her pants back up, Tigress waved at the crowd as now she felt truly victorious.

After recovering from all of the laughing, Chester finally picked his mic back up as he announced Tigress's victory. "Well that's one way to win a fight. Ladies and Gentlemen! Give a round of applause to your first time champion......TIGRESS!!!"

Waving at her fans, Tigress couldn't help but smile. Sure, it wasn't the former glory she had at one point, but this was something new. Who knew what she would do after all of this? She knew that this would be the start of something amazing for her. All her hard work was finally paying off. This whole arena knew the name Tigress and what it meant and man did it feel good for her. This was only the beginning for her and she saw great things for herself.
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Comments: 78

Saur-ssb In reply to ??? [2016-09-17 11:16:12 +0000 UTC]

We have different likes but they're from the same thing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PorridgeMan123 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-17 14:27:07 +0000 UTC]

hope you'll keep writing these kind of stories

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Saur-ssb In reply to PorridgeMan123 [2016-09-17 14:33:21 +0000 UTC]

I try my best to but it really depends on my mood

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PorridgeMan123 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-17 14:57:19 +0000 UTC]

Of course
I rarely found decent stories to read,so thank you for writing.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saur-ssb In reply to PorridgeMan123 [2016-09-17 15:00:21 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome
Was fun to write this

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

gonxal1000 [2016-09-14 18:52:44 +0000 UTC]

damnit i hate and love tigress on this! i wish shed get wedgied but also wish for her arena to become a thing!

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Saur-ssb In reply to gonxal1000 [2016-09-14 18:57:01 +0000 UTC]

I had a huge smile on my face writing this and I hope everyone enjoys this like I did
Who doesn't want to see Tigress's big booty get wedgied XD
I wouldn't mind another stinkface from her

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gonxal1000 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-14 19:05:47 +0000 UTC]


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Saur-ssb In reply to gonxal1000 [2016-09-14 19:08:04 +0000 UTC]


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gonxal1000 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-14 19:08:29 +0000 UTC]

ALRIGHT!!! (throws you head first into her

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Saur-ssb In reply to gonxal1000 [2016-09-14 19:09:41 +0000 UTC]


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gonxal1000 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-14 19:12:48 +0000 UTC]


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Saur-ssb In reply to gonxal1000 [2016-09-14 19:14:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gonxal1000 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-14 19:33:27 +0000 UTC]


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Saur-ssb In reply to gonxal1000 [2016-09-14 19:39:46 +0000 UTC]

Just push my face in it already >~<

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gonxal1000 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-14 19:44:54 +0000 UTC]

ok! (yanks your undies pushing you there

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Saur-ssb In reply to gonxal1000 [2016-09-14 19:46:40 +0000 UTC]

*flails arms uncontrollably*

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gonxal1000 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-14 19:52:51 +0000 UTC]


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Saur-ssb In reply to gonxal1000 [2016-09-14 19:54:59 +0000 UTC]

(stop spanking me!)

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gonxal1000 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-14 19:57:16 +0000 UTC]

spank harder? sure! (begins doing so

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Saur-ssb In reply to gonxal1000 [2016-09-14 19:58:32 +0000 UTC]

*grunts are heard as Tigress shakes her ass in Isaac's face*

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gonxal1000 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-14 20:00:21 +0000 UTC]


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Saur-ssb In reply to gonxal1000 [2016-09-14 20:06:01 +0000 UTC]

*tries to pull face back*

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gonxal1000 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-14 20:08:36 +0000 UTC]

(spanks into place

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Saur-ssb In reply to gonxal1000 [2016-09-14 20:09:47 +0000 UTC]

*Pulls back hard enough to break free.*

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gonxal1000 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-14 20:10:22 +0000 UTC]


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Saur-ssb In reply to gonxal1000 [2016-09-14 20:11:16 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WolfytheWolf54321 [2016-09-12 23:38:17 +0000 UTC]

Wow im suddenly liking tigress abit more. Haha but as always gre at read

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saur-ssb In reply to WolfytheWolf54321 [2016-09-12 23:44:10 +0000 UTC]

If you like wedgies then liking Tigress is a must

I'm pretty sure Isaac liked having her butt rubbed in his face XD

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WolfytheWolf54321 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-13 00:16:44 +0000 UTC]

Haha wow im sorta glad im not issac haha but then again im a female sooo haha

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Saur-ssb In reply to WolfytheWolf54321 [2016-09-13 00:19:10 +0000 UTC]

It's like they say, one woman's nightmare is another man's dreams X3
Wait.....that's not how it goes XD

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WolfytheWolf54321 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-13 06:54:01 +0000 UTC]

Haha... maybe in your eyes it might be

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PokeHybrid [2016-09-12 23:12:39 +0000 UTC]

Tigress... I no longer hate you. And, LET ME IN ON THIS!

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Saur-ssb In reply to PokeHybrid [2016-09-12 23:14:12 +0000 UTC]

Lmao XD
What's with the change of heart all of a sudden

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PokeHybrid In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-12 23:17:53 +0000 UTC]

Because, I've been waiting on something like this forever! And I couldn't even think of somethin' that would compare to it. Plus, people sign up to humiliate or get humiliated! It's an arena That I always dreamed of!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saur-ssb In reply to PokeHybrid [2016-09-12 23:21:26 +0000 UTC]

If I was an artist I would make this a series cause this community loves embarrassment and who wouldn't want to see this?

Like this was REALLY fun to write but if I write about this to frequently then it would get old fast

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PokeHybrid In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-13 00:07:16 +0000 UTC]

That's a very good point. I guess update this every other Month maybe? Or once a month. That way it's something to look forward to.

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Saur-ssb In reply to PokeHybrid [2016-09-13 00:09:13 +0000 UTC]

If people can give me ideas with time I can keep this going but I wouldn't mind writing more about Tigress. She's always fun to write about

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PokeHybrid In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-13 00:28:05 +0000 UTC]

I can give ya three: Theme matches, battle royal, and Tournament.

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Saur-ssb In reply to PokeHybrid [2016-09-13 00:35:13 +0000 UTC]

Tournament sounds interesting but I'm a lazy writer despite how frequently I've been writing lately. Like I always wanted to do a group project but I'm not someone who can meet everyone needs and I'd get annoyed really fast.

I can definitely try to keep this up but not to frequently  

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PokeHybrid In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-13 11:42:06 +0000 UTC]

and that's alright. Good luck man.

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EvilGoodness420 [2016-09-12 18:25:39 +0000 UTC]

OMG thank you so much I love this story and you did a great job with James ^^

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Saur-ssb In reply to EvilGoodness420 [2016-09-12 18:27:33 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome bro X3
I had fun writing it as well

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EvilGoodness420 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-12 18:30:37 +0000 UTC]

X3 well thanks and I'm glad you did^^

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Saur-ssb In reply to EvilGoodness420 [2016-09-12 18:31:25 +0000 UTC]

Did you have a favourite part X3?

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EvilGoodness420 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-12 18:55:37 +0000 UTC]

Hmm probably when Isaac is trying to talk James out of it and when James goes against digress and when Isaac goes against her

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Saur-ssb In reply to EvilGoodness420 [2016-09-12 18:57:41 +0000 UTC]

I really enjoyed the Jacob/Isaac vs Tigress scene X3
That was my favorite

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EvilGoodness420 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-12 19:00:28 +0000 UTC]

But still thank you so much I really do appreciate it^^

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Saur-ssb In reply to EvilGoodness420 [2016-09-12 19:03:00 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome dude
Whenever you get done with all of those requests i might commission that ending scene from the story XD

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EvilGoodness420 In reply to Saur-ssb [2016-09-12 19:09:13 +0000 UTC]

I might do that for free as a side project

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