SavageMew — The Itoshi Brothers

#oc #anthrofurry #bats #mobians #vampires
Published: 2017-02-19 23:25:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 1109; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 0
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Description I have no idea how long I've been trying to complete this... maybe the beginning of last year... Yeah I suck with finishing anything.... ANYWAYS. Meet another of my old characters, which I've briefly showed before on my old account. The Left is Purity, the right is Tears.


Name: Itoshī, Namida (My Dear, Lovely Tears)

Age: Immortal (physically appearance; 17, however he is far more older mentally)

Alias: Itoshi, Sir Itoshi, Mr. Itoshi

Nami/NamNam (by Purity)

Species: Little Big-eared Bat

Sub-Species: Psi-Vampire

Gender: Male

Jundo Itoshi (Twin Brother)
Christopherson R. Hughes (Personal close friend)
Dante Redd  (Sees him as a son)
Zanican Sanctus   (Personal close friend)
Noah Valycan   (Pet)
Naito Enmu (personal close friend)

Current Location: Secret estate out in the countryside that's surrounded by a huge forest. Cannot be easily reached unless invited personally.

Language: Mixed which makes it hard to determine his actual ethnicity

Sexual Orientation: Doesn't fancy much

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: A soft hearted gentleman that loves to please anyone. He will comfort anyone, no matter their history, to the point of him becoming a completely different person. He would do anything in his power to make them happy. Some may see his overwhelming kindness and generosity as something to take advantage of, to which most do, but despite having been used he only seen it as something that makes them happy. Namida is one to never hold grudges against anyone... He's a sweet, honest and true to the heart person. A very humble type of gentlemen. He literally cries at everything. No matter what it is. Even if it's something as simple as licking the back of a stamp. Everything around him just fills him with passion.
Although he has such a positive outlook on life. It's something to be very cautious about. Some may see his very calm demeanor to be worried about. Some are actually right at times. If any were to upset him, first guess he would cry about it, but on rare occasions if anyone were to find out what really got on his nerves... Then they might as well signed their soul to the devil himself. No one has ever saw his darker side, not even his brother, luckily, but a selected few have seen. They do everything in their power to keep him from ever reaching that level of madness. Namida's happiness never ceases, even when in troubling situations, his composure never falters. Which would sometimes freak out the enemy.


Interests: Enjoying a cup of various tea/wines, peace and quiet, writing/sending letters, reading, having tea parties with friends and family. Hosting extravagant parties. More retro calm times instead of all this technology. Mid-day strolls within his brother's garden.

Dislikes: Being in the sun for a long time, Anyone disrespecting him or his family. His restaurant not being at its best. Seeing anyone that is upset.

Occupation: Owner of Itoshi's Elegance (Restaurant), Part-time Librarian

Friends: He mainly befriends anyone whether they be a criminal or a homeless person, to a completely insane person. That's how humble he is

Favorite Food: Blackberry Cornmeal Cake, Curry Bread, Käse and Lobster Soufflé.

Favorite Drinks: Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Herbal teas, and the occasional sweet beverage of Blueberry Buttermilk Shake

Vampire Hunters.

Ability Type: 
Psi-Vampires - This type of vampire does not physically harm their victims or willing donors, but they extract life force which enables them to continue living. This psionic ability can work both with single victims and by extracting the life force from crowds of people. Most often, victims cannot notice that the vampire is feeding on them, and effects of such feeding can be short and long term fatigue (they very rarely lead to death)

Quintessence Force: create and manipulate unique form of electrical and life energy.
Nether Manipulation: manipulate the final, unholiest element.
Astral Projection: The ability to separate and control one’s astral body outside of the physical body. The out-of-body experience where one can travel outside of their body.
Biokinesis: The power to heal or perform other biological manipulation, like stop a heart.
Clairvoyance: The power to visually perceive events that are taking place elsewhere or sense places that are not in view.
Mediumship/Necromancy: The ability to see and communicate with the dead.
Power Negation: The ability to cancel out or diminish the powers of others.
Precognition: The ability to see events before they happen.
Spiritual Possession: The ability to take complete and total control of another person’s body.

Bio: Namida was one of the many unfortunate vampires to be born into the darkness in the time period of the dark ages (Ironic), leading him to become highly sensitive to direct sunlight, and had been imprisoned to live within the dark. Most had praised such thing, seeing it as a type of gift to be able to have such abilities, and who would even want to socialize in the real world? Namida disliked it greatly. Longing to see the light of day and how everyone else around them lived so happily. He also grew curious about mortals. Every thought he had were about how life existed in the sun. Everyday, during the night, he would sneak to local towns and read books/newspapers that were either discarded or left unattended. Wanting to find out so much of the world that existed in the light. Eventually, his family had found out about his obsession with mere mortals, he was shunned and exiled from his home.
It was a struggle to live out in the world alone and at a young age of 12. Namida came to find a home within an abandoned mine shaft. Having read, in that time, that the use of coal, jewels, or oil was very valuable. So during the night he would mine, seemingly hopeless at first as it was an abandoned area, always coming up empty handed.  During the day he would take several seconds out in the sun, even if it was extremely painful at first, building up the time each moment he went out. Overtime he built up a tolerance and his skin never burned as much. Though he still needed protection if he where to stay out for longer periods of time. Eventually having to "trade" his blunt findings of cement and clay as a means to get himself proper clothing. Later eventually creating a sort of living of of it for a little bit.
Now that he was able to roam freely, he would visit the local towns and interact with the people there, studying them and how they behaved. Since they didn't know he was a vampire, he felt right at home. Blending in easily. Using his time within the town studying their local library, spending countless hours there reading the entire place.  As he grew older and far more wiser, still mining as he actually built a small business out of it, few of the town folk would come to visit him and ask why he mined the area when it was bone dry. Namida would usually lecture them of how the types of soil surrounding the place was a common sign to it being rich in certain rock matter. This would instantly cause them to fall sleep and not even understanding what he was talking about. Leaving him alone and off doing his own thing.
His luck had struck and he ended up finding various jewels hidden underneath. Even having such luck didn't change him, even going as far as offering the jewels to other townsfolk that were left homeless. In return they would have paid him back tenfold with their success. After such a find, he grew to be a wealthy young businessman, and even had a moment in time were he was praised for saving local towns and cities from abandonment and local diseases from spreading..

Present day-
Having become highly rich over the decades, having created a lively hood out of his success, had eventually made a famous restaurant to keep himself busy, as well as wanting to give locals a chance to find work and the descendants of the families he once knew. Such famous, yet secretive place, was called Itoshi's Elegance and holds a very dark secret no normal mortal could ever visit unless given approval. By day it would be considered a rather normal fancy restaurant to dine with a loved one or simply to impress businessmen. However, at night, the place becomes more lively and active far more than the day. Giving it it's more prominent features of it's success.
During the day, Tears loves working within the local library where it is quiet and somewhat dark, he mainly spends his time organizing books and shelving them according to category and alphabetical order. When there is nothing else to do, he usually reads quietly at the front desk and waits for anyone to ask for his assistance. He will occasionally take the day off early and check up on his restaurant. If everything is up-to-date and is perfect, he will take a small stroll down to his brother's store, where he is a part time owner and works as a florist.


Name: Itoshī, Jundo  (My Dear, Lovely Purity) 

Age: Immortal (physically appearance: 16)

Mr. Itoshii

PuriPuri (by Namida XD)

Species: Parti-colored bat

Sub-Species: Emphatic Vampire

Gender: Male

Itoshii, Namida (Older brother)
Noah Valycan  (Good friend and pet)
Ji-On  (see's him as a best party partner)
Saku and Bani (his best friends in the world are a sakura tree and a banzai tree)
Christopherson R. Hughes (Personal friends and butler)

Current Location: Secret estate out in the countryside that's surrounded by a huge forest. Cannot be reached unless invited personally.

Alignment: Good

Sexual Orientation: Androgynous 

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: On the outside, Purity love to put up an act of being a rebellious teen. Acting as if he's the baddest bitch in town and showing he's the one on top of things. Although, he's mostly all bark and no bite. He can be overly flirtatious to get himself out of most situations or to lull others to put down their guard. He's an overall very outgoing person, much open minded to anything life has to offer and wouldn't hesitate to have some fun. Deep down, once you get to know him, Purity is rather sweet, loving, and has a soft spot for cute things. He's sensitive, which explains his harsh outer shell, and prefers to keep this side hidden when out in public. Though he's quick to switch sides depending on situations.

Favorite Food: Fruit Bouquet, Sushi, Bonuri Bowl, Forêt Noire, Eton Mess.

Favorite Drinks: Herbal teas and cherry sodas.

Occupation: Owner of a flower bouquet shop called "~Flowers Of Purity~"

Interests: Going on random walks, having random conversations, befriending anyone/random objects, a sense of style/fashion, talking to flowers and any other objects, the color blue or any variation of the color itself, has a sweet tooth for sugary items, dining at his brother's restaurant, going out a lot, shopping, meeting new people, helping others with their problems or anything mainly. Fluffy/soft textures. Night clubs/raves. Gardening/landscapes.

Dislikes: Disrespectful people, seeing his brother cry over something, his appearance being mocked, hurtful words, seeing homeless people (it brakes his heart) sour food, mean individuals, seeing anything destroyed. Annoying assholes. Seeing his flowers wither and die, when their isn't anything fun to do.

Vampire Hunters

Ability Type: 
Emphatic or Elemental Vampire - This type of vampire can feed from the emotion of people around them, most often positive energies such as happiness and love, but also from negative energies such as anger and fear. Vampires that freed from such darker emotions are often responsible for causing them (scaring the victim), but the rest of emphatic vampires simply feed from the currently present emotions that are present around them. Elemental vampires are similar, but they feed of natural elements of wind and lightning.

Animation: The ability to bring inanimate objects to life.
Aura Perception: An aura is the spiritual energy field that people and objects give off. Usually, auras convey the feelings or emotions someone gives off in a range of colors. Someone with aura perception can see these colors in someone’s aura.
Chlorokinesis: The power to control or manipulate plants.
Clairaudience: The ability to hear sounds coming from the spiritual plane.
Photokinesis: The ability to mentally manipulate light.

Although being twins, Purity wasn't born the same year as his eldest brother, Tears. In fact, born more than a century later, yet both have the same physical appearance as teenagers. As well as both growing up in completely different time periods. Namida being born in the dark ages, Purity being born almost in modern times. Leading him to have a different birth defect, as the traditional weakness of vampires no longer ruled. Being he was able to roam in direct sunlight and not being harmed.
Due to Namida being an outcast to his entire family, Jundo hand't know he even had an older brother. Only having that sense of longing and emptiness in his heart, with a mere chance of good luck, one late night there was an instant connection to the too. Purity having met Tears on his casual walks, and the two instantly started to converse with each other until eventually finding out of their connection. However, word got out of them speaking and Jundo was forbidden to ever talk with him. Leaving him to decide to just leave his parents behind and live with his long lost brother. This bond between them grew stronger and led to Tears supporting his brother's ideas and dreams. Leading to Purity owning his own flower shop and him to teach Tears of the more modern days. 

Also another note; Both of them have, of course, highly different mindsets. Namida being very mature and wise, which freak people out on how he's completely different for his physical age, while Jundo is more of a free spirited teen and explores life for all the fun and dangers it has.

 (previous outlook of Jundo without clothing) 

Artwork and Characters (c)
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Comments: 1

ShadowArt4 [2017-02-21 16:36:52 +0000 UTC]

Your art has so much detail and that I call quality. Usually picky with pictures, but your art is stunning. Keep up the awesome work.

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