The performer who couldn’t take the horror off his eyes
Forced to watch his friends meet their gorey demise
The stage is set and the crowd is hyped up when it comes to the glowkie that shines on the spotlight inside the glowkie caves where every mixel both on the moon and Planet Mixel came to see his performance. Light, Camera...Showtime and the glowkie performed his usual choreography and visuals to knock the crowd's socks off, at the end of the show everymixel applauded so loud it filled the glowkie's heart with glee but unfortunately what was a night supposed to be filled with wonder ended up becoming filled with tragedy...for an unknown cause everyone in the audience suddenly exploded one by one until none is left with only their corpses remain while Globert watched in horror to see that his friends have died in the most gruesome way possible….
More portraits to come
Theme Song:
Original Pic:…
Up next: Dribbal
Mixels (c) Cartoon Network
The Horrors of Mixing (c) worldofcaitlyn